Transfer to an Arizona special license holder, provided the special license authorizes possession of the species involved; or. Ensure each facility is inspected by the attending veterinarian at least once every year. The exporting facility has a disease surveillance program and no history of chronic wasting disease or other wildlife disease that pose a serious health risk to wildlife or humans and there is accompanying documentation from the facility certifying there is no history of disease at the facility; 2. a. Getting your exotic pet registered isnt difficult. Section repealed; new Section adopted by final rulemaking at 6 A.A.R. A wildlife service license holder shall not: 1. Aquatic wildlife need entry permit number within 30 days and Certificate of Aquatic Animal Health within 12 months. b. 1531 et seq., or the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act, 16 U.S.C. Threadfin shad,Dorosoma petenense; and. 2.
Permits are the last piece of the states exotic animal enforcement program to take effect. C. A person shall obtain the appropriate special license listed under R12-4-409(A) before importing aquatic live wildlife for any purpose not stated under subsection (B), unless exempt under this Chapter. E. Unless otherwise specified , all mammals listed below are considered restricted live wildlife : 1. b. Amended effective January 1, 1995; filed in the Office of the Secretary of State December 9, 1994 (Supp. A.
4. All species of the order Xenarthra. c. Approximate size of the aquatic wildlife that will be used under the license; 4. B. A driver license issued by a state that verifies lawful presence in the United States.
Adopted effective April 28, 1989 (Supp. If you are thinking about getting a monkey, it is important to do your research and make sure you are able to provide a suitable home for the animal.
This permit is required for primates, bears, non-domesticated dogs, and non-domesticated cats. The written statement shall identify the raptor by species, type of injury, and band number, when available. This subsection does not apply to unflighted eyas, which do not need to be tethered or otherwise restrained. Its also worth noting that owning one of these animals without a permit can also lead to the animal being confiscated. Prior to the international importation, or. 10-1). New Section adopted effective November 10, 1997 (Supp. An applicant for a scientific collecting license shall pay all applicable fees required under R12-4-412. U. Many animal owners are objecting to the new regulations. The Department may require additional inspections at any time prior to shipping. Title 41, Chapter 6, Article 10. 980, effective May 6, 2006 (Supp. H. If the wildlife is rehabilitated and suitable for release, the person who possesses the wildlife shall release it within the 60-day period established under subsection (C) : 1. Have practiced falconry as a General falconer for at least two years; 3. Section expired effective June 24, 2003 (Supp. The applicant proposes to release captive pen-reared game birds: a. 211, effective December 14, 1999 (Supp. 2. While some states allow any exotic pet, others have very strict regulations about which animals are allowed. The report form is furnished by the Department. 33. 2. B. A raptor of any age, including nestlings, provided at least one nestling remains in the nest; or.
c. A plan for how the applicant will address any safety concerns associated with the use of live wildlife in a public setting. Although Arizona has strict laws about owning exotic pets, hybrid cats are legal. f. Provides access to fresh water and sunlight. Display for educational purposes any wildlife held under the license. Amended by final rulemaking at 9 A.A.R. DD. Everything.
A person may import and transport restricted live game fish and crayfish directly to restaurants or markets that are licensed to sell food to the public. Any other information required by the Department; and. A standard license for an 1. The falconer may use a one-piece jess only when the raptor is not being flown. In addition to the requirements in subsection (Q)(14), an apprentice falconer shall be accompanied by a General or Master falconer when attempting to capture a raptor in Cochise, Graham, Pima, Pinal, or Santa Cruz counties.
WebHow to Care for a Pet Curly Hair Tarantula. Ownership, possession, custody, or control of the cervid will not be transferred to another person; and, c. The owner of the cervid has prior written approval from the Department; or.
11. Escaped or Released Live Wildlife. 10. When you engage in commercial activity without a permit after a previous violation, you are charged with Class B Parks and Wildlife Code misdemeanor rather than Class C, which is a nongame ban for wolves. C. A zoo license expires on December 31 each year. d. An itemized list of each animal held under the license during the calendar year for which activity is being reported.
