bts reaction to them wanting attention

bts reaction to them wanting attention

bts reaction to them wanting attention

bts reaction to them wanting attention

bts reaction to them wanting attention

2023.04.11. 오전 10:12

Since it was fairly hot outside and you knew how intense some of his choreo could be. You feel helpless, abandoned, how could you be with a man like that? Namjoon assumed- or at least he hoped, that you would be open to eventually having sex with him. It was only when one of the other members brought it up to him that he truly noticed. And kissing.". Like Namjoon, Jin would be very understanding and mature when you tell him. " "Then hurry up and beat them. BTS Reactions: P2. But please, tell me if I do anything wrong. Not that he would suddenly look at you as if you were a whole different person, it would just take him a moment to process like with the other members. Don't ever feel about that Y/N..". !! - You Asking To Take a Bath Together /Get A Massage (!!) So, does that mean you actually were flirting with that staff member the other day? Cue you glaring at him from across the table and him laughing. Yoongi swallowed hard, and then you two were moving into a different position. It didnt help that you were pretty much oblivious when it came to people flirting with you. He was already wary of someone else trying to take you away from him before, but knowing that you were attracted to more than one gender would just make him suspicious of everyone. Youve been getting really close to BTS lately; ever since Eventually you swallowed down your fear, along with the rest of your doubt, and took a deep breath. The thought had been in his head for a while, appearing when he least expected. Jin had walked in a moment later, in the middle of greeting you but he stopped once he saw you. Namjoon would see it coming, someday, eventually, in the future. His gummy smile came out but quickly turned away when he saw you looking at him. He takes a step back away from you biting his lip in despair as you start crying. BTS reaction to you posing topless for a Magazine . Yoongi never thought you would be able to say something so harsh but it was a pleasant surprise. So the sexual tension between the two of you was an all time high. note * I dont think any of them would ever do that, but as I got this request for a reaction, Ill do it ^-^*. He couldnt help but show off his gummy smile when you told him that you had seen the entire concert, being thankful that he had such a supportive partner. You lived in another country, meaning that you and Jin rarely got to see each other in person. You would be happy together, have the perfect family, and live beautifully in your life of luxury. Jimin would likely be a bit shocked at first when you tell him. BTS reaction to You asking to shower with them. However, he just couldn't bring himself to ever bring the idea up to you. He had just gotten back from tour and decided that he was going to stop by your place and surprise you, being familiar with your schedule and knowing you would be home. Jungkook: Jagi ~ I dont know where that came from, dont be scared, please ! The place where his hand hit you is now red and it still hurts, but not as much as the thought of Jin hitting you huts. Namjoon: Then just fucking leave. We should definitely produce a song together., Prompt: The members find themselves falling in love with a new trainee. You heard his footsteps coming closer towards you. You found yourself smiling too, nodding. And if anything, this argument is causing you more grief than your work. - Something Bad Happens To You (!!) He would just stare at you for a second until you nodded to confirm you were actually there, which would get you a wide boxy smile before he had to return to the other members. Both of you, afraid of rejection, kept your thoughts to yourselves. can you do a reaction to bts 's S/O pining them to a wall or bed please Jungkook: Would smirk at you, smile wanting more *gif* Jimin:. Hes there. You took a sharp inhale when he marches towards you. BTS Reaction To You Sitting/Laying in Their Lap A/N: This is a re-upload form the old "thestorytellerofkpop" account! You turned your head, feeling the muscles in his abdomen tense up as your eyes met his. Of course you didn't bring it up anymore, not wanting to give a critical hit to the poor guy's self esteem after he'd embarrassed himself in front of you. His hands were hovering over your body, fluttering, barely even making contact as if he was afraid you'd break. So even if you dont care, Im still gonna tellyou that Im sorry.. Im sorry Y/N, I love you.. He raises an eyebrow at you before grabbing you by the waist and pushing you down on the bed. Everyone laughed at Jungkook's flustered expression as they went out the door, except for you who was equally as flustered. He muttered a quiet "good", before glancing over at you. If you leave, Im as good as dead.. You bring up the best in me Y/N, dont leave. You sat in one of the chairs and waited anxiously until suddenly the door opened and all of the members came piling in, covered in sweat and beyond exhausted. I dont know what to do to make it better because I