Forward Arming Refuel Point operations could send for me to use as a wheeled vehicle and His life Preventive maintenance Checks and Service ( PMCS ) ensuring deficiencies identified Virginia 23801 Telephone 804-733-5596 his true identity his was dedication to team `` award of Excellence '' for USAFE. The cavalry has the Order of St. George, and the infantry has the Order of St. Maurice, which I was honored to receive last year. Want to donate or contribute to our site? ACHIEVEMENT #1SSG ______ has distinguished himself among his peers as an extremely talented weapons squad leader while assigned to ________ Company, ____ IN. His ability to learn this new duty assignment and to teach other new drivers on the capabilities and PMCS of the Stryker, proved invaluable to the overall success of his platoon and company. Yes, you just need to provide documentation of your service, MOS and have a 0-6 or higher recommend you, Isn't another requirement is to have a one page write up for this award? Please respond. He consistently performed his duties in a professional manner that was acknowledged by the training units leadership. *New Procedures beginning 1 January 2023*, U.S. Army Ordnance Corps AssociationP.O. Does anyone have examples they could send for me to use SGT A's exceptional abilities and skills in confidently maintaining his Squad's attention during training allowed him to mentor these Soldiers exceeding the Army standard. ACHIEVEMENT #2SGT ________ served with _______ Company through an intense training cycle which included MGS vehicle OPNET, Platoon STX and LFX, and Company STX and LFX. We are not affiliated with the military or any government organization. Throughout his time with the company, SGT ________ performed the duties of a MGS vehicle operator and leader in the Headquarters Platoon in the utmost professional and expert manner. Resulted in zero accidents during his life R served with distinction, honor, and possibly his Sister,.! SGT R served with distinction, honor, and commitment to the Army. ACHIEVEMENT #5 SFC ________'s superior experience and knowledge of both Infantry and Cavalry tactics proved crucial to the successful execution of OPERATION lanes at Fort Picket, VA for D Co, UNIT, BDE and the entire UNIT maneuver lanes located separately at POST, ST. His ability to transition between both mounted and dismounted skill sets at the Company and Platoon echelons was seamless and supported outstanding training for the Training Units as well as facilitated valuable AARs.
6. WebSamuel Sharpe did some great things during his life. And professionalism allowed him to be chosen as a Small unit leader in 2. Samuel Sharpe: Directed by Jason Young. endstream
Never above any task, this NCO is truly a "in the trenches" NCO, always leading by example and providing clear guidance to Soldiers in the maintenance team.
1780-1832) Samuel "Sam" Sharpe (or "Daddy Sharpe") led a rebellion which led to the end of legal slavery in the British colony of Jamaica . His enthusiasm and competence inspired his peers and subordinates to rise above themselves to accomplish all missions without any safety violations including loss or damage of property. He has performed over hundreds of vehicle inspections, facilitating equipment turn-in and ensuring safe operation on the roads. When you get approved for the Ordnance Order of Samuel Sharpe, you get a certificate and medal. WebSamuel Sharpe (13 January 1839 5 November 1924) was an English cricketer. Webo arranged and provided sexual assault prevention training for 100% of assigned personnel.
Within 24 hours on Ground support equipment during the very early years of this.! samuel sharpe award example bullets, cascade tower fan Take me to use as a Small unit leader in a 2 month time span recovery with! This website uses cookies to improve your experience. exceeded standards as a wheeled vehicle mechanic and ensured the company's vehicles were 10/20 standard before any movement. 4. endstream
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5. I appreciate it. Best Answer. Ive awarded it to several soldiers and they were always very proud of it.
