fanfic prompt generator tumblr

fanfic prompt generator tumblr

fanfic prompt generator tumblr

fanfic prompt generator tumblr

fanfic prompt generator tumblr

2023.04.11. 오전 10:12

Send me asks, prompts FOR prompts, OTP (ot+), anything and everything. Angsty Hurt/Comfort Prompts. To all of you who participated last year - we have changed a few of the rules, but overall things have stayed the same. Person A is a president/prime minister/council member while Person B is a regular citizen/house maid. being the creator of your own blorbo is so fucking hard I have to do EVERYTHING around here. But they settle down. You can provide input and make suggestions/corrections at any point in the process. Character A cant wrap gifts to save their life. I wenr ahead and left a kudos :) -mod A. Bonus points if they're playing to win something (last cookie in the jar, or the loser has to clean the kitchen) and the left out character (s) are ganging up . Just roll with it. Mentioning the undertones within a characters skin is an even more precise way to denote skin tone. Complex colors work well alone, though often pair well with a basic color in regards to narrowing down shade/tone. # and reblog to your own blog!! Professions. Why or why not? ), If loud, weird public sex is wrong, then being wrong is wicked hot. The light flowing through him was barely covered by his skin, peeking through open eyes, an open mouth, and open wounds. Plot Generator The Ultimate Bank of 500,000+ Plots Plot Generator 1 million plot combinations to inspire you. If so, what are they? Person A has to take their and person B's child to get their chicken pox shot. (Today is the most exciting day of our lives. -HD by James Scott Bell: One of the techniques I teach in my workshops is borrowed from my courtroom days. What did you learn at school? I would appreciate me if you could message me about errors in the prompts! Regardless of their opinion on him, no one talked about how young Phantom was, how he was dressed in a hazmat suit like some sort of lab rat. Arms wrap around Hero's body. Find joy. :) Happy writing! Specify the details of your chosen fandom and move the sliders depending on what type of story you're looking for. (I like you. Follow. If youre looking to get more specific than brown, modifiers narrow down shade further. "Then why?!" 1. There are no electronics, no cars, no trains and no airplanes. All Ive managed to do is learn how to forget, and unfortunately for you, I really dont think Ill ever forget this.. When the ghosts became something of common knowledge Damian Wayne didn't expect to find a green dog, or kind of adopt it in the process Now he has to hide it from his family and the superheroes because ghost are known as the worst news right now, and the ghost king seems to be determinated to find something in the living world. You can call me your Guardian Demon.. - cruel prince, "i wasted all those yesterdays and am completely out of tomorrows." Perhaps because Ive never seen these in comparison to skin tone, With the exception of amber. You can even email us if you want ( Here are a few ways you can dive into this list: Challenge yourself to use one prompt every day for an entire week. For example:The only reason you could possibly need your music that loud is if you were planning to listen from my apartment. Part 1 of Interactive Fanfic; Language: English Words: 316 Chapters: 2/2 Kudos . Generate a random plot for your genre. "Wait, before you go," A hurries towards the door, "take my scarf, it's chilly outside.". Do it as a free-form document, in your villains voice, with all the emotion you can muster. lemonade-delirium liked this - assassin's blade, "you chose me four years ago. Their other tattoo, however, is a series of letters and numbers that no amount of scratching their head has helped them figure out. Here's a list of 300+ fluff prompts to give you ideas for your stories. ), I love the way your face lights up when someone says,It might be dangerous. (I am glad we are friends. Use a random number generator to pick a number between 1 and 43. (All 31 Themes + Prompts, Event Information and FAQs are posted below the cut!). He may be monster. Not every character or scene warrants a creative description, either. You are doomed. give me hamlet looking up during his monologue to see the audience and plead with them for help. So unlike the smooth, red-brown ochre of her mother, which the sun had richened to a blessing., -From my story Where Summer Ends featured in Strange Little Girls. Character A is pretending to be their friends lover for the sake of the friends family. He'll make sure it doesn't happen again. And so it went on, round and round on the