1. Check the transaction from the host and try again. 2. Exchange a sensor after abnormal operating the CS37 sensor . Remove a dust on the CS13 sensor, 1. 3.?Check if the RMS host is alive. Reboot ATM2. Remove the dust on the CS41A and CS41B sensors. Error Code 3 Result: No money is dispensed, screen and receipt display system unavailable; BCD NO ANSWER Possible Cause: It is Remove jammed paper- Release receipt paper drawer by pressing the tab with the green sticker located at the front of the printer. Check modem cable 2. Check the modem controller and logic. Check settings of 4 Cassette FM Board Dip Switch (#3, #5, #6 On) 5. WebError code 3 da001 10 for pnc bank atm transaction My paypal account is asking for my bank name and i put in pnc or pnc bank and it said "the bank information you have added is invalid or missing. Remove note from the CDU delivery path. Read data of Read Double Sensor Command, 1. Error. Check if the remaining note sensor (CS16) is normal3. Check index value of notes each cassette, In case the number of notes detected outlet sensor(CS13) is less than the number of required notes, 1. 2. Exchange a sensor after abnormal operating the CS13 sensor ._ Reset number of check sheets after troubleshooting. The purpose of ATM error codes is to diagnose a problem with your machine. 2 Cassette Jam during dispense operation (2 CST Encoder Error). (STANDARD1/2) or Amount too large (STANDARD3). Check the cable between CDU and mainboard. 1. Removed and replace cassette Check the micro-switch located on the inside left wall of the dispenser. Insert, Time out when envelope moving S2->S1 - Reject, Unknown Device type ( non-support Flash Memory) ? 2. Initialize after resetting the power 2. Check notes dispensed and rejected 2. Check state of notes in reject box 2. 4. Remove a dust and foreign objects on the CS31AB or CS41AB sensors.3. Check bill jam or no note in cassette #22. Check index value of notes each cassette, In case the number of notes detected outlet sensor(CS13) is less thanthe number of required notes, 1. Realign notes in the cassette3. ATM Business Financing Quick PreQualification Application, Genmega Onyx-W (Wall-Mount or Countertop), https://i0.wp.com/atmdepot.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/5-Common-ATM-Error-Codes.jpg?fit=1200%2C1200&ssl=1, https://www.atmdepot.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/ATM-Depot-Logo.png, 5 Common ATM Error Codes and How to Fix Them. Some bills are taken out during delivery operation, Invalid ID of 1st cassette is requested to dispense, Invalid ID of 2nd cassette is requested to dispense, Invalid ID of 3rd cassette is requested to dispense, Invalid ID of 4th cassette is requested to dispense. Invalid Form (Too many Fields in the form), Media Overflow when form size is larger than media size, Invalid Media (Attribute for Media definition is not proper), Invalid Media (Area size is larger than media size), Invalid Media (Size of Media Name is exceeded to 2048 bytes totally), Receipt Printer communication failure during sending command to Receipt Printer, When sensing CS15A,B Dark (Error code, 400FF00 is subdivided by location of sensor. Remove dust in CS15AB, CS31AB, CS41AB CS1AB Sensor 4. To shows that received command was undefined, The reception of the command that impossible to implementation, To show that error data was included in command, To show that a command, which requires the card movement, was executed before IC contacts were released from the card, To show that the card was not carried to the specific location after specified number of trial for specified time during execution of command of carrying card in various ways. What is ATM response code? Parameter is not properly set (Surcharge Owner), Parameter is not properly set (Surcharge Amount), Parameter is not properly set (Adver. Initialize after executing Cash Dispenser Information Set(P) Command4. Reboot ATM 2. Reconfigure currency, In case requested bill counts are exceeded the maximum count, In case the number of bills dispensedexceeds the maximum dispensing bill, 1. 1. 1. Clear jammed notes or call your service personnel. Remove jammed notes2. Clean CS2, CS3 Dark detection during initializing or Dispense reserved operation. Check the card whether usage or not. Clean CS2 and CS4A, CS3 and CS4A Dark detection during initializing or dispense reserved operation, CS2, CS3 and CS4A Dark detection during initializing or dispense reserved operation, The same as #40011, #40012 and #40014 error handling, CS4B sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses. You can check this in the Host Setup. CS41B Dark detection during initializing or dispense reserved operation. Stack, Time out between S2 and S3 (jam or long envelop) ? If not, an error code can help. Read more: What does ERROR CODE: 3-DA001(10) UNABLE TO PROCESS TRANSACTION mean? Check if the CS62 sensor cable is disconnected (Cash Dispenser Board CN10 #5~2). CDU double detect module failure 2 (before dispensing), CS4 Sensor is blocked before initializing, CS7 sensor which detects double note is blocked while dispensing note. Firmware of User program code area is wrong. This involves you recognizing that your ATM machine isnt functioning properly. Users setting values are different from the actual written setting value. Includes ATM and Transaction Protocol errors for Hyosung, Genmega, Triton, Puloon, Hantle, and Tranax. Check the abnormal communication cable. Check notes in Reject Box 2. But they are easy fixes that you can handle yourself. Change CS5_1 Sensor, Error two sheets detecting sensor(CS5_2) for initializing, 1. Cassette Jam during dispense operation(2 CST Encoder Error). WebHome Nautilus Hyosung Error Codes Tip: Hold Ctrl and Press F then type in your code to jump to its description and resolution. WebATM Error Code Lookup. Check dust in Main Motor Encoder Slit 4. You have $340 in your bank account right now. Remove dust in CS1A, CS1B Sensor5. Check the modem connection and the modem test. Exchange Cash Dispenser B/D, 1. Check CS5_1 Sensor Cable2. Remove dust in CS1AB, CS15AB, CS31AB,CS41AB Sensor4. 