what does isaiah 52:7 mean

what does isaiah 52:7 mean

what does isaiah 52:7 mean

what does isaiah 52:7 mean

what does isaiah 52:7 mean

2023.04.11. 오전 10:12

d. In the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God: God does not make His saving strength known just for those who are immediately rescued. Copyright 2023, Bible Study Tools. The good news (a theme that is introduced so strongly in 40:9-11) is a gospel word and centers this text on all that God has accomplished for these captives of Israel. Suddenly they spy a runner. The time is coming when Israel as a nation will kneel before Him in unanimous repentance and national grief, when "they look upon Him Whom they have pierced," and God Almighty will proclaim, "Behold, My servant. a. Gods mercy answered to their tragic sin. [1] Awake, awake; put on thy strength, O Zion; put on thy beautiful garments, O Jerusalem, the holy city: for henceforth there shall no more come into thee the uncircumcised and the unclean. Just as many were astonished at you, The Assyrian oppressed them, and the Babylonians took them away for nothing, and ruled cruelly over them. To give thanks in advance is the highest form of praise (Oswalt, 370). Joy is rooted in what God does. It is worth considering what all these imperatives to the exiles are doing in a context that stresses the decisive action of God in Israels salvation. And it is suggested, that the knowledge of the Lord should be spread, the good tidings of peace and salvation be delightfully published, and that the ministers of the Gospel should have clear light, and be harmonious and unanimous in the publishing of it, Isa 52:6-8. are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings. Verse 1. 3. Feodora . 7How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news (Hebrew: mebasser) of good, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, Your God reigns!. A new day has dawned! From their perspectives, it has appeared that the Babylonian gods have won a victorythat they have proven more powerful than Yahweh. Article Images Copyright 2023 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. This is to be expected among the nations but should never be so among Gods people. Fully, and antitypically, the Gospel (Lu 2:10, 11), "beginning at Jerusalem" (Lu 24:47), "the city of the great King" (Mt 5:35), where Messiah shall, at the final restoration of Israel, "reign" as peculiarly Zion's God ("Thy God reigneth"; compare Ps 2:6). Being awakened, we discover that two sets of attire are waiting for us: First, His strength, so that we may not be afraid of ten thousands of people who set themselves round about; and secondly, the beautiful garments of our Lord's character. It is possible that actual historical realities are in view; that is, many of the exiles did not awake, listen, and return to Jerusalem and their own land; they preferred to stay in Babylon (and make their home there for centuries to come). When Darius found a copy of Cyrus decree, he then lent his full support, including funds, to allow the rebuilding of the temple, and the former exiles completed the rebuilding (Ezra 6). Please be aware that this might heavily reduce the functionality and appearance of our site. It is difficult, sometimes hugely difficult, to leave the familiar and to step out in faith into the unfamiliar. With their voices they shall sing together; Zion, of course, refers to Mount Zion on which Jerusalem is built. The watchmen cannot refrain from singing with joy. How beautiful How exceeding precious and acceptable; upon the mountains Of Judea, to which these glad tidings were brought; are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings Tidings, first, Of the release of the Jews from captivity in Babylon; and, secondly, Of the redemption and salvation of mankind by the Messiah. The watchmen are straining to see the one who is coming and find out the news. He was oppressed and He was afflicted, Yet He did not open His mouth; Like a lamb that is led to slaughter, And like a sheep that is silent before its shearers, So He did not open His mouth. of The lesson to be learned here is that we should be slow to interpret difficulty as a sign of Gods displeasure. tells Zion to put on strength in light of the first two awakenings. Why is Jesus referred to as a man of sorrows in Isaiah 53:3? Therefore they shall know in that day that I am he who speaks; behold, it is (v. 6). Get our Question of the Week delivered right to your inbox! Who brings glad tidings of good things, Proud member First, it is the image of a messenger that travels by foot over mountain passes to bring good news to a beleaguered people regarding a victory over the enemy the fastest means to spread news in that world. Good News! The battlefield is not just any confrontation between two armies but the field of history itself in which God is triumphant, for it is not only Jerusalem that is redeemed but also all the nations. The good news is that Yahweh (working through the agency of Cyrus of Persia) has defeated Babylon. What God does cannot be reduced to an idea, a concept, an abstraction or a program. see Matthew 3:2. Endowed with beautiful garments of power and glory, the daughter of Zion is the divine, feminine manifestation of God's righteous sons and daughters passing through the veil of mortality and entering into the joy, rest, and holiness of the Lord. His saving, cleansing work will extend far beyond Israel to many nations. Isaiah 52:7 appears to share text with Nahum 1:15, although Nahum does not mention the beauty of the evangelists' feet. The message is described in three ways: It is good news (mebasser)and it is an announcement of salvationand it is the assurance that Yahweh reigns. Copyright 2002-2023 Got Questions Ministries. The result was so shocking that many were astonished when they saw Jesus. Put on your beautiful garmentsfor the uncircumcised and the unclean shall no longer come to you: Jerusalem could put on clothes of beauty and glory because the time of judgment was over. following.Find an answer TABC Code and Rules Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code The Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code is made up of the guiding laws for the alcoholic beverage industry and passed by the Texas State Legislature. The expression made bare his holy arm is a Hebrew idiom derived from rolling up long, loose sleeves before starting to work. Article Images Copyright 2023 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. 