supergirl fanfiction kara sick

supergirl fanfiction kara sick

supergirl fanfiction kara sick

supergirl fanfiction kara sick

supergirl fanfiction kara sick

2023.04.11. 오전 10:12

She had been hoping she would be able to hold onto this little secret for awhile longer but she knew there had been a chance she would have to tell you in order to get you to join her. Kara asks Lena's help to prank Alex, and it horribly backfires. You knew you wouldnt be able to step back into this apartment once you left. With that in mind though it will be a minute before the last part is uploaded so for the mean time to make sure I still upload at least a couple stories I will be taking any and all requests for the characters I mentioned above. Alex immediately switches into big sister mode and rubs my back hoping to calm me down. It seemed like you might be winning and then J'onn came out of nowhere again. She put her hand on your arm to stop you and looked at you in complete disbelief. The world now knows her truth Kara Danvers, the new Editor-In-Chief of CatCo is Kara Zor-El of Krypton, she is Supergirl! Any and all thoughts about the way it has ended are welcome. You are asked to perform at a funeral for a young woman, only to find out that she was one of your victims.. Natalie nods her head and does just that. You were honestly sick and tired of it. I don't know to be honest. Lillian had made you believe that Kara had stolen Lena from you and had ruined your life. I dont know when Ill be home but we can talk in the morning.. Now another CEO will help the blonde recover from her cold. You had tried talking to Lena about this and how it made you feel, yet every time you tried she just didnt have the time for you. As Kara was lost in her thoughts, Samantha Arias entered the training room to receive her official training session to become a superheroine like Supergirl, after her Worldkiller powers had returned and reactivated to their fullest extent. They had found you just in time. I tried to tag them and it wouldnt work but their user is stuckscheize. Warnings- Angst, talk ofalcohol abuse, slight suicidal behavior, slight mentions of death - let me know if you would like me to add any. It had been a year since she had made the choice to become a husk of a person. She had only knew you for a couple of days and now she was on her way to look after you, she was sure this would look weird. Well (Y/N) Im Lena and I know where you are suppose to be headed. You didnt want anything to do with her anymore. You want to tell me what that was all about Lena? Sam asked keeping her voice soft and calm. You had no desire to be with someone who obviously didnt think that you were enough. In fact, Alex just looks worse in general. Sorry (Y/N) I really need to focus my attention on Supergirl right now. She didnt even know where you were or what had happened to you yet there she was with Supergirl. Humans are just so fragile.. You are the best candidate for this job. You didnt crash at Alex and Maggies place. James hadnt heard from you at all that day. She didnt do anything to you so no need to be snappy with her. You both had a ways to go in rebuilding your trust and relationship and while the both of you knew it would never be the way it once was you both were just happy to be in one another arms again. Hey Lena. You just hoped that your friends would be able to find you in time. "Well, how do I know if you're even telling the truth?" What happens when Kara's adoptive mother dies in a car crash, and then Kara finds out that she'spregnant? She had saved you from yourself. Im gonna go grab something from Yoko, see you both in class! Enid giggled as she headed out the door, shooting you a mischievous look without the ravenette noticing. Warnings: Angst, Accusations of Cheating, Depression, Struggle with Self-Worth, Suicidal Ideation. I will show you just how much of a Luthor I truly am. Lena walked away after that. She just had to wait for Lena to eventually calm down so she could explain and Sam could come up with a way to help. Disaster happens and pain comes. You had once thought that you and Lena could make it through anything. Im not sure how long this will be. Just text her back saying I'm fine! She quickly looked you over and with every new injury she saw her anger and sadness grew. People claim to see them and people claim to be them but its all speculation. Maybe she could get through to you, she had to try at least. Where is that person (Y/N)? If any of you try to come see me or talk to me I will kill you. All those stories are twisted. Lena looked for you for months, she tried every. Kara didnt get to finish what she was saying as you launched towards her your shoulder making connection with her stomach. Among those is Lena how brought a Kryptonite gun just in case. You should have known better than to trust Lillian but she had come to you when you were your most vulnerable. No accumulated data to run an analysis against. And I assume your stomach still hurts?". I slowly nod my head as Alex helps me stand up. Not everything had been fixed but hopefully this was the start of a new better beginning. I actually just came from there. We have begun to try and figure out how one might fuse alien DNA, specifically Kryptonian DNA, with human DNA. Once I'm standing I start feeling really dizzy and I put almost all my weight onto Alex to avoid falling. You smirked as you looked over it. Lenas cool. I'll be there soon, and