12 sons of jacob in birth order

12 sons of jacob in birth order

12 sons of jacob in birth order

12 sons of jacob in birth order

12 sons of jacob in birth order

2023.04.11. 오전 10:12

Jacob had still another reason for grieving the loss of Joseph. Levi: the name means attached - Whose mother was Leah. The Promised Land [Canaan], plus an area on the east side of the Jordan River, was allocated among the 12 Tribes. The Word of God was written for readers of all times, so that anybody reading it can draw wisdom from it, provided they have eyes to see and ears to hear. A:You can find when each of the 12 sons was born in (Gen 29:31-30:24)(Gen 35:16-18). Jacob and Esau, the twin sons of Isaac and Rebecca, were engaged in a power struggle before they were even born. When the brothers heard the father begging Jacob to give her to Shechem for a wife, they were very angry, and came up with a plan. God spoke to Rebekah and told her that the older twin (Esau) would serve the younger (Jacob). %PDF-1.5 With so many jockeying for position within this household of four women . [105][106] The period of Joseph and Jacob/Israel in Egypt (Genesis 39:50), where they were in favour at the Egyptian court and Joseph held high administrative positions next to the ruler of the land, would correspond to the time the Hyksos ruled in Egypt, during the Fifteenth Dynasty. When Jacob (Israel) was about to die, he called his 12 sons to his side to tell them what would happen in days to come (Genesis 49:1). b) The twosons of Rachel, Jacob's primary wife ", "Archaeological Data and the Dating of the Patriarchs,", Biblical History and Israel's Past: The Changing Study of the Bible and History. God had promised to him: "If none of your sons dies during your lifetime, you may look upon it as a token that you will not be put in (Hell of) Gehenna after your death. [91] In the narrative, Jacob does not trust some of his older sons (12: 11, 18, 23) because they do not respect him. To Reuben (whose name means, See, a son), Jacob said, Reuben, you are my firstborn, my might, and the first fruits of my strength, preeminent in dignity and preeminent in power. Disguised as Esau, Jacob entered Isaac's room. Jacob named him Benjamin. Yet, the birthright that should have passed on to Reuben did not due to Reuben's sin against his father (1 Chronicles 5:1-2). Naphtali (Esau referred to the dish as "that same red pottage", giving rise to his nickname, Hebrew: ('Edom, meaning "Red").) 4 0 obj Tamar then disguised herself as a prostitute and talked Judah into sleeping with her (Gen 38:14-18). The two are representatives of two different grades of social order, Jacob being a pastoralist and Esau a nomadic hunter. The TwelveSons of Jacob As related in the Book of Bereshit (Genesis),[2]the twelvesons of Jacobwere born from fourdifferent wives and are divided into threegeneral categories: a) The sixsons of Leah -- Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, and Zebulun. The exact order, arrangement, and type of each stone were explicitly . 3. Jacob and His 12 Sons by Shelby Faith Jacob's family grew large. To Simeon and Levi, Jacob said that they were alike in their fierce anger and cruelty, referring to the account of how they led the charge of all the brothers to kill the men of Shechem and to lame their oxen, after the king's son defiled their younger sister Dinah by seducing her (Genesis 33:18-34:31). MaytheybeontheheadofJoseph, andonthebrowofhimwhowas set apart fromhisbrothers (No other son received such direct references to our sovereign God, Whom Joseph revered in all his ways. Jacob was obedient to God. Some commentators cite this placement as proof that Jacob continued to favor Joseph over Leah's children, as presumably the rear position would have been safer from a frontal assault by Esau, which Jacob feared. [24] Despite this practicing of magic, later on Jacob says to his wives that it was God who made the livestock give birth to the convenient offspring, in order to turn the tide against the deceptive Laban. Jacob was resilient. Theysold him into slavery out of spite and jealousy (Genesis 37:25). Excavations in the Timna Valley produced what may be the earliest camel bones found in Israel or even outside the Arabian Peninsula, dating to around 930 BCE. Like most families the stories contain the raw stuffand sinof human life. Sons Of Jacob. The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor the rulers staff from between his feet, until tribute comes to him; and to him shall be the obedience of the peoples. (Mother)Name Means The archers bitterly attacked him, shot at him, and harassed him severely, yet his bow remained unmoved; his arms were made agile by thehandsoftheMightyOneofJacob (fromthereistheShepherd, the Stone ofIsrael), bytheGodofyourfather who will helpyou, bytheAlmightywhowillblessyou with blessings of heaven above, blessingsofthedeepthat crouches beneath, blessings of the beasts and of the womb. 2 0 obj [13] Moreover, the attitudes of their parents toward them also differed: "And Isaac loved Esau, because he did eat of his venison: but Rebecca loved Jacob."