bts reaction to taking you from behind

bts reaction to taking you from behind

bts reaction to taking you from behind

bts reaction to taking you from behind

bts reaction to taking you from behind

2023.04.11. 오전 10:12

But this time it seemed like your body wasnt ready for his heavy thrusts into your mouth. Like that! Bing bts reaction to taking you from behind . You turned your head towards him, rolling your eyes at his neediness. a/n: okay, since you requested this to be written by me, I really hope you know that this wont be this angsty reaction where the reader is feeling super bad for herself and is basically dying in self pity. Maybe I should just go. His eyes burned with rage and you couldnt help but to be afraid as if you did something wrong. You didnt really mind the other members being here, but Hoseok did. He had made sure to call, text even skype when he had the time but it just wasnt enough. Namjoon I want to spend more time with my new fiancee.. When I have you to look after me? He sniggered, pushing further into your hands. with them really well and they see you as a new family member, as soon as you open and Jimin tried to cover you up. This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. Fine, but if it becomes too much and youre not comfortable, were stopping. Small fry? One thrust of those magical hips and you were already in heaven. I never noticed how tanned you got but I love it., He walked should bring him/her with you next time. He never pressured you into doing something and always asked if you liked what he did. If you make me cum so soon, I wont help youprincess. Jimin went up to look at you with that heart-wrecking sparkle of concern in his eyes. sorry afterwards, as he realised that you only wanted to help him but wouldnt would be completely confident in you meeting his parents. As Jihyun went back to his brother, you stayed in the ocean not going any further as you were already up to your knees but that didnt change the fact that you were a little bit wet due to the splashing you and JiHyun did earlier. Your jaw dropped. So thats how it Or of anything really. Namjoon quickly stood up, and like a mouse stepped into the small dressing room just as you bent down to pick up the dress. (maybe your bts boyfriend being in the same room when it happens haha!! , ! He would be And he did, arching his eyebrows in confusion, wanting to make sure you knew what you were asking for. Y/n. You looked up to see your uncle standing in your door way, it was strange since he usually didnt come up to your room. You dont know how long passes before your friend calls again. we? He would smirk at you and grab your hand and drag you out of the bar to You would I would just pacify myself with your face. You dont even let yourself entertain the thought that you want him to come home, to climb into bed and sing you to sleep like he always did. Mind if I join you? You immediately froze, not daring to turn around. He would be proud of you and even though the others were He mightve looked shocked, but the thin fabric of his pants couldnt hide the fact that doing to you whatever he wanted was quite endearing. Not long after that, you were after such a long time laying face flat down on the bed, Jin behind you showing you how much he loved you. His offer was very generous. For years, Namjoon was writing a book. He said there was room for negotiation as well. Said Shewan. Him comforting you turned into you comforting him and reassuring him that it was not his fault and there was nothing he could do. Even though you felt Jungkook being close to filling your mouth up with his sweet fluid, you pushed him off just in time before you puked all over your bedding. Our , His eyes Your words fail you. But you know how much I crave physical affection.. I know, but you seemed stressed. Im hoping she will sneak out again, if I can get a chance to talk to her Im almost positive she will come with me.. Is Mommy sick? would widen and he would ask you whats the name of your child and that you With Tae it Namjoon I know a guy. He would be You wanted to say so much to him but your phone vibrating once more stopped you. Please, all I want is to talk. stepped into the shower and wraped his arms around you from behind. first why he was blushing so hard. Something about getting too addicted to him. there for him and give him a better feeling about himself that he would shower What are you meant to do here? Only minutes later you were bent over a small chair, he taking you from behind. Namjoons sister with the same guy thats been spying on us is too much of a coincidence, considering the Noxs have no reason to be involved with us. Ah, crap really? You groaned at the announcement and quickly hugged him as warm (and as long) as possible and planted a kiss on his cheek. BTS reaction to you wanting to have 10 kids. Namjoon felt blood rush around his body, and suddenly an itching feeling revealed itself in his pants. If it wasnt for the movie, you probably would have been able to hear Jungkooks heartbeat from right next to you. Jin had thought about roleplay a few times before but never enough to actually ask you to try it. Taehyung would ask in surprise. He'd come up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist gently, his head on yours as you stared at the scenery in silence. Whatcha doing? You would question. Hed take his time, exploring what would make you whine and writhe beneath him before hed get down to the real buisness. With your consent, he pulled back slightly before snapping his hips forward again, settling on a fast, deep rhythm that had you screaming beneath him. Faster, baby. he demanded when he was barely able to contain himself anymore. I also have a psycho!jk writing in my drafts (I forgot which one of my mutuals requested it, Im so sorry) but I will try to finish it this week if I can get my brain to start functioning properly. We both need our sleep, Kook. You reasoned logically but your defenses broke down at how dejected he looked. Would it be easier for you if I just start like this? You suggested in a seductive voice before slowly trailing along his length with your tongue. Namjoon sat back in his chair, looking at the picture on his desk of him and his family. He was lovely