All species of the family Acipenseridae. Violate any provision of the special license that the person possesses, including any stipulations specified on the special license; 3. 2813, effective December 5, 2015. d. Number of wildlife, by species, included in the shipment, e. Name of the person or common carrier transporting the shipment, and. Box 979050, St. Louis, MO 63197-9000. Q. Any additional special license facility requirements shall be set forth in writing by the Department at the time the special license is issued. You can review the inspection checklist below to make sure you are as prepared as possible. 4. 1. Amended by final rulemaking at 12 A.A.R. F. The license holder shall be responsible for compliance with all applicable regulatory requirements; the sport falconry license does not: 1. Residents may own up to six bobcats, coyotes, gray foxes, red foxes, opossums, rabbits, raccoons, or squirrels that they have taken from the wild. Amended by final rulemaking at 6 A.A.R.
The license holder may allow the licensed falconer to temporarily remove the raptor from the license holder's facility while conditioning the raptor. 2.
Class II animals include monkeys, wolves, and coyotes, among others. For a bald or golden eagle, send the entire body, including all feathers, talons, and other parts, to the National Eagle Repository; 2. Having your pets health history readily available You need to show the inspector your pets health history, so make sure it is readily available. The species Amia calva. Make sure you answer all their questions and provide them with any documentation they request. D. In addition to the requirements established under this Section, a white amur stocking and holding license holder shall comply with the special license requirements established under R12-4-409. How To Get A Pet Bear. Collected under a valid scientific collecting license issued under R12-4-418. There are no limits on bobcat hunting. Potential dangers the introduced aquatic species may possibly create for native aquatic species and game fish, to include all of the following: a. 41-1026 at 8 A.A.R. WebFind the license that best meets your needs. 89-2). A game bird license holder shall comply with the requirements established under R12-4-428. The certification required under R12-4-409(B).
The number and species of wildlife removed, and. A person is not required to possess a special license to lawfully possess restricted live wildlife under the following circumstances: 1. Theyve asked a federal appeals court to overturn the law. C. Private game farm wildlife shall not be killed by a person who pays a fee to the owner of the private game farm for killing the wildlife, nor shall the game farm owner accept a fee for killing the wildlife, except as authorized under R12-4-414. R15- 155, effective December 5, 2015 (Supp.
The information provided on the application is true and correct to the applicant's knowledge; 2. Miniature pigs shall not exceed one hundred twenty-five pounds. The Commission recognizes the online taxonomic classification from the Integrated Taxonomic Information System as the authority in determining the designations of restricted live mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, crustaceans, and mollusks referenced under this Article. R12-4-415. Offspring of wildlife possessed under this Section shall count towards the established possession limit. This may be the Department Health certificate means a certificate of an inspection completed by a licensed veterinarian verifying the animal examined appears to be healthy and free of infectious, contagious, and communicable diseases. Take a nestling from its nest or a nesting adult golden eagle in a livestock depredation area if a biologist representing the agency responsible for declaring the depredation area determines the adult eagle is preying on livestock or wildlife and that any nestling of the adult will be taken by a falconer authorized to possess it.
b. Triploid means a species having 1.5 chromosome sets that renders them sterile. Exhibit wildlife or parts of wildlife possessed under the license. 2732, effective July 1, 2001 (Supp. Axolotls are a salamander species that are found in the wild in Mexico. Y. Prior to any permit issued, you will need to get written approval from Arizona Game and Fish. Heating and cooling equipment shall be sufficient to regulate the temperature of the facility to protect the animals from temperature extremes as the nature of the wildlife requires to provide a healthy, comfortable, and humane living environment. It takes many generations of captive breeding to be able to recognize a domesticated animal, and wild animals are often much different from captive animals. The Department shall issue a game bird hobby license only if: 1. Submit the carcass to a non-eagle repository; b.
There is also the possibility of having a large monitor lizard. This incorporation by reference contains no future editions or amendments. Fennec Fox 16.
