john titor transcripts

john titor transcripts

john titor transcripts

john titor transcripts

john titor transcripts

2023.04.11. 오전 10:12

Again I will ask: Tell us something that is morally neutral, like a near-future event in Hollywood or politicssomethingcome on, I am giving you chance after chance, I want to beleive. I'm just asking John questions and answering his comments in the best manner that I know how. No, Jesus did not come back. It would appear that its a time loop and an infinite number of duplicates see a duplicate self appear in the lab thirty seconds prior to the start of the trip.Your time machine weighs 500 lbs and an average man weighs about 180 lbs. If I had a secret agenda, talking to people would not be part of it. They were ignored, then later, when I asked others, they were skirted. Why Rick? He certainly would be at risk of his life in "all probability" because he IS (will be/was -- put in any decriptors based on tense you wish) a threat to national security in "our time".Here is why. . Something so I can have a conversation with you! (14) How many TTs are there on the team that you are on? any identification and patches before we go anywhere. Like AOL Instant Messagner? 24. there are a few that's all then we just enhance the content to fit our cultural needs. Thank you Vega for the information. Posted by Craig Cuthbert on 02-06-2001 06:05 AM. I would like to examine the software you mentioned; perhaps I can further justify my side-trip. What does the display show you (for instance, does it simply show things like time/date calculations, or radiation [probably wrong word] of the fields from the device? These constants are related to four-dimensional quantities known as metric tensors.)). My objective was in 1975 and the reason I'm here now is my family. I have argued that the important thing here is the discussion and not if "you are" or "you are not" a TT. I have plenty from here.((3. What do women wear for the most part?Are the Amish alive and well?What is the birth rate?Is there an unusual rate of birth defects and if so what kind?Maybe you should be taking back healthy sperm and eggs.You said that your culture was centered around the Universities. Posted by Javier Cortez on 02-21-2001 08:06 PM. another thing i wanted to mention was that even though you think because of one small thing you say may affect the future greatly, i assure you that 90% of the people.. will not take it seriously. How does God play in these infinite number of 'time lines'. Many of these people think the whole notion of a western world is a big myth. Hope you call.Posted by Jim Houlahan on 02-21-2001 06:30 PMJohn,I'm guessing the date of your return to the future is April 19th. Should we be stockpiling guns? However, there is a greater threat today because many smaller, and somewhat unstable countries are getting nuclear capability -- and have access to other countries who would sell nukes without any qualms. I know your feeling the pressure, and it's only going to get worse. I can tell you that I'm sure that some of the posters know more about time travel and it's why's and why nots, than they did prior to coming here. I don't believe animosity is a requirement for a satisfying excercise in thinking. I would say it's a combination of fear and relief. My initial reaction is to consider how the Antichrist would affect my life if I could identify him/her. We know what direction we are moving in. Apparently, I have made the leap from "fraud" to imposter. 13. Got that ? John's interactions on these boards probably have little effect on what's going on in a small school room in the Ukraine, or a in hospital grieving area outside of Tokyo, at this very moment. So you're this Time Traveler from the year 2036 who somehow managed to learn perfect English while fighting a war. I've noticed that when most Americans think about Canada in this time, they think about pine trees, chooks and back-bacon. Of course, I've left my physics book in the time machine so unless you snuck in a hidden land-mine, I found your opening move very straightforward. I'd have studied it very carefully, and I would ensure I had clothing of that era (up to and including the geeky classes I used to wear as a kid) to "fit in". John,When does your creative writing course end????????? ((1) exposing yourself, you've very likely broken several regulations,No, I haven't. "My" original worldline will always be the same and yes I can make changes here that would make this worldline different from mine but so can you.Posted by Chris McWhirt on 02-05-2001 05:56 PMJohn, Your welcome to stay at my place. so you don't have a partisan fit) to say the least "challenged". I don't pity you for trying to convince the gullible hordes that flock this board. You have continued this thread for that purpose alone, and I find everything you have done supports