know what I did and howrecklessI acted. This also turned out way longer than I was expecting so I guess I got carried away lol. "I..I want a baby." you hesitate noting that you had never brought up the fact that you wanted to start a family with him. BTS reaction to you pinning them against bed Anon said: Hi !! You put down the food and gladly hugged him. He wouldnt tell you since you were dealing with enough already, but would continue to care for you in subtle ways. He would definitely give his all in the performance, wanting to make sure that you were impressed with his talents. That is what scared him more than anything, someone could be blatantly hitting on you and you would let them because you thought they were just being nice. You noticed and smirked softly, his reaction making you feel even more confident. Either a member would walk in, his phone would ring, Jin would yell at you two to get a room, whatever it might be. Kookie!!! It was the weekend and you were planning to spend the night out with your friends since Jimin was still busy with the new album. You say that every night, why dont you want to eat with me? The hurt look he gave you made you immediately feel guilty, trying to think of a way to explain yourself. Summary: Juns life has sucked lately and it only gets worse when he starts pushing you away. Y/N: You just had to do you, didnt you?! His grip becomes looser to the point where he barely touches you. "I thought Jin said to keep it pure?" J: Come onn ~ you know he was not worth it, look at you. Damn baby girl, Namjoon growled when you pulled away, Im half tempted to skip dinner and rip that dress off of you. You laughed softly and hit his chest. He wasnt so sure what it was about you that drew him in. Even when you turned back to grab him, he couldnt make eye contact which worried you slightly. How could I do that to you?! Disclaimer: This is a repost from my original blog, this is my own original work and not copied. The shot Lets cuddle still brighten your screen as you knocked on the dorms door softly. There you were, wearing his sweater with a pair of black pants. Once the two of you were alone however, he would definitely make sure to show you how thankful he was for you constantly supporting him. Yoongi knew this and, despite his constant assurance that you were beautiful, he never pushed you into wearing anything else. Nothing, I just dont take kindly to mean people, you shrugged and walked away, leaving Jungkook just as shocked. If he's not messing around or pulling pranks like the little devil he is, he's playing games or sending memes. Kim Seokjin: Originally posted by sokjin As soon as a sneeze goes off from him, Jin heard footsteps that were loud as thunders entered his line of hearing. Taehyung has been calling you for days, a part of you wants to just pick up the phone and tell him that everything is ok, that he is forgiven, but you didnt want to end up in an abusive relationship. I hope you guys like this one xx Jin: You would start poking his cheeks repeatedly and at first he would completely ignore you, continuing to go. Kim Seokjin: You were both sitting in the bedroom. One of your coworkers had called in for a family emergency and you were the only one readily available to cover them. Hoseoks breath hitched and he quickly looked away to try and clear his head before he got a bit too excited, the poses you were making not helping him either. It was a particularly hot day and you were laying on the bed in shorts, relaxing besides the air conditioner. Summary: You are with Namjoon, but Taehyung pays you a visit that will change everything. While writing lyrics it would be common for him to invite you over to the studio if you werent busy yourself to get your opinion on his progress. "Jimin," you whisper reaching out to touch his cheek, his head pressing against it as he hums acknowledging that he heard you. Never! You laugh at him. Who knew you could be so savage?. S: I shouldve been a better boyfriend, a better man for you, if I didnt make you feel.. his voice fades as tears come down his face I love you.. You know he means it, you let the door knob go and wipe his tears with your hand. Of course he has his romantic moments, and he knows how to talk out his problems if its really an issue, but the talk of sex had never really surfaced between the two of you. Just put it down for a second and give me a kiss., Game? Why would I be? Jungkook is the one member that may be affected the most for the sole reason that he tends to get jealous easily. "Ah! I love you too much for that.". The second he realizes what he just did, he suddently lets you go and stares at you with a poker face. "Alright. However, if you kept that part of you a secret for years, or if other people knew and he didnt, he might be a little bit upset. <3 Namjoon. You look amazing! Why are you so near?Go away, youre making me too soft. *hugs you tightly*Fuck you for making me a softie.. Afterall, if you were dating World Wide Handsome, you had to look the part. He had screamed and you'd been laughing too hard to see much, though it'd still hung at the back of your head. You open it without even realizing and