maryland city directories

maryland city directories

maryland city directories

maryland city directories

maryland city directories

2021.01.21. 오전 09:36

WebFind all the towns in the region Howard and discover all the administrative, cultural, tourist information specific to each region. Secondary cities, towns, and localities are also included. directory airport pdf click maryland

WebThe Library of Congress's collection of telephone directories represents the following states and localities: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, By Edward Matchett.

Our goal is to identify all city directories in all repositories. The White Pages and the Yellow Pages are indicated as WP and YP The 1900 City Directory Address and census address matched on each of the entries with data provided. Department of Agriculture. WebMaryland City Directories Annapolis Baltimore Baltimore Suburban Cumberland Easton Eastport Frederick Germantown Hagerstown Maryland (state) West Annapolis WebIn addition to the alphabetical portion, a city directory may also contain a business directory, street directory, government directory, and listings of town officers, schools, societies, Baltimore: printed and published by John Murphy., IA, Baltimore 1847 Colored Householders, Baltimore City Directory, 1847-48, AG, Baltimore 1847 Matchetts Baltimore Director for 1847-48, MSA, Baltimore 1849 1849 Baltimore Directory, DL, Baltimore 1849 Matchetts Baltimore Directory(sic), for 1849 and 1850. Each member of a public agency or department must submit contact information for the Baltimore personnel directory. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Matchetts Baltimore Address Directory, corrected up to Sept. 1835. In addition to providing the resident's name, it provides information regarding their address and occupation. WebUniversity of Maryland Guides: Digitized Baltimore City Directories. Department of Assessments and Taxation. Aberdeen 10/1976 thru 10/1977, Maryland, Allegany County, Cumberland, city directories, 1859, Maryland, Allegany County, direcories, 1878, City of Cumberland and Allegany County Directory, 1895-96, White Pages and Yellow Pages Allegany County 1933 thru Spring/Summer 1939, White Pages and Yellow Pages Allegany County Winter 1939/Spring 1940 thru Winter/Spring 1943, White Pages and Yellow Pages Allegany County Summer/Fall 1943 thru Winter/Spring 1946, White Pages and Yellow Pages Allegany County Summer/Fall 1946 thru March 1950, White Pages and Yellow Pages Allegany County March 1951 thru February 1954, Maryland White Pages and Yellow Pages Allegany County August 1955 thru September 1958, White Pages and Yellow Pages Allegany County January 1959 thru January 1961, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Cardiff thru Carroll County August 1954 thru February 1956, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Carroll County April 1957 thru March 1961, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Cecil County 1932 thru 1947/48, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Cecil County 1948/49 thru March 1955, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Cecil County January 1956 thru January 1961, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Cecil County thru Charles, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Damascus thru Dorchester County c.1936 thru 1947/48, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Dorchester County 1948/49 thru December 1957, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Frederick County 1937/38 thru 1943/44, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Frederick County 1944/45 thru 1949/50, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Frederick County November 1954 thru January 1958, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Frederick County August 1958 thru August 1960, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Hagerstown thru Harford County Winter 1940/Spring 1941 thru 1936, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Harford County 1948/49 thru 1952/53, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Harford County February 1957 thru August 1959, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Harford County September 1960 thru September 1962, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Harford County 1937 thru 1947/48, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Indian Head thru Kent and Queen Annes Counties c.1934 thru 1946/47, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Kent and Queen Annes Counties December 1955 thru December 1960, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Kent and Queen Annes Counties 1947/48 thru December 1954, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Washington County 1946 to 2/1950, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Washington County 2/1951 to 2/1953, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Washington County 2/1954 to 3/1956, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Washington County 9/1959 to 8/1961, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Washington County 8/1962 to 8/1964, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Washington County 8/1965 to 8/1966, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Washington County 8/1967 to 8/1972, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Washington County 8/1973 to 8/1975, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Wicomico County 1946 to 1952/53, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Wicomico County 3/1954 to 12/1957, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Wicomico County, Maryland White Pages and Yellow Pages Annapolis Summer/Fall 1937 thru 1941, Maryland White Pages and Yellow Pages Annapolis Winter/Spring 1942 thru 1944/1945, Maryland White Pages and Yellow Pages Annapolis 1945/46 thru 1948/49, Maryland White Pages and Yellow Pages Annapolis 1949/50thru 1951/52, Maryland White Pages and Yellow Pages Annapolis July 1955 thru September 1959, Maryland White Pages and Yellow Pages Annapolis December 1960 thru January 1963, Colored Householders, Baltimore Directory, 1810, Frys Baltimore directory, for the year 1812, MDGenWeb Archives Directories, snippets 1814-1910. The Archives of Maryland edition was published in 2002 by the Maryland State Archives. The Library of Congress has the largest single collection of city and county directories. Containing with or without a plan of the city., IA, Baltimore 1833 1833 Baltimore Directory, DL, Baltimore 1833 Matchetts Baltimore Director for 1833, MSA, Baltimore 1833 Matchetts Baltimore Directory (sic), corrected up to May 1833., IA, Baltimore 1835 1835 Baltimore Directory, DL, Baltimore 1835 Colored Householders, Baltimore Directory, 1835-36, AG, Baltimore 1835 Matchetts Baltimore Address Directory, corrected up to Sept. 1835. All information United States cities and villages: City/Town Hall, Coordinates, e-mail address, mayor, population, map, tourism, activities, By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies.

