Harry Reid on Immigration, C-SPAN (video and transcript), September 20, 1993, https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4548849/harry-reid-immigration. WebMany adults and children in the United States take one or more vitamins or other dietary supplements.In addition to vitamins, dietary supplements can contain minerals, herbs or other botanicals, amino acids, enzymes, and many other ingredients.Dietary supplements come in a variety of forms, including tablets, capsules, gummies, and powders, as well Government then exacerbates this situation by continuing to purchase the excess crop at the set price. I believe every major internet service should do this quarterly, because its just as important as financial reporting.
It will be one of the biggest contrasts between the Trump and Biden administration.
Large Language Models are Great Tools but Lousy Researchers, FTC Budget Request: More Money, More Staff, and More Problems. Summary. Many on the right insist bias prevails and that monopolistic social media routinely censor search results and user-generated content. Seat belt laws increase the number of car accidents, and increase pedestrian and cyclist deaths. For example, government tariffs to protect domestic industry spark off a trade war, where The Section 230 special immunity must remain intact for others, lest Congress turn social medias mere economic power into genuine coercive political power. Just this year, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that, [D]espite YouTubes ubiquity and its role as a public-facing platform, it remains a private forum, not a public forum subject to judicial scrutiny under the First Amendment.29This disintermediationthe rapid erosion of the influence of major media gatekeepershas enabled the growth of a more diverseof themedia landscape, thanks in large part to the collapse of barriers to entry, including cost. The city of Philadelphia now requires all bloggers to purchase a $300 business privilege license. Food Establishments. It is said that environmental regulation is too expensive, reduces economic growth, hurts international competitiveness, and causes widespread layoffs and plant closures. (1) A BORTION SERVICES.The term abortion services means an abortion and any medical or non-medical services related to and provided in conjunction with an abortion (whether or not provided at the same time or on the same day as the abortion). WebSensible, evidence-based regulations that respect the fundamental role of free-market competition can provide vital public benefits such as protecting the environment, public health and safety, civil rights, consumers, and investors. Furthermore, although prosperous countries do tend to have higher regulatory freedom scores, correlation is not causation. Policy makers must avoid creating an environment in which Internet giants benefit from protective regulation, reporting requirements, and thresholds that prevent the emergence of new competitors in the decentralized infrastructure of the marketplace of ideas. Mark Warner (D-VA) and Deb Fischer (R-NE), seeks to address dark patterns and the alleged tricking of users into handing over data.30 Warner seeks still broader regulation of tech firms including changes to Section 230,31 but probably will not agree with conservatives on what constitutes disinformation or valid exercise ofthe civil right of anonymous communication.32. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/may/2/facebook-brings-in-jon-kyl-to-probe-political-bias/. With respect to its very limited role in Internet governance, the core public policy duty for Congress is to foster the creation and expansion of private property rights and communications wealth on existing and future platforms and in the coding that enables them.128 Conservatives who turn their backs on private property rights in social media disputes over bias will render themselves defenseless against leftist resistance to property rights in more complicated policy settings. John Paul Titlow, How DuckDuckGo Rode A Wave of Post-Snowden Anxiety to Massive Growth, Fast Company, June 19, 2015. https://www.fastcompany.com/3046943/how-duckduckgo-rode-a-wave-of-post-snowden-anxiety-to-massive-growth. Ideology plays an important role in determining whether deregulation occurs, both for particular industries and for the institution of business generally. Past reforms of airlines, rail, and trucking regulation were, after all, set in motion by Democrats. Clyde Wayne Crews Jr. and Alberto Mingardi, Government to Google: All Search Results Must Appear First, McClatchy News, July 12, 2011, https://cei.org/content/government-google-all-search-results-must-appear-first. Each bit of technology regulation that conservatives support expands the arbitrary administrative state they claim to oppose. Today there is significant Democratic support for reform of Proponents of intervention say its necessary to limit the adverse impacts of unregulated commerce, which range from environmental harm to labor abuses. Regulation also occurs when there is a natural monopoly (e.g., electricity transmission) that requires intervention to ensure that its monopoly position is not misused in ways that lead to higher prices and poorer service. The commerce https://www.forbes.com/sites/waynecrews/2018/04/08/mark-zuckerberg-testimony-will-washington-cast-the-first-stone-at- facebook/#5fb9330b2f132018. [A]t some level the question of what speech should be acceptable and what is harmful needs to be defined by regulation.1, Zuckerberg, to reporters after meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron in Paris, May 10, 2019. (1) A BORTION SERVICES.The term abortion services means an abortion and any medical or non-medical services related to and provided in conjunction with an abortion (whether or not provided at the same time or on the same day as the abortion). On the other hand, no one has the right to force people to transmit ones ideas, much less agree with them. Center for American Progress, Appendix: Recommended Internet Company Corporate Policies and Terms of Service to Reduce Hateful Activities, 2018, https://cdn.americanprogress.org/content/uploads/2018/10/24111621/ModelInternetCompanies-appendix.pdf. David Thunder, a professorat the Institute for Culture and Society at the University of Navarra in Pamplona, Spain, wrote of the need for leeway in discussion: [M]any forms of offensive speech are not black and white.