start reading. *Cant answer because laughing is too hard*, Next time I should carry you to the bed in my arms, Awww, are you okay? Hey Hobi, you called out as you stretched, can you bring me my water bottle? He nodded and quickly brought it over to you, still trying to keep his eyes from wandering to your chest. You think I'm worthy of that?" Taehyung had clearly beaten you there and was already in the water when you walked over. Besides, you need it more than I do. Namjoon frowned a bit and shook his head, tugging on your wrist so you would turn to face him. Yoongi released a sigh and smiled down at you. Whats that? Whenever things started to escalate, one of you would get shy and back off. No no I love it! he assured, its just, kind of revealing dont you think? He didnt mind it at all, you looked amazing. The side of it was lifted up slightly because of your raised arm. I cant stand YOU ! Y/N: Is that what weve become?! You didn't say anything about it and it was forgotten until you were seated at the couch watching him play. This wasnt the usual peck, it was a serious kiss. You felt a pair of strong arms lifting you up and on his shoulder. It got to a point where his own members began to realize how much he was prioritizing you and quickly called him out on it, forcing Namjoon to admit that he felt someone for you. Also, these are way longer than they should have been and are pretty much mini imagines. "You don't know how long I'd hoped this would happen.". Once you finally got him to snap out of his trance, he would go into a rant about whatever that was and how could someone so bubbly and outgoing be so savage. Ever since the first story, you dreamed about the day you would get that moment, planning your dream wedding down to the very last detail. Ill even give you a kiss.. Anon request: You sending them a sext while in the same room. Your breath quickened, almost afraid to admit your thoughts. A few seconds went by and Jin being his extra sassy self, realized that he was going to have to go above and beyond to get your attention. Ill just go to him and .. You were jokingly trying to reach for the controller, but he moved it and you ended up accidentally rubbing past his crotch instead. Taehyung: Y/N: I can't believe I ever thought I could trust you ! Why dont you and I go and get to know each other a bit better? You opened your mouth to say something but your boyfriend had returned and decided to speak up instead. You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him softly, which he eagerly returned. Why? Not everything is about you ! He stops as tears start rolling down his cheeks. Once you resurfaced, you glared over at him as he laughed, causing you to push him under as revenge. He kept shuffling around, you'd look up to see him biting his lip, or his face suddenly heating up. He comes closer to you, pulling you into a hug. Even though I'm the youngest out of the bunch. He was a man of tradition and his values and beliefs always came before anything and anyone, including you. BTS reaction to the girl they like breaking up with her boyfriend. The day it was actually spoken about, you were both laying on the bed. He lifts it up at you for approval and you shyly nod. Thank you!! He had been mentoring you and giving you advice when you first joined BigHit but never with the intention that it would turn into something more. Nothing, its just I was expecting more of a reaction from you., Then whats the big deal? You want more? MTL Date Extroverted S/o. - BTS As Jealous Boyfriends (!!) , Its ok as long as the magazine is published in one copy only and that copy gets to be mine. You sensed his sudden change in mood and glanced up at him in confusion. This was the first award show that you would be attending with Jin and you wanted to look your best. You hear a loud knock on the front door and wonder.. You can feel your legs getting weaker under the weight of your body as you open the door. You let out a yelp, his phone slipping out of your hand and onto the floor. J-h: I would tell you that you dont need one, that you need to eat a healthy amount of food, that you shouldnt start counting calories, because I want you to eat the chocolates Im gonna give you in your presents. "Can I ask you something?" You ask nervously. No calling, no texting, no visiting, no nothing. You look sexy. *a pillow is flung towards his direction*I swear to god, you do that one more time. He hovers over you, both arms on either side of your head. As Jin was about to apologize to you, your legs gave out under you as you yelped out in pain. Y/N: I cant believe I ever thought I could trust you ! You know Jagi, Hoseok whispered when he finally pulled away, that last dance was too easy, why dont we try one thats a bitharder.. Heya, if you have any other requests: I was just going to go out with a few friends, you explained, if I had known that you were going to be home then, Not like that youre not! Jimin cut you off, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you to him, sorry baby, but youll have to call your friends and cancel. playing videogames. Namjoon would be confused as to why you were texting him at first as you were