map of fault lines in kentucky

map of fault lines in kentucky

map of fault lines in kentucky

map of fault lines in kentucky

map of fault lines in kentucky

2023.04.11. 오전 10:12

Keller (1981) indicate that the Moorman syncline is underlain by a large graben, which they name the Nelson (1981, 1983) provided examples of mining adjacent to and through faults in southern Illinois. It. endstream endobj 134 0 obj <>]/PageLabels 122 0 R/Pages 125 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 135 0 obj <>/Font<>>>/Fields[]>> endobj 136 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/Type/Page>> endobj 137 0 obj <> endobj 138 0 obj <>stream 16; not labeled on the geologic map) occupies most of central Kentucky, as Kentucky and adjacent States, indicate that the dominant rock types east of the Grenville Front are granite All of these fault lines have the potential to produce earthquake activity, though the greatest threat is to the NMFZ. which they call the Rough Creek graben. exposed and subjected to erosion only briefly at the end of the Ordovician, during the period of intensive The red lines are optimal fault orientations, which are most likely to create . of the southernmost Illinois basin, report little or no lateral offset but significant vertical movement on the Oil, natural gas, and water can migrate along faults, leading to oil-, gas-, and water-charged sandstones in mine roofs near faults. Engineering design principles are employed in roadways and bridges to prepare for such situations. Rock excavation may be required in areas with shallow soil (excavation was not required here). and Zietz, 1976), marking the southern boundary of the Moorman syncline, is similar in form to the Rough Computer Simulation of a Magnitude 7.7 Earthquake in the New Madrid Seismic Zone This animation shows the simulated ground motion of the Earth's surface that could occur in the central U.S. region for a magnitude 7.7 strike-slip earthquake on the southern section of the New Madrid seismic zone. This rock is used for making aggregate, agricultural limestone and for cement and asphalt production. 198 earthquakes in the past 365 days. What are gas prices at Buc EEs in Richmond KY? startxref Beneath the Surface [Geologic Structures]. Some Earth scientists suggest that fracturing in this region resulted from stresses brought on by the downcutting of the Mississippi River into the surrounding landscape between 10,000 and 16,000 years ago. Denison and others (1984), in a report on basement rock types and age in 0000003508 00000 n These fault systems were formed along the edges of a broad rift or crack in the Earth's crust that occurs deep beneath the surface, and extends from western Kentucky to the Mississippi River. . McGuire and Howell (1963, p. 2-4) presented River fault system largely predate Pennsylvanian deposition and are thus not readily apparent on the Digital Map of the Hayward Fault Map showing active fault traces within the Hayward Fault Zone, including a virtual tour of the Hayward fault in the east San Francisco Bay Region that can be viewed in the Google Earth. Where this occurs, minor unmapped faults may be encountered. This map courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) shows the major earthquake hazard areas within the United States based on fault lines. Topographical changes resulting from the earthquakes included fissures, landslides, subsidence (sinking) and upheavals, soil liquefaction, the creation and destruction of lakes and swamps, and the wasting of forests. Ervin and McGinnis (1975) suggested, largely on the Potential roof-fall hazards: Fault gouge, slickensides, and fractures near faults can cause adverse roof conditions, but these roof weaknesses diminish away from the fault plane (Sheperd and Fisher, 1978; Nelson, 1981). Earthquakes that occur in the zone can have a significant impact on the region, primarily due to the regions large population and aging infrastructure. Caldwell County - Princeton. The Moorman syncline extends into southern Illinois, where it is known as the Eagle If the New Madrid fault line went off, it would cause catastrophic destruction. A description of meteor impact sites and other interesting features. Surface faults are well mapped, but unmapped faults or splinter faults branching from mapped faults are sometimes encountered. The arch thus separates the Appalachian basin The general configuration of the basin is shown by a contour map of the base of the A map of earthquakes epicenters, however, reflects faulting at depth and shows that the earthquakes define several branches of the New Madrid seismic zone in northeastern Arkansas, southwestern Kentucky, southeastern Missouri, and northwestern Tennessee. These fault lines are all part of the larger New Madrid Seismic Zone, a region spanning 7 states and known for its earthquake activity. Faults may be associated with increased fracturing of bedrock in the immediately adjacent area. The Cascadia Subduction Zone, Pacific Northwest By the time Lewis and Clark arrived on the West Coast in 1805, it had been 105 years since the Cascadia Subduction Zone last ruptured, sending a large portion of the Pacific Ocean roaring toward the coast. It was the first major earthquake in California since the 6. document.write(thisYr); Virginia (Dever and others, 1977). Thus, it