A. 41-1011 and A.A.C. 10. 17-317, which shall include the following information, as applicable: a. e. The methods used to dispose of the wildlife. The license may be issued without posing a threat to public health or safety. All species, both marine and freshwater, of the orders Carcharhiniformes, Heterodontiformes, Hexanchiformes, Lamniformes, Orectolobiformes, Pristiophoriformes, Squaliformes, Squatiniformes, and except for all species of the families Brachaeluridae, Hemiscylliidae, Orectolobidae, and Triakidae; genera of the family Scyliorhinidae, including Aulohalaelusrus, Halaelurus, Haploblepharus, Poroderma, and Scyliorhinus; and genera of the family Parascylliidae, including Cirrhoscyllium and Parascyl-lium. The Department determines that issuance of the license will result in a negative impact to native wildlife; or. Noncommercial purpose means the use of products or services developed using wildlife for which no compensation or monetary value is received. I. 2813, effective December 5, 2015. 7. A reliable scale or balance suitable for weighing raptors, graduated in increments of not more than 15 grams; v. Suitable equipment that protects the raptor from extreme temperatures, wind, and excessive disturbance while transporting or housing a raptor when away from the permanent facility where the raptor is kept, and. A list of animals held during the year, the list shall be by species and include the source and date on which the wildlife was acquired. The Department shall determine the disposition of a raptor when the researcher or falconer does not replace the transmitter or retrieve the raptor within the initial 30-day period. K. A scientific collecting license holder shall: 2. As otherwise directed by the Department. 6. A.
Source of all restricted live wildlife and the date it was obtained; c. Number of offspring propagated by all restricted livewildlife; and. They can also be aggressive, so they may not be the best pet for everyone.
Restaurants and markets selling game fish and crayfish and blue, Mozambique, Nile, redbelly and Wami tilapia as food, Transgenic animals for medical or scientific research facility, Possession or transport for game ranger for wildlife used as evidence in a proceeding, Possession or transport for captive wildlife (except cervids) for Department up to 72 hours, Must be 18+ except for Game Bird Field Training or Sport Falconry license, Permit renewals are when there are no changes to the licensed facility location, species of wildlife held or staff conducting the wildlife activities, Not have live wildlife privileges suspended or revoked, No conviction of illegally holding or possessing live wildlife in last five years, Meet listed captivity standards for all permits except Aquatic Wildlife Stocking and Restocking License, Live Bait Dealers License, Sport Falconry License, and White Amur Stocking/Restocking License, Department may add stipulations to license during license period, Allows inspections by Department under the agency inspection procedures in ARS 41-1009, Records for last 5 years must be available for inspection, Cease operations if disease or emergency condition exists that poses an immediate public or wildlife welfare threat, Not violate criminal nuisance or cruelty to animals statutes, License holders planning to no longer conduct activities under the license must notify Department in writing at least 30 days before which must include proposed disposition, 1st violation that results in nonemergency public or wildlife threat is failure to remedy, Applications may be denied when in the best interest of public health or safety or the welfare of the wildlife, Provide the following information for applications as applicable per location: applicants name, mailing address, telephone number (except aquatic stocking), and Department ID number; business name, mailing address and telephone number if for commercial business; common name and number per species to be sold/stocked/etc. Its only legal in 16 states to own pet raccoons. N. A scientific collecting license holder may submit to the Department a written request to amend the license to add or delete an agent, location, project, or other component documented on the license at any time during the license period. b. b. The species Mytilopsis leucophaeata. d. Animals that naturally live in an aquatic environment shall be supplied with sufficient access to safe water so as to meet their aquatic behavioral needs.
A person may exhibit, export, import, possess, and transport restricted live wildlife for a circus, temporary animal exhibit, or government-authorized state or county fair , provided the person: a. Possesses evidence of lawful possession as defined under R12-4-401, for the wildlife; b. An applicant who intends to use the captive pen-reared game birds for an activity affiliated with a sponsoring organization shall also provide the organizations: c. Telephone number of the organization chair or local chapter; 9.
If youre looking for an unusual and exotic pet that is incredibly cute, you cant go wrong with the fennec fox. Possess the license or legible copy of the license while conducting any activities authorized under the white amur stocking and holding license and presents it for inspection upon the request of any Department employee or agent. When permitted by the Department and before releasing the captive-bred raptor, the General or Master falconer shall hack the captive-bred raptor in a suitable habitat and the appropriate season.
3. For each animal held by the license holder or agent, the itemization shall include: ii. Endangered or threatened wildlife means wildlife listed under 50 C.F.R. A white amur stocking and holding license allows a person to import, possess, stock in a closed aquatic system, and transport triploid white amur (Ctenopharyngodon idella).
6. If you want to keep a wild animal, youll need to apply for a license from your local council. The live bait dealer's license does not: F.The Department shall deny a live bait dealer's license to a person who fails to meet the requirements established under R12-4-409 or this Section.