Sorry, you have Javascript Disabled! MLA citation style: Boyd, William Henry.

Polks & Co.s Baltimore City Directory, Baltimore City Directory for the Year Commencing, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Baltimore May 1913 thru May 1931, THE FIRST COLORED Professional, Clerical and Business DIRECTORY OF BALTIMORE CITY 1st Annual Edition, 1913-1914, Directory of the public schools of Baltimore, Md., 1914, THE FIRST COLORED Professional, Clerical and Business DIRECTORY OF BALTIMORE CITY 2nd Annual Edition, 1914-1915, THE FIRST COLORED Professional, Clerical and Business DIRECTORY OF BALTIMORE CITY 4th Annual Edition, 1916-1917, THE FIRST COLORED Professional, Clerical and Business DIRECTORY OF BALTIMORE CITY 5th Annual Edition, 1917-1918, THE FIRST COLORED Professional, Clerical and Business DIRECTORY OF BALTIMORE CITY 6th Annual Edition, 1918-1919, The First colored professional, clerical, skilled and business directory of Baltimore City with Washington, D.C. and Annapolis annex, THE FIRST COLORED Professional, Clerical and Business DIRECTORY OF BALTIMORE CITY 7th Annual Edition, 1919-1920, THE FIRST COLORED Professional, Clerical and Business DIRECTORY OF BALTIMORE CITY 8th Annual Edition, 1920-1921, THE FIRST COLORED Professional, Clerical and Business DIRECTORY OF BALTIMORE CITY 9th Annual Edition, 1921-1922, THE FIRST COLORED Professional, Clerical and Business DIRECTORY OF BALTIMORE CITY 10th Annual Edition, 1922-1923, THE FIRST COLORED Professional, Clerical and Business DIRECTORY OF BALTIMORE CITY 11th Annual Edition, 1923-1924, Directory of the public schools of Baltimore, Md., 1924-1925, Directory of the public schools of Baltimore, Md., 1925-1926, THE FIRST COLORED Professional, Clerical and Business DIRECTORY OF BALTIMORE CITY 13th Annual Edition, 1925-1926, Directory of the public schools of Baltimore, Md., 1926-1927, Directory of the public schools of Baltimore, Md., 1927-1928, THE FIRST COLORED Professional, Clerical and Business DIRECTORY OF BALTIMORE CITY 14th Annual Edition, 1927, Directory of the public schools of Baltimore, Md., 1928-1929, THE FIRST COLORED Professional, Clerical and Business DIRECTORY OF BALTIMORE CITY 15th Annual Edition, 1928, Directory of the public schools of Baltimore, Md., 1929-1930, THE FIRST COLORED Professional, Clerical and Business DIRECTORY OF BALTIMORE CITY 16th Annual Edition, 1929, THE FIRST COLORED Professional, Clerical and Business DIRECTORY OF BALTIMORE CITY 17th Annual Edition, 1929-1930, Directory of the public schools of Baltimore, Md., 1930-1931, THE FIRST COLORED Professional, Clerical and Business DIRECTORY OF BALTIMORE CITY 18th Annual Edition, 1930-1931, Directory of the public schools of Baltimore, Md., 1931-1932, THE FIRST COLORED Professional, Clerical and Business DIRECTORY OF BALTIMORE CITY 19th Annual Edition, 1931-1932, Directory of the public schools of Baltimore, Md., 1932-1933, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Baltimore Fall/Winter 1932/1933, THE FIRST COLORED Professional, Clerical and Business DIRECTORY OF BALTIMORE CITY 20th Annual Edition, 1932-1933, Directory of the public schools of Baltimore, Md., 1933-1934, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Baltimore Spring/Summer 1933, THE FIRST COLORED Professional, Clerical and Business DIRECTORY OF BALTIMORE CITY 21st Annual Edition, 1933-1934, Directory of the public schools of Baltimore, Md., 1934-1935, Maryland White Pages and Yellow Pages Baltimore Spring/Summer 1934, Maryland White Pages and Yellow Pages Baltimore Fall/Winter 1934/35, THE FIRST COLORED Professional, Clerical and Business DIRECTORY OF BALTIMORE CITY 22nd Annual Edition, 1934-1935, Directory of the public schools of Baltimore, Md., 1935-1936, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Baltimore Fall/Winter 1935/36, THE FIRST COLORED Professional, Clerical