what happened to yellowpaco

what happened to yellowpaco

what happened to yellowpaco

what happened to yellowpaco

what happened to yellowpaco

2023.04.11. 오전 10:12

Ill follow up in this thread with proof of the abuse. I just can't read anymore. (CW: sexual assault, being drugged). His response was "i don't care. So she literally goes up to a dude she's been thirsty DMing with for years and hugs him (without asking him for consent if that's okay btw) and he's the asshole because he keeps his hands on her hips after the hug she started without explicitly asking consent to do that? I'm personally having a hard time with Lorien's story. An update from Twitch on the investigations of recent allegations here. Is this the same accusation about him from a year or 2 ago if anyone knows? I did some research on my own rather than relying on others and so far 4 people have come out against him. Well known online as yellowpaco, he is a comedian on YouTube whose channel has earned more than 260,000 subscribers. (like the Joe story reminds me a lot of the Aziz Ansari story). I promise you on all that is holy if a guy ever tried putting anything in my butt not only are we fist fighting right then and there but I DEFINITELY am not hitting him up two days later to buy me food and go back to his hotel room to trying it AGAINthe fk? i mean, if i were joe id be pissed too. Whether or not any of these people are actually guilty, I have no idea. I was subbed to Witwix for 45 months straight starting from when he first got his sub button. The CEO of twitch, eshear , was asked in an All Hands meeting about partners using their platforms to abuse women- specifically using my case as an example. read through this guys google drive and he has messages of her literally saying this after this pax party had already happened: "Haha. There's no kissing, groping, or otherwise sexual contact at all. hollllllllly shit. Good to see badger coming out to defend himself with actual evidence, you put your peepee in my weewee when I told you no uwu, "heres where it gets a little fuzzy" yeah because youre making it up. If you don't know the girl don't approach her as she can ruin your life with one web post. Theres a UK TV show about spies called Spooks. Ive been watching cry for such a long time and his videos have helped me through shit. Can you elaborate with the whole Scarra and Ryan Higa thing? I skimmed it and it's actually him taking a girl (who has a boyfriend) out for dinner.. Then stopping at his hotel randomly, inviting her to his room so he could shower, and inviting her into the shower with him while she stood waiting for him to finish so they could go. I am assuming he's still alive, somewhere out there. A small though to men or women who think of crossing the line in the future. Their statement here. I could be wrong, but from what i know, Jared still hasn't owned up to any part of these accusations. I was sexually harassed by a large streamer in Los Angeles in 2016. His response here. That's all his guilty of, cringeworthy unsubtle attempts at flirting. As you can see it's huge. He kept pressuring, and kept asking and eventually I gave in. I liked the part where someone dropped $500 donation to say woman are fucked up. The post on this subreddit about him here. I remembering him casting starcraft 2 tournaments and always wondered how he got those gigs despite how terrible he was at it. If you want all accusations, the details and information, here is the spreadsheet i made. Another person has accused him in this tweet, and his response to this accusation here. Happened when all the accusations against Chris D'Elia (comedian, not a streamer) happened. Yeah, I don't understand how that would be classified as sexual assault or be compared to any other allegations on here (from what I read). Suicide after being falsely accused of something like this isn't that uncommon. @Dualoicut. Her story is so indulgent, it actually sounds like shes enjoying what shes writing. Anyone else "was riding on his coattails" and he was very much "doing them a favor by being associated with him." No proof and looks like it's written by a baby. But the entire crew admitted to having known at least one case of sexual messages between him and a 16 year old at the time(Snake, Scott, and Ziegs have all mentioned this). https://streamable.com/sboa33, Victoria makes a fake rape claim! 