please look after yourself.". Based on "Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow" comics. "Kara why didn't you tell me sooner?!" It brings me joy. She titled her head to the side slightly as she looked at you. (Dark, speculative AU inspired off of 5x03. You already were feeling dizzy from what the man had done to you already. I glance over at her and notice that she fell asleep. You were looking around for a couple of minutes before a woman walked over to you. Lena Luthor sonri y se dej caer para atrs, oh, que placentero encuentro fue aquel. Karas eyes widened and your hands balled up into fists. I know when Im not wanted. Every time after you two talked though people would give you weird and judgmental looks. Lillian could barely hide her excitement. Day Two of Febuwhump: FlinchingSet when Kara comes to earth. As her sobs began to slow and the tears began to flow from her eyes slower she stood up. Hang out let me finish that thought in a second (Y/N) is calling me. Lena said stopping in the middle of what she was saying to answer her phone. What do you want? Lena heard the man chuckle after she asked him. The last time. You heard people yelling and screaming. Ugh! Also, Kara is a trans woman. She knew she had to get to you. She knew she had been taking advantage of how understanding you were but she hadnt realized how far she had pushed you. She suspects it has something to do with the primordial urge to pester siblings. Crying yourself to sleep every night. Lena never gets sick -- until she does. Um yea Im (Y/N) (L/N), I just got hired. You had lasted longer than any of the pervious subjects. I feel kind of worse". SuperCorp Lena Luthor Doesn't Know Kara Danvers is Supergirl sensory issues Autistic Kara Danvers character on the asexuality spectrum gentle lovemaking Realistic take on the negative side of superpowers soft and good with a side of melancholy Friends to Lovers Please let me explain. This isnt you (Y/N). I would never forgive myself if I was the reason you were hurt. Lena whispered to you softly. You put on the suit and cape feeling as the excitement began to course through you. Lena let out the most horrific pain filled scream anyone had ever heard before. "Alex, please tell me what's wrong. Ok. She had a sadistic smirk on her face as she then let you go. She could hear your whimpers over the phone and she knew you were scared. This is my take on what happens after Alex proposes to Maggie. An audio recording of the work written by bzarcher. She sets down her purse and walks into her bedroom, but what she sees in there concerns her more than she'd like to admit. And dont think I return the feelings, She looked up at you, her eyelashes fluttering as the blush on her face became even more noticeable. You quickly took to the sky. Please consider turning it on! The Amazonian breaks her rule and takes Lena back to Themyscira, where she discovers Lena's heritage isn't as straight-forward as she thought. Lena had needed her help. You can't just sacrifice yourself." Said Alura. She pressed her forehead against yours. Kara quickly looked between the two of you and began to pack up her stuff before leaving as quickly as she could. After Lena is injected with a deadly substance that gives her forty-eight hours to live, uncovering her attacker only helps to confuse the team. She hesitated to come, so she decided to just stayed at home. Alex asks immediately growing concerned. Browse Browse I cant do this without you. also, Vor does not have powers yet. Please let me talk to them at least please. The man didnt answer for a minute and Lena began to doubt he would let her talk to you. I'm sorry I had to wake you, J'onn called and said he's on his way to check on us." ). You would be nothing without me! She buried herself in her work and alcohol. what team 7 will look like if they got a chance to grow individually for a bit -, border patrol and other genin-lvl missions, abandoned uchiha compound guess who found it :(, Naruto moments that could b mentoringif he had the time -_-, Lena Luthor Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl, lena unknowingly kills the love of her life, past Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer - Relationship, combination of post crisis and pre crisis, I am currently working on a rewrite that has much higher production, The adventures of Rue 'Acertory' Breakers. # 1. Warnings- Language, Fighting/More like Torture, Death, Angst, Mentions of Blood and Alcohol. Sorry but (Y/N) is unavailable at the moment. There were many times in the first couple of months that Supergirl ended up flying Lena home carrying her bridal style because she had drank until she blacked out. On a world where the multiverse is well known criminals try to escape to another world to get away. You had been there for her through the whole case with Lex which caused your own family to practically disown you. You appreciated that because even though it hurt every time you saw a picture of Supergirl carrying Lena bridal style or heard about the possible romance blooming between them it fueled you to work just that much harder. I can make it, I have to make it. You kissed the top of her head and relaxed as much as you could. You woke up the morning covered in hickeys with Lenas arms wrapped around you and you felt like shit. While investigating, Kara has been heavily exposed to its presence and unfortunately this time no one has found a way to reverse the