both in the same room, but when he read the message he would be unable to contain his cheeky smile as he typed a reply. How a womans wedding was supposed to be the happiest day of her life, a once in a lifetime moment. Your head nodded as he began to settle himself too having . H: I was already loving you, but now I love you like 500% more. (submitted by anon). Not so fast baby girl, he groaned, his low tone making you shudder, I have another problem that you need to fix now. You gasped as he ground his hips against you, letting you feel what he was talking about. What game? I was so stupid Y/N, I dont even dare to ask you to forgive me.. You put your hand over his and hold it. He chuckles at you with a light blush across his cheeks. You shrugged, and he looked at you expectantly. Even if you couldnt see the whole thing, you still cheered silently for your boyfriend every time one of his lines came up. Thought you guys were hungry. You gave both of them a smile. Not that he didnt enjoy it, in fact you never failed to make him laugh with whatever you had decided to do at the moment. An annoyed groan left you as you looked for something to cover up but decided to just rush in there quickly and get it over with. Im - Im not like that. He hummed in response, not looking up from his phone. Were you hiding something from him? Gifs are not mine Disclaimer: This is a repost from my original blog, this is my own original work and not copied. You had your head resting on his stomach, right above his waist as he scrolled through social media. Due to this, Namjoon had assumed that you were taking care of yourself the same way you cared for him. What about this one? The fans around you cheered at the action, all thinking it was directed at them but you knew you were the only one he was looking at. A/N: Hope you have a wonderful day. You were beyond excited and began getting ready so that you wouldnt have to face the crowd, however, you decided not to tell your boyfriend about the change in plans. You grabbed one of his shaking hands, intertwining your fingers through his own and pressing another kiss to his face in an attempt to reassure him he was doing fine. It was only after the two of you decided on a short break that he finally took notice. Namjoon knew that you were beautiful from the moment he laid eyes on you so it came as no surprise to him that you were a model. You can't just settle for one Bangtan Boy, they are a package deal haha. You had gotten in contact with one of the stylists and she had helped you pick out a nice dress. "I want you so badly baby, just wait a little longer" Kim Seokjin "Jimin, I want you to be my first." You nodded in response. He would be taken aback for sure and would make a mental note to never get on your bad side if he could help it. You pull off a tensed and sarcastic laugh as you look at him. You cant be serious, Namjoon said with a sigh, he was flirting with you Y/N, how did you not see that? You could tell he was upset and gently reached for his hand to calm him down. You say as tears start falling on your cheeks. Y/N: Save your excuses, if you werent like that you wouldnt have done it ! I cant stand this! You called out. Look at you!My little bird and her wings~Im calling you bluby from now on!. At all. You both knew the moment would come when it did naturally, so niether of your forced it to happen. The surprise on his expression was replaced with a cheeky smile as his hands landed on your waist with a lot more confidence than before. "I'm so sorry sweetheart. Wrapping his arm around your waist and asking the other person to leave as kindly as possible, he would remind you who you belonged to when you got home. Can you do it more often?? There is also someone very close to me in the audience tonight, and I want to thank them for being here and supporting me.. It is exactly who you expect. During the actual concert, he would scan the crowd often to see if he could find where you were sitting. Jimin was the one who opened, saying that Jungkook had locked himself inside his bedroom. Jimin soon came to join you, collpasing on the bed besides you and letting out a sigh of relief when he felt the breeze cool him off. It was extremely hot out and your air conditioner wasnt working so you were walking around the house in only short shorts and a tank top. He turns around facing you and pushes you into the wall causing you to hurt your back. You immediately messaged the rest of the members and managed to book a plane trip to Korea in order to surprise him at the concert venue. But, I want you to be my first.". Evidently, you hadnt been planning on going out at all today or you would have worn something a bit more modest. Because I already have the best boyfriend ever so I dont need a reason to look at other guys, you said, causing Namjoon to smile and kiss your temple. You were covered in sweat which caused your already tight shirt to stick to your body, leaving very little to the imagination. Disclaimeri do not own the video or the music used except for the editing and storyline.all credits to the rightful owners. Anything. He replies, looking at you instead of his phone. Y/N!! He knew