2 Timothy 2:21 has a wonderful promise for those vessels of the LORD who pursue purity: Therefore if anyone cleanses himself from the latter, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified and useful for the Master, prepared for every good work. In view of this changed historical situation, captive Jerusalem; captive daughter Zion is called to awake from the slumber of exile and captivity and prepare for a new day (52:1-2). In this earlier instance, we might think of the ruins of the city as a metaphor for the people of Jerusalem. VI (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2001), Tucker, Gene M. in Craddock, Fred B.; Hayes, John H.; Holliday, Carl R.; and Tucker, Gene M.,Preaching Through the Christian Year, C (Valley Forge: Trinity Press, 1994), Watts, John D. W., Word Biblical Commentary: Isaiah 34-66 (Dallas: Word Books, 1987), Copyright 2007, 2010, Richard Niell Donovan, I tell you that if these (people) were silent, the stones would cry out, All Rights Reserved | 1997-2023 Richard Niell Donovan. The invitation to sing has been issued before (42:10-12) and not only human creatures, but heavens, earth, mountains, and trees have been called to join in the song (44:23). These verses are not included in the lectionary reading, but most commentaries treat verses 7-12 as a unit. Even before the messenger arrives they recognize the news and sing it out! What a marvelous declaration Our God reigns. This is the Servant previously spoken of in Isaiah 42:1, and Isaiah 49:3 and 6. i. Now, the third Awake, awake! How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth! Who says to Zion, This shows the English words related to the source biblical texts along with brief definitions. For they shall see eye to eye Depart! And His form more than the sons of men. When the LORD brings back Zion. The idea in the mind of the prophet is not, that the messenger is so near that the sordid appearance of his feet could be seen. Additionally, in Matthew 8:16-17 the Bible takes this passage of Isaiah 52:13-53:12 and says it specifically applies to Jesus. Who proclaims peace, who brings glad tidings of good things, who proclaims salvation, who says to Zion, Your God reigns! The good news news of peace, glad tidings, and salvation can all be summed up in the glorious proclamation, Your God reigns! Where God reigns, peace reigns. The word redeemed has to do with release from bondage, and usually involves some sort of payment or ransom to achieve the release. Click to enable/disable essential site cookies. Yahweh has made bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations (v. 10a). 1-3), (2) as well as in his death (vv. Keep in mind that this is poetry in which it is possible for ruins to raise their voice in song. Isaiah 52:7. Elizabeth See the popularity of the girl's name Victory over time, plus its meaning, origin, common sibling names, and more in BabyCenter's Baby Names tool. 10Yahweh has made bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God. Click to enable/disable Google reCaptcha. More than any man does not literally mean that by appearances, Jesus was beaten more severely than any man would ever be beaten. In Isaiah 52:7, the prophet Isaiah announces, "How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, 'Your God reigns!'" In this passage, Isaiah is looking forward in time to the Babylonian Captivity, when Jerusalem would be lying desolate. The New King James Version rightly capitalizes Servant, because the context demonstrates this is a clear reference to Jesus. Sit down, O Jerusalem! Sentinels are trained to alert the populace to danger, but are happy to announce good news instead. The feet speak of activity, motion, and progress, and those who are active and moving in the work of preaching the gospel have beautifulfeet. The slaves will be redeemed and clothed as kings (Isaiah 52:1-6). And the God of Israel will be your rear guard. O Jerusalem, the holy city! All rights reserved. For you shall not go out in haste, neither shall you go by flight (v. 12a). However, as noted in verse 3, Yahweh has not had to pay a price to achieve the redemption of his people. And you shall be redeemed without money.. God allows his people to experience difficulty not only as punishment for their sins, but as a normal part of a life of discipleship. Isaiah 52:7. Song of Solomon 2:8 The voice of my beloved! Yet, they would be blessed by being redeemed without money. Perhaps he thrusts his fist in the air. Returning to life is completely dependent on Gods own choice to return, to return to Zion, and to return to the people. O captive daughter of Zion! My people went down at first Isaiah 52:7 'How beautiful on the mountains, Are the feet of him who brings good news, Who publishes peace, Who brings good news of good, Who publishes salvation. He shall be exalted and extolled means that the Messiah will triumph. This book contains the prophecies attributed to the prophetIsaiah, and is one of the Books of the Prophets. Isaiah 40:9; Isaiah 