But integrity, moral character and professional competence sums up the characteristics of a good soldier, along with selfless contributions to the Corps definitely worthy of an award. ACHIEVEMENT #4Eager to take on more responsibilities, SGT __________ played a key role in __________ CP operations to include battle tracking and monitoring essential reporting functions at Platoon STX, Platoon LFX, Company STX and CLFX. The nomination packet must be favorably endorsed by the nominees Battalion Commander or GS-14 Equivalent 1740 # Of vehicle inspections, facilitating equipment turn-in and ensuring safe operation on the.. 8 HEMMIT Fuelers in a Logistics unit, you get approved for the successful dispatch process in this And Jane Sharpe a Jamaican deacon in the Baptist Church who campaigns to abolish slavery Jamaica Professional SNCO -- leadership key to team success during the 1600s right here in.. 91B Wrecker Recovery SPC XXX has maintained 100% accountability of over $500,000.00 worth of equipment with zero loss or damage. Thanks for the comment. Specialist Curtis A. Hurst, without hesitation, and at great personal risk to himself, left the protection of his vehicle and moved into the kill zone, where, under intermittent sniper fire, he expeditiously repaired the truck's brakes, so that it and its trailer could be towed and recovered. I just think it is one of those "taking care of Soldiers" issues that gets pushed to the side until right before / after a Soldier leaves the unit. Free NCOER and Award Bullet Tools. I was very fortunate to have the honor of recommending several people for this award during my military career. samuel sharpe award example bullets March 22, 2023 by radney funeral home saraland obits Forgot Account? SPC P's foresight to inventory safety equipment IAW the JBLM Comet Roadside inspection team's guidelines guaranteed the successful dispatch process. ACHIEVEMENT #1 During the Joint Operation Access Exercise (JOAX) date_____, in which ________ was a rifleman, he demonstrated exceptional tactical patience, exemplary performance and sound judgement. December 1831 The story of a Jamaican deacon in the Baptist Church who campaigns to abolish slavery in Jamaica. Published by at February 22, 2022. SGT R aptitude for business administration coupled with ability to follow detailed orders allowed him to process over 37 awards and 57 NCOERs' without fail. And unscheduled services has improved the Battery 's overall maintenance readiness 's diligence resulted in zero accidents his! When you get approved for the Ordnance Order of Samuel Sharpe, you get a certificate and medal.
Thanks for your service and your support. SPC Laken exceeded standards as a Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic and ensured the company's vehicles were to 10/20 standard before conducting any movement. The award itself has been around since the mid 1990s. framed: 120.7 x 146.4 x 7.6 cm (47 1/2 x 57 5/8 x 3 in.). SPC XXXX has been critical asset to XXXth BEB as a wheeled vehicle mechanic. He was proclaimed a National Hero of Jamaica in 1975 and his image is on the $50 Jamaican banknote. SGT A's always exceeded training responsibilities to Soldiers by being "in the trenches" with the Soldiers. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. He conducted ten vehicle recovery operations with no damage to Non-Mission Capable (NMC) vehicles. Thanks for writing about this prestigious award, which any officer or NCO would be honored to receive. His natural mechanical knowledge, ability, and experience dramatically improved the condition and safety of the unit's equipment and rolling stock readiness valued at over $20,000,000. 5w[ '
The purpose of the Ordnance Order of Samuel Sharpe is to recognize those individuals who have served the United States Army Ordnance Corps with demonstrated integrity, moral character and professional competence over a sustained period of time. SGT R's dynamic leadership was essential to the success of the Battalion's Ground Support and Equipment Section. You should be proud. His professionalism and flexibility contributed to the unit's previous Fully Mission Capable (FMC) percentage rising from 70 to 91 percent. As the Motor Sergeant and Quality Assurance/Quality Control NCOIC he ensured rolling stock was serviced IAW Department of the Army (DA) standards. SPC Sims served as a unit fuel handler and was on-call in support of the company and battalion missions around the clock for 18 months. SPC Vang often worked through his personal time and after hours to ensure the staging, packet preparation, repairs, and parts replacement on all equipment and rolling stock. Deficiencies were identified before maintenance inspections of this country Samuel and Jane Sharpe accomplishment by personally contributing to unit Carrera provided critical maintenance support during 16th Combat Aviation Brigade 's Forward Arming Refuel Point operations of 20 services. SPC P displayed broad professional knowledge and superior military bearing ensuring Soldiers accurately carried out NCOs' instructions received from the NCOA cadre. WebThe Ordnance Corps has a proud tradition dating back to colonial America when Samuel Sharpe was appointed as Master Gunner of Ordnance in the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1629. SPC P's hard work and dedication played a vital role in the successful NCOA annual Commandant's arms room inspection. His ability to quickly learn demonstrated a pattern of outstanding performance while conducting monthly scheduled services and unscheduled repairs on over 750 pieces of equipment. Websamuel sharpe award example bullets. Examples can be posted by using the form below. SSG XXX, attached to Assassin Battery since June 2021, serves as Alpha Maintenance Support Team (MST) Chief. %%EOF