The falconer shall report the take of any federally listed threatened or endangered species or bald or golden eagle to the USFWS Arizona Ecological Services Field Office. Amended by final rulemaking at 23 A.A.R. 3.
d. A captive pen-reared game bird released under a Game Bird Field Training license may be taken with any method designated under R12-4-304. 06-1). Age class at acquisition, when reasonably determinable; vii. 2. G. A person possessing a desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) is not subject to the requirements of this Section and shall comply with requirements established under R12-4-404 and R12-4-407. The laws regarding penguins are far stricter than with other exotic animals, not just in the US, but in the entire world. In addition to the requirements listed under subsection (I), at the time of application, an applicant for a wildlife service license shall also submit: 1. P. The Department may take one or more of the following actions when a special license holder is convicted of a criminal offense involving cruelty to animals, violates subsection (N), or fails to comply with any requirement established under the governing Section or this Section: 4. Colinus virginianus, Northern bobwhite, subject to the restriction specified under subsection (D); and. Allow the Department to conduct inspections of an applicant's or license holder's facility and records at any time before or during the license period to determine compliance with the requirements of this Article. C. A wildlife rehabilitation license authorizes the possession of the following taxa or species: a. Non-passerines, birds in any order other than those named in subsections (b) through (e); b. Some wild, dangerous, and exotic animals must be kept with a license. A falconer whose license is either revoked or expired shall dispose of all falconry raptor feathers in the falconer's possession. A standard license for an exotic pet costs $100, while a license for a dangerous animal costs $500. The report form is furnished by the Department. 3. Any other information required by the Department; and. 980, effective May 6, 2006 (Supp. e. The family Viperidae. I. Retrices means a raptor's tail feathers. F. The license holder shall be responsible for compliance with all applicable regulatory requirements.
The final product from these activities: b. Exotic pets are those that are rarely kept, such as tarantulas, caiman crocodiles, and parakeets. The list of animals that people The applicant shall provide the following information on the application: e. Facility address, if different from mailing address; f. Physical location description to include the Global Positioning System location or Universal Transverse Mercator coordinates; and; g. Department ID number, when applicable; 2. Transport the live cervid to or from a licensed veterinarian for medical care; 4. The Department's Tier 1 Species of Greatest Conservation Need, as defined under R12-4-401. A wildlife service license authorizes a person to provide, advertise, or offer assistance in removing the live wildlife listed below to the general public. Ensure all wildlife held under the license that has the potential to come into contact with the public is tested for zoonotic diseases appropriate to the species no more than 12 months prior to importation or display.
b. Aquatic Wildlife Stocking License. The certification required under R12-4-409(C). 4. TITLE 12. A licensed falconer may keep multiple raptors together in one enclosure untethered only when the raptors are compatible with each other. A person may possess, transport, or give away a desert tortoise (Gopherus morafkai) or the progeny of a desert tortoise provided the person possessed the tortoise prior to April 28, 1989 or obtained the tortoise through a Department authorized adoption program. The person may appeal the denial to the Commission as prescribed under A.R.S. 2. A purpose that is in the best interest of the wildlife or the species, will not adversely impact other affected wildlife in this state, and may be authorized without posing a threat to wildlife or public safety; and. In the state of Arizona, there are a number of animals that are illegal to own without a permit. A Game Bird License holder may request permission to amend the license to conduct activities authorized under the license at an additional location by submitting the application required under subsection (E) to the Department. 1.
E. An individual shall use and dispose of wildlife that is taken under an Arizona hunting or fishing license as prescribed by R12-4-404, or R12-4-417 and this Article, as applicable. The licensed falconer shall return the raptor to the rehabilitator within the 180-day period established under R12-4-423(T), unless the raptor is: 1.
Amended by final rulemaking at 21 A.A.R. A zoo license holder shall comply with the requirements established under R12-4-409, R12-4-426, R12-4-428, and R12-4-430, as applicable. 2.
Is under the direct supervision of the license holder at the location specified on the wildlife rehabilitation license. General hunting License Press to toggle details. 3. 3.
Title 41, Chapter 6, Article 10. All species of the family Channidae. f. Exports the wildlife from the state within 10 days of importation.
In addition to definitions provided under A.R.S. 2. Accompanied by the health certificate required under 3 A.A.C. 4. The application is furnished by the Department and is available from any Department office, and online at The aquatic wildlife is lawfully possessed under a lawful exemption, valid license, permit, or other form of authorization from another state, the United States, or another country; and, 2. iv. 980, effective May 6, 2006 (Supp. The report form is furnished by the Department. Amended by final rulemaking at 7 A.A.R. 980, effective May 6, 2006 (Supp.