41:27; Nahum 1:15 ). Yahweh has used the Babylonians to punish the exiles and to prepare them for redemption, but that phase of their history is drawing to a close. However, we should not be troubled by the thought of seeing an ugly Jesus in heaven. You can tell by the way the feet move! His holy arm is bared for battle against those who would subvert his holiness or the holiness of his people. How beautiful The watchmen discover afar off, on the mountains, the messenger bringing the expected and much-wished-for news of the deliverance from the Babylonish captivity. b. (c) 2021 The Enduring Word Bible Commentary by David Guzik ewm@enduringword.com. These events are ascribed to the wrath of God; that is, the people have experienced the effects of Gods moral order sins have consequences. For the LORD will go before you, Hebrews is a rich writing that presents a plethora of puzzles to the interpreter of the text. 5 Things You Should Know about the ESV Bible Translation. Therefore they shall know in that day How can the two coexist? Nederlandstalige Bijbelstudies door Stan Marinussen, Awake, awake! Yahweh will take such decisive action that his people will no longer doubt his name but will know (yada) his name. The news had reached His people through a messenger whom the prophet pictured as running across mountains with his message (cf. While Yahweh guaranteed the restoration, he didnt make it easy. welcome the publishers of such tidings! And what they had not heard they shall consider. Who is the one who struck You? (Luke 22:63-64). However, it is not Cyrus who will save the people, but Yahweh. Depart! That My people are taken away for nothing? It is important to be free from outside forces that imprison us, but it is even more important to be free from the forces within that prevent us from achieving freedom. Click to enable/disable _gid - Google Analytics Cookie. How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth! Ezra tells the story of the departure of the exiles from Babylonia: Cyrus the king brought forth the vessels of the house of Yahweh that Nebuchadnezzar had brought out of Jerusalem and had put in the house of his gods (Ezra 1:7). Singing, this essential activity of any proclamation, brings that which identifies us most individually our voice and mixes it with many other voices. You have sold yourselves for nothing, Their lives have been ruined by the Babylonians, but now they can rejoice and break forth in singing because Yahweh has made possible their restoration. Where God reigns, salvation reigns. War is now over, once and for all. The beholder is supposed to be standing amidst the ruins of the desolated city, and the messenger is seen running on the distant hills. To a drowning person, an old barge approaching with a rope would be as beautiful as anything could be. Proud member are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, "Your God reigns!". The Ethiopian in Acts 8:34 asked a question about Isaiah 52:13-53:12: Of whom does the prophet say this, of himself or of some other man? Now the prophet calls the waste places of Jerusalem to join in the joyful song. Isaiah 53 is the fourth of the four "Servant Songs." (The others are found in Isaiah chapters 42, 49 and 50.) It was intended for the Babylonian captives Isaiah has prophesied to; but also, for those gathered to the LORD in the very end times. When they spoke against Him before, it was in blindness, but now what had not been told them they shall see. According to Ezekiel, the prophets were the leading watchmen for the nation. (Wolf). The salvation of our God. But now they hear the command to departto go out from there. These are the words that they have longed to hear. 1st: shares how God views us as we share His word with others and 2nd: shares humbleness and servant hood. Psalm 59:13 Consume them in wrath, consume them, that they may not be: and let them know that God ruleth in Jacob unto the ends of the earth. But this will always prompt you to accept/refuse cookies when revisiting our site. Loose yourself from the bonds of your neck, In neither situation was there any reason other than Yahweh to hope that they might find freedom. Touch no unclean thing; For thus says the Lord GOD: 9. fol. This is the source of all our singing. By proceeding, you consent to our cookie usage. The ASV, which is also in the public domain due to expired copyrights, was a very good translation, but included many archaic words (hast, shineth, etc. The Targum is. It is the word used in Genesis for a man knowing his wife (Genesis 4:1, 17, 25). We know that Jesus retained some of the scars of His crucifixion (Luke 24:40, John 20:25-28), perhaps this extends to His face as well. But I cannot see any such allusion here. It is not God that has become lethargic; but we that have slept and need to awake. Let the word of God tell you who He is. The second Awake, awake! halcyon days! Prepare yourselves for the great day of the Lord." (D&C 133:10) double for all her sins (40:1-2). The victory that is proclaimed does not belong to this or that king, to this or that country, to this or that ideology, but to God alone. Jesus was beaten so badly on His face that He hardly looked like a man. For what had not been told them they shall see, For you shall not go out with haste, nor go by flight; for the LORD will go before you: When the salvation of the LORD comes both in its near and its ultimate fulfillment there is a sense of peace in the glorious work of the LORD, not a striving in haste or by flight. Click to enable/disable Google Analytics tracking. 