exposure. She is lying. She opened her mouth to say something but you interrupted her before she could even say anything. In which Alex finds Maggie doing laundry at 1am in the morning. It's Christmas time of 2019 in National City when Barry once again finds himself stuck on Kara's Earth, and when a new villain travels the multiverse to find the fastest Hi, I'm Kira Danvers daughter of Kara Danvers A.K.A Supergirl and my father, who left us when I was little. She could only hoped that you had decided to go to one of your friends places to crash. She couldnt even come up with anything to say to you. You knew you wanted to hurt Lena and take Supergirl down a peg or two but was joining CADMUS really the smartest option? It only took 4 words to shatter Lena's entire world and a lot more to build it back up again. I mean why would anyone turn down an offer that would help you. When Kara blows out her powers she will do anyhing to get them back. life's going great kara and lena have a little girl everyones happy// supercorp, sanvers, winn and aila (they don't have a ship name Do you like Star Wars and Supergirl? If you let her explain herself maybe you could get some kind of closure and you could move past this part of your life finally. Warnings- Cheating, Mentions of Smut but not very detailed, Language, Slight Violence. Set within the Missed Connections universe, down the line. You scoffed thinking about it now. Since this next part will more than likely be the end of the mini series I want to make sure that I do it justice and I dont just create a half-assed ending to the story. I need to know you arent a threat and in order to do that I also need to know what Lillian did to you. You smirked as you looked at her. I hear Alex let out a small groan before I feel a hand on my back and another holding my hair back. "You heard me." And somehow Lena being sick gets her a girlfriend. The nicest person you had ever met. Dont hurt Alex. You had immediately moved out of Lenas place and ended up staying with your sister, Maggie, for a couple months before you had been able to get your feet back under you. I will have her come to you as quickly as possible ma'am/sir. the agent said before quickly leaving and going to get Ms. Luthor. For both of you. It's a Sanvers no powers alternate universe, featuring Toddler!Kara. You are better than this! Fall had always been your favorite season because of the beauty that came with it. You felt you had taken 2nd place in Lenas heart but you dealt with it because you knew how much Lena wanted friends that wouldnt judge her or try to use her. You didnt know what to do. Knowing Kara Danvers as human, it doesn't come to a surprise that she has her own hospital room. You had never screamed at her before. After a few months, Kara comes back to Lena. I hope she was worth it Kara. You said knowing that she would hear you. Well, I will have someone get you more appropriate clothes for what we are about to do. Lillian said before turning around and walking out. You were ok. She pulled back and kissed you. "M'kay" I say before I cough once again. You would schedule time with her for you to be able to bring and each lunch with her during the day. With the curse broken, Regina's fighting feelings for a certain Sheriff and trying to be the woman she should be, but after a few too many drinks, she accidentally opens a portal that leaves her falling through the air and being rescued by Supergirl. Looking deep into those emerald eyes, struggling against the inhuman grip around her throat and searching for a hint of mercy from what she can now see is a woman. She bit her lip hard to try and keep in the sobs that wanted to break out. Kara discovers Lena is sick, and takes it upon herself to take care of her. You had enough. I mean if you are then I meant absolutely no disrespect by my comment. You began to ramble on. "I made you! Im in the middle of trying to help Ruby with her homework. Sam said as she answered her call. You decided that you might have to play dirty in order to win this fight. You didnt leave out a single detail. After a few minutes I manage to stop coughing. action romance cwtv +3 more # 17 Laverna Family Moments by Foxes and Magic The owners said it had been there all week. Lena took the elevator up, stumbling a little as she headed to Kara's door. Later that night. She had no idea where you had even gone. I'm okay, let's just get you to your bed." But when Kara gets exposed to Pink Kryptonite, she lets slip her feelings for Alex. In fact she was always brutally honest and right now thats what you craved more than anything. She still had no idea what say as she quickly parked the car. You know you dont want to. She knew all of your weaknesses ad she had used them against you. The one where they are best friends but dance around the "in love with each other" part. You looked up at her as your tears continued to fall. Her mother had done this. I immediately lie down on the couch and close my eyes. That's final." Said Alura as she left the room. I ask as a single tear falls down my cheek. You had barely managed to get to and grab Alex before Kara landed in front of you. These are my four sisters Madeline, Alexandria, Gina-marie, and Gabriella. They are a little tied up. Lenas face drained of all color. Tomorrow would begin the start of you finally being able to take your revenge on Supergirl for stealing your life from you. As you were walking around and thinking through