gojek organizational culture

gojek organizational culture

gojek organizational culture

gojek organizational culture

gojek organizational culture

2023.04.11. 오전 10:12

It's just a different way of seeing that red flag. Trust A great way to understand an organization is to ask, "Why should someone work there?" For me, it's the people. Right? Yeah, very, very powerful stuff happens so you have to back it up. Kevin: I would agree with you except for the, uh, the individual contributor part where I think, not everyone necessarily has to be a leader of like large groups or large teams. Rather than being the guy or the girl who has all the ideas. If you, if you work on only one side of this and only the bottom up innovation and you don't crack the communication and alignment issues and the collaboration issues, then you are potentially worse off because you're creating completely self servient goals that are bottom up, but unfortunately may not help the greater goal of the organization. Nadiem: Exactly. Right. 1. Review the different organizational structures most commonly used. GOJEK'S ORGANIZATIONAL PRINCIPALS Banyak startup yang focus pada short term matriks seperti revenue, valuasi ataupun growth. So there were all of these perceived benefits, right, that you could immediately see right away. Right? I never used to be a regular youtube visitor. Over 20 products, 2 million driver partners. And the first one, organizational investments. Massive moats. Um, and it's easy when there's like three people in a room trying to decide something, but then when you're like, okay, I need to talk to three people in the room who have literally hundreds of people by extension reporting into them wanting that very kind of like super quick decision making after one discussion and wanting something to actually kind of happen out of that discussion, immediately per that discussion. It's rare, that magical moment when the work, the people, the benefits, and the energy all align. They're, they're rarely, there rarely is for any kind of organizational investments. Google is home to countless communities of unique people. Um, and so, uh, I think, uh, they are inherently kind of, um, I guess those so called leaps of faith because it's so easy to kind of just brush them aside. And I think that kind of like ties us all together. Right. But you need to trust the investment process because it constantly compounds to the future. Easy, easy things to say no don't count. And then feeling that loss of control by just having things happen to them instead of them driving the change that they want to see in their work, is fundamentally different experience of working because then you're, you're really owning it, right. From the land of Jakarta - 20 motorcycle taxis, 1 call centre, and a mission to remove friction from peoples lives. But, um, when you just kind of see that that is the, that as the ultimate objective, the be all end all, um, it becomes easy then, you know, when you're building a company to just optimize for those things and what are the things that get you those things immediately? We always talk about how that's a bad thing, but what, what is a more scientific way of explaining the facts of lack of motivation or lack of sense of ownership? It defines and creates a unique environment to work in. And I think it's easy to kind of get into that, uh, into that mode and yeah. It's very hard to recover after that. When people feel comfortable in a space, when they . An organization's culture defines how individuals work and function within a company, making organizational culture a crucial element of a company's ultimate success. Right. Bertahun-tahun mereka mengedepankan lingkungan bekerja yang seru . And here's where it gets really tricky. Like I think maybe bottom up innovation is a very specific one. Google follows the corporate culture. I think coming in year three, four, five and then 10 years is exponentially greater. Jan 13, 2022. To shape the culture of cross-functional learning which primarily benefits the participants to gain knowledge and skills from the experts in Gojek to progress in their careers To build relationships across the Design team and Gojek wider organization And to facilitate the designers develop mentoring skills. And so, you know, when you go back, uh, but when you actually go back and think about like, you know, how are you achieving those, um, oftentimes, you know, you realize that, you know, these things are exactly as you mentioned, are actually, I guess you can say lagging indicators. Test. And then it's like a cascading process. Not in a light touch way. And obviously, you know. And I think these are the things that very often organizations are too lazy to invest in upfront because they don't give, there's no instant gratifications here. And then suddenly like a product just like leaps in terms of just quality, uh, you know, about like a year or two years after that. Saransri Prawatpattanakul Head of PR at GET Here, I am able to prioritize my schedule the way I like. Okay. Every piece of code we ship and our efforts to make sure our customers have a better experience. The Culture Design Canvas is the #1 tool to map the current culture of an organization and design the future state. And I think, you know, we're only kind of in that first layer, but you know, I really do hope that, you know, as a company that we can, you know, go to the next layer, the next layer and then we'll see what that means. . Yeah, right. The lower layer has to contribute to the middle layer. I'm going to check it out first. Long term success takes a lot of sacrifice in the short term. Like usually I just saw it when like people linked me a video and I watched it and then I just bounced. This is the hard part because a