wheel of life and death, the mind or consciousness being irrevocably drawn to its next existence by the propensities it had developed within itself., Tenzin Palmo(Cave in the Snow by Vicki Mackenzie), Anonymous said to @alloftheprompts:Do you have any Christmas Prompts that could be used for romance? posted 9 years ago. So normally us demons get assigned to torment and ruin humans lives. one to meet whatever it is that has marked your family so. Is there a specific type of touch they respond well to? We wish you all the fun! what perspective you want the text written from, if applicable. Welcome to the Sicktember 2021 prompt list! "How much pain do you have to go through before giving up is okay?" 2. king-luigi-the-first. I wanted to make this the best possible resource for you, so I divided up the fanfiction prompts into 13 separate categories: General Fluff Romantic Fluff Platonic Fluff Family Fluff Cute Fluff One True Pairing (OTP) Fluff Winter Fluff Morning Fluff Funny Fluff Baby Fluff Send me asks, prompts FOR prompts, OTP (ot+), anything and everything. (the way a human loves another human), Our love is like. - we were liars, "i'm the villain, even in my own story. You do not need to ask permission or give credit if you use any of the prompts posted here to inspire your writing. Go wild with the prompts, and support your fellow creators, see what juicy whump theyve created too! He smiles at the right times, laughs, roll his eyes, scream, etc. Joichiro would like to be anywhere else but with this man, thank you. Prompt 597. I ask people to imagine their villain has been put on trial and is representing himself. Seventh Sanctum has "writing prompt generator" that gives you random sentences that include ideas, dialogue, and . I'm just a fan of multiple things with so many ideas and open to more, but I can't do any of them! Character Driven Romance Writing Prompts. Mod also wanted to say were sorry for the lack of new prompts as of late. With that being said, were very excited to see the community come together once more and be a wild, chaotic bunch of creators and consumers of whump. Protagonist Welcome to this place! They didn't want to think about how the one time anyone gained a peek under his suit they saw a . FANFIC PROMPTS Prompts By Type Angst Prompts AU Prompts Crack Prompts General Prompts Take a drink if you want to! When the Justice league was called by the Ghost King they couldn't imagine a good situation to be called, most of them were some kind of bizarre favor or a fight. "I don't mind being underestimated. It would be great of the people stopped seeing him as "The second avenue of Asura", Souma would like to create his own legend, no matter what ridiculous things he has to do, thanks. Special thanks to magicmaster390, ginshika and tuskteeth for contributing outcomes! President. Even if youre able to get us to picture what rutile looks like, why are you using this description as opposed to something else? Calla lilies? Fanfic Ideas This has kinda turned into a fanfiction idea and headcanon blog. ), I do not believe in love at first sight. These ones are kinda odd. - shatter me, "she had realized that she had forgotten the precise blue of his eyes and the depth of his laugh." When I think cliff, I think of jagged, perilous, rough. But it doesnt tell you how some people with seizures are wary of holding sharp objects or hot liquids. Whether from my prompt list or otherwise, I cant wait to see what you snzfuckers come up with this fall. B: Bedridden - How do they behave when theyre sick? give me someone, bloody and full of tears monologuing to the camera when the narrative has wound itself so tight that they can't escape it anymore. Some of these have multiple meanings, so youll want to look into those to determine what other associations a word might have. i am sick to death of fourth wall breaks that are funny. ), I hate it when you leave but I love to look at your butt while you walk away. - that moment where he realises something isnt right: Does anyone else think its warm in here?, - the world seeming unreal and shimmery, his vision blurring with the heat, - a character whos been running a low grade fever for days, never enough to justify going home, but enough to make him feel pretty uncomfortable, until someone notices and forces him to go home, and tucks him in bed and feeds him drugs and water and its only then that he realises how bad hes been feeling, - another character inadvertently touching him, and exclaiming in shock: Youre burning up!, - temperature taking: someone elses hand on his forehead (palm cupped for intimacy; the back of the hand of there are walls up between them), - an old-fashioned thermometer in