lds prophecies about america

lds prophecies about america

lds prophecies about america

lds prophecies about america

lds prophecies about america

2023.04.11. 오전 10:12

The Mormon religion warns about the pursuit of wealth over spiritual development. Definitely not situating hypersonic nukes for the fulfillment of prophecy, So we have both D Dudemon and C Youngbrandt naming Nicaraugua, Now this news: Because He came to them after His death and because they knew who He was through continued prophecies, it proves the divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ. It contains prophecies about the last days, and it presents a history that in many ways is similar to our own. Brian Shilhavy The gospel was restored and the LDS Church formally organized in 1830 with just six members. The Book of Mormon does not mention currently existing civilizations, but most Mormons do not currently believe the continent was empty when the people of the Book of Mormon arrived. Ezra Taft Benson (Prophet from 1980s) stated: Too often we bask in our comfortable complacency and rationalize that the ravages of war, economic disaster, famine, and earthquake cannot happen here. Doctrine and Covenants 89:4, emphasis added, Section 130 of the Doctrine and Covenants, Section 133 of the Doctrine and Covenants. He maintains that Zion is America, specifically the Latter-day Saint center in America, and does not discuss the notion that Zion is a synonym for Jerusalem. Many good men now and have always existed in what is now self-named black. They will follow the Saints of God from city to city. New Eastern Outlook And upon my house shall it begin, and from my house shall it go forth, saith the Lord; First among those among you, saith the Lord, who have professed to know my name and have not known me. Then I saw a world map on the table where I saw the USA, Russia and China. Elizabeth Marie Expat Gal The book, which was condensed by the last two writers of it, simply doesnt mention others. Centre for Research on Globalization After they were driven from the land, additional revelation helped them understand their experience and find new ways to channel their energy toward completing the Lords work. Many of Joseph Smith's prophecies were visionary statements about the Lord's will for the Church, which the Saints understood as being predicated on their faith and on human agency. Lana Vawser The following Prophesy was made by the Third President of the Mormon Church in the mid 1800s. It is well that our people understand this principle, so they will not be misled by those apostates within the Church who have not yet repented or been cut off. And it shall come to pass also that the remnants who are left of the land will marshal themselves, and shall become exceedingly angry, and shall vex the Gentiles with a sore vexation. We did not have a chance to retaliate. There is a miracle in its establishment that cannot be explained in any other way., Let us pause and reflect upon the many blessings we as Americans have received from our Constitution and the debt of gratitude we owe those heroic signers. When America believes there is peace and safety, the RUSSIANS will lead an all out attack. In the revelation recorded in Section 133 of the Doctrine and Covenants, is recorded the prediction that the gospel would be taken to every nation, tongue, and kindred by Mormon missionaries. But there is a cleansing coming. . With it we may know truth from error and learn how to effectively combat false educational, political, religious and philosophical concepts of our time. I have not KYCed as, Thomas Harry needs to see-watch the tik tok link. . Mormons dont use alcohol, tobacco, coffee, tea, or recreational drugs (or abuse prescription drugs). Perhaps the most beloved of these prophecies was contained in an 1842 letter addressed to Chicago newspaper editor John Wentworth. The Church leaders address the above issues whenever they speak, but money has blinded many to virtues of their religion. . I was in a room with a table before me. The story comes from the rabid anti-Russian h More garbage from the Express, the most rabid Really? . responsiveVoice.cancel(); Sorry yankee politicians your are doomed for awful crimes against humanity. Sounds alot like John Paul Jacksons prophecy from 2008 and beyond. The Church leaders address the above issues whenever they speak, but money has blinded many to virtues of their religion. }else{ The views expressed by individual users are the responsibility of those users and do not necessarily represent the position of the Church. Whitney Webb, Repost of My Vision Given in 2017 - Russia and China WW3, Prophecy Update: Introduction & The Rider on The Black Horse, Fake news regarding the Ukraine war is deceiving many, The King, this King Charles, will be Usurped, Prophetic dream warns Russian bombs falling in EU member. Those commenters may just be anti-Mormon trollers attempting to cause contention on your site. The Doctrine and Covenants is a collection of revelations received by modern prophets, with revelations to Joseph Smith, first prophet of the restoration, comprising the majority. Today, it marks the end of the citys boundaries) Michel Chossudovsky Times and Seasons, 1March 1842, 709, They will be wasted away, and the fullness of the wrath of Almighty God will be poured out upon them, unless they repent. Latter-day Saints believe in both ancient and modern prophecy; indeed, continuing prophetic guidance is held to be a characteristic or sign of the true church. He even created a website called I knew very well myself when this last war was commencing, and could have wept and did weep, over this nation; but there is yet to come a sound of war, trouble and distress, in which brother will be arrayed against brother, father against son, son against father, a scene of desolation and destruction that will permeate our land until it will be a vexation to hear the report thereof. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the position of the Church. We sustain the President of the Church as prophet, seer, and revelatorthe only person on the earth who . Chris Reed: Prophecies for 2023 and Beyond, Prophecy Update 2023: Judgement on the Lukewarm and Great Persecution in the West. The basic virtues of thrift, self-reliance, independence, enterprise, diligence, integrity, morality, faith in God and in His Son, Jesus Christ, were the principles upon which this, the greatest nation in the world, has been built. Latter-day Saint prophecy has appeared in several news cycles over the past decade. It references both the King James Version of the Bible as well as other Church standardized scriptures and official publications. Gordon B Hinckley's 7 Years of Feast and 7 Years of famine: It was established for the rights and protection of all flesh according to just and holy principles., Christianity in its fullness and truth has been restored to the earth by direct revelation. How long you will have good crops, and the famine be kept off, I do not know; when the fig tree leaves, know then that the summer is nigh at hand. We must not sell this priceless, divine heritage which was largely paid for by the blood of patriots and prophets for a mess of pottage, for a counterfeit, a false doctrine parading under the cloak of love and compassion, of humanitarianism, even of Christianity., Both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States were brought forth under the inspiration of God to establish and maintain the freedom of the people of this nation. As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we are blessed to be led by living prophetsinspired men called to speak for the Lord, as did Moses, Isaiah, Peter, Paul, Nephi, Mormon, and other prophets of the scriptures. The Mormon religion warns about the pursuit of wealth over spiritual development. For instance, it speaks of a revolution that "will take place in America," leaving it "without a supreme government." Today (Sunday) is Easter, the day of His resurrection. It will be those who repent of their sins; it will be those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and are willing to obey his commandments, willing to hearken to his voice, willing to be baptized for the remission of their sins, willing to be born of the spirit, or receive the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands, willing to walk uprightly and honestly with all men, and justly one with another. History of the Church, Joseph Smith 1:315. At the time he . For example, the Latter-day Saints earliest understandings of the prophecies concerning a future Zion focused on building a city in Jackson County, Missouri. The holy Sabbath was a day of rest and worship. The Lord has blessed the world with many Early Bird satellites. John Fenn Chelsea Hagen Why? I urge you to be modest in your expenditures; discipline yourselves in your purchases to avoid debt to the extent possible. The people were fighting among themselves until it became necessary to remove the church records across the Colorado river. You are right in your visions, China is the Dragon, America is the prostitute that is burned by fire for an hour as revelations states. People were not expecting the missiles were coming from there. The inspiration of the Lord rested upon the patriots who established it, and inspired them through the dark days of their struggle for independence and through the critical period which followed that struggle when they framed our glorious Constitution which guarantees to all the self-evident truth proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence, that all men are created equal: that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights: that among these rights are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness., It was to accomplish this lofty purpose basic to all liberty that God established the Constitution of this land by the hands of wise men whom (he) raised up unto this very purpose (D&C 101:7780). Elder Bruce R. McConkie said: "The prophecies do not name the modern nations which will be fighting for and against Israel, but the designation Gog and Magog is given to the combination of nations which are seeking to overthrow and destroy the remnant of the Lord's chosen seed." (Mormon Doctrine, p. 15, Christ is our advocate with the Father; 610, The gospel is a messenger to prepare the way before the Lord; 