13 Behold, my servant shall deal prudently, he shall be exalted and extolled, and be very . This passage is interpreted of the Messiah and his times, by many Jewish (m) writers, ancient and modern; See Gill on Romans 10:15. Behold, it is I.. Now, in view of what God has done, ruins can sing! All rights reserved. HOW BEAUTIFUL ARE THE FEET 7How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news (Hebrew: mebasser) of good, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, "Your God reigns!" The messenger has brought good news "from Babylon to Jerusalem" (Brueggemann, 138). It is an understanding of the thoughts and feelings and values of the marriage partnera knowing at the deepest levels. Albert Schweitzer, who did great good things in Africa for God, said, Anyone who proposes to do good must not expect people to roll stones out of his way, but must accept his lot calmly if they even roll a few more upon it (from his book, Out of My Life and Thought). What does Isaiah 52:7-12 mean? They are exceeding precious and acceptable. of The call from God is not irresistible. and call out to her that her warfare is accomplished, What does this verse really mean? On several occasions after His resurrection, the followers of Jesus were slow to recognize Him (Luke 24:16, John 20:14 and 21:4). The news had reached His people through a messenger whom the prophet pictured as running across mountains with his message (cf. What God does bursts the walls of our isolation. A Slavic and Russian name meaning "gift from God". After clicking the link below, choose "Alcoholic Beverage Code" in the . This is the good news. Cleanse yourselves, you who bear the vessels of Yahweh. They call Zion to awake and get dressed in beautiful garments to celebrate the fact that the uncircumcised and unclean will no longer tread the streets of Jerusalem (v. 1). Please see our Privacy Policy for cookie usage details. When the LORD brings back Zion. Put on your strength, O Zion; But never the righteousness or salvation of God. How good is the news! Shake yourself from the dust, arise, Sit down, O Jerusalem, Loose yourself from your neck bands, From the words of the prophet that begin Second Isaiah (Comfort! Just as Jerusalem was sold for nothing (a.k.a. i. 41. A second image used is that of sentinels keeping watch from the walls of the city. There is an ironic quality to this verse. The Targum is. The books of Ezra and Nehemiah tell of the restoration of Jerusalem and the temple. advertisement Join now to personalize . you who bear the vessels of Yahweh (v. 11b). This question is still asked today, and the answer is extremely important. You can check these in your browser security settings. Then the Assyrian oppressed them without cause. Commentary on Isaiah 52:1-12. We have come full circle. Follow the buttons in the right-hand column for detailed definitions and verses that use the same . The world is still corrupt and the enemy still exists, but when we cling to God and obey him, we will find his peace (Isaiah 32:17). What does it mean to cut Rahab in pieces in Isaiah 51:9? The Redeemer 1. THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL A cascade of words is used to describe the communication these messengers/sentinels convey: peace, good news, salvation (repeated at the beginning and end of the pericope), Gods return to Zion, comfort, redemption. Now their freedom is dependent on their willingness to do what Yahweh has commanded. How delightful on the mountains Are the feet of one who brings good news, Who announces peace And brings good news of happiness, Who announces salvation, How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of the herald, who proclaims peace, who brings news of good things, who proclaims salvation, who says to Zion, "Your God reigns! 11. Otherwise you will be prompted again when opening a new browser window or new a tab. Into Egypt to dwell there; But as long as the Lord abandons Zion, the people as well will remain in exile. If you do not want that we track your visit to our site you can disable tracking in your browser here: We also use different external services like Google Webfonts, Google Maps, and external Video providers. 11Depart, depart, go out from there, touch no unclean thing! The LORD has shown His strength, the strength of His holy arm. However, for a person in trouble, the instrument of salvation will appear as a thing of beauty regardless of its intrinsic appearance. Isaiah 53 is the fifty-third chapter of the Book of Isaiah in the Hebrew Bible or the Old Testament of the Christian Bible.This book contains the prophecies attributed to the prophet Isaiah and is one of the Nevi'im.Chapters 40 to 55 are known as "Deutero-Isaiah" and date from the time of the Israelites' exile in Babylon.This article will address the entire pericope of the Fourth Servant Song . In Isaiah 52 that invitation comes between the call to Awake (51:1-2, with other imperatives designed to prepare for a momentous and celebrative occasion) and Depart (52:11; note also the earlier calls to Rouse yourself in 51:17). Be careful not to translate this phrase into CEO images such as God is in control or God is in charge. The emphasis lies not on God as a controlling deity, but on what this God has done for Gods people in the face of much adversity; God has exhibited commitment to promises made (bared his arm, that is, rolled up the divine sleeves to do what needs to be done rather than flexing his muscles) and brought peace and salvation (see 40:9-11). He brings the message to Judah. Go out from the midst of her, How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, Your God reigns., How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, 'Your God reigns!'. 3 For thus says the LORD: "You were sold In this case they sing the news of victory for all to hear. There is no doubt about it. Yahweh is holy and expects his people to be holy. 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