Gets data from a single Salesforce object (sObject), Gets data from one or more Salesforce sObjects. This is great if your project has Unique ProductCode's for each Product2.
packDeploy -key Product2/00527b2d-08a6-c069-33cf-88de9d25a2de. Re-running packUpdateSettings in both orgs is the best way to solve this issue. Currently the Vlocity Templates and Vlocity Cards will be deactivated before Deploy, and Products will have their Attribute JSON Generated after Deploy. Each DataPack has a VlocityDataPackKey that represents its Unique Name in the DataPacks system. packGetDiffsAndDeploy will first find all files that are different locally than in the target Org, and then will deploy only the DataPacks that have changed or are new. For a Query, each result from the Query will be a JSON Object with the appropriate DataPack Type.
So what exactly is a DataRaptor? When the user changes that data or enters new data, it must be saved too. Best when combined with the maximumDeployCount of 1. postStepApex can be used to run any compilation steps in Apex that are not automatically run inside triggers. packDeploy will deploy all contents in the projectPath of the Job File to the Salesforce Org.
Declares that an SObject's data will always be created new during Deploy and will never be referenced by other objects and therefore does not need to keep extra metadata, Declares that an SObject should Paginate during Deploy, Delete all null values from JSON. Once you have your file setup, you can get started with migration with the following: Example.yaml shows the most Simple Job File that can be used to setup a project: After creating the Example.yaml file, run the following command to export with this Job File: This has exported data from the org specified in your file and written it to the folder example_vlocity_build specified in the Example.yaml file found at dataPacksJobs/Example.yaml. This is generally due to them being or containing Salesforce Id's that cannot be replaced during export and are not Version Control friendly. See, If true, an Export job will only save items specifically listed in the manifest, The max distance of Parent or Children Relationships from initial data being exported, The maximum number of items in a single Deploy. You signed in with another tab or window. Instead, use the BuildFile task to create an Importable file. DataRaptors can access external objects and custom metadata as well as Salesforce objects.
Add the key gitCheckKey: Folder1 to your individual Job Files if you have more than one folder in your repo that contains DataPacks.
In the future more features will be added to view the actual diffs.
This is great if your project has Unique ProductCode's for each Product2.
The version of the package installed can be updated in this file. From the OmniStudio app (or in legacy installs, the Vlocity app), open the OmniStudio DataRaptor tab.
Get personalized recommendations for your career goals, Practice your skills with hands-on challenges and quizzes, Track and share your progress with employers, Connect to mentorship and career opportunities. A Job File is similar to a Salesforce package.xml file, however it also includes runtime options like the maximum number of concurrent API calls running. AttributeCategory/Something -- DataPack >> Something -- Error Message -- No Configuration Found: Attribute Category Migration. There is a large amount of post processing to make the results from Salesforce as Version Control friendly as possible. Fields that should not be used for Checking Diffs as they are largely informational.
Likely due to circular references or where data may have already exist. Create Vlocity Document template Step 4. VlocityBuildLog.yaml - This file is a summary of what was executed during the command just run. The primary input JSON would be the Manifest which can be passed in as: The tool will return JSON is sent the argument --json or --json-pretty and will return a JSON in the format of. After being acquired by Salesforce, Vlocity is now part of Salesforce Industries. For many Vlocity Objects this is the Global Key field. Add gitCheck: true to your job file to enable checking what the latest git hash was before deploying to the target org. Vlocity has identified the Anonymous Apex that should run during most Deploys. In that case, this error can be completely ignored. Once Exported it is very important to validate that your data is in state that is ready to be deployed. vlocity_cmt__CatalogProductRelationship__c: 20MB Plan. This method is also very good for adding Custom Settings to Version Control, however it requires creating Matching Key Records for your Custom Setting. Turn on / off parallel processing when Deploying the DataPack Type.
refreshProject: Refresh the Project's Data to the latest format for this tool This specifies a File to create from the DataPack Directory. The Duplicates must be removed from the Source Org and Re-Exported. Quickly populate FlexCards with data from multiple sources.
This means the other Product must also be deployed.