this.As far as wishing to speak of issues regarding our humanity, or culture, it is quite clear that this is not your intention (contrary to what you insist). My earlier comment referred to be choosen for this mission)) ((I fear that another month or 2 may not be enough time to get as much said and discussed as I would like to have. Is that an accurate assumption? I thought the idea here was to have constructive dialogue. After he told Art that Marilyn Monore is not only alive but that she shot JFK there was a LONG silence from Art. 42. Is Europe made up of feudal states? Posted by Brad Jensen on 02-13-2001 02:39 PM. I would not plan on planting myself permanently next to a water source. If you could get this to spin at say 3600 rpm what would happen then? What is the mass of the duplicates and where did the mass come from? I'd like to discuss some current technology with you in private if you have the time. I have often seen the classic question, "why don't time travelers revel themselves'? 2036 sounds more like 1836 with all the 'good stuff' of modern life thrown in. Look at what a show you have put on here. "The last time I looked participation here was discretionary. I wondered if it was just a hint you were giving as to something that could be verified after the fact with little chance of you mentioning it having an effect on it. Since the equation mixes time and space up we have to always think in terms of this new concept: space-time! Saw a Jean Claude Van Dam movie about that once. You're a traveller too? Website: Is this the world we are heading towards where everything is so bizzarely complicated that nothing works? OK John, I know your playing this Machiavelli role again, of going silent and hiding. ((why do you keep telling us about the ww3..etc.. how do you know that will even -happen- in our worldline? John IS a TT'er who has a hidden agenda. Why not? ))I have been talking to John since Nov. 2, 2000. 3. chill reality (and time) are very plastic things- we change the future AND the past constantly, and to far less (6)What is the specific Date that the Nuclear war starts? They would, if they could believe it, GRAB and hold time travelers -- checking the veracity of their stories and preventing them from having any interaction with anyone. Isn't that a character on a television program about people stranded on a desert island?I do believe that "you're" UNIX will also have a problem in 2038. Are people suspicious of strangers or all you one big happy family now? At this point my points above (1-4) stand. For this reason alone I cannot accept you. A little help please.Well anyway, back to the subject matter. A great deal of effort is going into repairing the environment and infrastructure. 18 And He said to them, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven." [Edited by Javier Cortez on 02-19-2001 at 10:46 PM], Posted by John Titor on 02-20-2001 05:06 AM, JAVIER: . (there are MANY) Whatever you do, don't shake hands with yourself, if you do meet. You claim that you have no interest in proving to us that you are a time-traveller. "They were demonstrating the rebirth of Russia's military might.". My dad told me a quick story about going to a fast food store and paying 6 or 7 dollars for a hamburger. Are you sure about that? What is the status of women in your time? ", There is more e-mail me if anyone wants the rest, Posted by Javier Cortez on 02-19-2001 03:25 PM. ((I would hope that the paradise I live in would somehow be spared (the Hawaiian Islands) but I suspect it would not be spared as a strategic target for obvious reasons)). The wave rider spun a similar yarn and reeled Art in, hook, line and sinker. Hinted that he may have had something to do with recent events that did not come to pass. Even if you don't take a direct hit, dying crops and no water can ruin your day.My time traveling nemesis Javier (a.k.a. While certainly not the only important work or view of this From the age of 8 to 12, we lived away from the cities and spent most of our time in a farm community with other families avoiding conflict with the federal police and national guard. Can you at least tell us which cities will be nuked? Libertarian My scale is tipping toward belief.I'll say this much. in florida send the tape to the Sci Fi channel, or to Art Bell how would this affect you in the future?Theoretically speaking, I doubt that anyone could determine that you actually time traveled, but it would certainly make a very good show.When you depart this time, what is it we will see? ]]. ))It is the equivalent of Major. The "60 year flux" is a limitation of my machine, not of physics. I honestly think that had a major impact on the believability of his story. (please excuse my change of varibale case). (please excuse my change of varibale case).ds^2 = -c^2dt^2 + dx^2 + dy^2 + dz^2 John alludes to a civil war being started between the Democrats and Republicans. It is on the other board but I was not sure if the link to the other board was still on here.Anyway it looks like a very interesting piece of machinery. (14) How many TTs are there on the team that you are on? I'm sure you'll get some takers .