his mouth, - trying to take his own temperature with the back of his hand, but his hands are also too warm so its easy for him to dismiss it as nothing serious, - being forced into a cold bath (or jumping in himself): the violent shock, water so cold it hurts, shaking so hard he cramps up, - being soaked in sweat as his fever breaks, and suddenly being as weak and trembly as a kitten, all of the delirium-born strength gone, - recurring fevers, where he knows that any respite is temporary (and especially if his temperature climbs a little higher each time), - pushing through a fever, because its not that big of a deal, and hes busy, but it wears him down over time until his body reaches its breaking point and he finally collapses (I will never not love this), Welcome to Whumptober 2021! Someone describing a person they revere or admire may have a more pleasant, loftier description than someone who cant stand the person. H: Home - What things (objects, sensations or people) remind them theyre safe after a scary situation? We are so excited about this event and we hope to have lots of participation! Here's a few examples of what you might get! It can be used here: Tropes *cue spy music* That's right, they're undercover as lovers for a secret mission. It wasnt until they were old enough to think about their sexuality and their romantic life that they realized their preference for polygamy, and their excitement over having two soulmates to reflect this left them giddy over their eventual meeting. They learned how to be stealthy and where to safely sleep at night. It's about a chef and should include a certificate. The order is randomly determined (so the first character will not always be the first person mentioned). ), hey, im liking your photos at 2am because i want to make out. I made a smut generator. (Please give credit, to where credit is due <3)! Now tell me, as you dragged me here, did it truly never cross your mind that you might be the sacrifice?, Now the thing is, I really dont think I ever learned how to forgive. This all changed once they met a lovely couple one day, talking and laughing and finding their company warm enough to feel like home - and when they looked at their wrist after, two new marks were there, leaving Person A breathless in wonder. A: Alleviate - How do they go about relieving persistent physical pain? Like it says in the description: if you have an idea for a fanfic that you don't want to/have time to write for whatever reason, we will write it for you. Halloween Party in which lots of sweet kissesensue + character A getting sick off the atmosphere, Ranting about annoying things that they both disagree with which leads to kissing and so on, Embarrassing parents forcing them to be friends which blossoms into more, A breaks a promise B had set and gives A the silent treatment leading A to at some point get down on his/her/their knees and begging for forgiveness, Walking in on significant other dancing to a cheesy love song. What you are getting at is their motivation. The cuddle pile is nice but also someones foot is in my ear and someone else is snoring really loudly. I WANNA READ WHAT YOU CREATED! Follow. Mario: *tries to impress them by slowly pushing a glass off the table*. pictured above: warm / earth undertones: yellow, golden, copper, olive, bronze, orange, orange-red, coral | cool / jewel undertones: pink, red, blue, blue-red, rose, magenta, sapphire, silver. While romance can pop up in almost any book of any kind, there still is an entire genre dedicated to straight romance. As with some complex colors, the writer will have to get us to understand what most of these look like. As shown, theres a difference between say, brown skin with. Character A cant travel to see their family on Christmas, so they invite their grumpy loner neighbor Character B. ), In a dark, dark wood there was a dark, dark house and in that dark, dark house I think we should get drunk and fool around. You dont bring any attention to yourself. See and use our wonderful list of fanfic prompts one of the best parts of being in a fandom is being able to create your own unique content based off the existing canon of that particular fandom. Shout out to fanfic writers who write short fanfics. Angsty Hurt/Comfort Prompts for Anon. The ones no one wants others to see are hidden beneath long sleeves, turtlenecks, concealer, and masks as they bloom with dull, ugly color. Fanfiction Trope & Prompt Generator Make one of them a lifeguard and the other finds themself in need of rescuing--whether accidentally or on purpose. (Fact. Simply pick between fantasy, romance, sci-fi, mystery, or drama and click the button below to get started. These are more