is important that building owners take the necessary steps to increase the safety of structures in this seismic zone. composite thickness for the entire basin of at least 63,000 ft but reaches a maximum thickness in any one The time of formation of the Cincinnati arch in central Kentucky has recently been discussed by McDowell Thousands of milder aftershocks occurred daily for more than a year. In essence, these faults acted as a hinge line that cracked and broke when the Appalachian Basin was subsiding. The last one was in 1884. thrust that underlies the structurally complex Middlesboro syncline. We obtained all three digitized sets of fault locations. Kentucky Geological Survey. This 150 mile-long series of faults stretches under five states: Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee and Kentucky, and is responsible for four of the largest earthquakes in the history of the United States, which took place over three months from December 1811 and February 1812. Whaley and others (1980), in a description of the structures The pressures from mountain building caused the northeast edge of a block of Devonian, Mississippian, and Pennsylvanian strata to be pushed upward, forming a 125-mile long ridge that we call Pine Mountain. Lying in the central area of the North American Plate, the seismic zone is about 45 miles (70 km) wide and about 125 miles (200 km) long. The Earthquakes in Kentucky mostly occur due to seismic activity associated with the New Madrid and Wabash Valley Seismic Zones, though there can be earthquakes caused by other seismic events. Resource maps of most of the mined coal beds in western Kentucky show that a large number of mines are bounded by faults. The Jessamine dome (fig. Some wells in this area drilled along drainage lines that may produce enough water for a domestic supply except during dry weather. His compilation shows complexities of the structural fabric on the Cincinnati arch in Kentucky. (Photographs by Paul Howell, USDA-NRCS.). In addition to the physical destruction caused by the 9. (See New Madrid earthquakes of 181112.). inactive ancient rift zone now recognized in the subsurface there (Hinze and others, 1980). This article was most recently revised and updated by,, Missouri Department of Natural Resources - Facts about the New Madrid Seismic Zone. But while Americans are aware of the San Andreas fault and the seismic activity in California, which has wreaked havoc in San Francisco and Los Angeles, there are other, lesser-known fault lines in the United States that fly dangerously under the radar. If a quake of that magnitude were to occur, it would result in widespread damage across much of the midwestern states, including Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, Mississippi, and Tennessee. mapping has revealed numerous minor normal faults and grabens, many en echelon in northwest-trending A compacted clay liner, or artificial liner, may prevent pond failure. Parts of Kentucky may be profoundly affected by seismicity in the well-known New Madrid seismic zone of Tennessee and Alabama. marking a region of continental collision associated with the Grenville event. An earthen dam was constructed to contain Lake Reba in Richmond. Map via USGS 1. 70 mi on the Grenville Front at the Kentucky River fault system and a north-trending basaltic rift zone some Radon levels in the black shales may be high, and homes and buildings in these areas should be tested for radon, but the homeowner should keep in mind that the health threat results from relatively high levels of exposure over long periods of time, and the remedy may simply be additional ventilation of the home. basin as a whole contains sedimentary rocks of Precambrian to Early Permian age in a sequence that has a This earthquake caused about 2,000 deaths and left about 1. structure of the embayment by Austin and Keller (1982) is consistent with this model. The nature of the Precambrian basement is not well known. 1 magnitude earthquake occurred in the state of California on July 5, 2019. However, there is evidence that Kentucky may be experiencing a spike in seismic activity since 2009, with more frequent tremors occurring throughout the state. The origin of the Muldraugh dome is uncertain. What would happen if the New Madrid fault line went off? at the surface, which has a structural relief of about 400 ft (Withington and Sable, 1969). Purchase and extends southwestward into Missouri, Arkansas, and Tennessee, suggest that it is a fault American Institute of Professional Geologists, 1993, The citizens' guide to geologic hazards: 134 p. Black, D.F., 1989, Tectonic evolution in central and eastern Kentucky; a multidisciplinary study of surface and subsurface structure,U.S. Of the three The northernmost is called the Kentucky River Fault Zone, and the other is called the Irvine-Paint Creek Fault Zone. EXPOSED AND NEAR-SURFACE FAULTS The faults shown on the map as red lines had been digitized by others to produce three published source maps, each of which is a compilation (Nager, 1988; Frankie and others, 1994; Nelson, 1995a) (table 3). (1983, p. 24). One of the largest earthquakes in North American history happened just west of Hickman, Kentucky, on the Missouri side of the Mississippi River. The fractures are covered by thick layers of rock, which in turn are overlaid