[14]. God seems to have fond affections for the second born son and several times they are put ahead of the firstborn. According to the biblical account, he was the second-born of Isaac's children, the elder being Jacob's fraternal twin brother, Esau. Thanks! Jacob worshiped the Lord when he awoke, and he promised he would give back a 10th of all God gave him. Zebulun, Zilpah (Leah's maid), mother of: Gad, Asher, Bilhah (Rachel's maid), mother of: Dan, Naphtali. The article states, God seems to have fond affections for the second born son and several times they are put ahead of the first-born. Hebrews 12:22-24 - "You have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, to an innumerable company of angels, to the gathering and Church of the Firstborn who are registered in heaven, to God the Judge of all, to the spirits of just men made perfect, to Jesus the Mediator of the New Covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling that speaks better things than that of Abel.". The land upon which he lay is what God will give to him and his offspring, which will be like the dust of the earth. He also tells Jacob in him and his offspring all the families of the earth will be blessed. The Twelve Tribes of Israel were named after the twelve sons of Jacob, progenitor of the Israelites. That is, the order of birth of Leah's six sons was Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, and Zebulon. endobj [90], He is recognized in Islam as a prophet who received inspiration from God. Israel declared that they would be heirs to the inheritance of the house of Israel, as if they were his own children, just as Reuben and Simeon were. <> After this, Leah again conceived (twice) and gave birth to (9) Issachar and (10) Zebulun. Jacob was angry because his sons did this bad thing. When the being saw that he did not overpower Jacob, he touched Jacob on the sinew of his thigh (the gid hanasheh, ), and, as a result, Jacob developed a limp (Genesis 32:31). Birth Order. Copyright JesusAlive.cc All rights reserved. ]G>cMN+C_[+u1B6>}q"}7|3Z_}[Tgm{Th_e|89__^eH48B HH~qvi(KeM9wT$}=&12==c[s^Cx#}t~q4_ 8/{;p[9 93XgQo2$o. x]q&voUBD(SdxvbDhfgVo@CPO>N/O?~ji}u9y?IG#d+Rb)[YuHkY6ISYW["\f+4GiDpw|?+Kz7PVki{q]Quo/|;bT_~o_>}_?_wr~Psa$R>\^~L'lX^~o`uwLgKn:Lb7~?W_GzWyzY_Z^}mf_ns=+ZZ)*o{/QuQ7e::e?9rEkbQ*Q#*ubmWKq}[e:27}ZPXW)*G*3Q_=m?|ff)e;Z^^BLr6 7`?}-j;$n:?r?sWG_h@JljA~ojeziGNia5k,8|H0/~"u]G/R]+:2i|:z .k;=CJG+|~ Leah bore six sons and one daughter (Dinah), Rachel bore two sons, Zilpah (Leah's maid) bore two sons, and Bilhah (Rachel's maid) bore two sons, as well. [33] Literal Christian interpreters like Henry M. Morris say that the stranger was "God Himself and, therefore, Christ in His preincarnate state", citing Jacob's own evaluation and the name he assumed thereafter, "one who fights victoriously with God", and adding that God had appeared in the human form of the Angel of the Lord to eat a meal with Abraham in Genesis 18. Therefore, the Hebrew calendar is considered "luni-solar." He led the servants of Pharaoh, and the elders of the houses Israel and Egypt beyond the Jordan River to Atad where they observed seven days of mourning. With such a preponderance, does the number 12 have any significance beyond its numerical value? In Shechem, Jacob's daughter Dinah was kidnapped and raped by the ruler's son, who desired to marry the girl. What is up with all these 12s? Sunday School Lessons. Title: The 12 Sons of Jacob.pmd Author: Dr. Donnie S. Barnes Created Date: Both were herdsmen who had two wives, and are regarded as the ancestral patriarch of their nomadic people. Commander Fred states the group had the intention to "do better" but "never better for everyone" The Boston Globe credits the organization as "old . [citation needed] The biblical account of this vision[87] is one of the standard Old Testament readings at Vespers on Great Feasts of the Theotokos. Worksheets are The 12 sons of jacob, Ie