your options a sleek black car with tinted windows drove up beside you and stopped. It was filled with anger, hatred, pain, and heartbreak. Is (Y/N) over there with you guys by any chance? Lena asked her voice wavering even as she tried her hardest to not let her emotions show through her voice. My ankle just really hurt, no big deal.". Alex and Kara looked at Lena with concern on their features. Lena had lost her entire world too. You are who I want. Supergirl is under the influence of black kryptonite and holding many hostages. I know more about this than anyone else here. I say as I glance down at her ankle. These are multiple stories, in one book. After a red-kryptonite bomb goes off in the city, Kara has to be imprisoned at the DEO to ride out the toxins that have taken over her system. I promise you. Supergirl/Fort Salem kinky crossover. You dont know how long the both of you stood there kissing. You didnt want to accidentally hurt her. You know most people dont joke around with me like that. You are still hurt with what Lena did and you keep on ignoring her. It was your driving force. She almost wanted to stop it from happening because she was certain after this that you would no longer talk to her and she had enjoyed talking with you and becoming friends. You have to let me help you though. Kara told you keeping her voice as soothing as possible. Alex looked over at Lena as the tears began to fall down Lenas face. Sams eyes widened and she pulled Lena closer to her. Kawaki fled Konoha, and it has been decided that Sasuke Uchiha will once again embark on a years long mission, taking Boruto along with him to protect the only Karma wielder Konoha has left.Once again, Sarada has to say goodbye to her father, do her best not to blame her teammate for this predicament, and keep racing forward to her goal of Hokage in a village still somewhat resentful of the Uchiha.Can she do it? Kara gets ideas, ideas that Lucy both does and doesn't think are kind of sort of a little bit hot, actually. The ravenette broke eye contact with you as she gazed over to the balcony, but you were still focused on her flawless beauty. "Lena," Kara said, throwing open the door, "I missed you." She leaned in for a kiss, pulling Lena close. I actually helped out slightly on that project with Lena. You held Alex tightly enough that she would have bruises and Kara felt the panic begin to course through her. The man began to laugh. Kara has shared some exiting news with Mon El. "Alright.". You didnt see her collapse as the sobs overwhelmed her body. You slipped it off quickly walking back towards Lenas desk. "Who the hell are you and why do you have (Y/N)'s phone.". I'll do my best to write them. Eventually you slammed down the food you had made on Lenas table making Kara and Lena jump apart. Lex skipped the harmless prank phase entirely, and went straight into murder. You couldnt eat. You quickly got out of the car and followed her inside of the intimidating building. Every time I talk to Lena you guys give me nasty looks. The people looked at you shocked. I only talk to Lena and yea shes like one the bigger bosses or whatever she is. All of your clothes were still in your car and it had been sitting in the parking lot of a diner for the past week. Shes quieter than Miss Rojas, softer, perhaps almost as shy as Kara had been when she was first brought home. You couldnt sleep. Now what to do with you? Honestly I cant believe you right now. You had moved from the only place you had ever known in order to follow Lena and support her in quest to try to clear the Luthor name and rebrand Lexcorp into LCorp making in a force for good. "I just wanted my plan to work this year. She raced down to her car as quickly as possible before driving to the penthouse the two of you shared. She quickly lead you to the DEO vehicle she had arrived in and began to patch you up with the medkit that was in there. Where is the sweet person who only wanted to help people? Come to our dorm, y/n, I'lI get you cleaned up, Wednesday extended her hand as you weakly grabbed it with your non-disabled arm. This isnt you! She was alive, made of flash and bones, just risen from the ash, from the fire she sent her on. I do not own any of the characters used, they all belong. You felt like you couldnt breathe. Lena gets kidnapped. The voices in your head had been so loud. You hailed a cab and gave them the address for Lenas place. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (15392), Lena Luthor Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl (2417), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (2115), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Lena Luthor Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl, Accompanying Art For Play Me Something Beautiful, alright so i honestly don't know what i just wrote, it's not the metallo lena universe but it does have metallo lena, blamethecomicwritersnotmeforcharacterdeaths, Pretty Little Liars Series - Sara Shepard, Samuel Garca Domnguez/Carla Rosn Caleruega, they have issues and damnit they're gonna talk about them, Kara Danvers/Original Female Character(s), it matters how this ends ('cause what if i never love again? You had once asked Lillian if Lena had even tried looking for you. Standing in front of her. She was human after all, but she didn't admit to it regardless of how terrible she felt. You were getting tired of this. You opened your eyes squinting at the bright lights above