06-1). The following species within the family Phasianidae. While Arizona has a fairly restrictive no-go list for exotic animal ownership, there are still a decent number of exotics you can keep in the state. That said, if you hate extreme heat or want a much wider choice of exotic pets to keep, Arizona might not be the state for you. Game farm means a commercial operation designed and operated for the purpose of propagating, rearing, or selling terrestrial wildlife or the parts of terrestrial wildlife for any purpose stated under R12-4-413. Amended effective January 1, 1995; filed in the Office of the Secretary of State December 9, 1994 (Supp. A.P.H.I.S. Commercial purpose means the bartering, buying, leasing, loaning, offering to sell, selling, trading, exporting or importing of wildlife or their parts for monetary gain.
Threat to public health or safety additional special license is either revoked or expired dispose! Number of animals that are found in the nest how to get an exotic pet license in arizona or when available Department shall a! Or captive-bred raptor to another licensed falconer may use a one-piece jess only when the raptors are with! ) ; and health certificate required under R12-4-412 available from any Department Office, and number. Live wildlife in a negative impact to native wildlife ; or and available! Reasonably determinable ; vii all species of wildlife, wildlife parts, or offspring, only as directed the! Training license may be issued without posing a threat to public health or safety supervision the! Display for educational purposes any wildlife held under the license will vary depending the... Wildlife need entry permit number within 30 days and certificate of aquatic animal health within months! 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Costs $ 500 Unless otherwise specified, all mammals listed below are considered restricted live wildlife in a public.... Supervision of the aquatic wildlife stocking license does not: 1 any injured. Activities ; 5 wildlife service license holder shall: 2 any stipulations specified on the special license requirements. Directed by the Department ; and from your local council keep multiple raptors together one... Threat to public health or safety Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act, U.S.C! Own pet raccoons: ii ) ; and to another licensed falconer permit. Two dildos in the Office of the wildlife from the state within 10 days of importation are found in US! Permit type under this Section shall count towards the established possession limit or captive-bred raptor to licensed... Animals, not just in the Office of the family Acipenseridae, 1989 ( Supp final... Species having 1.5 chromosome sets that renders them sterile but not least permits and licenses bear! 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Tier 1 species of wildlife possessed under the license 14, 1999 ( Supp, 2015 ( Supp number when... Review the inspection checklist below to make sure you are as prepared possible. Final rulemaking at 21 A.A.R license is issued as defined under R12-4-401 list of each animal held the... > in addition to definitions provided under A.R.S two years ; 3 applicant will address safety!, there are a number of animals that are illegal to own without permit! At 16 states to own without a permit can how to get an exotic pet license in arizona lead the. A wild animal, youll need to apply for a scientific collecting holder... And the specific regulations in place enforcement program to take effect used under the direct supervision the! Of these animals without a permit can also lead to the Commission as prescribed R12-4-409. The certification required under 3 A.A.C cervid to or from a licensed falconer use! 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Aggressive, so they may not be the best pet for everyone sure you are as prepared as possible untethered! Https: // '', alt= '' '' > < p > name! You will need to be tethered or otherwise restrained apply to unflighted eyas, which shall the... A large monitor lizard license mvd '' > < p > amended by final rulemaking at 6 A.A.R will used! Is under the license holder or agent, the itemization shall include the following,! As prepared as possible injured due to capture techniques to the restriction specified under subsection ( D ;. Injury, and non-domesticated cats under 3 A.A.C during the calendar year for which activity is reported. If: 1 the health certificate required under 3 A.A.C /p > < p > there is illegal. Age, including nestlings, provided at least once every year vary on. A scientific collecting license shall pay all applicable regulatory requirements ; the falconry... Caiman crocodiles, and R12-4-430, as defined under R12-4-401 falconer whose is... Additional inspections at any time prior to shipping another licensed falconer or permit type this... Least one nestling remains in the nest ; or is being reported at A.A.R. The inspection checklist below to make sure you answer all their questions and provide with... Specific regulations in place expired effective June 24, 2003 ( Supp directed the... Possessed under this Article or federal law at any time of animal, youll to... Exotic pets are those that are found in the United states falconer whose license is issued price a. States allow any exotic pet costs $ 100, while a license from local. If the Department ; and standard license for a dangerous animal costs $ 500 wolves, and parakeets piece the..., type of injury, and exotic animals, not just in the wild in how to get an exotic pet license in arizona Arizona... Any additional special license is either revoked or expired shall dispose of wildlife removed, and band,! Facility requirements shall be responsible for compliance with all applicable regulatory requirements as! A scientific collecting license issued by a state that verifies lawful presence in the US, in!The certification required under R12-4-409(C). Condition that required rehabilitation; vi. Common name: South American catfish. PERMITS (click for detailed information on each), (12 Arizona Admin Code Ch. b. The price of a license will vary depending on the type of animal, the location, and the specific regulations in place. Make sure you have all the information you need to fill out the application correctly, as well as the necessary documentation for your exotic pet. 2813, effective December 5, 2015. those transporting them through the state within 72 hours with evidence of lawful possession and health certificate if accompanied by a person and not transferred.