1115, Enoch and his brethren were received by the Lord unto himself; 1623, Christ revealed signs of his coming as given on the Mount of Olives; 2438, The gospel will be restored, the times of the Gentiles will be fulfilled, and a desolating sickness will cover the land; 3947, Signs, wonders, and the Resurrection are to attend the Second Coming; 4853, Christ will stand on the Mount of Olives, and the Jews will see the wounds in his hands and feet; 5459, The Lord will reign during the Millennium; 6062. You have seen a number of cities. In saying this, I, Phil This is a methodical, well-planned, and well-funded effort to destroy the American middle class, the countrys backbone. (Is this of God, or of man? Content additions and various projects are underway. All They must perish, unless they repent. The people, he saw, had become quite indifferent to the counsel and advice of the authorities of the church, and were more interested in the accumulation of wealth than they were in living their religion. . Frederic William Engdahl The day will come when I will punish the citizens of those cities because of their sins. It is a great testament of Jesus' return. John the Dreamer The Lord proscribed the use of these substances, not only because they are unhealthy, but because they are addictive. The Lord gave me Isaiah 47, Jeremiah 50 and 51, and Revelation 18. The Lord will remember His covenant with Israel and regather them. I feel bound to conform my life to the teachings of the Ten Commandments. . There was a lot of commotion and confusion with perplexity. In my vision I was given the knowledge that Russia was the main player in the attack. No; I would feel sorry. Jed Woodworth, Peace and War: D&C87, in Matthew McBride and James Goldberg,eds., Revelations in Context: The Stories behind the Sections of the Doctrine and Covenants (Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2016), 15864. At that time, it was easily done with a local phone call. Very interesting that events that, Between the 13th and 15 of February we had a severe cyclone hit NZ affecting several regions. I had the knowing there was Martial Law. Daniel Pontious Prophecies Concerning the Book of Mormon Peoples after Christ's Coming 3. I feel equally bound to sustain the Constitution of the United States which came from the same source as the Ten Commandments. The Church leaders address the above issues whenever they speak, but money has blinded many to virtues of their religion. Diana Pulliam She enjoys encouraging others with what the Lord teaches her. There was a lot of talk in the background coming from all over the nation. The cost of the damaging effects of alcohol and tobacco upon people all over the world have been astronomical. There was civil war, or a revolution. In order for one to enjoy the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost, a person must keep him- or herself clean, and in order to hear those promptings and respond, one must be free of limiting addictions. Everywhere was chaos, rioting, people crying, screaming, weeping, government agencies on high alert, ambulances, sirens, alarms, darkness outside, lots of disaster, invasions all over America, there was plundering everywhere. Others looked for Gods blessings even in their economic trials.8 Oliver Granger, who accepted an assignment to handle Church-related debts in the wake of the larger economic collapse, was later reassured by the Lord that his sacrifice shall be more sacred unto me, than his increase.9, Some of the most stirring stories from Church history recount the efforts of Saints who exercised faith in Joseph Smiths revealed pronouncements and worked to bring them about. responsiveVoice.speak("The following Prophesy was made by the Third President of the Mormon Church in the mid 1800s. Two groups-Lehi and his family and friends; and Mulek and his family and friends-were led out of Jerusalem in about 600 B.C. And in Jackson County, Missouri civilization will become entirely extinct, and all means of transportation such as rail roads and highways will be destroyed, and the only means of travel will be on foot. In late 1836 through the spring of 1837, Joseph Smith told the Saints that Kirtland would prosper economically if they would keep the commandments and support a new local financial institution called the Kirtland Safety Society.7 When the bank collapsed, some Saints treated Joseph Smiths language as failed prophecy. Mena Lee Grebin (D&C 58:64.). Pastor James Durham And this gospel shall be preached unto every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people. Duane S. Crowther is a well-known theologian, lecturer and LDS author with a broad background of education and experience. Krista Its writers saw our time and wrote for our needs as they preserved the record of a people who experienced the coming of Christ. Just for humanitarian purposes of course. See, for example, History of Joseph Smith, Latter-Day Saints Millennial Star, vol.22, no.29 (July1, 1860),455. In General Conference, October 1918, Joseph F. Smith made the following comments: The ridiculous story about the "red horse," and "the black horse," and "the white horse," and a lot of trash that has been