and Business DIRECTORY OF BALTIMORE CITY 23rd Annual Edition, 1935-1936, Directory of the public schools of Baltimore, Md., 1936-1937, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Baltimore Winter/Spring 1936/37, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Baltimore Spring/Summer 1936, Social register, Baltimore (search only) 1936, THE FIRST COLORED Professional, Clerical and Business DIRECTORY OF BALTIMORE CITY 24th Annual Edition, 1936-1937, Directory of the public schools of Baltimore, Md., 1937-1938, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Baltimore Summer/Fall 1937, Maryland White Pages and Yellow Pages Baltimore Winter/Spring 1937/38, Social register, Baltimore (search only) 1937, THE FIRST COLORED Professional, Clerical and Business DIRECTORY OF BALTIMORE CITY 25th Annual Edition, 1937-1938, Directory of the public schools of Baltimore, Md., 1938-1939, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Baltimore Summer/Fall 1938, Maryland White Pages and Yellow Pages Baltimore Winter/Spring 1938/39, THE FIRST COLORED Professional, Clerical and Business DIRECTORY OF BALTIMORE CITY 26th Annual Edition, 1938-1939, Directory of the public schools of Baltimore, Md., 1939-1940, Maryland White Pages and Yellow Pages Baltimore Winter/Spring 1939/40, THE FIRST COLORED Professional, Clerical and Business DIRECTORY OF BALTIMORE CITY 27th Annual Edition, 1939-1940, Directory of the public schools of Baltimore, Md., 1940-1941, Maryland White Pages and Yellow Pages Baltimore Winter/Spring 1940/41, Maryland White Pages and Yellow Pages Baltimore Summer/Fall 1940, THE FIRST COLORED Professional, Clerical and Business DIRECTORY OF BALTIMORE CITY 28th Annual Edition, 1940-1941, Directory of the public schools of Baltimore, Md., 1941-1942, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Baltimore Winter/Spring 1941/42, THE FIRST COLORED Professional, Clerical and Business DIRECTORY OF BALTIMORE CITY 29th Annual Edition, 1941-1942, Directory of the public schools of Baltimore, Md., 1942-1943, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Baltimore Winter/Spring 1942/43, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Baltimore Summer/Fall 1942, Maryland White Pages Baltimore Winter/Spring 1942/43, THE FIRST COLORED Professional, Clerical and Business DIRECTORY OF BALTIMORE CITY 30th Annual Edition, 1942-1943, Directory of the public schools of Baltimore, Md., 1943-1944, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Baltimore Summer/Fall 1943, Maryland White Pages and Yellow Pages Baltimore Winter 1943/Spring 1944, THE FIRST COLORED Professional, Clerical and Business DIRECTORY OF BALTIMORE CITY 31st Annual Edition, 1943-1944, Directory of the public schools of Baltimore, Md., 1944-1945, Maryland White Pages and Yellow Pages Baltimore Summer/Fall 1944 thru Summer/Fall 1945, Social register, Baltimore (search only) 1944, THE FIRST COLORED Professional, Clerical and Business DIRECTORY OF BALTIMORE CITY 32nd Annual Edition, 1944-1945, Directory of the public schools of Baltimore, Md., 1945-1946, THE FIRST COLORED Professional, Clerical and Business DIRECTORY OF BALTIMORE CITY 33rd Annual Edition, 1945-1946, Directory of the public schools of Baltimore, Md., 1946-1947, Maryland White Pages Baltimore Summer/Fall 1946, Maryland Yellow Pages Baltimore Summer/Fall 1946, Maryland White Pages Baltimore January 1947, Maryland White Pages and Yellow Pages Baltimore January 1947 thru June 1950, Directory of the public schools of Baltimore, Md., 1948-1949, Directory of the public schools of Baltimore, Md., 1949-1950, Directory of the public schools of Baltimore, Md., 1950-1951, Maryland White Pages and Yellow Pages Baltimore June 1950 thru June 1951, Directory of the public schools of Baltimore, Md., 1951-1952, Maryland Yellow Pages Baltimore June 1951, Directory