rarely used words that actually mean their color. The mixing of a ghosts powers and human life grow to create powerful results.). We are all born over and over again, they said, in many different forms and situations and to families with whom we have strong karmic connections. The first one was a big hit, so I hope youre ready for a second one! Character A overhears Character Bs Christmas wish and decides to fulfill it, Io, Saturnalia! & Other Bad Ideas for Office Parties, Youre a Mean One, Mr. [insert character name here], Its Beginning to Look a Lot Like Vetrntr. - the final gambit, "abuse can feel like love. But when the new paint gets scratched, there you are underneath. But tell me your heart doesnt race for a hurricane or a burning building. One character who really doesn't care about fashion wants to impress somebody, be it a date, a co-worker, a boss, etc. If you write a story based on it, I'd love to read it! (None of those lines seemed to be about you or me. Examples of writing prompts. #super mario #incorrect quotes #prompt generator #mario x princess peach #mareach #nintendo #cat mario #mario movie. Some I found around tumblr, some I made, some I added to. Idea #1. Person A has two tattoos (one on each arm or one right beneath the other on the same arm). Now, if the public stop calling him hero, everything would be amazing, A: My life was very, uh Easy, especially compared to everyon's here, don't worry about me, What B thinks:*Easy? PLZ TAG ME IN TAGS! All the superheros think that the vigilantes are, indeed, dangerous. PLZ TAG ME IN TAGS! swap names in prompt. But that probably wont happen. I hope you like them!! Seriously, its free. Discover more posts about prompt list, angst prompts, fluff prompts, otp prompts, dialogue prompts, romantic prompts, and smut prompts. It was a bit difficult to find flowers to my liking that didnt have a 20 character name or wasnt called something like chocolate silk so these are the finalists. ), You are the love of my life so far. 22 Fabulous Fanfic Prompts to Amp Up Your Writing. We have your main character, somehow sent to this future (be creative) where theyll have to adapt and decide whether the world is better off knowing the secrets of the past he/she can show them (rediscover) or if life has been improved with the simplification and lack of modern marvels. - these violent delights, "we were all supposed to make it." Id rather die terrified than live forever. Character A doesnt feel the Christmas spirit but Character B, who lives above them, keeps playing Christmas carols really loud. Have you ever come up with a really good idea for a fanfic but had no idea how to write it? it cant be time for my medicine already. Keep a pen and notebook handy for those ideas . They have markings that indicate where theyll touch their soulmate for the first time. I've finally sunk low enough to make something this hilarious. i respect that! zero one one zero one one and you count clouds. Write a 300 word story in the epic genre. One eye had their eye color, the other was supposed to be the color of their soulmates eye - which would change whenever they met, to where each would have only their own eye color. He who lifts the Holy Shield and the Hammer of Judgement will vanquish the darkness that grips the land, and wins the princess heart. so says the prophecy. Just a reminder, Comfortember is a month-long challenge during the month of November and the focus is all things comfort. Character A has to dress up as Santa for Christmas. Everyone is born with a tattoo on one of their arms, the first words (spoken, signed, or written) that their soulmate would share with them marked on their arms. Enjoy! <3. I dont really use ao3 so I tried my best with the collection, tell me if theres anything wrong! Just wanted to float this out there. Character B is said friends sibling. i woke up today because i (we dont need words), Its a full moon. #Welcome to my blog! Theres so many brilliant winter / holiday themed prompts already out there (Ill reblog some) so for the sake of avoiding redundancy, Ill do something a little different here. - song of achilles, "write me a letter telling me how to live the rest of my life without you." If you want to. Sassy Octopus Drawing face expressions, Drawing expressions, Otp nsfw prompts generator Imagine Your OTP: a fanfiction . (AKA everyone in town has a theory of how Phantom came to be. ! She yelled at him with tears hidden in her tounge. grovegrocer: I made a whump generator! Welcome to Whumptober 2022, in its fifth year of running! Reblog if you wish! The more the merrier. B and C separately decide to finally get A the kitten/puppy theyve wanted for ages. 1. Character B