circulated about and printed and sent around as a great revelation given by the Prophet Joseph Smith, is a matter that was gotten up, I understand, some ten years after the death . Today there are 67 earth receiving stations operating in 50 countries of the world. Yes I have read Demitri Dudemans visions,especially the one re America .Monique is talking about in this video ..I quoted Demitri Dudeman and what he said/saw in vision in another post under comments..I read his visions on his website Hands of Help Ministries. The prophets of the two civilizations that developed from these people prophesied concerning what would someday be the United States of America. ThenI woke up. But there will be a remnant who will be spared. Sister Christine I have been studying prophecy & prophets since at least 1988 . Does anyone have a timeline on this? John Whitehead is not embraced as Church doctrine; He learned that no one would come to the land unless brought by the hand of God. I read the White Horse Prophecy some 60 plus years ago and was intrigued by its content. It is claimed that the "White Horse" prophecy predicts the "transformation of the U.S. government into a Mormon-ruled theocracy," and that the "White Horse" prophecy "continues to be a dominant element of the faith espoused by Joseph Smith's followers" because they believe that they will be "officers and administrators" during Christ's . Their sin has reached into heaven. Washington and his fellows were inspired to revolt from England and bring political liberty to this land, along with the more valuable treasure of religious liberty so that the soil might be prepared for the seed of the truth when it should again be sown, Yes, the early leaders and the people generally of this great nation recognized the necessity for spiritual support if the nation was to endure. ( They tried to, Thank you for sharing this , God bless you, Annie Marie; Found this article with Video on alt. At the time they took on that in preference to negro its dictionary and common meaning was evil; dire. First thing that came to, BOB, Sadly, none of these tragic events in NZ appear normal weather events to me. Satan will rage, and the spirit of the devil is now enraged. Actually, my mother, grandmother and myself had the same type of dream a few years ago. Nate Johnston Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. Then a world-wide fast and unprecedented Solemn Assembly is conducted. He saw that the city extended almost to the point of the mountain south of the new 1951 State prison. One of Joseph Smiths most well-known millennial prophecies related to the American Civil War. its still, Hi When we read about Gods judgement is he doing these things or is the devil doing these things because, Here is another prophecy from Chris Reed, there is some overlap:, Of course they will try to disrupt and cause confusion in a true movement of God. Silent Warrior Posted by EU Times on Nov 10th, 2009 // 4 Comments. Enter your email to receive updates on our LDS Living content, 2022 LDS Living A Division of Deseret Book Company, There is room for my brown paper-doll family: 2 gospel truths I learned as a young girl that carry my faith, 1 quote on gratitude from each of the Latter-day prophets, See the stunning winners of the Churchs International Art Competition. Book of Mormon prophecies involving the United States The actual history, written by inspired prophets of God in antiquity, provides the truth about today's problems. I can find where most prophets have missed it a least once , not Dudumans words , it is happening just as Duduman was shown to the T . I lived in Utah and have tried my best to help my fellow Mormons to understand what is going on and what is coming to the best of my ability. Those that lacked the faith to prepare their families and follow the counsel to have food storage, ammunition, and some savings, will stand in long lines to receive it for a small morsel of food. The vast majority of Mormons are fine people, but it appears that a very evil minority has taken over the political and economic activities of Utah. I believe the US govt is nothing more or less than the Evil Empire itself. 298.) In reality, the Church is not divided. I heard government agencies talking and they couldnt deal with all the issues going on at once. Except the spirit of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and principles contained within the Constitution of the United States are inherent in world plans now being formulated, they are but building on sand and the Lord is not in that building., This restoration was preceded by a long period of preparation. The pivotal event in the Book of Mormon is the appearance of Jesus Christ on the American continent. The views expressed by individual users are the responsibility of those users and do not necessarily represent the position of the Church. A person who has been called by and speaks for God. ; this morning reading your reply comment & Question. I could hear talking about nuclear war starting, and it had to do with the USA. These concepts were an integral part of the LDS Churchs origin and restoration, and they continue to distinguish the Church from many other religious movements (Encyclopedia of Mormonism [1992], 3:1160). In China, there were missiles already set up and they were being launched from there. They returned to Nauvoo for a few months before finally embarking on their mission. We have prophecies especially about Armageddon. Skousen's first focus is on the Latter-day Saints: "This great prophecy has already been literally fulfilled in Zion and will be duplicated in its fulfillment when the Lord's . The prophecies for Americas destruction on the internet for a certain time. Ill be forwarding another prophecy by Chris shortly. 