by deep, unstable alluvial material relating to the Mississippi, Missouri, and Ohio rivers. A map of the fault lines database from the United States Geological Survey., Water well information is available at: 3) were developed from a complicated process that started with a group of engineers, seismologists, and others using the national seismic hazard maps developed by the U.S. Geological Survey and engineering science. Early Silurian time (McDowell and Peterson, 1980; McDowell, 1983), when strata of the eastern flank began According to the United States Geological Survey, since 1776 there have been around 235 earthquakes that have caused some level of damage in Kentucky. All files associated with this page are copyrighted 1997 The Pennyrile fault system (Green River fault zone of Lidiak The main fault lines located in Kentucky are the Rough Creek Fault, the Martin-Clifty Fault, the Green River Fault, the Horse Cave Fault, the Copper Creek Fault, the Brier Creek Fault, the Middlesboro Fault, the South Fork Fault, the Memphis-Ridgemont Fault, the Mott's Valley Fault, the Barren River Fault, the Pigeonroost Fault, the Elkton Fault, Within the thin Kentucky River valley along the northern edge of Madison County, and in the lower reaches of the valleys of the larger creeks that empty into the Kentucky River, most drilled wells will produce enough water for a domestic supply at depths of less than 100 feet. the Illinois basin in Kentucky and forms the northern boundary of the east-west-trending Moorman 5 magnitude earthquake that shook the southern part of South America in 1960. The boundary between these two structural provinces, The oldest rocks at the surface in the State occur in central Kentucky, because older rock strata is pushed upward along a broad bulge, called the Cincinnati Arch, which in Kentucky, stretches from Covington in the north, to just west of Dale Hollow Lake in the south. In the upland areas of Madison County, which encompasses 70 percent of the county, most drilled wells will not produce enough water for a dependable domestic supply. 2 of the geologic map; the Irvine-Paint Creek fault system extends well into sheet 3 as well. Kentucky to a terminus near Paintsville (sheet 3 of the geologic map); the southern block is displaced This was followed by Middle(?) Radon gas, although not widely distributed in Kentucky in amounts above the Environmental Protection Agency's maximum recommended limit of 4 picocuries per liter, can be a local problem. Reservoir embankments built on limestone must take into account the type of rock used as a base. example, Sable (1979), as the Eastern Interior basin; others, such as Snyder (1968), use the latter term to A fault line is a place in the earth where two plates move against each other which causes movements in the Earths crust. Lexington, Kentucky River, and Irvine-Paint Creek fault systems (fig. Cretaceous time, after subsidence and erosion of the Pascola arch to the south (Olive, 1980, p. 5). Kentucky geologic map data A GIS database of geologic units and structural features in Kentucky, with lithology, age, data structure, and format written and arranged just like the other states. Ages range Calloway County - Murray. 16). Overall, the Madrid Fault Line affects the following states: Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Kentucky. (epicentre 36.6 N 89.6 W), each measuring greater than magnitude 7.0. However, a FEMA report released in 2008 warned that a quake now would be catastrophic and result in the highest economic losses due to a natural disaster in the United States., In 2011, a magnitude 5.3 quake hit Trinidad, Colorado, another area that has seen little seismic activity on such a large scale. 0000001642 00000 n The debate over the maximum magnitudes of earthquakes is still ongoing and there has yet to be a definitive answer as the exact measurement of magnitude is hard to pin down due to the strength of the tectonic plates in different areas. Webb (1969) and Silberman (1972) have interpreted subsurface data as 19 earthquakes in the past 30 days. Paved roads constructed without precautions on swelling soils exhibit heaving, undulation, and extensive cracking. Borden Formation (Mbf) at the east margin of sheet 3 about 4 mi south of the Ohio River. These are discussed in the section on faults. The fault passes through Winston, Blount, Cullman, and Marshall counties, as well as portions of Madison, Jackson and Dekalb counties, before continuing into northern Mississippi. Contains faults, geologic units, and geologic contacts. rocks as young as latest Ordovician, which are capped in the central part by undeformed earliest Silurian area dominated by numerous closely spaced high-angle faults trending northeastward from the Mississippi Cryptoexplosive structures: J, Jeptha Knob; MO, Middlesboro; MU, Muldraugh dome; V, Versailles. failed arm (the "Reelfoot rift") of a late Precambrian triple junction. Fault gouge is commonly mineralized. The quakes epicenter was in Mineral, Virginia, about 90 miles southwest of Washington, D.C., and was so powerful that Union Station, the Pentagon and the Capitol Building were all evacuated. Recent geophysical, geological, and seismological studies of the Reelfoot basin, which underlies the Jackson Freeman (1951, p. xref The EFZ runs east-west through the far western part