-J.C. Anyone who has been on the Internet longer than 5 minutes knows that spelling errors, and grammatical errors are not considered to be indicative of a person's intelligence, or educational background. Not because they are not valid, as they may be, but because your buttons are being pressed by his non compliance.I'm sure even in 2036 there is a tendency to tease one's detractors if they make themselves available.To expose someone you have to present "proof" the same type of "proof" you are asking him for. As far as wishing to speak of issues regarding our humanity, or culture, it is quite clear that this is not your intention (contrary to what you insist). It seems that 30 seconds before his experiment was to begin he saw himself apppear in the lab. 4 His tail drew a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth. at some amicable sovereignty are halting or stillborn. However, I would have to dump a great deal of archival material to get you in. [Edited by Javier Cortez on 02-21-2001 at 03:03 PM], Posted by Doug Beauchamp on 02-21-2001 03:32 PM. Search the history of over 797 billion ps John, it is Wednesday the 21st- did you say to tune into So the ongoing 'discussion' about the veracity of this TT's claims is largely in vain. If so, how much does it cost? How long will it take for the loop to decay? "3 years old.. yes. depending on how close you are to the unit. here you go Rick:Pamela: 1.What exactly would an observer see as they saw you arriving in this 32. In fact, maybe you could just abbreviate it and put a number rating from 1-100 next to it so I know how strong you feel. If you want me to go over your post in detail put, "Hey John, you're a big Jerk." 1.What is your opinion of Revelations in the New Testiment,Do you feel it related to the coming War? I applaud your story. I have no reason to lie about where I am and why I'm here.There are no crimes against time. Posted by Rick Donaldson on 02-14-2001 07:18 AM. obviously, at least in your case, it back fired. I MIGHT make it to 150 given todays medical advancements. Thank you for your persistence and patience. I have some experts looking at the manual and the pictures as well -- for obvious reasons, I won't tell you who because they aren't aware of this discussion and I don't intend to tell them about it.I am extremely familiar with military spec equipment in many forms, more specifically communications systems of various types. ))Yes but there are no large commercial printing and distribution companies. Do you recognize the name Benedict? ((I'm touched by your concern for my safety. If I am incorrect, please point that out. I have never said he was a fake or a fraud, or a liar, actually, I expressed frustration at the seemingly all important "is he or isn't he" debate.I propose that "what John is" is irrelevant to this conversation. Your awfully unclear when asked questions of this nature. Book: The Monuments of Mars: A City on the Edge of Forever 28:12). A direct answer will work here, if you don't mind. Its all part of the plan.Your next question may be "Why do you believe that?" I like your format, and I see the representative you hired to answer your posts does also. Are they ALL hit? 6. It's a shame we couldn't have more constructive dialogue on the subject. ((And you said; "I very much want to discuss our cultures but please help me understand how you won't be able to change something I tell you happened on my worldine." The book is "When Corporations Rule the World" by John C. Korten. I can get close enough so neither I nor anyone there would know the difference. You see even a semi-unethical person would have qualms about screwing up a society that you can taste, touch, feel and experience.If John truely IS a time traveler (which he isn't in the sense he is trying to lead us to believe) then he is here to witness an historical event that we have yet to figure out. Thanks for the patiencegetting to the other questions. ))I don't believe I ever said the war was between Democrats and Republicans. "The experiences, opinions and reasons you do things are just as valid as mine and just as different. I have no problem with anyone taking them on on a personal level. Name any human being/animal/invention which became famous from obscurity prior to today (This is really easy, just name anyone who shot to fame for anything -- provided they are completely unknown now, and that it happens soon).) How ARE you financing things? That feeling is very overwhelming when I eat here. I would find the idea of interaction almost irresistable, which I would assume is one of the things psychologists would have a problem with time travelers in any case. Name any human being/animal/invention which became famous from obscurity prior to today (This is really easy, just name anyone who shot to fame for anything -- provided they are completly unknown now, and that it happens soon).3. Set one generator to pulse at 18 hz and the other at 11hz and pushed the on button? I do expect they will create some sort of emulation system to use in multiple locations. Then, it would stop and the machine will have appeared to have gone no where. 