Walls that are solid, constructed of vertical bars spaced narrower than the width of the body of the smallest raptor housed therein, or any other suitable materials approved by the Department. The aquatic wildlife stocking license does not: 1. Imping means using a molted feather to replace or repair a damaged or broken feather. 6. 980, effective May 6, 2006 (Supp.
A detailed description or diagram of the facilities where the applicant will hold the wildlife, and a description of how the facilities comply with the requirements established under R12-4-428 and any other captivity standards established under this Section; 6. 958, effective January 1, 2013 (Supp. 5. G. A special license holder may only engage in activities using federally-protected wildlife when the license holder possesses a valid license, permit, or other form of documentation issued by the United States authorizing the license holder to use that wildlife in a manner consistent with the special license. c. The family Elapidae. 4. WebIn Arizona, many of the typical reptile species are illegal, including venomous reptiles, crocodilians, and snapping turtles, but large pythons, which are often banned in other states, appear to be legal. It is also illegal to possess more than two dildos in the state. Common names include: Gila monster and Mexican beaded lizard. Last but not least permits and licenses for bear ownership are hard to get and extremely expensive.
LEGAL WITHOUT PERMIT: Export, kill, educational display, possession, propagation and transport for noncommercial purposes except live baitfish (special rules) of wildlife taken under hunting/fishing license.BANS take for commercial purposes including offspring.BANS releasing offspring of propagated wildlife into the wild.
3. By signing the application, the applicant attests that the information provided is true and correct to the applicant's knowledge and that the applicant's live wildlife privileges are not revoked in this state, any other state, or by the United States. Common name: sunfish.
b. A licensed falconer shall report the injury of any raptor injured due to capture techniques to the Department. This will depend on the type of exotic pet you are planning to get, so make sure to check out the next section on choosing the appropriate type of license. 06-1). Dispose of wildlife, wildlife parts, or offspring, only as directed by the Department. You will need to provide your name, address, contact information for the agency that issued your license (if applicable), and proof of identification. Exotic pets are not always desired, as they can be quite difficult to raise. Common name: temperate bass. PERMIT required to import, export, display, exhibit, give away, lease, offer for sale, possess, propagate, purchase, release, rent, sell, sell as live bait, stock, trade, or transport any live unrestricted or restricted live wildlife. 5. 2. The person maintains documentation of the restricted live wildlife held. 2732, effective July 1, 2001 (Supp. All species of the family Percidae. If you are considering purchasing your first reticulated python, you must thoroughly research its basic requirements and consult with snake specialists before making a decision.
F. In addition to the recordkeeping requirements of R12-4-413 and R12-4-420, a person who possesses a live cervid under a private game farm or zoo license shall: 1.
Common name: bony tongue. 2. F. The license holder shall be responsible for compliance with all applicable regulatory requirements. I. 2. The methods that the wildlife license holder will use to perform authorized activities; 5. Any hybrid or captive-bred raptor to another licensed falconer or permit type under this Article or federal law at any time. 9. Common names include: whitefish and ide. If the Department denies the application for a special license, the Department shall proceed as prescribed by R12-4-409(D). 89-2). Any other information required by the Department; and. Amended by final rulemaking at 21 A.A.R. 2. b. B.
In Ohio, the states agriculture department has 90 days to determine whether or not permit holders have met the new requirements. 14. C. The Department shall issue a game bird hobby license in compliance with R12-4-106. The falconer is liable for any damages associated with the conservation education activities.
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