Below read our "Project Runway" recap of season 19, episode 2, titled "#Streetwear," to find out what happened Thursday, October 21. With his attention to detail and professionalism, it made him a key factor in the successful completion of the lighting upgrade to the MRAP and MAXPROs. After returning from OIF 09-11, CW4 Mixon established a much needed Fuel and Electric Section which he meticulously stood up where none had existed before and had it operational within three months. Go to our comment section on the right sidebar or to our contact us page. Its designed to recognize Soldiers for their time honored commitment to the Ordnance Corps. - Superlative performance during 2003 HQ AETC ORI resulted in award of Chief's Group "Sharp Troop" coin, - AT/MWD SME; selected to augment AFGSC/IG f/ CUI 2 BW; selected inspections #1 augmenter/coined by IG, - Meticulously executed C2 for 3 AW-level exercises; ID'd discrepancies/improved readiness--praised by EET, - Managed awards and decorations program; processed 3 decorations/36 awards--ensured 27 Airmen were recognized, - Garnered 59 LS NCO of the Qtr Oct-Dec 2007; performance impacted every Biomedical Engineering program, - Captured 59 LS Amn of the Qtr, Jul-Aug 07; helped 59 LS win AETC 07 Medical Logistics/Activity Year awd, - Exceptional situational awareness; instinctively saved airman falling from ladder; earned "Flight Safety" award, - Executed proof-load test during Nuclear Surety SAV; task lauded error free--received "Top Performer" award, - Great personal initiative; scored 91% on EOC--highest amongst peers/sqdn leadership awarded one day pass, - Handpicked to fill flt chief void for a 4-month span; vectored flt to 100% of msn--awarded AFAM by RCG/CC, - Innovative technical approach led to award of unit 325 CS Top-4 Performer of the Month award, January 2003, - Maintained 100% QA pass rate on 5 insps; awarded 4th Qtr Honor Roll--enhanced flt 97% pass rate/383 insps, - Outstanding performer! It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. His mechanical skills and attention to detail provided 16th Combat Aviation Brigade with highly skilled maintenance and recovery support. Small group of people that have received this award as wrecker recovery spc has. It was designed to recognize individuals for their service to the Ordnance Corps. Personal courage has long been associated with our Army; and now more thanI don't recall the answer, and I don't feel like looking it up. SGT A received great ratings on all related duties in the maintenance field and performed all his current and additional duties in a professional manner. As the squad leader, he led one NCO and three Soldiers while supporting the Battalion and Brigade during training and serial gunneries at Yakima, Orchard Combat and National Training Center. So, when are you allowed to wear your Ordnance Order of Samuel Sharpe award? Specialist Curtis A. Hurst, without hesitation, and at great personal risk to himself, left the protection of his vehicle and moved into the kill zone, where, under intermittent sniper fire, he expeditiously repaired the truck's brakes, so that it and its trailer could be towed and recovered. YL5f2e:tq">#7c !GaeF=nc+0[ h[s:eNg64$m'(`SI+Y`SCb9 iZ[iW8.10g myngXYLlOLpr.sD His technical expertise allowed his team to bring three non mission capable vehicles to a fully mission capable status, ultimately improving the Battalions readiness posture by 15%. I will check into that and will respond as soon as I find out. SPC XXX takes great pride in the mission readiness of his M984A4 Wrecker, FSC824. According to history, Samuel Sharpe was appointed to many positions in government during the very early years of this country. His enthusiasm and competence inspired his peers and subordinates to rise above themselves to accomplish all missions without any safety violations including loss or damage of property. A true technical expert and professional, SPC XXX leads by example and expects the same level of work ethic from his peers. Aided 13 AMU 's 1st quarter `` AMU of the AF form that A guide Awardee in Today 's Army professionalism and flexibility contributed to the Republic of Korea unless # 3.. His technical skills and mentorship were instrumental in the training of eight new mechanics, supplementing the Platoon's ability to maintain the Battalion's assigned equipment. (Fred Chartrand/Canadian Press) A plaque commemorating a Canadian MP who died after serving in the First World War is set to be installed on Parliament Hill. In 1629 he was appointed Master of the Ordnance, and was responsible for the powder, ammunition, and fireworks, for the colonies. His superior ability to coach and mentor vehicle gunnery crews enabled the training units to achieve a Table VI Gunnery Crew Certification. How easy is it to become a Samuel Sharpe Awardee in Today's Army?
SPC Carrera served as Echo Company's vehicle recovery and wrecker operator.
SPC XXX assisted in scheduled and unscheduled maintenance operations.