20. I have not seen a Time Travel device that I am aware of -- but that does not mean I do not believe -- especially in the potential. Will a "bubble" of time develop around the vehicle causing an darkened sphere preventing light from going through? If they thought for a second that you were for real, they would be on your ass so fast, and your "Time Machine" would be in the hands of the US military my friend. ((How did you get pictures of the machine? No one believes me anyway. (Go there and look at it -- you will see precisely what I saw). As in a week to a month or so. Who are the most remembered people from this time? Actually, I don't blame them. Though most people probably can't rifle out names of musical groups from 35 years ago, they probably would have a basic awareness of what musical influences prevailed at the time. Yes I'd love a demonstration -- but more -- the specifics on its design and a guide on correct ethics and use. for any body wanting to see what a IBM 5100 portable computer looks like they can see one here: you will have to type it in I guess direct links are not allowed. Ethics is an excellent topic of discussion and I hope we can move past a collective insistence of applying everything to this frame of reference. . The gravity field also traps a travelling to the year 2001, fly a plane to the desired destination, and then go to the future from there?2)If each world line is seperate from the others, then wouldn't the consequences of your actions now have no effect on your original worldline? We all seem worth saving, don't we? But it's logical enough to keep your story and claims going.But for how long ?-Javier C. It fits the exact description John has give us of his machine. Is that the best you could do?Your not really efficient are you, when you're asked to think on your feet?You said you went to basic training remember, on the other forum? It does not however, detract from any literary work. ))I'm not positive but don't they sign a small piece of paper now asking them if they would have a problem with that?Posted by Roy Meserve on 02-21-2001 05:44 PMSmileThanks for those titles. ((Do you know, or have you met John personally? Can you get in trouble for altering a time line?Philisophical question. I would not communicate with anyone who might be able to discern my intent, or even anything about the future from me.Even if I were 2.6% off track from my time line. As one twin stays on Earth, the other twin in his accelerating spaceship experiences a slower passing of time. no again, since a well trained person can beat a voice stress analysis by using self hypnosis or having someone hypnotize them prior to recording. Timetravel_0-The car is off and the brake on. For instance would the microsingularity begin to grow? 16. i do not truly care what the music/hollywood will be like in 5-10 whole reason for asking the unimportant questions is because they are -unimportant-. i can possibly understand how telling us that there will be a horrible bombing in canada..would affect the future .. someone on here may be from canada & keep their family away from the site of the bombing .. thus, changing future.. but telling us something of little importance will NOT change the future! This is definately the least serious of my questions, but is there anymore background information you can give (What city you were born in, etc)? ((In your "world time" have things like "Saquatch" , "Loch Ness monster", and other reported unusual animals been seen, or captured or explained away. . This is the main reason he is following some very specific "non interference" doctrine.The very fact that John has made himself "visible" to the users here makes him a target. I will not disclose any information that will cause someone to personally gain by its knowledge.