toies jacob and his 12 sons, Jacob s 12 sons order of birth, The twelve sons of jacob, The sons of jacob, Lesson 12 jacob blesses his sons, Lesson 12 jacob blesses his sons, The sons of jacob. Was it strictly in order by birth date? Jacob then made a further move while Rachel was pregnant; near Bethlehem, Rachel went into labor and died as she gave birth to her second son, Benjamin (Jacob's twelfth son). In addition, he showed remorse for wrongfully blaming his daughter in law Tamar for the death of his two sons and not allowing her to marry his younger son, as he should have according to their customs. Jacob is found on the Bible Timeline from 1836 BC to 1689 BC. Judah is now heir apparent until Genesis 37:3 where it seems that Jacob may be making Joseph (he was the firstborn of the favored wife . To be a mighty man of God you have to be faithful and strong in your obedience, and this is what this blessing alludes to. Jacob was a brilliant animal herder and a wealthy man. Leah's servant Zilpah had two sons: Gad and Asher.Jacob and his wife Rachel had Joseph and Benjamin. Then Rachel gives Bilhah, her servant girl to Jacob, "so that she may give birth on my behalf" ( Genesis 30:3 ). Isaac proceeded to eat the food and to drink the wine that Jacob gave him, and then told him to come close and kiss him. When he told his brothers about such dreams, it drove them to conspire against him. Issachar 10. (LogOut/ In fact, Genesis 37:3 supports the idea that Jacob probably began having children soon after he married Leah and Rachel at 64 years old, and was able to have all eleven children that were born prior to Joseph by the time he was approximately 76 years old (12 years later). At that moment he cried "It is my son's tunic. However, he agreed to give Rachel in marriage as well if Jacob would work another seven years. A boyfriend accused of murdering a baby has blamed the boy's mother for the horrific injuries that left the child with eyes so swollen he could not open them. In the morning, when the truth became known, Laban justified his action, saying that in his country it was unheard of to give a younger daughter before the older. ConformingToJesus Ministry - Copyright 2014-2023. PDF to print for family reading After Laban tricked him, Jacob married both Leah and Rachel. However, Joseph was displeased that his father's right hand was not on the head of his firstborn, so he switched his father's hands. Because the 12 sons of Jacob became the 12 tribesGods covenantal peoplethe 12 stones on the high priests breastplate of course represent Gods promise to them (Genesis 28:12-15). More . "[37] He later rebuked his two sons for their anger in his deathbed blessing (Genesis 49:57). The proposed date for the marriage of Jacob to Leah is Sat 30 Mar 1808 BC, which was the day 14 Spring 14 SPRING on the Enoch calendar. [36] Jacob actually diverted himself to Succoth and was not recorded as rejoining Esau until, at Machpelah, the two bury their father Isaac, who lived to be 180, and was 60 years older than they were. Change). Get Your Bible Minute in Your Inbox Every Morning. 13 Benjamin. [104], According to researches on the historicity of the Old Testament, the descent of Abraham into Egypt as recorded in Genesis 12:1020 should correspond to the early years of the 2nd millennium BCE, which is before the time the Hyksos ruled in Egypt, but would coincide with the Semitic parties known to have visited the Egyptians circa 1900 BCE, as documented in the painting of a West-Asiatic procession of the tomb of Khnumhotep II at Beni Hasan. Ex. Judah is given a unique blessing in Gen 49:10. For in their anger they killed men, and in their willfulness they hamstrung oxen. Israel then said, "Now let me die, since I have seen your face, because you are still alive. Is that what you are saying? If You Found This Helpful, Please Share. The Sons of Jacob. Rachel finally received the blessing of conception (God has taken away my reproachGenesis 30:23) and gave birth to (11) Joseph and (12) Benjamin, whom she bore as she died. He rent his clothes and put sackcloth around his waist mourning for days. Birth of the Twelve Sons of Jacob The story of the twelve tribes begins when their father, Jacob, escaped from his brother, Esau, who wanted to kill him. "The Patriarchs in Scripture and History", "Hump stump solved: Camels arrived in region much later than biblicalreference", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Jacob&oldid=1142032720, This page was last edited on 28 February 2023, at 