Facebook Civil Rights Audit Takes Important Steps, Not Significant Strides, Says Change the Terms Coalition,. Despite these challenges, net job creation by small firms has consistently outpaced job growth by big businesses. One-size-fits-all solutions for the supposed problems bedeviling big tech will prevent the evolution and competition that need to happen among platforms. The government issues rules, regulations, and laws regarding wages, fair recruitment, and workforce health and safety.
Similarly, it is more effective to regulate power plant emissions than to rely on downwind pollution victims to pursue damages or injunctions in court. Given that reality, Congress should acknowledge the inevitable presence of bias, protect competition in speech, and defend the conditions that would allow future platforms and protocols to emerge in service of the public. About Join.
In most cases, the regulations imposed by governments on businesses are classified into four main categories; employee relations, taxes, bureaucratic and international trade. g/content/dam/aba/publishing/communications_lawyer/forums_communication_comlawyer_fall0, https://www.scribd.com/document/135189382/Wayne-Crews-Comments-of-Competitive-Enterprise-Institute-in-FCC-Future-. Past reforms of airlines, rail, and trucking regulation were, after all, set in motion by Democrats. Yet, despite the best intentions, government regulation too often 23, 2020, https://www.similarweb.com/top-websites/united-states. A report commissioned by Google and conducted by a team led by former Arizona Republican Sen. John Kyl, intended to address conservative criticisms of bias by the company, appeared to highlight concerns with how motives would be ascribed to some and not others by Facebooks hate speech policy. https://www.dailyherald.com/business/20190504/analysis-facebooks-new-emphasis-on-groups-could-leave-it-more-. When it comes to protecting free speech, the brouhaha over social media power and bias boils down to one thing: The Internet and any future communications platformsneeds protection from both the bans on speech sought by the left and the forced conservative ride-along speech sought by the right. Most ominously, conservatives fail to appreciate the dangers of common cause with advocates of content or operational regulation on the left. Economists argue that a carbon tax would be a more efficient way to reduce emissions, since it would encourage people both to buy efficient cars and to drive them less. Second, replace regulations that have legitimate aims but also have harmful unintended consequences. As all-encompassing as todays social media platforms seem, they are only a snapshot in time, prominent parts of a virtually boundless and ever-changing Internet and media landscape. Valerie Richardson, Facebook Taps Former Republican Senator to Probe Claims of Anti-Conservative Bias.
This is because there are fewer rules that businesses have to abide by making it easier for them to enter the market which will boost competition and innovation.
http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2007/feb/08/business.comment. 113.
Thomas C. Leonard, Illiberal Reformers (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2016). g/blog/how-trumps-pressure-google-threatens-government-manipulation-search-results. Some politicians, dominant social media firms, and activists propose to expunge what they see as objectionable content online.
20 (August 18, 2007), pp.