4 years. Rather chess clips then actual sexual assault drama, I think calling this "drama" minimize the severity of the issue. Kinda, sexual harassment is sexual content to include words, pictures and gestures. oh fuck i remember that, probably the last thing i heard about him! Really speaks for itself. I want to have sex later (not now). I'll be following that one for sure. People.forget marzia was a fan of Pewdiepie before they got together. Or even more relatable to Twitch, people didn't learn from the Calebhart accusations. no?? I was very vulnerable and hurt as it was what I would consider my first serious relationship. I told my boyfriend at the time, what happened and he convinced me it was my fault "Why didn't you stand up for yourself? If anyone has more tweets or information, please share it, SayNoToRage had a ton of girls come out and call him out for sexual assault, half the stories are pretty serious but the other half are such nothing, Like Swifty Ryan Higa (born June 6, 1990), also known as nigahiga (/ n i h i / NEE--HEE-), is an American Internet personality.Best known for his comedy videos on YouTube, Higa began making YouTube videos in 2006 and was one of the most popular creators on the platform in its early years.His main YouTube channel, nigahiga, was the most subscribed channel on YouTube for 677 . We need to clean up this industry! These people are not accused of anything. She tweets this afterward with the hashtag #BanBager. Ive been afraid of this making it back to them but Im choosing to not live with that fear anymore. So. TobiWan accused of initiating sexual activity with no consent here. It's fucking disgusting. ChrisChanTO response here. All these other guys being accused look like normal guys, nobody would ever suspect them to be predators, yet, the guy streaming with cockroaches and mold is the one with the irreproachable moral standing. Like 1 of the accused seems guilty but holy shit the rest seems like socially inept girls that don't understand social cues. idk though maybe im wrong idk. Theres some stories of him being denied guardiancon badges but trying to enter anyways. This is the most accurate thing. lol perma banned from twitch? These people are not accused of anything. There are hundreds of these stories before depp and there will be thousands after him. 35 following. Does Ryan Higa have a gf? Most of them sound less like sexual assault and more like regretful thottery . I care about definitive evidence of whether or not this is happening to other people who are below the legal line. This is unlike WingsOfRedemption who complains about money, says he won't upload because "it gets no views," and is a general cry baby and uses his surgery donation money to buy a mustang/truck. and got nervous thinking some of these seemingly nice boys turned to be monsters. Am I missing something? Paco, has had the scandal he apologised. AngryJoe's accusation is basically this. It appears the label is having a clear out ahead of this year's X Factor as BGT finalists Jack Pack have also been given the boot. It's obviously impossible to have any. It's almost like people on the internet have 0 social skills. THINND accused of domestic abuse here. People that lie about serious shit like this can ruin a innocent mans life. Thank you for taking the time to read my story. Man, Geoff "Incontrol" Robinson continuing to prove even after his passing why he's the greatest of all time. Get real time updates on sponsorships and live campaigns. If anything, he just comes off as an awkward nerd who can't flirt properly while she was clearly trying to use him for connections. Id imagine JP will say nothing about this and wait for it to go away. Innocent before proven guilty is for anyone who has a sense of ethics, justice, fairness, and who isn't morally bankrupt. This is the man that is just as much a sack of shit as they are. We should just be patient and wait for whatever evidence comes to light. He literally slept on the couch for two weeks because the bedroom was too far away from his computer and he needed to climb. Well yeah. Gotta be fucked up to have your name next to the title "SEXUAL ASSAULT SCANDAL AGAINST MANY STREAMERS" even when you're coming out against it and distancing your brand from it. Literally nothing happened in the whole fucking post, other than whoever wrote it being unable to open her fucking mouth. But it seems she didn't. Online I just generally don't respond at all. Tweet by slasher here. poopernoodle released a thank you statement here. Yeah, if anything it makes him look a bit like a awkward dude who thought there was something there. Sounds like one of those stories where perspective would change a lot. Doesn't matter how big, or how small of a celeb you are bad people can use false allegations quite effectively to take down good people. I was manipulated by Miniladd, I was 16/17. So in context of my previous post, @itmejp, can you lift your Cease & Desist and threat to sue me so I can talk about my abuse and physical assault on twitch? Obviously she's being vague because of the C&D but it still seems a little bit weird. It's disgusting. Regarding the allegation against HenryG, is she talking about Pansy? I made him promise that it'd only be cuddling, and at most kissing. Edit2 (2020-06-28): In light of recent events, yellowpaco being in Fed's camp makes A LOT of sense. A bunch of these allegations are just "so and so cheated on me", like why should I care? Justin is way to nice to assault anybody on anything except MvC3 LUL. This shit could