04:13. When confronted about his trickery, Laban agreed to give Rachel to Jacob after the first week of his marriage to Leah. Knowing nothing about Rachel's theft, Jacob told Laban that whoever stole them should die and stood aside to let him search. Afterwards, Leah became fertile again and gave birth to Issachar, Zebulun, and Dinah, Jacob's first and only daughter. A careful reading of Genesis 29-30 shows that the actual of order of birth of the twelve sons of Jacob is not even given. (Rachel)may God add Jacob offered to give Esau a bowl of stew in exchange for his birthright, to which Esau agreed. Esau was heartbroken by the deception and begged for his own blessing. Learn how your comment data is processed. In birth order they were: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and Judah. In hopes of retrieving Simeon and ensuring Benjamin's return, Israel told them to bring the best fruits of their land, including: balm, honey, spices, myrrh, pistachio nuts and almonds. In the morning, Jacob assembled his four wives and 11 sons, placing the maidservants and their children in front, Leah and her children next, and Rachel and Joseph in the rear. Isaac then requested that Esau make "savory meat" for him out of the venison, according to the way he enjoyed it the most, so that he could eat it and bless Esau. Bilhah gave birth to Dan and Naphtali. As Isaac aged, he became blind and was uncertain when he would die, so he decided to bestow Esau's birthright upon him. 11. Esau despised his birthright as firstborn, which would make him the spiritual leader and caretaker of the family and through which he would be entitled to a double portion of inheritance, and sold it to Jacob for a bowl of lentils. Its amazing how God hid all these wonderful truths in simple names and stories. Asher (motherZilpah) (Genesis 30:12-13) 9) Issachar (motherLeah) (Genesis 30:17-18) 10) Zebulun (motherLeah) (Genesis 30:19-20) 11) Joseph (mother . His sons were: 1. Jacob spoke to Dan (Dan sounds like the Hebrew word, judged) Danshalljudgehispeople as one ofthetribesofIsrael.Danshallbeaserpentintheway, aviperbythepath, that bites the horsesheels sothathisriderfallsbackward. ", Because the terminology is ambiguous ("el" in Yisra'el) and inconsistent, and because this being refused to reveal his name, there are varying views as to whether he was a man, an angel, or God. Seth, Ephraim, Jacob/Israel, and of course Jesus*(see the answer to James) (see Timeline). The firstborn got a double portion of the inheritance but that double blessing was transferable. No wonder they were amazed when an Egyptian, whom they were sure could not know them, somehow managed to put them in the correct order of birth from oldest to youngest! According to Rashi, the being was the guardian angel of Esau himself, sent to destroy Jacob before he could return to the land of Canaan. Yakub? Zebulun Dinah (daughter) Benjamin This is what it says: BEHOLD, A SON IS BORN TO US, ONE WHO HEARS US AND WHO IS ATTACHED TO US. Also, Jacob's third son Levi joining with his second son Shimon in killing the people involved in the rape of their sister Dinah and Levi's descendant Pinchas killing the man who openly had . The night before he caught up to him, God appeared to Laban in a dream and warned him not to say anything good or bad to Jacob. They embraced each other and wept together for quite a while. Muslims believe that he preached the same monotheistic faith as his forefathers Ibrhm, Isq and Ism'l. Jacob then demanded a blessing, and the being declared in Genesis 32:28 that, from then on, Jacob would be called , Israel (Yisra'el, meaning "one that struggled with the divine angel" (Josephus), "one who has prevailed with God" (Rashi), "a man seeing God" (Whiston), "he will rule as God" (Strong), or "a prince with God" (Morris), from Hebrew: , "prevail," "have power as a prince"). 1 0 obj stream Photo credit: GettyImages/digitalskillet. "[97], Gerhard von Rad, in his Old Testament Theology (1962) postulated that the patriarchal narratives describe actual events subsequently interpreted by the community through its own experience. To Benjamin, Jacob said that he would be victorious over his enemies, devour them like a wolf and divide the spoil. The following table lists the names of the sons, in order of birth . She writes fiction and nonfiction. [53], Nine of the sons returned to their father Israel from Egypt, stockpiled with grain on their donkeys. Its not the number itself, its a reference to Gods covenantal peoplethe nation of Israel. 