None known. BRIR is obviously brother, and BLINDR means blind. Kraken | No Dual Asgardian Thanks! And even then, it's shape is rounded square and it's much larger than Modi's.
Daudi Vrdr | Though he ultimately gave up the power, he has returned to wield Mjolnir on several occasions. Living Status Crimes Before he could recover the gem, he was struck down by his father, who killed him. He is the god of courage and bravery, he is seen together with his brother Magni.
Cronos | The level is set when connecting that Super Power to a character. Modi being kicked off the cliff by Atreus, falling to his death. Ultimate Comics Ultimates #18(November, 2012), Hela (mother)Other Relatives:Loki (paternal uncle, deceased);Balder (paternal uncle, deceased). WebHis name - Mi - meaning 'Angry' in English. Having failed to receive little-to-no praise for his accomplishment, Modi was left immensely bitter and resentful due to having been overshadowed by Magni. Concept art of Magni's near-finalized design. Magni | Later, a bloodied Modi attempted to confront Kratos and Atreus again when the two were inside the mountain, but was too badly injured to do anything. Offspring Notes. Ymir (great-great-great-grandfather) Auumbla (great-great-great-grandmother)Bergelmir (paternal ancestor) Nal (paternal ancestor) Bri (great-great-grandfather)Borr (great-grandfather)Bestla (great-grandmother)Annar (great-grandfather)Ntt (great-grandmother)Odin (grandfather) Fjrgyn (grandmother) Mandifari (grandfather)Hreth (grandmother)V (great-uncle)Vili (great-uncle)Thor (father) Sif (mother)Tr (uncle)Heimdall (uncle) Baldur (uncle) Magni (half-brother) Ullr (half-brother)Thrd (sister)Forseti (cousin) Location Odin (grandfather);Vali, Vidar, Balder (uncles);Vili, Ve (granduncles);Thor (father);Magni (brother)
Thor remained in Valhalla once Valkyrie was revived, When he requested being sent back to Earth Hela once again agreed but for a price, a child. Blue Fan Feed More Marvel Database. When Thor wanted to retrieve Valkyrie's soul from Valhalla, Hela agreed but only if he would give her a child. He led his people in a revolt against the corporation that their very lives and used the power of Thor to defeat Loki. Powers / Skills Skjthendi the Unerring, Others Disciples of Ares | Dark Griffin, Creatures He also can shoot lightning, and uses a mace and shield. I am Modi, the last surviving Asgardian. He also showed blatant disgust at his brother after Modi asked if he could keep Atreus to himself, suggesting that, unlike his brother and uncle, there were limits to how far he was willing to go in his depravity. WebHis name - Mi - meaning 'Angry' in English. Son of ThorGod of CourageWorthless Wanker (by Mimir)Thor's Idiot Son (by Sindri)Bigger Twit (by Magni)Dangerous Fool (by Mimir) After Magni's death Modi asks Kratos "How did you?" Heterochromia, left eye blue, right eye red Paraphernalia. Mi Thorson, Modi, Modi Thorson, Son of Thor Harrefill the Callous | The level determines the final score, of the Super Power, being used in the calculation. yes Tigerking2020 Ezio masterking2 MaseTheFace nooropener KINGMAAJINJONAH Aleazlllll Gronkinator87 asdfasdfasdf All Users Weaknesses. This indicates that Magni has been permanently killed and will never be seen again. The symbol on Modi's shield resembles the. Thor, Sif None known. Oddly, Modi's weapon is a medieval weapon. Despite their childishness, together in battle, the duo were a formidable force. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. Magni was the eldest son of Thor and Jrnsaxa and step-son of Sif. Helios, Titans when Kratos dies. With this in mind, the chant can mean "brother's blind frenzy" or "brother's blind fury". Modi was son of Thor and Sif. Where you'd sperate your enemies to prevent cooperation and pick them off individually. Ironically enough, while in real life mythology, Modi, along with his brother, were destined to be one of the few survivors of Ragnarok, and both would go on to dual-wield Thor's hammer. Strangely, Magni's greatsword resembles a 14th-century executioner sword, a weapon that shouldn't really exist inside Magni's time period. WebModi Thorson, known as the God of Wrath, is one of the Princes of Asgard, and a hero across the Nine Realms of Yggdrasil. Hobby Both Magni and his younger half-brother Modi and accompany their uncle, Baldur, on his mission to hunt down Kratos and Atreus, with the aim of bringing them to Odin in Asgard. 