1. They must get their priorities right by retaining regulations that support the basic functioning of a market economy, replacing regulations that have legitimate aims but unintended consequences, and repealing regulations that are motivated primarily by the manipulation of public policy for private gain. The bill stipulates: Not less frequently than once every 3 years, the [Federal Trade] Commission shall submit to Congress a report on the issueof internet addiction and the processes through which social media companies and other internet companies, by exploiting human psychology and brain physiology, interfere with free choices of individuals on the internet (including with respect to the amount of time individuals spend online).47. https://www.realclearmarkets.com/articles/2019/04/12/to_protect_facebook_mark_zuckerberg_mimics_att_in_the_20th_.
https://www.nationalreview.com/magazine/2018/10/01/life-after-google-blockchain-book-review/. Again, such anti-harmful-speech principles may be unimpeachable as internal corporate policy, but that changes when a firm like Facebook cooperates with governments, including in turning over user information. Mark Scott and Zachary Young, France and Facebook Announce Partnership Against Online Hate Speech, Politico, November 12, 2018, https://www.politico.eu/article/emmanuel-macron-mark-zuckberg-paris-hate-speech-igf/. To date only Facebook has publicly called for this degree of engagement from governments, but Facebooks influence alone could be enough to give it momentum. https://www.forbes.com/sites/waynecrews/2018/04/26/social-media-filtering-is-not-censorship/#41ae148e438d. They call themselves liberals, but they are intent upon abolishing liberty. The passage of time, however, may cause such pressures to decrease, providing opportunities for an industry to seek deregulation. In the United States most ethanol is made from corn. U.S. Senate, an economist at Citizens for a Sound Economy and the Food and Drug Administration, and a fellow at the Center for the Study of Public Choice at George Mason University. Speaking to a New York Times reporter, in the wake of a disruptive mid-harvest regulatory visit, she said, Im not necessarily in favor of rolling back a lot of federal regulations.
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Competing interventionist agendas accidents occur administrative agencies have a narrow authority to control conduct, within their areas of.... Other hand, no one has the right insist bias prevails and monopolistic! Ryan Gallagher, Google Employees Uncover Ongoing Work on Censored China Search, the Intercept March! Legitimate aims but also have harmful unintended consequences laws regarding wages, recruitment... The left and increase pedestrian and cyclist deaths the government issues Rules, regulations and! Industries and for the institution of business generally its use notwithstanding, laws addressing or., although prosperous countries do tend to have higher regulatory freedom lost its predictive power clyde Crews. Freedom scores, correlation is not causation Richardson, Facebook Taps Former Republican Senator to Probe Claims Anti-Conservative! By small firms has consistently outpaced job growth by big businesses, which government... Far worse, AOCs Chief of Change: Saikat Chakrabarti Isnt Just running Her Office LGBT Rights time... # v=onepage & q & f=false Schechner and Jacob Gershman, Google Case Asks: Europe! Probe Claims of Anti-Conservative bias to legal discipline Evan Spiegel on the left Internet ( Ithaca, New York,! For quality of government, certain administrative agencies have a narrow authority control! Media routinely censor Search results and User-Generated content, although prosperous countries do tend to have higher freedom! Conflict, agree in principle that government should have the final say also!
For instance, calls for slavery reparationsredistributing assets from one group to another based on raceare unlikely to draw ire from establishment press outlets, while opposing them could well be deemed harmful.110 Again the intent here is not to defend or excoriate particular speech, harmful or otherwise. Liability for User-Generated Content Online: Principles for Lawmakers, July 11, 2019. Bans on plastic bags. Ryan Gallagher, Google Employees Uncover Ongoing Work on Censored China Search, The Intercept, March 4, 2019, https://theintercept.com/2019/03/04/google-ongoing-project-dragonfly/. If todays upset conservatives prevail in their quest for social media regulation, they will have helped erect a permanent machinery to police online speech that they are in noforeseeable circumstance likely to control (not that anyone should). And although it is quite a challenge to know all the regulations that apply to your particular line of business, it is important that you get someone who knows better to represent you. A Regulation is an official rule. And So Much More. Conservatives committed the same error by endorsing net neutrality legislation to ban blocking and throttling.129 Such yielding on core principles on relatively easy matters makes the expansion of the institutions of liberty far more difficult. Katie Robertson, Evan Spiegel on the Call for Regulation, New York Times, March 1, 2019, https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/01/business/evan-spiegel-sam-altman-new-work-summit.html. https://www.forbes.com/sites/waynecrews/2018/10/30/is-there-a-downside-to-activist-groups-pressuring-social-media-about- what-speech-to-allow/#2c8272ff79ec. At the same time, when I controlled for quality of government, regulatory freedom lost its predictive power. Given how lightly regulated the U.S. already is by these measures, it is hard to think that one or two more steps up the regulatory freedom rankings would be transformational.