4 Many of these prophecies were fulfilled as the Saints moved ahead in faith to carry them out. In a very real sense, the true Law of the Harvest was restored the law of justice, the law of mercy, the law of love. Christopher Harris The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which is, and which was, and which is to come. They already have it planned! But there is a cleansing coming. Like Esau in the Bible, they will sell their souls for a Mess of Pottage. I can't see how the consequences John Taylor saw can be avoided at this point. Benson). It says the following: Verily, thus saith the Lord concerning the wars that will shortly come to pass, beginning at the rebellion of South Carolina, which will eventually terminate in the death and misery of many souls; And the time will come that war will be poured out upon all nations, beginning at this place. I mean real fathers. ), I look forward to that cleansing; its need within the Church is becoming increasingly apparent. (E.T. The Napier and, Annie I wonder if these ongoing events are deliberately engineered by the US GOVERNMENT and Globalists. One more thing, be warned. (Miles away from Salt Lake City at the time. And thus, with the sword and by bloodshed the inhabitants of the earth shall mourn; and with famine, and plague, and earthquake, and the thunder of heaven, and the fierce and vivid lightning also, shall the inhabitants of the earth be made to feel the wrath, and indignation, and chastening hand of an Almighty God, until the consumption decreed hath made a full end of all nations (vs 1-6). However, he was promised they would not be destroyed completely. I believed it, but also believed I should check with Church Headquarters. He learned that God intended the land to be kept secret from the world for a time, to keep it from being overrun before the time came for it to be discovered. I often wonder if Margaret Sanger was behind that renaming as well as the way to kill theur unborn and deceminate their race. It is a day in which men who have been chairman of officially cited Communist Fronts sit even in the Cabinet of the President of the United States and protect the revolutionaries, promote Marxist schemes, and drive America's back ever closer to the wall. You,, I saw armies arrayed against armies. For Latter-day Saints, the story of Christopher Columbus begins long before he was born in 1451. Joseph Mercola Journal of Discourses, Joseph Smith 20:41. In other words, that He fought with Washington and others in the Revolutionary War.. What will become of millions of the farmers upon that land? The Russian government will have all the information regarding the whereabouts of American missiles. Maria Conwell Glasgow Prophetic Centre Thomas Harry Tasmania will be the final place standing , hells gates, before the armies surround Israel when Jesus returns to vanquish them all with a wall of fire. The rate of pornography and sex abusers is astounding and it can be safely said that Salt Lake City is as crime-ridden as any city its size. Unless the people of this great nation can realize these things and repent, they may forfeit the liberty that they now enjoy, and the blessings that are so multiplied among us., Next to being one in worshiping God there is nothing in this world upon which this Church should be more united than in upholding and defending the Constitution of the United States., Our government came into existence through divine guidance. Anita Alexander Your email address will not be published. Like Esau in the Bible, they will sell their souls for a \"Mess of Pottage\". This site has been created and maintained by members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. only 5 minutes TWO DREAMS THAT FORESHADOWED THE ASBURY OUTPOURING Andrew Whalen had two dreams where Francis Asbury, founder, asbury revival live, Nita Johnson Speaking at Bethel Chapel Sunday at 10 am! We were defenseless. Much later, in 1974, Prophet Spencer W. Kimball stated. This post shows why his prophecy is a source of hope and encouragement for us today. I can\'t see how the consequences John Taylor saw can be avoided at this point. Write it down! Over 200 years ago, America's first President, George Washington, saw the same thing. These people have a temporary membership and influence in the Church; but unless they repent, they will be missing when the final membership records are recorded. 67 earth receiving stations operating in 50 countries of the Bible, will... Shilhavy the gospel was restored and the spirit of the two civilizations developed. 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