3/4 Jtunn (Frost Giant)1/4 God (Aesir) According to Sif, Mi showed his bravery since childhood, shown when Magni and Mi played and Magni didn't want to enter the cave first so Mi entered showing Magni a lizard he had hidden there. Web273,877 views Sep 23, 2017 This video explores the abilities, powers, and origin of the Marvel Comics character "Modi Thorson." As such, Modi is extremely insecure about proving himself the one to rightfully earn his father's hammer, specifically due to Thor's favouritism over Magni. He looks much more like his father than Magni, having ice blue eyes, brown hair, and a beard that covers half of his face. According to Sindri, Magni and Modi have a sister but he is cut off by Kratos so he can get useful and relevant information about Magni and Modi. This seems to suggest that he desires to feel superior as a "big brother", as all his life he is overshadowed by Magni. Web273,877 views Sep 23, 2017 This video explores the abilities, powers, and origin of the Marvel Comics character "Modi Thorson." Telekinesis [8] Healing [8] He is the secondary antagonist of God of War (2018). Origin With Modi, Magni is able to track down Kratos and Atreus at Thamur's corpse, noting that the hammer they moved "didn't fall on its own." Norse WebModi (Mi) ironically means Courage. None known. After many of his followers failed, and America began re-unifying under President Steve Rogers, Modi planned to use a Hydra army to continue his plan, using weapons of mass destruction found in the Project Pegasus base. Jeph Loeb, Frank Cho Snorri Sturluson confirms it (Gylfaginning, 53, Skldskaparml, 4). Icarus | With the Infinity Stone's mind-controlling powers, Modi was able to control Thor, destabilize the country and bend armies to his will before he perished. Automaton | Asgardian WebThor hit the giant Hrungnir in the headwith his hammer, Mjlnir, shattering Hrungnir's skull. His body is covered in scars from previous battles, as well as several tattoos of Norse runes which cover his chest, back, and his face. Creators Mole Cerberus | After Magni's death, Modi was consumed with the paranoia of being seen as a joke by his fellow Gods, prompting him to continue hunting Kratos alone using cowardly tactics just to prove himself to his father. "R" often translates to "frenzy" or "fury" when usedas an adjective. Centaurs | However, Magni's weakness was his boastful confidence. Marvel Database is a FANDOM Comics Community.
Magni wears black leather pants secured by an armored loincloth with added belly armor, held together by a leather belt attached to a decorative piece of blue armor, while most of his upper body is exposed. Origin I'm your son. Loyalties Get ready! According to Brok, Magni's death will be bad news for Kratos and Atreus if Thor finds out. Roy Thomas, Keith Pollard Categories Categories: Disambiguation Pages; Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. WebModi (under the title of Mr. Morez) is the son of Thor and Hela in Marvel Comics's Ultimate Marvel imprint, as well as one of the main villains of the Divided We Fall arc of The Ultimates. His Greek equivalent (in term of being Demigod with tremendous level of strength) is. Dragons | Advertisement. Citizenship Medusa | While in the City of the Dead, Atreus was tortured with visions of his recent arrogance: him mercilessly killing Modi before callously kicking him into the abyss. Parents Eye Colour He also smelled Sindri's scent which led to him telling Modi to find him as well. Bow, and obey."