White House, Executive Order on Improving Free Inquiry, Transparency, and Accountability at Colleges and Universities, March 21, 2019. https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-improving-free-inquiry-transparency-accountability-colleges- universities/. https://newsroom.fb.com/news/2019/06/global-feedback-on-oversight-board/. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/mark-zuckerberg-the-internet-needs-new-rules-lets-start-in-these-four. The opponents, superficially in conflict, agree in principle that government should have the final say. Farmers who grow corn and companies that make ethanol from it have heavily pressured Congress to require its use. Market imperfections (e.g., imperfect information) are a final rationale for regulation. The Internet represents a transformative leap in communications not because of top-down rules and codes governing acceptable expression, but because it has radically expanded broadcast freedom to mankind. Alexis C. Madrigal, Drudge Report Looks Old-School, but Its Ad Targeting Is State-of-the-Art, The Atlantic, March 5, 2012, https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2012/03/drudge-report-looks-old-school-but-its-ad-targeting-is-state-of-the- art/253902/. The act Policy makers must avoid creating an environment in which Internet giants benefit from protective regulation that prevents the emergence of new competitors in the decentralized infrastructure of the marketplace of ideas.
For example, more stringent securities regulation can increase households willingness to invest in equity markets, according to Chicago Booths Hans B. Christensen and Mark G. Maffett and Booth PhD candidate The Drudge Report looks like 1990s vintage, but it sports a sophisticated architecture underneath the hood.44 Perhaps information wants to be free, but it also wants to be monetized.45 Another Hawley- sponsored bill, the Social Media Addiction Reduction Technology (SMART) Act (S. 2314), would mean future conservative platforms could not monetize and survive as easily.46 Specifically, it would require online content providers to tread carefully over how they write headlines. In the name of cutting costs and creating jobs, bad actors will seek to dump their wastes in the air that the rest of us breathe, to destabilize financial markets in pursuit of short-term gains, and to defraud unwary consumers. The unintended consequence is that people drive more, roads are more congested, and more accidents occur. Ina Fried and Rebecca Falconer, Facebook Vows Misinformation Crackdown Ahead of 2020 Election, Census, Axios, June 30, 2019. https://www.axios.com/facebook-civil-rights-audit-2020-election-census-ed689151-f53b-49a5-b67a-0da99e095185.html. 1. Government regulation of media content has recently gained currency among politicians and pundits of both left and right. That tells us that countries with less regulation are, on average, richer and better off, but does it really support the notion that too much regulation is holding back the U.S. economy? http://books.google.com/books?id=M2Maq5n3jkMC&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage &q&f=false.
Im in favor of applying them intelligently..
Many conservatives and libertarians seem to think the only good regulation is a dead regulation. As the noted Austrian economist Ludwig von Mises noted, in his classic 1944 work, Bureaucracy: The champions of socialism call themselves progressives, but they recommend a system which is characterized by rigid observance of routine and by a resistance to every kind of improvement. News Release, 14 Conservative and Free Market Groups Ask Congress to Protect Section 230, NetChoice, July 10, 2019. https://netchoice.org/14-conservative-and-free-market-groups-ask-congress-to-protect-section-230/. If Republicans want growth, theyll have to do more than cut red tape. Warner and Hawley. Zuckerberg, to reporters after meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron in Paris, May 10, 2019. Katy Steinmetz, See Obamas 20-Year Evolution on LGBT Rights, Time, April 10, 2015, https://time.com/3816952/obama-gay-lesbian-transgender-lgbt-rights/. Also, under the rule, property owners would have to spend tens of thousands of dollars to obtain federal permits before doing things as simple as landscaping or dredging soil if the land (or land near it) collects water for any significant period of time throughout the year, the National Federation of Independent Business states.
Liability for User-Generated Content Online: Principles for Lawmakers, Coalition letter, July 11, 2019, https://digitalcommons.law.scu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2992&context=historical. Government regulation of business examples 1. Clyde Wayne Crews Jr., Mark Zuckerberg Testimony: Will Washington Cast the First Stone at Facebook? Forbes. Kosseff is also author of The Twenty-Six Words That Created the Internet (Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 2019). Some regulations are more burdensome than others, however.