has a small sibling/child. K: Kindness - Do they believe they deserve the comfort they receive? Imagine your OT3 or OT4 celebrate a mix of holidays during winter. He has to appeal to the jurors hearts and minds or hes doomed. If you answered yes to any of these questions, this is the place for you. Template I made for the My Ship In 5 Minutes challenge. It doesnt tell you how epileptics feel when theyve just found out that theyre prone to fits. Chaos ensues. I do not take credit for this wonderful format! J: Joy - When was the first time they were truly happy after going through something terrible? I should stopI dont even know what to tag this monster. How does Person A meet their soulmates, and do the other two in the ship know each other prior to meeting Person A? IF YOU USE ANY! Her face was like the fire-gold glow of dawn, lifting my gaze, drawing me in., She had a sandycomplexion, smooth and tawny., Pictured above: Calla lilies, Western Coneflower, Hazel Fay, Hibiscus, Freesia, Rose, He entered the cottage in a huff, cheeks a blushing brown like the flowers Nana planted right under my window. You downstairs motherfuckers. (Every day I hope to see a moving truck pull in. Heres the titles of some things Ive personally written over the years. Roses are easy, as most know the look and coloring(s) of this plant. Character As best friend rigs the Secret Santa, because they know Character A has a crush on Character B. Mod wanted to take this opportunity to remind everyone that both prompt submissions and prompt requests are open for this blog. This event focuses on sick characters and their caregivers. Naturally, I was all over the wikipedia page for seizures, the related pages, other medical websites, etc. Cultures. You do not need to ask permission or give credit if you use any of the prompts posted here to inspire your writing. imagine-your-parent-otp. Regardless of your skill level, this AI story writer app will serve you . Person A had been born with a blank wrist, no soulmark to be found there despite it being a rarity in their world. Choose a prompt that's out of your comfort zone. Series. Its Character As first Christmas since a tragedy. It doesnt tell you how their friends and family react to the news. BROTP: THE PLATONIC ONE TRUE PAIRING, the CHOSEN FRIENDSHIP, your entire blog can be identified as "that person who won't shut up about characters A & B"; Obscure: the one you've spent hours trying to create your own content for because there isn't even an existing tag for the friendship, there probably isn't even much art of the characters themselves, why must you suffer like this just come home." I hope you all enjoy this years prompts! Is NASA recruiting? and we will have that time. (And Im queer for math! In the aftermath of the Founder's Dinner, Ed starts to realize that he has a decision to make Oswald or Isabella. Person A is dead and Person B sees the dead, #pick an otp imagine them meeting like this, met in the veterinarians waiting room AU, your voice sounds just like my phone sex operators voice AU, seated together at a family-style restaurant and everyone thinks theyre a couple already AU, took your suitcase from the airport baggage claim on accident AU, met at a family reunion but not related to each other AU, manager at a no-tell motel and frequent room renter AU (bonus points: assumed theyre a sex worker AU), secretly ice skates/fences/other sport!au, secretly a mermaid/vampire/werewolf/other mythical creature!au, literally just been turned into a demon like five seconds ago help im freaking out oh god what do i do!au, literally just been introduced to hunting oh god this person stabbed something and now they want me to help!au. F: Fight - Are there circumstances under which they would not accept treatment or care? This final portion focuses on describing skin tone, with photo and passage examples provided throughout. And under the cut is the prompts written out for easy readability! Its kisses. At least theyre common enough that most may have an idea what youre talking about at the mention of pinecone.. 7 Offensive Mistakes Well-intentioned Writers Make, "he is half of my soul, as the poets say. " Danny just wants to know where the heck is Cujo, #every idea will be tagged in their respective fandom. I dont LIKE like you. 45,127 notes. Sicktember is a month-long, multi-fandom prompt event that is taking place in September! The wiki page for seizures tells you the technicalities of it all, the terminology. To know where the heck is Cujo, # every idea will tagged! Family so of holidays during winter s ) of this plant actually mean their color have multiple meanings, I! 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