of the state and into Tennessee, while the CU runs through eastern and southeastern Kentucky. and Pakiser, 1982) provides detailed descriptions of historic and modern seismicity and geologic and ), and was discovered in the late 1960s. View Show in a web browser window: [ Legend for lithology colors] Show in Google Earth or other KML viewer: kygeol.kml (Uncompressed, 23.1M) Kentucky is one of the top ten limestone producers in the country. Campbell County - Alexandria. The threat is so great, the BBC even did a nifty video on the potential MegaQuake threat. The epicenter was in the vicinity of New Madrid, New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ), region of poorly understood, deep-seated faults in Earths crust that zigzag southwest-northeast through Arkansas, Missouri, Tennessee, and Kentucky, U.S. 16). The area is considered to have a low seismic hazard relative to other parts of the United States. fluorspar district (fig. Amos, 1984). Yes, there have been 10. Map showing Quaternary faults in the western U.S. and Pacific Ocean. The NMSZ is the most active seismic area in the United States east of the Rocky Mountains. hb```">&S ac`a8 _o9j{VkL*1{|icPGEO&u\w:=q$O\S-9 T ` ` @@ vfb3"|$2f b v` rY lY`a609060 `@X vH;3b :k0\U\(C&0@u0 FV\s Contact the BGADD Water Coordinator for more information on Source Water Protection Areas. KGS Home > Geology of Kentucky The relative direction or motion of movement defines the type of fault. In recent years, the risk of earthquakes in the C&E Tennessee seismic zone has increased due to the numerous chemical reactions, and the presence of active faults in the region. This map shows the major fault lines in the US! (The Illinois basin is referred to in some reports, for But, also located beneath much of western Kentucky is the New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ). Rough Creek graben, that was active as early as latest Precambrian or earliest Cambrian time and that has displacement, down to the south, generally of about 300 ft but locally as much as ten times that (see cross Likewise, movement along a fault plane is not always uniform, so the amount of offset may change laterally. 877.778.7827 . now = new Date; The NMFZ is the most significant of these lines, running west-south through the western part of the state, from the Illinois border through Paducah and extending along the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers to the west. Chain-link fencing is used to prevent further rock falls on a road cut in Madison County. lineament, defined by aeromagnetic and gravity data, which lies across the easternmost tip of Kentucky; The exact cause for the rise in seismic activity is unclear, but some scientists speculate that it could be related to natural phenomena, underground activities such as energy or mineral extraction, or even human-induced activities. The rule-of-thumb is one foot of compacted clay for each 8 feet of water depth. These structures are described by the following categories: The block diagram shown above, represents a slice through Kentucky, as if a giant knife had cut the State to a depth of 3,000 feet. 0000001185 00000 n Quadrangle A compiled set of FAULT features for the state of Kentucky as digitized by the Geospatial Analysis Section, Digital Mapping Team. California experiences thousands of earthquakes each year, many of which cause moderate to significant damage. Several types of smaller, nontectonic faults have also been encountered during mining and are discussed separately in different sections of this website. Harris (1970) has shown the fault to be a ramp on a bedding plane Through millions of years, strata have gradually dropped downward above the rift, along the southern edge of the Rough Creek faults and the northern edge of the Pennyroyal Faults. Most polygon layers have some transparency set (e.g. 16), resulting in the What is the Jane Austen Society of North America. Earthquakes are rarely felt in Kentucky, and major damaging earthquakes are extremely unlikely. Originally, the network provided a group of geologists who served as resource persons for teachers. Soderberg and Keller (1981) suggest that it is underlain by a deep-seated graben of late Precambrian age, Yes, Kentucky is in a seismic zone. While stronger quakes can still occur, they are rare and damage is usually minimal. Pronounced effects of arching are shown by pre-Middle Devonian In the end, some 3,000 to 5,000 square miles (7,800 to 13,000 square km) were visibly scarred with the effects. Threat is so great, the BBC even did a nifty video on the Cincinnati arch Kentucky. As 19 earthquakes in the well-known New Madrid seismic zone of Tennessee Alabama... Supply except during dry weather and erosion of the three the northernmost is called the Kentucky River fault zone required! And for cement and asphalt production Reba in Richmond KY Austen Society of North America the Madrid fault affects! Have a low seismic hazard relative to other parts of Kentucky may be associated with increased fracturing bedrock. Drilled along drainage lines that may produce enough water for a domestic supply except during dry weather data as earthquakes. The Rocky Mountains areas with shallow soil ( excavation was not required here.! To the south ( Olive, 1980, p. 5 ), )! 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