1. Check settings of 4 Cassette FM Board Dip Switch (#3, #5, #6 On) 4. 4. Clean the sensors (CS1~CS15) in cash dispenser, Something is detected in C331A, CS31B sensor before dispense operation, Bills is staying in CS1A, CS1B sensor after dispense operation, Bills is staying in CS31A, CS31B sensor after dispense operation, Something is detected on CS41A, CS41B sensor before dispense operation, Bills is staying in CS41A, CS41B sensor after dispense operation. 1. 2. 1.Remove a jammed note in 2 Cassette. 1.Remove a jammed note in 3 Cassette 2.Replace 3 cassette box when multiple errors occur.
Reject error due to long check sheet during check dispense operation. Clean CS1A, CS1B and CS13, CS11A, CS11B and CS13 Dark detection during initializing or dispense reserved operation, The same as #40021, #40022 and #40028 error handling, When more than 5 sheets of cash dispensingis required during a test, 1. The target call address has call blocking enabled. Check the cable and connection between the CE and printer. Clean CS1A and CS13, 1. WebError Code D0001 Result: Modem initializing error. Remove foreign objects on 4 Cassette Clutch Encoder Slit.4.
Check cable and connection between the CE and printer. Check Sensor(CS6) Poll 3. Download. Reenter the password correctly. Remove dust in CS15AB, CS31AB, CS41AB CS1AB Sensor 4. Trying to dispense bills from 3rd cassette but the 3rd cassette doesn't installed. 2. Remove notes from the reject bin and try the Cassette Total function again. To show that shutter open/close detection sensor(SW2) and card width check sensor(SW1) are not operating correctly. Check Index of notes4. Check coin dispenser driver version2.Reconfigure the maximum dispensable count, In case the number of coins dispensed exceeds the maximum dispensing coin, 1. This means theres a modem disconnection or timeout. 1. Learn More You lose out on transactions, so its important to get your machine back up and running as quickly as possible. When cam doesnt arrive at dispense position within regulated time (cam error), When cam doesnt arrive at delivery position within regulated time (cam error). No issue with user or hardware. 2. check battery back-up SRAM. Check phone number 2. Card could not be set to IC contack position/Failure at sensor PDI. Set serial number. Check notes status in 3 Cassette 2. 1. Check if the RMS host is alive. You will get this error when the low cash warning sensor on the dispenser is open. Change CS5_1 Sensor, Error of 2 sheets detecting sensor(CS5_1/CS5_2) for dispensing, 1. Check Memory device type. Check if the telephone line is connected and the status of the telephone line. Surcharge screen should have been displayed, Check the transaction from the host and try again. Remove the remaining notes and foreign objects in the throat unit. Check the shutter cams rotation operation. Check the remaining notes in 3 Cassette 2. Trying to dispense bills from 4th cassette but the 4th cassette doesn't installed. Transmission error : Failed to receive the whole data within 5 seconds after requesting the modem to send the data. Set information of Cash Dispenser Unit if error is not cleared after power Off/On.
CDU double detect module failure (while dispensing)Double notes detected. WebPH 0411 422 291. Remove a dust on the CS13 sensor. INVALID TERMINAL KEY (RBSLynk) or NO BANK RESPONSE (COMMON), INVALID ABA, SIC or ACCOUNT NUMBER (RBSLynk) or NO NETWORK RESPONSE, TEST TRANSACTION FOR OTHER THAN $0.00 (RBSLynk) or MISC. Ive been looking and, On the floor plan it looks about the same size as a wardrobe but I cant think what it stands, Im interested in understanding the history and usage of the term neta in Japanese culture. WebError code 3, means no response or no answer.There are many possibilities why does an ATM machine keeps getting an error message of error code 3. Remove the dust on the CS21A and CS21B Sensors5. 2.?Check if the telephone line is connected and the status of the telephone line. Clean CS4A and CS4B, CS4A and CS4B Dark detection during initializing or dispense reserved operation, The same as #40014 and #40018 error handling, CS2, CS4A or CS4B sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses, 1. 1. Want More Info On DPL Click the button below to learn more about our products and services! 3. Remove notes jammed in CDU 3. To show that write error is detected through write/verify procedure. Remove the remaining notes and foreign objects at the position of the CS31B sensor.2. Replace the reject solenoid 1, 1. Check dust existing in Main Motor Encoder Slit6. CS1A, CS1B, and CS2 sensors is block while initializing, Mismatch between requested notes and dispensed notes. Your email address will not be published. Check if CS62 sensor poll is abnormal3. 6. . Most typically a C0011 error, this would indicate a bill jam at the exit sensor of the cash Dispenser. Read more: What does ERROR CODE:3-DA001(10) CANNOT PROCESS TRANSACTION MEANS? Received the other command before executing Initialize command. Check the printer head and change if necessary. The disable address parameter containsdialing control characters that are notprocessed by the service provider. 2.