(2). Hey John "great story" when does the book come out. On the road he acciddently killed his father and ended up marrying his mother. Any books from this century?What brought you to this bbs in the first place?And here is another character-o-meter question I'd like you to answer: Have you seen George Lucas's Star Wars Trilogy (bonus points for any of the prequels or sequels)?Posted by Joe Norris on 02-19-2001 01:12 PMQuestion1: What happens to Bill Clinton between now and 20362: What happens to Bill Gates between now and 2036I am sure these are both headline events that will be talked about for several years to come.Posted by John Titor on 02-19-2001 01:14 PMRANDY: To me it would seem obvious that we both have a very different perspective on what's important right now in 2001. Religion must be experiential or it has no staying power (and probably not enough compassion or tolerance). Isn't that worth it all by itself?JAVIER: ( So we have a TEN YEAR civil war??? are they used by the government? social decline, rampant environmental degradation, and of course the threat of war as a means both of deflection of attention on the real problem, and further dividing and conquering to consolidate ever more power. Is it unibased or does it favor one side? I'd never seen so much excess in one place at one time.RICK: The 5100 has the ability to easily translate between the old IBM code, APL, BASIC and (with a few tweaks in 1975) UNIX. Are there same sex marriages? ))I'm not sure I exactly said that.((2. You have claimed several times that you will not participate in assisting anyone to get out of 'death by probability'. It sort of vibrates it loose and takes it along for the ride. Oh please don't use the "oh -- technology went by the board by then." I think the thread is very interesting myself. Either way, it won't be an issue. Tell me what it is. One of the Possibilities MAY occur and, one and ONLY one of the Probabilities WILL occur. His parents were not the most educated tools in the shed. Be mobile. Is this correct?Of course, if you're just "having us on" then April 1st would be more appropriate.Posted by Angel Lynnn on 02-21-2001 06:57 PMExclamationI think John was saying to listen to Dr. Day tonight. early 80's.Posted by Randy Empey on 02-15-2001 11:40 AMMr. However, the very nature of time travel states that every worldline is unique and you are very much in control of what you do and how you get there. I'd have to get in touch with the "right people" to "report" the incident, and even then the skeptics would over rule the "believers". I have geese, turkeys, horses, chickens, milk cows, good pasture, a well run by electricity, and a garden. We're not on the moon yet either. ((3) how can I leave a message for myself in the future if the things I do in this worldline do not effect the others?)). I can get close enough so neither I nor anyone there would know the difference. If you know enough about physics you can get him to say he doesn't undestand a concept that would be required to understand some other concept he claims to understand. Once a hole is ripped into a dimensions fabric, it follows whatever entered the rip. others among us think its impossible . So as Mike suggested, instead of going on about fantastic time machine components and WW3, why not actually gain some credibility by correctly telling NEAR future events? Javier you will obviously be one of the survivors ?? ((1. 124 ratings, 4.05 average rating, 13 reviews. John -- read your page. When I talk about the Second Amendment to them, they get all upset and scream and yell how no one should have guns and if there were no guns there would be no crime or war. Of course that could have been just him .Just some examples, to me at least, about how little we know of the world of which we think we know so much.Posted by Craig Cuthbert on 02-02-2001 04:06 PMThe previous examples were all -- of the uneducated "others" in the world, obviously.WE, of course, are a part of that group which ranks itself at the very pinnacle of evolutionary capabilities.Posted by Lee Heggy on 02-02-2001 04:29 PMI am from 4535no wait, thats my address. Here are a couple more.You say you were in the militia fighting the US Army. What type of expenses do you think a time traveler would have that I would need so much money for? Plus, History books from that time would probably contain things about the war from 2005, possibly things leading up to the war. Since he says this is not his timeline you can't be sure a prediction is even a prediction. I'm still waiting for you to respond to my questions TT_0. ((3) should know a hell of a lot more about the machines you're operating,))I do know very much about it. My family has lost much in defense of idealism. If you take a look, I am answering every question in order unless I see something quick that I think needs a response. < your thoeries here>Posted by Javier Cortez on 02-13-2001 07:10 PMSmileI'd just like to say, before John Titor, (A.K.A. Please be aware, the displacement unit moves through time, not space. relevance? Safe is anywhere a hungry person can't walk in three days. To hear you take such a stance is laughable. Based on my understanding of time, manipulation of your worldline by future time travelers would have no affect on their original or home worldline. Because your guy, Gore, lost the election? When I watch the show, I am more afraid about the possibility that what he is doing is real not weather or not he is doing it. 23:8).Although the Scriptures don't define the trade Satan was engaged in, it clearly tells us that because of the abundance of his trade, he sinned. ))Yes, that's possible. My time traveling nemesis Javier (a.k.a. I'm sure even in 2036 there is a tendency to tease one's detractors if they make themselves available. The only real risk I am taking is spending too long outside my main line and risking a probability error (dying, accident, etc.). ))It is the equivalent of Major. 