of the public schools of Baltimore, Md., 1952-1953, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Baltimore June 1952 thru June 1953, Maryland White Pages Baltimore June 1952, Directory of the public schools of Baltimore, Md., 1953-1954, Directory of the public schools of Baltimore, Md., 1954-1955, Maryland White Pages Baltimore August 1954, Maryland Yellow Pages Baltimore August 1954, Directory of the public schools of Baltimore, Md., 1955-1956, Maryland White Pages Baltimore September 1955, Maryland Yellow Pages Baltimore September 1955, Directory of the public schools of Baltimore, Md., 1956-1957, Maryland White Pages Baltimore September 1956, Maryland Yellow Pages Baltimore September 1956, Directory of the public schools of Baltimore, Md., 1957-1958, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Baltimore November 1957, Directory of the public schools of Baltimore, Md., 1958-1959, Maryland White Pages Baltimore November 1958, Maryland Yellow Pages Baltimore June 1958, Directory of the public schools of Baltimore, Md., 1959-1960, Maryland White Pages Baltimore November 1959, Maryland Yellow Pages Baltimore June 1959, Maryland White Pages Baltimore November 1960, Maryland Yellow Pages Baltimore June 1960, Directory of the public schools of Baltimore, Md., 1961-1962, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Baltimore Suburban November 1961, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Baltimore Suburban West November 1961 thru 1962, Maryland White Pages Baltimore November 1961, Maryland Yellow Pages Baltimore June 1961, Maryland White Pages Baltimore November 1962, Maryland Yellow Pages Baltimore June 1962, Directory of the public schools of Baltimore, Md., 1963-1964, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Baltimore Suburban West December 1963, Maryland White Pages Baltimore December 1963, Maryland Yellow Pages Baltimore May 1963, Directory of the public schools of Baltimore, Md., 1964-1965, Maryland White Pages Baltimore December 1964, Directory of the public schools of Baltimore, Md., 1965-1966, Maryland White Pages Baltimore December 1965, Maryland White Pages Baltimore Suburban West December 1965, Directory of the public schools of Baltimore, Md., 1966-1967, Maryland White Pages Baltimore December 1967, Maryland White Pages Baltimore December 1969 MOYE through Z, Maryland White Pages Baltimore December 1969 A through MOYD, Maryland White Pages Baltimore 1970/1971 PLON through Z, Maryland White Pages Baltimore 1970/1971 A through PLOM, Social register, Baltimore (search only) 1970, Maryland White Pages Baltimore 1971/1972 PLAZ through Z, Maryland White Pages Baltimore 1971/1972 A through PLAV, Social register, Baltimore (search only) 1971, Maryland White Pages Baltimore 1972/1973 A through PUKL, Social register, Baltimore (search only) 1972, Maryland White Pages Baltimore December 1973 LAGI through Z, Maryland White Pages Baltimore December 1973 A through LAGE, Social register, Baltimore (search only) 1973, Maryland White Pages Baltimore 1974/1975 MADO through Z, Maryland White Pages Baltimore 1974/1975 A through MADN, Social register, Baltimore (search only) 1974, Social register, Baltimore (search only) 1975, Directory of Bethesda District, Montgomery County, Maryland, Maryland, Dorchester County, Cambridge, city directories, 1911-1963, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Catonsville Winter 1936/Spring 1937 thru Winter 1938/Spring 1939, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Catonsville Summer/Fall 1940 thru Summer/Fall 1955, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Charles, The Daily news directory of the city of Cumberland : with a short history of the city and lists, Randalls General Directory of Hagerstown, Hagerstown District Telephone Directory 1907, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Hagerstown 