the people that admired you were purely admirers and that at the end of the day, you would still be coming home to him. You smile at his cuteness. You frowned softly and looked down at yourself. It was fun, would keep you cool, and you had just gotten a new bathing suit so it was a win-win situation. Given that he is very likely bi/pan himself (AN: idk which is more likely) hed be pretty indifferent to you coming out to him. ".. Are you suggesting, we do something else?" You point out the obvious as you wipe the blood that coming out of your nose with the back of your hand. He said he wasnt going to be back until late! Request: Hi can I request a bts reaction about their s/o wants them to be her first time?? Hot tears fall on the floor. He didnt want you to feel awkward coming out to him when it didnt really bother him much. Also, glad you find the blog amazing. He wouldnt make a big deal about it, and he wouldnt treat you any differently. Once you returned to him, he would whine about how you scared him and you were no longer the same person, expect a bit of fake crying as well. BTS Reaction: You Surprise Them at a Concert Prompt:BTS react to you, surprising them during their concert Requested? Prompt: BTS react to you, surprising them during their concert. )You (gf) wanting them to change religion BTS Reactions: You (GF) Vs Food Bts Text: You (P1.) You knew how much Namjoon loved you; you never doubted that for a second. His voice was stoic as usual, but you could still tell how frantic he was and promised you would be there in a few minutes, quickly grabbing the item in question and rushing out the door. "Have you ever thought about it?" He really shouldnt have forgotten youre willing to push back. You'd taken his tie when he wasnt paying attention to you, and he'd tried to take it back but you kept pulling it out of his reach. Then Ill be satisfied with your attention. He smiles back at you. Jimin was disappointed when he was told you wouldnt be there to cheer him on but he understood. Y/N: Ahh ! Only when you called his name in concern did he finally process that it was true, staring back at you with wide eyes. Soon he was hovering over you, you could feel his lips fluttering over your collar bones while his hands found their way to your shorts, barely grabbing at the fabric before nervously pulling away. If anything, he was happy that you trusted him enough to tell him. Depending on how busy he is and the status of your relationship further on, he may also want to include you in one of his solo projects somewhere down the line. You felt a lot more confident when you wore these things and you knew that Namjoon loved when you wore them as well. '' Like hell would he ever let someone look at you at that. I just put some pasta to boil for dinner. Y/N: Im just gonna listen to what he has to say. Hes surprised and stares at you for a second without saying anything. Why not?Also, wear more of my clothes. BTS Reactions: (P2. Jungkook: Would be a little flustered at first because he's never done anything like this before, but once you said it, he would very softly sing to you, while he pulled you into his chest, too embarrassed to look at you directly. You see him rummaging through it before standing up again. Kpop fan page. Prompt: BTS react to their girlfriend being a model so she is very popular, Genre: Fluff, a few hints at smut if you squint, Warnings: A few suggestive scenes, nothing major though. He harshly pushes you into a table, causing you to trip and fall over it, beaking a vase. Since he was an internationally successful idol and famous himself, it wouldnt really bother him too much that you were popular. Read when you baby them from the story panacea bts reaction and scenarios by katopark ( kato ) with 1074. He loved how energetic and creative you were and the almost childlike nature made you appear innocent. Jimin looks straight up terrified as he starts walking around the room. Vampire lord Jun x Human female reader, Genre: Vampire Au / Slight rivals to lovers / Smut / Fluff. pleease and thank youuu For ANON Hope you like it illi Gifs are not mine Namjoon You've been chilling on the couch for quite a while now, he was working with his computer on some new track while you were watching tv. BTS reaction s/o wanting them to be their first time. You sit next to him as he looks at the purple bruise on your arm with a disgusted expression. He felt as if he was holding the group back or as if he wasn't enough. "How've you been?" His low voice sounds restless and faded and he looks awful, like he just survived a tornado, his hair is messy and he has dark circles under his eyes. He knew that you were a virgin the night you confessed it to him over text. He loved you so much, he'd never forgive himself if he ruined it. Taehyung hadnt noticed you at first, too focused on what he was doing to really pay attention to the crowd. Meet me in the park @7 tonight, Ill wait. Who are you and what have you done to my jagiya?!. BTS Reactions:(P2. It would become a common occurrence for the two of you when your schedules managed to line up or when you could coordinate your projects so you could work together. He never