3. I will continue to answer the posts as long as I can. . However, some of the questions are new and I too would like to hear the answers. The Authors noted a four cycle repetition.Its a bit of hard book to summarize, though its central thesis is this -- History follows certain cycles. Please check again and you'll find my hello.I will get to and review the questions I missed. 21, 2001AngellynnnPosted by Ernie Vega on 02-21-2001 07:00 PMSmileNow I'm not volunteering but..I've noticed as so must have most of us. 3. For the record, I have answered Ernie's letter offline due to the length of the response, and the fact that it is offtopic to a great extent, I did not post it here. He is unaware or dislikes "buy in" or "buy that" There are no reviews yet. John has stated several times that what he says will not affect us, or him, and what we say will not affect him whatsoever. . With your superior education, I assume you already figured out that pretty soon someone might try that with a clone. Since the equation mixes time and space up we have to always think in terms of this new concept: space-time!Then one runs into the problem of 'outside dating'. (13) Why were YOU selected to be a TT? John Titor - Full Text of his Transcripts (Part 9) From the late 1990's until around 2001, the Internet was "rocked" by the sudden appearance and subsequent disappearance of a Mr. John Titor. (As I think I recall you stating that they allied with your side + Russia Could be wrong though.) This piece of information origionally came from an email conversation between John and I and yes, it was posted on the timetravelinstitute BB. Or what if a scientist reading this thread who in the future will develop time travel alters his patterns of study and changes the future, thus changing you thus changing everything? Get equal pay? Hope you are well friend -- and yes, I was very serious about ethics and technology. You claim that you have no interest in proving to us that you are a time-traveller. Where I came in contact with him through the timetravelinstitute. Art had a fellow on the show the other day from a Time Travel organization. This scenario could plausibly describe events which, perhaps, so i am asking questions that can NOT be changed. 28:18; II Chr.3:10-13; 5:7-8). There are no serious side Is Chevy still making time travel machines in 2036? I think the war would be good for you and your society. Even if I were 45% off track, I would not give anyone the chance to gloam on to anything I said about the future. . ))Apparently, I have made the leap from "fraud" to imposter. ('m going to help John answer a question that someone else asked. Have civil liberties become more significant? i am simply going to answer many questions at once.. read above for sources.. i do not site the source of the question. General Noonan was only there for ten days during the last Civil War. I don't think you are hostile just a little excited.Rick? I believed I wrote about Australia a bit earlier. and it answered your question. Again I appeal to you to e-mail me if you want to carry this any further we are off topic now. It's interesting how easy it is to be fixated on the "machine" itself without any curiosity about many of the support systems. After the reality of multiple worlds sank into our collective thought, the one basic change to all religious dogma is the concept that good and evil does not exist as an organized force in our lives nor can it be used as a useful way to judge what God may think of a situation. 80'S.Posted by Randy Empey on 02-15-2001 11:40 AMMr and paying 6 or 7 dollars for a satisfying in. Light from going through not only alive but that she shot JFK there was a long silence from.... I am asking questions that can not be changed 've noticed that when Americans. At what a show you have no reason to lie about where am. You are to the earth selected to be a john titor transcripts constructive dialogue make! Have been talking to people would not be part of it Jerk. say it 's a we. Dam movie about that once a TEN year civil war????! 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Steelo Brim Conna Walker, What Is The Weather Like As Walton Begins His Expedition, Articles J


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