literally ruin some peoples lives - and yet here we are - seeing many of you just fucking gobbling this shit up without even questioning anything. Just that occurs over many months and called their first time "coercion." Wow. How is a word for a ghost on Halloween racist? That's a relationship issue and not my problem. It's not confirmed yet. cw// domestic abuse, self-harm, depression, narcissism. He put his hand in my pants and was almost crying at me to let him. It's so scary that can happen to anyone and usually the majority of people don't wait to ssee proof. Bil "Jump" Carter accused of rape here. (old news but i will keep it). Even cryaotic's thing is about something that happened in 2011 when he was 22/23 and she was 16. that one was pretty bad. sleepyk accused of asking to have sex with minors here. I have a boyfriend you know! when he was just being nice, so I just stay quiet and say sure. Super glad GassyMexican is standing up against it though. But if she was lying to get attention a C&D would make sense right. Ive never met with anyone because I still have trust problems from the catfish. Like really?????? It started 14 years ago and has 112 uploaded videos. Warwitch accused of grooming a teen here. Whiteboy7thst playing high roller matches in Black Ops 1 was something to witness damn these were the glorious days, Damn, throwback. All the potential band wagoners is why Im waiting for my info and evidence to come up than basic statements and basic allegations. Ehh apparently it might have been at some point in the 40's or something? So she is most likely asking for it to be removed because she has no proof? Even the accusation of that has ruined lives. For Swifty you need to read Takarita's post: https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1sr9ip8. Her apology here. I've known Jen for years (I know I'm a nobody, but we've been good friends since before she dated Witwix), this was handled privately at the time and she decided against making anything public. Have some faith in your game. His statement here. If someone is famous and tries to approach a girl it can go different ways, more different than us nonfamous people. Co-CEO of Method, Scott McMillan, has issued a statement here. He made a clarification on the video that it was only online, for what that matters. sleepyk accused of asking to have sex with minors here. Anyone read the AngryJoe one? Try someone like Rob. OP just a note, Strippin doesn't have a g on the end of his username. A lot of streamers get romantically acquainted with their viewers/mod though since that is often their primary mean of social interaction. commentary youtubers bout to have a field day. If I ever see Josh in person I'd gladly throw hands with him but some of these? More information about Method here. Many people have since left Method. He just followed Lupo wherever he went. I hate his WoW streams but his drama takes are always based. You ignored me (and hurt my physically). its weird that A LOT, if damn near not ALL, of these girls making these accusations havent gotten the police involved. Twitch apparently dismissed a lot of the allegations in the past. Anyone with a huge following typically is a piece of shit when they take off the mask and hide the cameras. He obviously was forced to quit his job. WitWix has always been fairly open about his issues. From what I can see that's prety damning against her mountain of evidence in those google docs. How could he. sleepyk asked to have sex with me at age 14. . While a lot of these are really concerning, I'd take what Kaitlyn says with some level of hesitation. There is no colour, no reason to exclude based on race, nationality or gender. So many people who shit where they eat and wrestle with pigs. You matter. The presence of a weapon). It just feels like it was written in the worst possible light with the most cliche beats possible. He chuckled, said "wow, the things that go on on our platform, can't really comment," & moved on. Seems like the guys that knew were in a tough spot and kept their mouth shut until the victims wanted to come out with their stories. Feeling regretful and dirty that they realized the only thing that was wanted from them was sex. I feel like this happened with most people in this post. Okay. He's an example of someone who genuinely likes making videos and playing video games regardless of fame. Jackie and Michael are coworkers at a large law firm, who decide to meet at Jackie's for dinner one night. Edit: I forgot what subreddit I was on. I assume this is Sp00nerism, the former Creature? ActaBunniFooFoo accused of sexual assault here. Would end up being critiqued for having too much unrealistic fantasy of drama and they'd be like conquering the iron throne wouldn't be that bad.. Im so lost. Also sad that some people lie and falsely accuse others, ruining their career. Healthy adults don't engage with minors to the degree Cry did. 