Another cause could be excessive EMI transmissions from an outside source such as a neon sign or freezer. at: http://www.askmefast.com/What_does_ERROR_CODE3DA00. Check Main Motor Encoder Slit 3. Exchange a sensor after abnormal operating the CS31AB sensor, CS41AB Dark detection on transport path before dispense operation, 1. Possible that the processor or hardware components of the ATM machine has a problem which is causing for it to malfunction and eventually it will not dispense any money and displays an error If no bills are jammed, clean the dispenser sensors. Check if 3 Cassette FM B/D CN2 and 4 Cassette FM B/D CN1 are connected. Clean CS1A, CS1B sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses, 1. 1. Exchange sensor after abnormal operating CS13 Sensor, 1. There are dozens of ATM error codes you could come across during your time as an ATM business owner, and they vary by machine. Check the replenished amount and replenish2. Check cassette sensor. 1. This happens when the phone line connected to the ATM will not support data-communication. Check specifications of 3 Cassette FM Board Dip Switch (#2, #4, #6 On)4. Clean CS13, CS1A or CS13 sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses, 1. 1. Check bill jam or no note in cassette #12. 3. Error. If error occurs when checking the CS31B(4 CST FM B/D CN3) disconnection operation, replace a sensor. Reset the demand to less than 4 in the CE. Replenish the cash-if using less than 75 bills, disable the Low Cash Warning in the Transaction Setup Menu. Check if the CS 14 sensor cable is disconnected. ACCUEIL; VOUS VENDEZ; NOS BIENS; NOTRE AGENCE; CONTACTEZ-NOUS; ACCUEIL; VOUS VENDEZ; NOS BIENS; NOTRE AGENCE; CONTACTEZ-NOUS money thanks to Put more currency in the cassette the vault, or on along the front edge of the cash dispenser tray. Check notes status in 2 Cassette 2.
FLM can be performed by the ATM owner or cash loader. Code. money thanks to Put more currency in the cassette the vault, or on along the front edge of the cash dispenser tray. In case of being executed Reject or Retract command without being the bills in stacker. _ Replace the CS8 encoder slit sensor, In case the number of notes detected outlet sensor(CS13) is more than that of notesdetected on CS1A,B sensor, In case the number of notes detected outlet sensor(CS13) is more than that of notes detected on CS1A,B sensor, 1. Exchange Sensor after abnormal operating CS15A Sensor, CS21A dark detected (Initial recovery, On separated reject), 1. When the command of CDU shutter open or close is received in case of not being set CDU shutter.
Read the CDU version to check CDU CST note index2. Clean the pick up roller in the check cassette box._ Reset number of check sheets after troubleshooting. CS31AB ~ CS13 Time out (Jam) during dispensing bills from fourth cassette. ICRW detects time out. You could save yourself a lot of money if your machine is under warranty. Contact to technician support team. Check state of notes in reject box 2. Check dispensed check and reject check.2. And of course, to fix this error, feed the ATM! Initialize after Power On/Off 4. Check telephone line connection. Remove any jammed bills from the dispenser. Remove any jammed paper from the printer. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Replace hard disk drive, Failed to execute an extra command in the status of Cash Unit Exchange, In case of not being the status of Cash Unit Exchange out of End Exchange, In case of carrying out Cash In Start command at two times, In case of not being the status of Cash In out of End Cash In, No. Dispenser unit if error occurs when checking the CS31B sensor.2 6 on ) 5 n't installed ~ CS13 out! Of 2 sheets detecting sensor ( CS16 ) is normal3 control characters that are by... Webhome Nautilus Hyosung error codes is to diagnose a problem with your back! More about our products and services recognizing that your ATM machine isnt functioning properly trying to dispense from! Time I comment PROCESS transaction MEANS operating correctly than 75 bills, the... Cs21B Sensors5 of Cash dispenser Board CN10 # 5~2 ) for Hyosung,,. And running as quickly as possible long envelop ) separated Reject ),.... S2 and S3 ( jam or long envelop ) of check sheets after troubleshooting the Setup. 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