lot of people decided, some people may decide what they want to be the best at, is something they are deeply passionate about instead of what their end user is deeply passionate about. Through a divisional approach, the departments are grouped by-products. And we're going to mention, uh, I think we're going to go deep into three things, which are some of our strategic themes for this year. Build shared values. People without ego are a luxury in the current times. Kevin: Yeah. Gojek is Southeast Asia's leading technology group and a pioneer of the integrated super app and ecosystem model. Just like saving a dollar every day. Move CTO S. Move Business Intelligence I. Gojek is an app that providing a variety of services from payments, food delivery, transportation, and logistics. Organizational culture adalah suatu kumpulan nilai dan praktik aktivitas kinerja yang berkolaborasi antar satu divisi dengan yang lainnya demi memenuhi harapan perusahaan. Like moving as one, uh, you know, there's a fine line between celebrating a team success and creating competitive pressure to achieve things that are only great for that team. And the third theme is really about building bridges and breaking walls. Because if you do not solve the communication and siloed approach of teams at the same time that you, bottom up innovation will exacerbate the silo problem. Transform your company culture, cultivate your people and help retain the highest performing talent. Like the end, Oh, you had all these ideas. Kevin: Yeah. Kevin: Yeah. PAPER GOJEK.pdf - ORGANIZATIONAL STRATEGY AND MANAGEMENT CASE STUDY Go-Jek in Indonesia: Seizing Digital Opportunities at the Bottom of the . It's about being the best at what truly matters, which is about a focus. But the kind of talent that we have in GOJEK, as we recruited a better and better people, we quickly hit the wall with that very quickly we realized that these people, why did we hire them in the first place? So I think on the planning process, what's your idea of an ideal bottom up leader? But I really think that, you know, YouTube have such a large advantage, I think in the general video space I really don't see how they could get challenged in the near term. We know you've seen our office in Jakarta, but you haven't seen our office in Bangalore, right? He's like, what? We grew 900x in 18 months and still rapidly doubling. Uh, I think, uh, it's easy to think that you're doing things the right way when the what is, you know, all you care about, right? In 2018 we had like a, I dunno, something like 25 key results for the company that we want to the whole company to achieve. But I do think that, you know, there comes a point where a little bit more, a deliberation and thoughtfulness is required. And I'm always really amazed at you know companies that will say like, okay, this is one thing we're really going to nail. . A strong organizational culture reflects employee values and helps enterprise companies thrive. We all do our bit to make sure it's transparent and open to innovation. Orders jump to 300,000 a day. Sebagai If you just kind of have to really view things from you know, a problem or customer or user first. And I think this is why it's a challenge though, because oftentimes I find that the incentive to do that isn't always there. And I, yeah, I can't, I mean obviously there's multiple videos sharing kind of companies being started with niches. Yeah. Evaluate. Series A funding flows in. So just to review, that one more time. Either that or entertainment. Right? Company Type For Profit. I think, I agree with you, but I do think that, for me, I apply this to everyone, not just people who are leading people. I think, I think one very easy one. Is it really like what do you get? Nadiem: How many times have you heard either a consultant or someone say, oh, we're breaking down silos? It's all fun and Games until you get that decision wrong. And some people were more courageous in this than others, but I thought that was a very powerful moment where let's not talk about what we're going to do. Its not unusual for a person to move teams to pick up a technology theyre interested i,n or pair on solving a common problem. That's a short term. Right. Kevin: Yes, of course I was like, Oh yeah, okay, we got this, we got this. We really love innovation. Thanks so much for tuning in. And therein lies the scientific and very rational approach is extremely important. And this is where it also gets tricky. The content in this post has been approved by Gojek.. And the third is some material incentive, right. Right? I think, um, there's almost a cost to it actually. HR designs a campaign to tout a . Right. Right? We need to tap into the collective creativity and power of our teams. Investment Stage Late Stage Venture. Kevin: Yeah, it's the how, right? So then, uh, people become less engaged because they're just, they're just there to do, to follow orders. Yeah. This is infused in the way we do a goal setting. GO FIGURE is a podcast dedicated to expose the inner workings of ambitious tech companies in the emerging world. Yeah. Corporate culture reflects the values, beliefs, and attitudes that permeate a business. Nadiem: But it requires a huge amount of faith that it will pay off. Nadiem: And all these hows. Right. Gojek's scope, scale, and success have given Aluwi a unique constellation of . Like I was pretty significant percentage requirement minimum. We are here because of each other. Read writing about Culture in Life at Gojek. Should we go one by one and talk about it? This isnt to say that we dont disagree like any group of passionate, opinionated people, we disagree often. It is the hardest thing to do to focus on what truly matters because what it does require is for you to sacrifice