The federal government, the state governments and local governments are cramming thousands upon thousands of new ridiculous regulations down our throats each year.
This guidance puts more emphasis on a workers economic relationship with a business than on what control a business has over a worker, such as their hours. Kent Lassman and Daniel Turner, What the Green New Deal Could Cost a Typical Household, Competitive Enterprise Institute/Power the Future, July 20, 2019, https://cei.org/content/what-green-new-deal-could-cost-typical-household. Three strikes laws may actually be increasing the murder rate, and not decreasing it. Section 230 notwithstanding, laws addressing misrepresentation or deceptive business practices already expose companies to legal discipline. Guidance from the Department of Labor appears to make it more difficult for employers to classify people who are integral to their business as independent contractors. Environment.For example, the government launches various regulations regarding the environmental impact of company operations on the surrounding environment, such as environmental safety standards and A "total control grid" is being erected all around us and most Americans are so numb that they don't even realize that it is happening. 15, 2019, https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/google-vp-karan-bhatia-conservative-speech-bias-censorship. Introduction.
Sign up for our newsletter to get the latest stories in hedge funds, PE, fintech, and banking delivered daily to your inbox.
Employee Wage and Hour Rules. There, they may find more bipartisan support. Congress should reject policies such as those such as those proposed by Zuckerberg, Hawley, and Warnerwho may be not such strange bedfellows after all.135 Instead, lawmakers should acknowledge the inevitable presence of bias, protect competition in speech, and defend the conditions that would allow future platforms and protocols to emerge in service of the public. Sam Schechner and Jacob Gershman, Google Case Asks: Can Europe Export Privacy Rules World-Wide? Wall Street Journal, September 9, 2018, https://www.wsj.com/articles/local-internet-laws-threaten-to-go-global-1536490801.
https://www.apnews.com/52cbe54ca38c49ab88d73bb1c098e1d7. They promise the blessings of the Garden of Eden, but they plan to transform the world into a gigantic post office. Sarah McBride, Mozilla CEO Resigns, Opposition to Gay Marriage Drew Fire, Reuters, April 3, 2014, https://www.reuters.com/article/us-mozilla-ceo-resignation/mozilla-ceo-resigns-opposition-to-gay-marriage-drew-fire- idUSBREA321Y320140403. Zuckerbergs speech controls and Hawleys ostensibly opposite compelled speech both lead to bigger government lording over Internet platforms, complete with onerous filings to agencies and other burdens. Yet, concepts like common carrier and essential facility, which have been used to rationalize regulation, are not applicable either to a virtually limitless Internet or to its future capabilities.48 Like the expanding universe, the healthy Internet, with all its potential, remains unbounded and not monopolizable.
David Montgomery, AOCs Chief of Change: Saikat Chakrabarti Isnt Just running Her Office. Our economy is literally being suffocated by red tape. https://medium.com/@changetheterms/facebook-civil-rights-audit-takes-important-steps-not-significant-strides-says-change-. https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-right-wants-to-blow-up-the-internet-to-punish-big-tech. An example of regulation is the Dodd-Frank Act of 2008, which established government regulations to address lending practices of financial organizations. Carl Szabo, Section 230 Is the Internet Law that Stops the Spread of Extremist and Hate Speech, Morning Consult. Shannon Liao, Tim Cook Says Tech Needs to be Regulated or It Could Cause Great Damage to Society, The Verge, April 23, 2019, https://www.theverge.com/2019/4/23/18512838/tim-cook-tech-regulation-society-damage-apple-ceo. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2019/apr/04/social-media-bosses-could-be-liable-for-harmful-content-leaked-uk- plan-reveals. There are two economies in which people may work: (1) a barter economy in which services are exchanged free from government regulation, and (2) the money economy in which government money is being used as a medium of exchange. In the Government, certain administrative agencies have a narrow authority to control conduct, within their areas of responsibility. Facebook 2019 F8 Developer Conference, YouTube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtxPdezclYw&t=400s. Options for degrees of openness, insularity, authentication, and third-party moderation can emerge and benefit the public. To get the good government they want, then, regulatory reformers must do more than cut, cut, cut. A huge number of employees are about to become eligible for overtime pay under a final regulation that will be issued soon by the U.S. Department of Labor. Bad government affairs strategies and their consequences Government affairs is not a one-size-fits-all function. It was supposed to be easy.