you. How much are you being paid? It had been 6 months since your world had been shattered by the woman you loved and your best friend. Begin as friends again and build back up your trust and love. Mitsuki decides to go with Boruto.This is the end of Team 7. Somehow they've got Kara and Kryptonite too. "You fell asleep. After that day Lena began to spiral down. A sarcastic chuckle escaped past your lips as you began to pace back and forth. You had always struggled with your self-worth. Whether she likes it or not, she will need to face her emotions, good and bad, to finally be able to move on. I love you. In the blink of an eye, you crashed into Enid, causing her pile of books to fall all over her foot as Wednesday whipped around to see who did it. When perfect student Lena Luthor ends up in detention one day, she ends up crossing paths with the troubled Kara Danvers, who Lena soon learns is full of surprises. You tried your hardest not to think about it and about all the feelings it had caused to awaken inside of you. If I was someone else, you wouldve butchered me in an instant, you chuckled, tucking her hair behind her ear. You need to increase it by about 45% for it to be able to contain me. you said looking at the floor. Kara blows out her powers and calls in sick for the first time in her life. It was in a parking lot at a diner. (Y/N)! she yelled your name running through the penthouse checking every room. You had planned to surprise her with a homemade lunch but what you had walked in on shattered your heart. Kara was invited to the fundraiser and finally got her chance, but things never turn out as she plans and she had to cut it short to rush out for a family emergency. In the meantime, Lena Luthor is attacked and left for dead during a business trip, only to be rescued by Wonder Woman. Cat finds your door unlocked, taking the chance that Kara had left it unlocked on her way out this morning. Once you made it to her side she handed you an earpiece. As we're about to approach the door frame she stops. Lena Luthor is searching for her purpose in life. We know it isnt. Meanwhile Lena stood where she had been eavesdropping in shock. The pain consumed every part of you. You decided to test and see if the experiment had worked and simply sat up. The popcorn machine (I think) incident . Lena could feel the tears starting back up. I want to die" Kara sniffled. Just as you were about to start screaming at her again Supergirl appears on Lenas balcony and walks into her office. She was frozen in shock as she watched you fight J'onn and Supergirl. I quickly grab it and notice it's J'onn calling. The next couple of months were spent gaining control over your powers, learning how to fight, and figuring out any weaknesses you had. You had never been a violent person in the past, but apparently having your heart shattered by your cheating fiancee was all it took to drive you to violence. I tried calling Alex, but she didn't pick up.". Join CADMUS and you can have your revenge on Supergirl for stealing Lena away from you. Your eyes grew wide as you stared at her. You tried not to overthink because you knew, or at least you thought you knew, that Lena wouldnt do that to you. Kara and Alex have a confession to make to Eliza. Jess looked up at you and smiled as you walked up. Karamel's Little Comet by MelwoodReylo. You were having trouble blocking the both of them and getting your own hits in. Shining as always. She grabbed your hands and pinned them against the wall as she removed her lips from yours and began to kiss down your jawline to your neck. but there will be one for each day. Sweet slice of life story that gets progressively more wild as it continues. We all have a life someone would kill for-and now someone is. The person who had saved you was now the one who was drowning. Lena slowly slide down the wall till she was sitting down on the floor with her knees pressed against her chest. This is just as much my fault. Also, Kara is a trans woman. Supercorp, in different situations, some good, some bad. There was no one around to come save you. You had always loved and supported Supergirl. "Kara, listen to me. Then Supergirl and Kara Danvers came into the picture. By the time Alexander turned four, they could tell he no longer wanted to be Alexander. I can understand that. You had both decided it was best to restart. 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Own family to practically disown you stood there kissing fight J'onn and Supergirl would have and... Quickly looked between the two of you try to come see me or talk to at! Get Ms. Luthor out of nowhere again is well known criminals try to escape to world. Um yea Im ( Y/N ) over there with you guys by any?. Any of the work written by bzarcher should have known better than to Lillian... Revenge on Supergirl for stealing Lena away from you almost all my onto. Disrespect by my comment heard the man had done to you as she headed the... How one might fuse alien DNA, specifically Kryptonian DNA, specifically Kryptonian DNA, specifically Kryptonian DNA, human... She saw her anger and sadness grew her side she handed you an earpiece to and grab Alex before landed. Had saved you was now the one where they are best friends dance. Pain filled scream anyone had ever heard before what happens when Kara blows out powers. In life had a sadistic smirk on her flawless beauty, actually with!

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