Will automatically retry after a deploy to see if any errors can be fixed by retrying due primarily to references that did not correctly resolve, Automatically run packUpdateSettings before deploy, The target output file from packBuildFile, The number of parallel processes to use for export, Compiled files will not be generated as part of this Export. This gives an indication that the datapacks have been configured correctly, however the missing Matching Key causes VBT to create new records. In the next unit, you explore how to execute DataRaptors using DataRaptor Designer, as well as its features, formulas, and functions. Turn on / off Vlocity's AllTriggers Custom Setting during the Deploy, Turn off Vlocity's AllTriggers Custom Setting during the Deploy, Do not compile and deploy LWC OmniScripts, Apex Class to run with the runApex command, Path to folder containing Apex Files when using the runApex command, Path to javascript file to run when using the runJavaScript command, Output the result of the Job as JSON Only. Most Options can also be passed in as Command Line Options with -optionName or --optionName for Boolean values. You can include multiple Apex files with "//include FileName.cls;" in your .cls file.
These errors mean there are duplicates in the data. To export OmniStudio DataPacks: If you encounter any Errors during Export please evaluate their importance. To install puppeteer into a build machine or locally run: If your system has Chrome installed VBT will automatically start a headless chrome session, authenticate to the deployment org, and use a page in the Vlocity Managed Package to compile and deploy the OmniScript or Card. Step 1.
To only export the exact manifest you can use -depth 0 to your command. To deploy the data you just exported run the following command: When Exporting and Deploying between two Orgs use the following action plan: If you have recently installed the Vlocity Managed Package or created a Sandbox Org that is not a Full Copy Sandbox and have done no development this Salesforce Org, you should run the following command to load all the default Vlocity Metadata: This will install the Base UI Templates, CPQ Base Templates, EPC Default Objects and any other default data delivered through Vlocity DataPacks. The Vlocity Build tool primarily relies on unique data in fields across the different objects to prevent duplicate data being uploaded. By running a query on the object with createdDate, it may be seen that each record created has timestamps in correlation to the number of times of deployment. packRetry: Continues a Job retrying all deploy errors or re-running all export queries Its primary goal is to enable Continuous Integration for Vlocity Metadata through source control.
where %vlocity_namespace%__DisplaySequence__c = %DisplaySequence__c from DataPack.json file%, Catalog/Data Datapack >> Data Error Message Incorrect Import Data. Use DataRaptor Transforms for the following situations. In that case, this error can be completely ignored. This is seperate from the file name as the folder must be unique, but the file should be readable.
Good for potentially fixing circular reference issues, Specify the maximum number of DataPacks which should be Exported in a single transaction. Where each record contains the VlocityDataPackKey that was Exported / Deployed, and the Export / Deploy will be limited to only VlocityDataPackKeys passed in as part of the manifest if it is supplied. Run commands with --verbose to include all logging into the log files.
The datapacks will be deployed, however a manual activation of the latest OmniScript after deployment is required. Given the Product2: The VlocityDataPackKey would be Product2/7e0b4fa5-4290-d439-ba96-f1a1c3708b0b. Copado's Vlocity integration allows you to include Vlocity metadata in the same release manage. Run command without specifying a Job File. Therefore, this error means that there are two references to the same product inside the same Catalog, which is not allowed. Multiple records with the same data for vlocity_cmt__CatalogProductRelationship__c: 20MB Plan (this is the Name). cleanOrgData: Run Scripts to Clean Data in the Org and Add Global Keys to SObjects missing them
Matching Keys created outside the Managed Package will always override ones contained inside (Post Vlocity v15). Not all types will support using a manifest as many types are only unique by their Id. Multiple records with the same data for vlocity_cmt__CatalogProductRelationship__c: 20MB Plan (this is the Name).
Convert JSON input to XML output, and vice versa, Substitute values in fields (all DataRaptors can substitute values), Convert data to PDF, DocuSign, or Document Template format, VlocityMetadata Platform Cache is not set, Teams are adding objects to the DataRaptors to get data that could be accomplished by using relationship queries, Teams are trying to create Uber DataRaptors to cover as many of their data needs as possible. installVlocityInitial: Deploy and Activate the Base Vlocity DataPacks and Configuration DataPacks included in the Managed Package
The token CURRENT_DATA_PACKS_CONTEXT_DATA will be replaced with JSON data and converted into a List
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