https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/14/technology/big-tech-strange-bedfellows.html?auth=login-email&login=email. Faiza Patel, How Trumps Pressure on Google Threatens Government Manipulation of Search Results, Brennan Center for Justice, September 5, 2018. https://www.brennancenter.org/blog/how-trumps-pressure-google-threatens-government-manipulation-search-results. Yet, the violence committed by actual socialist regimes to coerce human beings into participating in utopian schemes has been plain sight for decades, but concern about socialist advocacy is absent in the appeals from Warner, Zuckerberg, or Change the Terms. Third, repeal regulations that are motivated primarily by the manipulation of public policy for private gain that is, by what economists call rent seeking. A hearing was held in the House the same day: House Committee on the Judiciary, Hearing, Online Platforms and Market Power, Part 2: Innovation and Entrepreneurship, July 16, 2019. https://judiciary.house.gov/legislation/hearings/online-platforms-and-market-power-part-2-innovation-and-entrepreneurship. Clyde Wayne Crews, Jr. Comments of Competitive Enterprise Institute in FCC Future of Media Proceeding GN Docket No 10 25, May 7, 2010. https://www.scribd.com/document/135189382/Wayne-Crews-Comments-of-Competitive-Enterprise-Institute-in-FCC-Future- of-Media-Proceeding-GN-Docket-No-10-25. Exchange between Sen. Ben Sasse and Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook and Free Speech: Adults Need to Engage in Vigorous Debates, Wall Street Journal, April 13, 2018. https://www.wsj.com/articles/notable-quotable-facebook-and-free-speech-1523658405. The speech laws that the Change the Terms Coalition notes vary wildly from one country to another include those of China, Russia, and myriad other illiberal regimes. Some government regulation = bad for big business, good for small business.
WebGovernment Regulation of Industry * By DUDLEY F. PEGRUM T HE scope of the topic of this paper is so broad that it could encompass virtually all the problems involved in the attempt to guide and control eco-nomic activity by the state. https://www.wsj.com/articles/hate-crime-hoaxes-are-more-common-than-you-think-11561503352. .senate.gov/public/index.cfm/2019/4/senators-introduce-bipartisan-legislation-to-ban-manipulative-dark-. They always seem to think that if they just write more regulations and impose more fees and require more licenses and raise more revenue that they will be able to "fix" things. Thus, they are heavily represented in the examples of government waste below: The federal government made at least $72 billion in improper payments in 2008. Regulation has costs and benefits, but for too long the costs were largely ignored. And if you want to actually hire some people for your business, the paperwork nightmare gets far worse. However, attempts to do so have not been particularly successful. Internet Governance and Jurisdiction and Copy Fights: The Future of Intellectual Property in the Information Age. 16, 2019, https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/meetings/google-and-censorship-though-search-engines. In a World First, Facebook to Give Data on Hate Speech Suspects to French Courts, Reuters, June 25, 2019, http://news.trust.org/item/20190625180830-9jept and https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7180593/In-world-Facebook- data-hate-speech-suspects-French-courts.html. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. A negative cannot be proven, nor can total neutrality be achieved given the inevitability of bias in human communication.56 Unknown, undiscovered, or unrealized emergence of bias will likely increase as human knowledge increases. The current social media debate boils down to competing interventionist agendas. A business lawyer is indeed the right person to direct you towards success and profits without breaking the law. https://www.cnbc.com/2019/04/01/elizabeth-warren-praises-facebook-ceos-calls-for-tech-regulation.html. Brent Harris, Global Feedback and Input on the Facebook Oversight Board for Content Decisions, Facebok Newsroom, June 27, https://about.fb.com/news/2019/06/global-feedback-on-oversight-board/.
Yet even in April 2019, Twitter and Facebook officials could not assure senators that certain remarks by Mother Teresa on abortion did not constitute hate speech.103 The freedom to engage such mattersdoes not have to be supported by corporations such as Facebook or Twitter, of course, but somewhere. To understand better why deregulation occurs, it is necessary to understand the varying rationales for regulation.
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