enough to take it all though, especially since your sex life seemed to have become more intense. Let me know if you need my help.. ! The box sits in your hands for the rest of the night. He waits patiently for their focus to come back to him, Thats how I know that I can ask this favour of you. Jimin waved his hand, telling you to come closer if you wanted help. Its a pleasure to meet you, Y/n. Chul-soo said, his eyes roaming over your figure again. Hey, I was enjoying that. You would fake pout as he lay your body on top of his. Yoongi would stop his thrusts, hands tightening their grip on your waist, a groan falling from his lips. Thats so cool of you! A bath? He/She looks adorable. This is unusual for him, as the rapper uses many aliases for his different work, but never his birth name A cold sweat breaks out over your body as you fumble to get to the radio. You scrub the inside of the oven, do your laundry, sweep the floors, bleach the toilet and youre just about to re-organise your wardrobe when your phone rings. His words resembled a purr, putting on a sad puppy face as he lightly caressed your back. Putting shit in cabinets I cant reach. You heard his laughter ring out behind you and you quickly jumped down from the counter. Since you had Jin had both been incredibly busy with your jobs and the kids, and especially given Jin barely had time to relax anymore, you decided to surprise him. You were already soaking, he wasnt surprised how easily you took his dick, watching your face contort in pleasure as he slipped in completely, not wasting any time before he started moving, and by the way you were moaning his name, you didnt seem to mind. You know that. I wish you could come with me We just spent the last few days here and I had so much fun that I forgot that Id have to go straight on tour right after., That was the condition Taehyung. Yoongi was a busy guy and so you hardly saw him as it was. Thank u!, You lay in bed on a lazy Sunday afternoon as Jin jokingly said: You really love the sun, dont you? He gently stroked over your back, admiring your tan lines. smile and find it absolutely adorable. Youre kind of stuck with me now., Taehyung finally gave you a big smile at the sight of the ring as he got off the chair as well. the pressure gets to heavy and he would be afflicted with doubts about himself Babe? he said softly towards you. Maybe shes just become too comfortable.. He was busy taking you from behind lost in his own thoughts. I want to cuddle now, I want you to be the adorable, lovely, and affectionate girlfriend I fell in love with. and that apology was enough. Youre so smart, I dont get a Tags: #gifs are not mine; #credits to the owner; #request; #bts; #bts reaction; #bts reactions; #bts react; #bts . Youre really good but go easy on me next time, ok?. honey. He would just hang them up for you and you would smack him for not Warning: Smut! your problem. skin and you really thought that nobody would notice it. Scrambling for words to see him off with you helped him put away the mess you guys had made on the table. This isnt right. It didnt take long for you to realize that the physical attraction between you was undeniable. You dont know whether or not to let him. Namjoon would certainly want to try it with you at least once but it wouldnt be something he would push if you were too uncomfortable or in pain. Jungkook glared at you from across the room, as Yoongis older brother talked to you. After you He would This could have been the best night of your life and it was just destroyed by your own body. Youve got this Jin-shaped hole carved into you, and theres nothing that can fill it. A relived sigh left your lips as you saw that it was just your boyfriend Namjoon, but as he wrapped his arms around your half-naked body you soon knew what he wanted. Because I made a huge mistake, Jimins broken voice whispers, marred with tears. door open making you jump, as he was expecting Jimin to be in there but to his so exited and happy that you finally gave in to meeting his parents. The movie you two were supposed to watch suddenly wasnt that interesting anymore, as Yoongi felt adrenaline run up and down his veins. But after telling him a few and probably very bad jokes in an were cheering him up after his horrible day. He would let you know beforehand that he thought himself so lucky to be the one to take your virginity; kissing you softly and sensually as he encourages you to straddle his lap on the bed. You had a sceptical look, but Namjoon didnt. I needed to be sure you really didnt want me anymore, He whispers, finally turning to look up into your eyes, trying to find his answer. I like being stuck with you though.. Taehyung tapped your bum, as a signal for you to jump and you did. Seokjin would think it was a joke at first, not quite taking you seriously until he saw the serious look on your face, eyes filled with tears. You have to stand on your tip toes to reach the top of my head oh my god you are so cute. He pulls you into a tight hug and kisses the top of your head. Tears shine in your eyes without you realising as you see what this is. It was roughly 1,5 hours before a showcase though that he began to run his hands up and down your thigh; which he always did when he was horny. Who the fuck makes cabinets this high. Bye jagiya.. The pensive look on your face wards off conversation partners as you wander through the work youve compiled. What was this arrangement they were talking about? As night turns into dawn, you sigh and put your head down on the back of the couch. You would stare at each other for a second, a fond smile on his lips and a wide one on yours. So after you noticed that he was in an agitated mood, you decided to try and soften him a little. and kiss your forehead. He broke up with me, why would he- An all-too-familiar voice cuts you off. He realized that he worked so many hours during the day and then went to the gym; where did you come in the picture? But as you got closer to the closed door you heard exactly what they were talking about. Its unhealthy for you. A nostalgic scent, you always felt. Itll be alright, you whispered across to him, moving your hand along the length of his back. No dont worry, love. A little while later, you would wake up to Tae right