'This Really Happened to Me.' you're trolling me? I hope things get better, but I don't think it will before a large scale scandal develops. A word of caution, don't skim through the thread and put all of them in the same basket. I thought Cryaotic raped someone and come to find out he jusf cheated. She should have taken the hint, but it's some how his fault that she couldn't get over him. Damn, I thought that was Justin Wong the fighting game prodigy and got real confused for a second. I mean we used to have literal witch hunts. Forsen is muslim and already has a couple wives and a concubinage. Co-CEO of Method, Scott McMillan, has issued a statement here. Important thing to note, however you can believe victims while still holding judgement until all of the evidence is provided. It's pretty clear (if the allegations were true) that he was just very aggressive about the whole situation, but she also wasn't very upfront about a lot (like correcting him, giving him context or information, like the whole shower thing, or saying she's his girl) but needless to say, if it's true, than Joe shouldn't have done that. Its definitely an issue she has. His apology here. Some of the accusers have admitted of doing it, but most won't. Several women came forward with allegations against SayNoToRage and it seriously started a huge snowball effect. Method have made 2 statements here and here. Knowing now what Jen Denise came out with and knowing Witwix's general attitude around that time period from watching him religiously for a couple years straight, I am inclined to believe these accusations unless he comes out with some very good evidence to the contrary. He groomed me. ChrisChanTO also accused of sexual misconduct by LilyPichu here. The largest name I recognize is Witwix, which is fairly surprising to me, as he seemed like a fairly chill guy, but I guess they all do until it comes out. Chilled Chaos accused of raping a 12 year old girl. Fucking Hell, CSGO esports has a lot to answer for honestly. Is it because these claims wouldnt hold any water in a court of law? How about we only add allegations to this list, that are fucking worthy mentioning? I can't read another "traumatic experience" followed immediately by "The next time we hung out" TIMEOUT.the fk? Blinky was a pedophile who was exchanging nudes with a 14 year old girl. He also spoke about dating me and had a way with making me feel good about myself- feeling wanted. Edit: Removed a misunderstanding about Swifty - thanks to @Mrskliener. What's crazy to me people from his community including his wife are actively defending this dude. Inappropriate content includes: TwitLonger is developed entirely by Stuart Gibson and. It was getting close to midnight. Implicitly having power dynamic doesnt mean that much if the person is a consenting adult and its not a workplace interaction or couched around one. But yeah he's an absolute scumbag for scamming kids, Minecraft and COD and VLOGs keep him going, he lives about 20 minutes from me seen his dumb arse around Stockport a lot. Who did LaurDIY used to date? Not long after I had heard from some girls that he would ask them to come over. Imagine everything you say or write is being read out as dispassionate court transcript by a prosecution against you and behave accordingly. Problem is how many people have evidence that they DIDN'T do something? With Karen Sillas, Tom Noonan. She was one of my favourite casters. It's surprising and at the same time unsurprising. Welcome to the time capsule.A blast from the past, bringing laugh out loud, vintage game shows to a multi-generational audience. If the accusers are telling the truth then good for them because I know it's difficult to go public with it. Yeah, its a problem of the internet in general. Wow..I'm speechlesshe threatened a woman into silence and still hasn't stopped. Regardless of if he proves it it'll still follow him forever. I fucked up, I hurt someone, and I'm sorry. Go fuck yourself. Most of the female stories so far have been written like women have no agency at all. ". Cho appeared on . As we all know, this drama happens on Twitter. Only took about 24 hours for any mention to reach LSF. There's a lot of on the line here for people, and they might just push these things out to save themselves. I would just hate to see innocent people's careers ruined over allegations that any random twitter user can make. Christ those replies, zoomers just spamming WH OMEGALUL, I mean scamog is still getting sponsors because scummit defends him, Really is incredible how scamog is still promoted on the front page, Lack of a personality and really should have been banned for that gambling shit, It still bewilders me how he has a following, He was top 5 most subscribed twitch channel like last month with about 33/35k subs or something. Who would have guessed the guy scamming money from children was a scumbag. If you're talking about Omeed Dariani, sexual misconduct is what the girl said. Several Dota 2 esports personalities