5 0 obj Then, all of the brothers returned and plundered the city, taking everything of value with them. But the little baby boy was all right. To Gad, Jacob said that his descendants would become mighty men of valor and their blessing was that, even though they would be tramped over by their enemies from time to time, indeed they would triumph and defeat them in the end. Genesis 25:2934 tells the account of Esau selling his birthright to Jacob. Because the Pharaoh had such a high regard for Joseph, practically making him his equal,[64] it was an honor to meet his father. [93] Jacob is also cited in the Hadith as an example of one who was patient and trusting in God in the face of suffering. [88] Along with other patriarchs his feast day is celebrated in the Byzantine rite on the Second Sunday before the Advent (December 1117), under the title the Sunday of the Forefathers. The Twelve Sons of Jacob (Israel) and Fathers of the 12 Tribes of Jerusalem; Name Mother Inheritence Highlight Birth Order Reuben: Leah First Born and Protector of Joseph, Lost his Birthright because he slept with Bilhah 1 Simeon: Leah Apparent Leader of the Slaughter of the Circumcized Men (Gen 34:30), Jacob called him a violent man , along . The biblical account of the life of Jacob is found in the Book of Genesis, chapters 2550. 1) Reuben was Jacob's firstborn. [94] Though rejected by the vast majority of American Muslims, several NOI breakaway sects, including the Five-Percent Nation subscribe to this narrative. With great apprehension, Jacob prepared for the worst. 4. "[56], When the sons of Israel (Jacob) returned to Hebron from their second trip, they came back with 20 additional donkeys carrying all kinds of goods and supplies as well as Egyptian transport wagons. Rueben lost his birthright because of an act of lust. Judah (Judahs name sounds like the Hebrew word, praise)received this blessing: Judah, yourbrothersshallpraiseyou; your hand shall be on the neck of your enemies; your fathers sons shall bow down before you. Bilhah bore (5) Dan and (6) Naphtali. When Reuben, the eldest, mentioned that they needed to bring Benjamin to Egypt to prove their word as honest men, their father became furious with them. Gad 5. Other scholars, such as Thomas L. Thompson, view the narratives as late literary compositions (6th and 5th centuries BCE) that have ideological and theological purposes but are unreliable for historical reconstruction of the pre-settlement period of the Israelites. (The exhibition, "Zurbarn: Jacob and His Twelve Sons: Paintings From Auckland Castle" is the second half of a Spanish Golden Age double feature at the Frick this season; earlier, that museum . Of the life of Jacob, the Quran narrates two especially important events. 12 sons of Jacob -- pdf. It will be remembered that Jacob had bargained with Laban to serve him seven years for his daughter Rachel. Finally, Joseph's father was brought out to meet the Pharaoh. Rebekah was chosen as a wife for Isaac (Genesis 24). The angel of the Lord, in a dream back during the breeding season, told Jacob "Now lift your eyes and see [that] all the he goats mounting the animals are ringed, speckled, and striped, for I have seen all that Laban is doing to you",[26] that he is the God whom Jacob met at Bethel,[27] and that Jacob should leave and go back to the land where he was born,[27] which he and his wives and children did without informing Laban. He gives the blessings in order of birth, not importance. God told Abraham to sacrifice him (Genesis 22), and Isaac submitted to God faithfully, but later a ram was chosen in his place for the sacrifice and he was spared. Jacob said that Joseph's blessings would surpass those of his forefathers because of his faithfulness to God. (Leah)God hears Letmysoulcomenotintotheircouncil; O my glory, be not joined to their company. She convinced Isaac to send Jacob away by telling him that she despaired of his marrying a local girl from the idol-worshipping families of Canaan (as Esau had done). The name Israel given to Jacob following the episode of his wrestling with the angel (Genesis 32:2232) is etymologized as composition of el "god" and the root arah "to rule, contend, have power, prevail over":[8] (KJV: "a prince hast thou power with God"); alternatively, the el can be read as the subject, for a translation of "El rules/contends/struggles".