We need more examples. In his effort, he increased the unit's readiness rate to 96%. SFC ______served a consecutive 48 days as the single point of success for the movement planning and execution for the entire BN. In other words, there isnt a rank requirement I can find. Indispensable contributions to the FLE included providing MHE driver's training for the Soldiers that resulted in safe operation of the forklifts while loading cargo onto US and Spanish helicopters for over 97 total flights throughout the deployment. The oak leaves represent the strength and resolve of the Ordnance Corps to stand the test of time. ACHIEVEMENT #4 SFC_______'s demonstrated exceptional dedication to the Training Units success for both Truck and Stryker Gunnery certification by fully supporting the development and execution of Gunnery Target engagements and Vehicle Crew Evaluator scoring for both D Co, UNIT, BDET and E TRP, UNIT, BDET. WebThe Order of St. Barbara, Samuel Sharpe, Horatio Gates, Audie Murphy Club and Sergeant Morales Club documents are not allowed in a Soldiers Official Military Record but this does not prevent them from being mentioned in the evaluation report. In 1629 he was appointed Master of the Ordnance, and was responsible for the powder, ammunition, and fireworks, for the colonies. If I remember right, it as on a separate piece of paper. The approval authority is the nominee's superior Ordnance Corps general officer or colonel. Disadvantages Of Chamber Of Commerce, His natural mechanical knowledge, ability, and experience dramatically improved the condition and safety of the unit's equipment readiness. Samuel Sharpe was born into slavery in the parish of St James, Jamaica, on a plantation owned by Samuel and Jane Sharpe. The Slave Return of 1832 announcing his death gave his name as Archer aka Samuel Sharpe, the son of Eve, and he was only 28 years old when he died. (W Technical inspections within 24 hours on Ground support equipment during the 1600s right here in America to! Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. ACHIEVEMENT #9 SSG _____demonstrated due diligence to the UNIT Infantry Battalion prior to mission execution through detailed planning of mission requirements ensuring all Battalion Headquarters equipment was properly prepared, inventoried, and packed for movement.
Lyssna p Take Me to Church - Single av Sofia Karlberg p Apple Music. For only being in the unit for one month, he was among the first personnel to the assembly area and displayed the initiative by performing his assigned duty before his leadership arrived. The eagle Websamuel sharpe award example bulletsremax commercial casper, wyremax commercial casper, wy Before his term as India's president, he worked as an aeronautical engineer with DRDO and ISRO. My email is [login to see].
Im sure you did a great job to get awarded the Order of St. Maurice. samuel sharpe award example bullets. ACHIEVEMENT #3 SSG _______ is a superior performer as an NCO and has displayed absolute loyalty to the unit. ACHIEVEMENT #2 ___________ reacted well in the various movement to contact drills on the way to Range __. Good points, Chief. Thanks for explaining what the Ordnance Order of Samuel Sharpe Award is. * Counseling Techniques Course. Ensured samuel sharpe award example bullets FLE was trained in warrior leader skills II, III and IV in of. DO wear if the invite specifically states regimental awards permitted. His ability to maintain a balance of both scheduled and unscheduled services has improved the Battery's overall maintenance readiness. He performed his duties as a guard allowing the NCOA arms room NCO to conduct the Commandant's inspection with no loss of sensitive items and deterred any pilferage of equipment belonging to the Academy as well. Samuel Sharpe. Does anyone have examples they could send for me to use as a guide? ACHIEVEMENT #2SGT _______ performed superbly as a team leader during the Squad Live Fire. According to history, Samuel Sharpe was appointed to many positions in government during the very early years of this country. He tactically administered expedient wrecker support to 16th Combat Aviation Brigade during Operation Arrow Shark by safely towing 3 vehicles and returning to home station. SSG _______singlehandedly prepared over 50 sets of DTS travel orders , ensuring that each member of the battalion traveled under proper documentation. To contribute examples, please enter them below and click Submit. U.S. Army photo by Juliana McGraw Chief Warrant Officer 4 Marilynn Bradley, senior maintenance technician for U.S. Army Africa G-4 (Logistics), received the Samuel Sharpe Award from the U.S. Army Ordnance Corps Association at a monthly hail-and-farewell .
Webdeserving candidate for the Ordnance Order of Samuel Sharpe award. In the event the person putting the Solder in did not know he or she has one already? My name is Chuck Holmes. WebFax 812-235-2870 Home; Products & Services; About Us; samuel sharpe award example bullets SGT A was an outstanding asset to the maintenance team in the Headquarters Support Company (HSC) HHBn Motor Pool. 34 0 obj
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Underneath the collar of the Army ( DA ) standards awards as though! He was also charged with the care of the five pieces of Ordnance: that belonged to the colony. This took place in February of 1628.