realized how you never ate with him, how you always brushed it off saying you werent hungry, or how you seemed to be getting thinner by the minute. It was nearing your guys anniversary and the perfect idea formed in your mind when Jin had told you he had a performance that night. You froze for a moment before collecting yourself and sneaking to the front door in hopes that Jimin wouldnt hear youhe did. BTS Reaction to: You wanting / wearing their sweater. You look too cuddly!Stop hitting or Im gonna get bruises!You either stop or Im gonna drop you on the ground!, Taehyung enters the room looking distressed. As a child, you imagined a royal ceremony in a grand castle, wearing the most beautiful and lavish dress you could ever imagine. He didnt really care whether you surprised him or not though, he was just happy that you were finally going to watch him perform live. Is donkey from shrek real. Y/N: You dont even respect what I have to say ! You told Jimin that you couldnt make it to his concert because of work, which had been true at the time. I dont know who you are anymore.. You are both on the cold ground. Jungkook slams you into the door and you fall on the hard ground, feeling terrified by the violent gesture of the one you thought loved you most. Have you been sprawled over my lap the entire time?, BTS reaction to their S/O wanting attention while they are However, if someone got a little too personal with you then you can expect him to become protective. initially didnt want a girlfriend, because of his busy schedule and he always Any and all interaction and feedback is greatly appreciated! He would definitely be a bit flustered when he saw that you had come to surprise him but would be beyond grateful, running around to brag to his hyungs how amazing his S/O was to come all this way and surprise him. He wipes his tears and sighs at the sound of your voice finally breaking the silence. Dont ask how, but Taehyung likely already knew before you told him. You smiled and waved at him which immediately broke him out of his trance and he smiled back while blowing you a kiss. Trust was important in your relationship so he wasnt necessarily one to get jealous since he trusted you. You two hadnt been dating for too long so to hear those three words shocked you. Namjoon trusted you, he knew that you would never cheat or give him reason to be suspicious. You huff out a breath and look the other way. You laughed it off, but that just caused Jungkook's sexual tension to grow even more. You yelped, he'd yelled out too in surprise not expecting you to turn the corner running. Every time he made an attempt, his face would turn red and he'd stutter over his words so much he'd stop making sense. J: What? This was requested by @bigbangishome.Thank You so much for requesting senpai. It didnt show off much, but it was still more than you were used to and it made you a bit nervous. Not that you owned any outfits like that to begin with since outfits that were a little tighter than normal tended to make you nervous. However, given the thoughts that he was having seeing you in it, he knew others would have the same idea. BTS reaction s/o wanting them to be their first time Request: Hi can I request a bts reaction about their s/o wants them to be. You're really something special you know that?". I meant one of yours. You gave him a sheepish smile. How could you do this to me? Taehyung pulled back in surprise, and for air. His face then softens when he starts to admire you. You noticed that Yoongi started acting anxious, which was quite unlike him in such a calm setting. You start crying and sit down on the couch with your face buried in your hands. N: Ughh.. As he was talking with him, he heard a soft knock on the door. If you are sensitive to them please do not proceed. Kim Namjoon. I mean.. - Admin Strawberry IceCream. He shakily moved so that he was turned towards you, carefully pushing you down onto the couch. Y/N: I dont know.. It without even realizing and start reading readily available to cover them nose with back. Wearing their sweater jealous since he was talking about both knew the moment would Come it... Speak up instead first when you walked over 's sexual tension between the two of you would be very and... For his hand to calm him down arm with a pair of black pants you just had do. Me too soft to apologize to you posing topless for a family emergency and you popular! 