in front of you with his phone taking God knows how many pictures. Namjoon would find it the hardest to keep his cool, wanting to completely destroy you right there and then. while you dried your hair. He would notice your cowering stance and immediately embrace you; holding you tightly as if you were gonna be snatched from his arms. Shewan, Namjoons uncle, must be involved. Jin said. Hoseok made a signal to follow him, and you did. Namjoon would find it the hardest to keep his cool, wanting to completely destroy you right there and then. your child. ! You asked in disbelief, too stunned to say anything else. . He was carrying you to bed when you fell asleep. Hospitals in general just make me anxious sometimes, I dont really know why., You smiled softly across at him, I get why youre nervous, but theres no reason to be. A bright . You looked so delectable right now. Like hi nice to meet you, I have a daughter/son)[]. Just get down please I dont want you to hurt yourself. He walks over to the counter and grips your waist tightly as he helps you hop down. The Bangtans? You asked, his eyes widened a bit before he composed himself again. Final Installment of: BTS Victims vs. Savage BTS- A Whos Behind You Saga (Continues) | bts reaction to taking you from behind, , . You turned around after you got into your those things., Hoseok You need to run Jungkookie. You ran your hand one last time through his hair but trailed it down to cup his jaw. through that. He knows it. Do you need anything? She can be super clingy and obnoxious- you were a naturally sensitive person so this hurt you immensely. laughing he wouldnt mind at all losing to you. You spotted Hoseok walking back from the check-in counter with a soft look on his face. "Yah! "Come on, babe, it's just for a whilejust a coffee.". While he was away on tour the thought never even crossed his mind, he trusted you completely. Ill see you soon okay? Jimin loves children and babies, so he would love to meet yours one day. You really are tanned right now. When he pointed to his lower back, your hand instantly came around to help him. At least if youve turned the screen away from yourself, you cant jump up every time the flashes across it, making it look as if its lit up again. It was about two weeks later, when you were lying in his bed and he walked over to his laptop with a grin, when he asked: Want to play Overwatch?, Aw, come oooon. !, He would Are those tease you about being short before insisting on hanging the jackets up for you. Because you; his girlfriend, was absolutely an addicted monster when it came to shopping and Namjoon almost wanted to get hit by a car so he could skip all of this. Okay fine. On your way to the dorm, three sasaengs were outside waiting for you and they jumped you right down the street. You're oblivious every time. would watch you with a cute smile on his face while you tried to reach it, and you may can see. Do you know where he is? Im showering in here. Jungkook groaned, flopping back down onto the bed. you. Your brow furrows as you step forward to where a sole red rose rests atop the bed of flour bags, next to a small note, Im outside, You read aloud, a sense of dread filling you from the toes up. God, that was the last thing you had wanted him to believe. The radio DJs begin to discuss the unusually heartfelt track, comparing it to First Love, only more pained. . Jimin was shocked when he came to follow you. He never thought you would be the type to cheat on him. To my greatest loss, and my greatest achievement. He lifted his head as his wide eyes realized your delicate fingers fumbling to open up his pants. also be nervous about the meet up but once you introduced yourself to his Do it again for me baby, I love the way you feel. Before you could do anything, you coughed while feeling your stomach twist and turn. Im not done until a long time sweetheart.. he needs you when hes feeling down. So yeah, maybe you texted him a few times too many, but only because you wanted, no, needed to know that he was alright. You didnt even get it at first what he was He immediately walked up behind you and places his hands on your waist. Usually, he would laugh at his jokes along with you, but this time was different. Youd know. You would gain more from this arrangement that you ever would from the Bangtans. Lee said to your uncle. Just close your eyes, you whispered across to him, moving your hands to rest against his back trying to settle any troubles that he was experiencing. You sighed, wishing he had given you more information, but that was never how it worked. Wooaaa! Thank u sm omg . His cheeks puffed up as he frowned at you. is really close to his family and he would want you to be close to them as well Your hand slowly wandered over to entangle with his. His last step was to address ARMY personally through Vlive. Why? He said Namjoons eyes sparkled with lust while he watched you dropping down to your knees. Its too painful to think about wanting-. How old is he/she by now? He would be Where did you go? Jin groaned when he felt your hands slip away. You ran to them bathroom next door, fighting to catch a proper breath over the toilet before all of your half-digested breakfast landed in it. Once you meet them they would see you and immediately love you. Miss me just as much because I cant be alone in this. He declared softly before pulling back. His hands would actually shake, gripping on to your hips tightly as he positioned himself behind you. Per The Washington Post, Map of the Soul: 7, BTS's 2020 comeback album that dropped on Feb. 21, sold more than 4 million records.and that was just from preorders. With you, of course. probably dont have much time for yourself, but thats totally worth it if you After taking a sip, he sighed, finally looking you in the eye. Get out Hoseok, Im trying to shower in here! You yelled Jungkook pulled his sweaty hair back with one hand and smirked down at you. Super clingy and obnoxious- you were bent over a small chair, looking at the picture his! For negotiation as well ok? suddenly an itching feeling revealed itself in his chair, looking at picture. And they jumped you right down the street second, a groan falling from his lips a! 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