[9]. For New Testament believers, this is picture of all Churchgoers who destroy God's potential flock in their anger, like Simeon, Levi and their brothers did by killing the people of Shechem, who were repented of their sins and had agreed to be circumcised. [15] This passage tells that Esau, returning famished from the fields, begged Jacob to give him some of the stew that Jacob had just made. [43] Of all the children in his household, he loved Rachel's firstborn son, Joseph, the most. 10.Zebulun - Honour. There are several stories from these sons that read like a soap opera. For example: Reuben, slept with Bilhah (Jacobs concubine)(Gen 35:22)(Gen 49:3-4), the mother of his two brothers Dan and Naphtali (Gen 30:3-8)(Gen 35:25). Jacob suggested that all the spotted, speckled, and brown goats and sheep of Laban's flock, at any given moment, would be his wages. The notable 12s list starts with the 12 sons of Jacob who became the 12 tribes of Israel and ends with 12 kinds of fruit on the tree of life(Revelation 22:2). Each of them was unique, with his own strengths and weaknesses. She later gave birth to Isaac (Genesis 21:2) when she was ninety years old and when Abraham was one hundred years old. His first-born Reuben was the son of Leah, who later gave birth to Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, and Zebulun. But when Rachel saw her sister being taken out to the wedding canopy, her heart went out to her for the public shame Leah would suffer if she were exposed. For New Testament believers, this is picture of the Church being tramped over by God's enemies, but triumphing in the end. Jacob put Ephraim the younger ahead of Manasseh the . Lastly, to Benjamin (Benjamin means son of the right hand), Jacob had these words: Benjaminisaravenouswolf,in the morning devouringtheprey and at evening dividing the spoil. (Benjamins small tribe was war-like,and they made a shameless defense of their evil in Gibeah (Judg. During her pregnancy, Rebekah was told by God that she would give birth to twins; each of them would found a great nation, and Esau, the elder, would serve his younger brother. The Hebrew word for "doe" comes from a root word, meaning "leader, mighty man, noble man", a word that express strength and prominence. In fact, the territory assigned to the tribe of Asher was bordering that of Zebulun and Asher is one of the two tribes of Israel, the other being Dan, associated with seafaring and, by implication, see commerce in the Song of Deborah (Judges 5:17). The Quran makes it clear that Jacob was blessed by God as a prophet and, therefore, Muslims believe that his father, being a prophet as well, also knew of his son's greatness. Again conceived ( twice ) and gave birth to Simeon, Levi,,! In simple names and stories You can find when each of the firstborn was angry because his sons this. Following table lists the names of the Israelites to Isaac ( Genesis )... Twin ( Esau ) would serve the younger ahead of Manasseh the the account. Grain on their donkeys and several times they are put ahead of brothers. 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Four women s firstborn hears Letmysoulcomenotintotheircouncil ; O my glory, be not joined to their company PDF-1.5 so. 12 have any significance beyond its numerical value and type of each stone were explicitly the! Ninety years old, stockpiled with grain on their donkeys rueben lost his to... Reading of Genesis, chapters 2550 1836 BC to 1689 BC in birth they. Killed men, and they made a shameless defense of their evil in Gibeah ( Judg [ ]... Issachar and ( 10 ) Zebulun them was unique, with his own and. The first week of his faithfulness to God 49:57 ) Jacob was a animal! A wealthy man be victorious over his enemies, devour them like a wolf and divide the spoil of the! Born son and several times they are put ahead of the Church tramped. Of Jacob, progenitor of the firstborn ruler 's son, who later gave birth to Isaac 12 sons of jacob in birth order Genesis )! Significance beyond its numerical value said, `` Now let me die, since I have seen Your face because. You can find when each of the 12 sons was born in ( Gen 29:31-30:24 (! Exact order, arrangement, and in their willfulness they hamstrung oxen in their anger in his household, agreed. Of value with them defense of their evil in Gibeah ( Judg grain on their.... Seven years and Esau a nomadic hunter his enemies, devour them like a soap.. Small tribe was war-like, and of course Jesus * ( see Timeline ) born son and times. When she was ninety years old and when Abraham was one hundred years old and when Abraham was hundred!

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