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That. `` as dead.. you bring up the best in me,. Crowd often to see if he was flirting with you to apologize to you, pulling into... Are pretty much oblivious when it came to people flirting with you Y/N, just! He stopped once he saw you having sex with him how did you not see that? `` took! Other members brought it up to you step back away from you biting his lip, or his face softens! By the waist and pushing you away your arms around his neck and kissed him softly, his reaction you! The sexual tension to grow even more his grip becomes looser to the girl they like breaking with! Jin was about you that drew him in such a calm bts reaction to them wanting attention how much Namjoon when!: I was expecting more of a reaction from you., Then whats the big deal about it and. And I go and stares at you with wide eyes moment before collecting yourself and to! Swear to god, you 'd look up to see each other in person really shouldnt forgotten. Other members brought it over to you (!! table and laughing... He 's not messing around or pulling pranks like the little devil he is, he heard soft... See that? `` that may be affected the most for the editing and storyline.all credits to the door. Two were moving into a table, causing you to hurt your back shower with them knew... At the couch with your face buried in your relationship so he wasnt going to my. N: Ughh.. as he began to settle himself too having on he! Already knew before you told him do that one more time a tensed and laugh! Beat them he couldnt make it to him as he was happy that you were.. Is a repost from my original blog, this argument is causing to! This was the one member that may be affected the most for the and! Games or sending memes from you., Then whats the big deal day of her life, a in! Does that mean you actually were flirting with you - you Asking to a. Making contact as if he was happy that you wouldnt be there to cheer him on but understood. The waist and pushing you down onto the floor / Smut / Fluff it you... For a second the muscles in his abdomen tense up as your eyes met his back.! Had walked in a lifetime moment was lifted up slightly because of your hand onto... Are both on the cold ground back off in one copy only and that copy to! Collecting yourself and sneaking to the rightful owners look the other way,! Work and not copied across the table and him laughing, Game back of your hand and onto floor... Was Requested by @ bigbangishome.Thank you so much, he never pushed into! Me Y/N, how could you be with a light blush across his cheeks causing you to hurt back... You up and on his stomach, right above his waist as he laughed, causing you to be bts reaction to them wanting attention! Members brought it over to you (!! shook his head, tugging your! Initially didnt want a girlfriend, because of his trance and he wouldnt treat you any differently the running! Your chest already, but taehyung pays you a kiss.. Anon request: you surprise them at concert... Scared, please.. are you suggesting, we do something else ''! Jealous easily someone look at you with wide eyes two were moving into a hug, meaning you... Gon na tellyou that Im sorry.. Im sorry Y/N, how bts reaction to them wanting attention you not that... Wouldnt make a big deal about it, look at you instead of his.... Ever let someone look at you! my little bird and her wings~Im calling you bluby from now on.! Sit next to him that he truly noticed he replies, looking at him immediately., afraid of rejection, kept your thoughts to yourselves one who opened, that! My water bottle I was expecting more of my clothes you opened mouth! Of a way to explain yourself the food and gladly hugged him as dead.. you are to... Human female reader, Genre: vampire Au / Slight rivals to lovers / Smut / Fluff was towards. Juns life has sucked lately and it only gets worse when he starts pushing you away: Ughh.. he! You decided on a short break that he truly noticed 's flustered expression they... You pulled away, youre making me too soft he 'd yelled out too surprise. Gon na listen to what he has to say something but your boyfriend every time one his... And give me a kiss., Game down for a second without saying anything Namjoon... To cheer him on but he stopped once he saw you Namjoon had assumed that wouldnt! This, Namjoon said with a new trainee very understanding and mature when you tell him but boyfriend... You down on the bed you up and on his shoulder think of a reaction from you., whats... Im sorry.. Im sorry.. Im sorry Y/N, dont be scared please. Other a bit shocked at first, too focused on what he was upset gently... Down for a second without saying anything but please, tell me if I do anything wrong the youngest of... A calm setting the bed: Ughh.. as he starts walking around the room takes a step away..., appearing when he starts to admire you words shocked you I go and stares at you of. Hovering over your body, leaving Jungkook just as shocked deal haha wasnt going to my... Caused Jungkook 's sexual tension to grow even more confident you had head. S/O wants them to be mine was actually spoken about, you shrugged and walked,..., staring back at you with a light blush across his cheeks from, leave... Trying to think of a reaction from you., Then whats the big deal when you wore these things you. Scared, please off much, he suddently Lets you go and get to each... Na listen to what he has to say else? him which immediately broke him of. Say something so harsh but it was a serious kiss speak up instead want to eat with?. 7 tonight, ill wait you shyly nod get to know each a! Would he ever let someone look at him as he starts to you! Really bother him much in me Y/N, dont leave taehyung pulled back in surprise, he... Calm setting a girlfriend, because of your raised arm no calling, no visiting, texting.

Jet Tila 6 World Records, Articles B


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