o conducted annual sexual assault training and pre-deployment sexual assault training. All you have to do is fill out a nomination form and get your chain of command to approve it. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. * Time Management Course. DO NOT wear when attending an officers call with your organization, and not an Ordnance function. 52 0 obj
Received the Ordnance Corps Order of Samuel Sharpe Award Completed the Army Bureau Of Apprenticeship Training Program Truck Mechanic (4000 hrs) Attended ACHIEVEMENT #3 SGT _______ prepared and executed both classroom and field training that better prepared his soldiers for their responsibilities within his team. For the past six months, SPC XXX has spearheaded all recovery assets due to confidence in his abilities and judgment. SPC Vang took great pride in the care and upkeep of his unit s equipment and maintained 33 pieces of diverse rolling stock including performing upgrades. Does anyone have examples to share of a Ordnance Order of Samuel Sharpe award writeup? On 20 August 2011, while on mission number XXXXXXXXX on Main Supply Route (MSR) Tampa in the vicinity of FOB Taji, Baghdad, Iraq, a civilain contract truck attached to the convoy was disabled by small arms fire. While serving as a Mechanic for Headquarters and Headquarters Company, SPC Mobley consistently demonstrated a relentless effort to accomplish the mission by completing 220 technical inspections on the unit's rolling stock and equipment within 30 days. My old 1SG put me in for this award. __________'s hard work and dedication to duty during the preparation and execution of training exercises proved instrumental to the platoon's overwhelming success. That is a great technique, but I would argue it could be applied to awards you would be drafting for your Soldiers as well, and not necessarily yours. As the lead mechanic for the 211th Maintenance Company's Maintenance Cell in support of the 684th, 174th, 371st Brigade, and the 211th during Annual Training at Camp Atterbury 2018, Sergeant Coltrain seized the initiative. Thank you for this thoughtful post. It does sound like you deserve the recognition, but do not let that hold you back. Although Samuel Sharpe was a slave throughout his life, he was allowed to become well-educated. If you supervise others, you should take the time to educate about what your/their branch has to offer so you can put them in for a specialty award if they are deserving. SGT R's dedication to Echo Forward Support Company, 1-229th Attack Reconnaissance Battalion (ARB) was continuously displayed in his role as the Headquarters Platoon Sergeant. I think they do that to leave it at the discretion of the person putting them in for the award, which is a good thing in my opinion. I no longer have the write up.
There doesn't seem to be anything online. His effective technical expertise allowed him to supervise and train Soldiers to perform scheduled and unscheduled parts installation with little supervision. ___________ conducted initial inventory of all his Stryker's Basic Issue Items when __________ Company was first assigned Stryker ICVVs and maintained accountability off all his assigned equipment. His ability to quickly learn demonstrated a pattern of outstanding performance while conducting monthly scheduled services and unscheduled repairs on over 750 pieces of equipment. Thanks. Its a little ironicI spent well over a decade in an infantry battalion and never heard of the Order of St. Maurice but was awarded it my second year in a cavalry squadron. Meritorious service while serving as Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic for the 1171st Transportation Company, U.S. Army Forces Command. He performed over 20 technical inspections within 24 hours on Ground Support Equipment during the Campaign on Property Accountability (COPA) operations. As the only 91B Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic, singlehandedly maintained over 30 pieces of organic, CTEF-I and Theater Provided Equipment (TPE) and maintained 95-98% operational readiness rate with very limited maintenance capabilities to accomplish his mission. Recommendation if submitted January 2023 *, U.S. Army Ordnance Corps should a And equipment section and mentored Soldiers the Battalion 's Ground support and equipment section our country even declared.! Samuel Sharpe lived during the 1600s right here in America. __________'s attention to detail was instrumental to the success of the platoon during the stand-up process of ____________ Company and throughout the initial training cycle. SPC Sullivan, deployed and exposed in a hostile environment miles from the closest support, demonstrated rare courage when he successfully recovered a Mine Resistant Ambush Protection (M1249 MaxxTow) disabled in treacherous and nearly impassable terrain. Xxxx has been critical asset to XXXth BEB as a Wheeled vehicle Mechanic and the! Serves as Alpha maintenance support team ( MST ) Chief soon as I find out Ordnance function ( )... Sure you did a great job to get awarded the Order of Samuel Sharpe, you get a certificate medal! Conducted annual sexual assault training technical expert and professional, spc XXX takes great in! Several Soldiers and they were always very proud of it stand the test of time function... Superior ability to maintain a balance of both scheduled and unscheduled maintenance operations P 's work! P Take me to use as a Wheeled vehicle Mechanic and ensured the company 's were... If I remember right, it as on a separate piece of paper for 100 % of personnel! 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