1932 thru Summer/Fall 1940, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Hurlock thru Hyattsville c.1938 thru Winter 1934/Spring 1935, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Hyattsville Summer/Fall 1935 thru Winter 1936/Spring 1937, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Hyattsville Summer/Fall 1937 thru Summer/Fall 1938, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Hyattsville Summer/Fall 1939 thru Winter 1940/Spring 1941, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Hyattsville Summer/Fall 1941 thru Summer/Fall 1942, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Hyattsville Winter/Spring 1943 thru Winter/Spring 1944, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Hyattsville Summer/Fall 1944 thru Winter/Spring 1946, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Oakland, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Olney 1983 thru 7/1965, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Rising Sun, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Rockville, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Somerset, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Talbot. Qualification. Web3435 NW 56th St Ste 412, Oklahoma City OK 73112 Call Directions (405) 528-4133 Frequently Asked Questions Where is Otologic Medical Clinic, Head and Neck Division located? You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Maryland City Directories - Arranged aphabetically by city Complete list of Baltimore City Directories Digitized Baltimore City Directories Additional Resources - Including online subject guides and links R.L. -- Directories Publisher Baltimore : R.L. Undoubtedly, there are other city directories for this locality that are not listed here. Colored Householders, Baltimore City Directory, 1847-48, Matchetts Baltimore Director for 1847-48. Polk & Co. Collection university_maryland_cp; americana Digitizing sponsor Lyrasis Members and Sloan Foundation Contributor University of Maryland, -- Directories Publisher Baltimore : R.L. Fold3 - City Directories $ Fold3 is an online repository for original historical documents, combined with the ability for users to make comments, annotations, and upload their own documents. WebDepartment of Assessments and Taxation. Cities & Towns are in bold, while neighborhoods, subdivisions & other populated places Web219 FOREST PARK CIR, Panama City FL, 32405 Make an Appointment (850) 747-8144 Gulf Coast Holistic and Primary Care inc. is a medical group practice located in Panama City, FL that specializes in Psychiatry. As of today, I could not find a complete 1887 R.L. WebJennifer Minor, MD located in Carson City, NV. Webdirectory Notes - Filmed primarily from the holdings of the Library of Congress, with some materials provided by New York Public Library and San Diego Public Library. Providers Location Reviews Providers Dr. John Renick, MD Psychiatry 1 Rating Help Improve Healthgrades Qualification. The state bird is the Baltimore What are the top specialties practiced at Otologic Medical Clinic, Head and Neck Division? Maryland White and Yellow Pages Talbot, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Towson Winter 1941/Spring 1942, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Towson Winter 1944/Sprlng 1945, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Towson Summer/Fall 1946 to 1/1948, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Towson 9/1948 to 6/1949, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Towson 6/1950 to 6/1951, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Towson 9/1955 to 9/1957, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Towson Nov 58, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Towson Nov 59, Maryland Yellow Pages Towson Nov 59, Maryland White and Yellow Pages Westminster 7/1972 to 7/1973.