Categories Categories: Disambiguation Pages; Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Aliases Ultimate New Ultimates #5(February, 2011)
Mimir seemed surprised that Magni did not come back to life immediately after his death, as when Atreus pointed it out, he noted that it may significant that he didn't return. Thor | Sirens | Transmutation [8] Energy Manipulation & Projection: Modi is also able to generate and control various forms of energy to a certain degree. Meanwhile, on Earth, Amora showed Valkyrie a vision of Thor and Hela making love (Valkyrie did not know he had to). Telekinesis [8] Healing [8] WebPowers Superhuman Strength: As the son of Thor, Modi possesses godly strength, though not to the same extent as his Immortality: As an Aesir god, Modi was immortal, and could only be killed by other immortals or special weapons. Ambushing Kratos and Atreus while they were preoccupied with trying to enter Tyrs secret chambers, Modi summons a lightning storm and disables the two. Modi Thorson and "Got big plans for you, kid.". Birthplace Male
9 STRONGER: JANE FOSTER He and his brother both follow their uncle Baldur in their quest to find and kill Kratos and Atreus.
This process takes no more than a few hours and we'll Much like his brother, but far more so, Modi is utterly desperate to please and impress his father, the legendary Thor, and earn the right to wield his hammer, Mjlnir. Modi later attempted to kill Kratos and Atreus at Tyr's Temple through an ambush. Regardless, the two were still close to a point, and together in battle, the duo was a formidable force. Once he escaped, Modi used the Mind Stone and Mjolnir to spread chaos throughout the United States in an attempt to rebuild Asgard. Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon, Norse Mythology: A Guide to the Gods, Heroes, Rituals, and Beliefs, Mythological Norse people, items and places, List of figures in Germanic heroic legend, Anthropomorphic wooden cult figurines of Central and Northern Europe, Sacred trees and groves in Germanic paganism and mythology,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Mi and Magni are characters in Joanne Harris', Mi and Magni are characters in Peter Madsen's, Modi (under the title of Mr. Morez) is the son of, The Modi and Magni are standalone DAC and amplifier products from, Magni is the name of the Eldest Bronzebeard brother and ruler of the Dwarven kingdom of Khaz Modan in, Mi and Magni are Molly and Mardi, the daughters of Troy Overbrook (Thor) in the book, Both Mi and Magni appear as antagonists in the 2018 video game, Magni and Modi appeared in Philippine TV Series, Magni's spirit is contained in a Class Card in the manga, Modi and Magni make brief appearances in the mobile game, This page was last edited on 15 March 2023, at 21:24. Transmutation [8] Energy Manipulation & Projection: Modi is also able to generate and control various forms of energy to a certain degree. WebPowers and Abilities Superhuman Strength: Magni has incredible godly strength, far surpassing that of any mortal or monster. Modi Thorson is the son of Thor and Lady Sif. Revenant | BRIR means brother, and BLINDR means blind. WebPowers and Abilities Superhuman Strength: Magni has incredible godly strength, far surpassing that of any mortal or monster.
Having been told by his father that he was a God, Atreus, in his arrogance wished to kill Modi out of revenge; remarking that as Gods, they could do whatever they wanted. Skin Colour
He is the tertiary antagonist of the God of War (2018) game. He believed he could easily defeat Kratos and his son, taunting them all the while, eventually leading to his downfall. In the end, Magni was given all of the credit for the deed simply because he was noticed first since he was the blonder of the duo. Magni and Modi are apparently based on the characters of those names in Norse Legend. Hair Colour As such, his rudeness and vulgarity could be seen as a result of this inferiority complex. In the legends their mother is a giantess named Jarnsaxa. During the battle, Magni frequently mocks and taunts Atreus, especially towards his recently deceased mother. Fan Feed More Marvel Database. The Modi and Magni are standalone DAC and He immediately started spreading chaos and discord between the splintered states of northern America. Web273,877 views Sep 23, 2017 This video explores the abilities, powers, and origin of the Marvel Comics character "Modi Thorson." This however was an insult towards Thor. I can't remember the last time we faced an actual challenge. Modi ThorsonWorthless Wanker (by Mimir)Brother (by Magni)Coward (by Thor and Atreus)Fool (by Kratos)Dangerous Fool (by Mimir)Thor's Idiot Son (by Sindri)Bigger Twit (by Mimir)Dung Heap (by Sindri)Idiot (by Baldur) Loki then took his hand and said the two of them will try and find a way out of Valhalla while also telling the boy he could call him "uncle". Because of his the god of courage and bravery, Mi never fled from a fight or an occasion. Weeks later (but years in the Room), and after the Children also destroyed Washington, D.C., a now adult Modi broke free from the Room, with Mjolnir in his hand.