also have made allegations of sexual harassment. the Bunni story is actually mind boggling to me. EDIT: I just read through this guys google drive and he has messages of her literally saying this after this pax party had already happened: "Haha. The iAmSp00n one is really weird. But do i deserve to end up on a rape list?? the badger girl What happens if he doesn't have all the convos and shit? iamlegos, a chat moderator for jasminabae, has been accused of rape by her here. half of these people are going to read the names and not the stories and when one of these people's names pop up they'll be like, "oh yeah, didn't this guy sexually assault or rape someone?". edit: Bully Hunters vs CSGOLotto thats spicy, LUL I completely forgot about that, thanks for reminding me, Oh man PaperBatVG is involved in this? its pretty disgusting. You think the fucking idiots upvoting this crap even know what really happened with ProJared? Elisa was a 21-year-old Canadian student who disappeared in 2013 at the Cecil Hotel in downtown Los Angeles while she was travelling across the US. Also.. the first Swifty allegation includes Takarita being a disgusting human being, trying to take advantage of someone.. And then the second allegation against Swifty is written BY Takarita - which makes you wonder if she's just trying cover her ass? Asmongold thoughts regarding streamers/Orgs and Sexual Misconduct here. Step on me. Kayce (Luke Grimes) was also looking death in the face as gunmen burst into his office in what was an assassination attempt. This crap has been around a long time and it will continue until ppl are held accountable. I should at least be able to talk about what I've been though. And let's be real, the gaming community is quite toxic. GranDGranT accused of sexual assault here. The allegation is that he acts weird, especially when drunk or high. Instead they decide that the person is guilty, label him a rapist, he gets fired and worse. Not so long ago Johnny Depp had his world turn upside down because of literally the same shit. Pretty sure he was perma playing games when he screwed his ex gf with Macaiyla though. He groomed underage fans. If they are buddy buddy with Omeed, it explains how Serious Gaming has survived so long on twitch despite their predatory practices. You ever wonder why SeriousGaming never got permabanned for all the shit they do. Many people have since left Method. Hassan Bokhari, a Twitch staff member, accused of sexual assault here. Chess is so last week, we on TLOU2 now bro. Disclaimer: IANAL. Before Fame. I dont think any of it makes him look like a criminal though. LilyPichu has deleted her tweet. He asked a girl to have a three way kiss and she said no and that was that, he went on his way, "I was then told i'd be lame if i didn't at least do SOMETHING. Victims dont orchestrate prose to tell the basic facts of what happened to them, people who want to play on peoples emotions do. FinalBossTV accusations here. JP's whole career is built upon surrounding himself with more talented people. Knowing now what Jen Denise came out with and knowing Witwix's general attitude around that time period from watching him religiously for a couple years straight, I am inclined to believe these accusations unless he comes out with some very good evidence to the contrary. saying that stuff to a 15 year old, Half of these are just guys awkwardly trying to get laid lmao, No sexual assault at all in some of them, just girls having bad dates. I was sexually harassed by a large streamer in Los Angeles in 2016. It's been covering twitter for almost 2 days. sjin and Turps, former Yogcast members accused of being abusers here. He chuckled, said "wow, the things that go on on our platform, can't really comment," & moved on. Why not just let that one usage fade away when it is clearly already so obscure? This is fucking stupid.. What boggles my mind, is that this shit is still happening. He has responded. tldr - they operate at the same moral level as walmart. I know your memeing, but at the end of his stream today he called them a bunch of soyboys who use their fame to "get the juice", and commended them being called out. Why did you lead him on?". Cro-magnon social mapping is going to be what kills us. Paco was basically part of Albert's camp. Yesterday cry made a video pretty much saying he cheated his gf with an underaged girl, so there's that. He smoked a big joint on twitch a few months ago it was awesome. Scott McMillan, has issued a statement here the issue about dating me and had a way with making feel. Several Dota 2 esports personalities also have made allegations of sexual harassment is sexual content to include what happened to yellowpaco, and. His world turn upside down because of literally the same moral level as walmart ruin a mans... I heard about him 'll still follow him what happened to yellowpaco ago and has 112 uploaded videos people are guilty! 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