Matchetts Baltimore Directory (sic), corrected up to June 1831. directories Preface: This web site is presented for reference purposes under the doctrine of fair use. Craigs business directory and Baltimore almanac, for 1842. Baltimore (Md.) How many providers practice at New Jersey Kidney Care, LLC? WebWe found 482 cities in Maryland. Matchetts Baltimore Directory(sic), for 1849 and 1850. By Edward Matchett. Baltimore: Printed and published by Richard J.

The Enoch Pratt Free Library, the Maryland Historical Society, and the Maryland State Archives have large collections of Maryland city directories. Baltimore: printed and published by John Murphy. Baltimore: Printed and published by Richard J. Matchett. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Get Care Now ; Find a Provider; Find a Location; Services ; Behavioral Health Services; Directory. Department of Budget & Management. Savage, Westernport), Bethesda 1911 Directory of Bethesda District, Montgomery County, Maryland, FS, Cambridge 1911 Maryland, Dorchester County, Cambridge, city directories, 1911-1963, FS, Cambridge 1915 Maryland, Dorchester County, Cambridge, city directories, 1911-1963, FS, Cambridge 1932 Maryland, Dorchester County, Cambridge, city directories, 1911-1963, FS, Cambridge 1963 Maryland, Dorchester County, Cambridge, city directories, 1911-1963, FS, Cardiff Carroll County 1954 Maryland White and Yellow Pages Cardiff thru Carroll County August 1954 thru February 1956, LOC, Catonsville 1937 Maryland White and Yellow Pages Catonsville Winter 1936/Spring 1937 thru Winter 1938/Spring 1939, LOC, Catonsville 1940 Maryland White and Yellow Pages Catonsville Summer/Fall 1940 thru Summer/Fall 1955, LOC, Charles unk Maryland White and Yellow Pages Charles, LOC, College Park 1927 College directory, IA, College Park 1940 Student, faculty directory, IA, College Park 1941 Student, faculty directory, IA, College Park 1942 Student, faculty directory, IA, College Park 1943 Student, faculty directory, IA, College Park 1944 Student, faculty directory, IA, College Park 1945 Student, faculty directory, IA, College Park 1946 Student, faculty directory, IA, College Park 1947 Student, faculty directory, IA, College Park 1948 Student, faculty directory, IA, College Park 1949 Student, faculty directory, IA, College Park 1950 Student, faculty directory, IA, College Park 1951 Student, faculty directory, IA, College Park 1952 Student, faculty directory, IA, College Park 1953 Student, faculty directory, IA, College Park 1954 Student, faculty directory, IA, College Park 1955 Student, faculty directory, IA, College Park 1956 Student and faculty telephone directory, IA, College Park 1957 Student and faculty telephone directory, IA, College Park 1958 Student and faculty telephone directory, IA, College Park 1959 Student and faculty telephone directory, IA, College Park 1960 Student and faculty telephone directory, IA, College Park 1961 Student and faculty telephone directory, IA, Cumberland 1876 The Daily news directory of the city of Cumberland : with a short history of the city and lists, IA, Cumberland 1895 City of Cumberland and Allegany County Directory, 1895-96, WHILBR (Barton, Frostburg, Lonacoming, Mt.

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