Gallery Broken both physically and mentally, Modi returns to Midgard in order to redeem himself. Modi grew to resent him and their father, though not to an extreme extent. Modi is tall and heavily muscular build much like others Aesirs, except for Baldur, being only slightly shorter as compared to Kratos. He immediately started spreading chaos and discord between the splintered states of northern America. Magni ThorsonWorthless Wanker (by Mimir)Brother (by Modi)Thor's Idiot Son (by Sindri)Fool (by Kratos)Dangerous Fool (by Mimir)Bigger Twit (by Mimir)Loudmouth (by Brok)Idiot (by Baldur) He is able to cast and manipulate magic for a variety of purposes and effects, like changing from his civilian clothes to his Asgardian armor in an instant, teleportation, healing, and so on. Loyalties
Skorpius | Notes. Location Dark Rider | Personality Modi is a proud god but unlike his brother Magni, he is humble and kind and fights only if Bdvar the Fierce | Magni to Modi fighting against Kratos and Atreus. WebPowers and Abilities Magni - Son of Thor Magni is an Asgardian male with physiological traits common to all Asgardians.
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His recently deceased mother only if he would give her a child him their., Keith Pollard Categories Categories: Disambiguation Pages modi thorson powers Community content is available CC-BY-SA. Resembles a 14th-century executioner sword, a weapon that should n't really exist inside Magni 's time period weapon... Led to him telling Modi to find him as well he would give a... Not to an extreme extent '' src= '' https: // '' ''. Bravery, Mi never fled from a fight or an occasion could seen! An adjective brother 's blind frenzy '' or `` brother 's blind ''... Opponent to fight, a weapon that should n't really exist inside Magni 's time.. Opponent to fight compared to Kratos fury '' to Brok, Magni 's death will be news!WebModi: Full Name: Modi Thorson First Appearance: Ultimate Comics New Ultimates Vol. Modi is the younger son of Thor, and a relentless creep. Thanatos | Superhero Fanon Wiki is a FANDOM Comics Community. In short, he does not care what Odin wants from the Spartan and his son, solely desiring a worthy opponent to fight. Physical Characteristics Modi, like his fellow Aesir, was very cruel and sadistic, showcased when he and Magni threatened Mimir of returning "when no one is looking" and removing his remaining eye for not helping them locate Kratos and his son. The exact reason for why he detests Modi in particular to such a degree is unknown, though this may simply due to Modi's barbarous nature.
Modi was responsible for the creation of Magni's sword, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. WebModi is an incredibly muscular man and of reasonable height. Gender Abilities. Visibly distraught by the death of his older half-brother having taken place right in front of him (as well as given by the fact the two believed themselves to be incapable of dying), a horrified Modi backs away from Kratos in fear while struggling to speak in terror and anger. WebModi is an incredibly muscular man and of reasonable height. This is Thesecret1070. The Superhero Database Classification number, or SHDB Class, is a number that represents the overall 'power' of a character. Album cover for A Merging to the Boundless: Void of Voyce by Stargazer, "Elon Musk said that the need to credit artists is destroying the medium, the problem is that Elon Musk was a stupid liar. Later, Modi and Magni search for Kratos and Atreus near Thamur's corpse, eventually discovering them while the two were trying to obtain a piece of Thamur's chisel.
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