something. You want to be the best that what truly matters must be passion agnostic. Uh, it could also mean that as a, as a leader, they want to take all the credit for themselves. GoTo's ecosystem comprises of on-demand transport, e-commerce, food and grocery delivery, logistics and fulfillment, and . Social Impact Transform lives, inspire change. From my personal experience, a lot of companies talk about being people first, but most dont practice the mindset of what it takes to be truly people first. So make those painful moves early. But the reason why we believe in them is because for the parts of the units of the organization that we did apply these principles. You only figure that out later, right. GOJEK achieves robust growth and expands at scale and speed across Southeast Asia with a data-powered business strategy. This is a good segue to the other theme. This is one thing that I think all companies, including ourselves are consistently terrible at consistently. And I think, you know, really kind of taking a step back and thinking like how, what are the things that really matter? We know for a fact that is there is no finish line and its a continuous journey to achieve amazing things and changing millions of lives for the better. I think this was an interesting one because intuitively of course, do you agree like, Oh yeah, of course we should foster collaboration of course. It's going to do, you know, I'm going to do whatever, you know some, someone told me and, and I think you know, you, you also have smart people who kind of, or smart people who also fall in that category. Nadiem: Yeah. Operations expand beyond Jakarta. Registered in the Directorate General of Intellectual Property of the Republic of Indonesia. You want the person closest to the user or to the problem to actually decide what truly matters. What makes a difference, though, is that each of us is willing to try. Once their solutions have come up, you can then bring your solutions to the table and then that's a free and open, transparent marketplace of ideas. Category - Community and Industry Engagement. Nadiem: I think that's what, that's the theme that we wanted to talk today. And that was the payoff in my mind. Gojek (ditulis bergaya sebagai goek, sebelumnya ditulis GO-JEK) merupakan sebuah perusahaan teknologi asal Indonesia yang melayani angkutan melalui jasa ojek. So we move faster, right? Ranked #11 on Fortunes top 50 companies that changed the world. But without that process, we wouldn't have known. I also think, you know, if you were an engineer, a single individual contributor, engineer, uh, trying to crack, you know, a very hard problem, uh, when, you know, if somebody gives you, hey, this is the strategy for our group, this is a strategy for our team. However, as an organization matures, the hard part is not scaling the technology, but paying heed to culture. Yeah, just can't do everything. There was less of uncertainty in terms of what people should be doing, right? Right. We're dedicated to creating (and scaling) positive socio-economic impact for our ecosystem of users. And I think the ownership comes because it's your idea, right? And this, whether or not this is a bad decision whether or not I have information that actually might make this a better decision is irrelevant. You don't say, oh, that's not my problem. Perusahaan teknologi yang sudah sangat dikenal ini percaya bahwa bekerja secara produktif dan serius tidak harus mengenakan jas rapi. What does that mean in terms of real business performance? But, you know, why do you think that this was something that was especially worthwhile to call out? So this theme is about focus. But you are managing those people who are better than you. Awards and recognitions Winner, UN Women 2020 Asia Pacific Women Empowerment Principles awards. Starting from a reflection of what our GoTroops think, feel, and do during their work at Gojek, we initiated peer learning and QnA sessions with learning experts at Gojek. Implement. Right. Having the patience to listen to someone elses ideas with an open mind, especially ones you disagree with are rare. Um, and I think that that's why it's not just a, Oh, like that stuff isn't important. Di antaranya : 1. I feel exactly the same. At the very best. You cannot compete with that brain power and a lot of leaders can't let that go. Their most recent investment was on May 12, 2021, when CEO PT. Because the whole point about having a sustainable long term business is having a critical mass of people who can lead. I mean on a daily basis shit is hitting the fan. Everyone, you know, media is writing about, look at all this amazing stuff. Orders explode from 3,000 to 100,000 a day. Strong Communication and teamwork trans-sectored is wanted in the Corporate Culture at Google. Innovation is the sacrifice really. But at the end of the day, you have to be a leader or somehow. So you could see immediately when you had to share targets together and you have to share budget together, powerful stuff happens. And the reason why is because as the company grows, the level of complexity is so high. Hmm. Oh, I love this feature. Does it, you mean do people actually care? And I think one, one thing that we've seen here and we've seen, uh, here in GOJEK, uh, but also here in the region and actually, you know, all around the world, uh, is actually, you know, the whole bottom up versus top down thing. Um, you find out about the problem and you know, that actually they've been working at it for awhile already. And I think that even in the beginning stages of our organization, we were very top down, very exceedingly top down. See immediately when you had all these ideas about a focus to share budget together, stuff. 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