kelsier mistborn death

kelsier mistborn death

kelsier mistborn death

kelsier mistborn death

kelsier mistborn death

2023.04.11. 오전 10:12

After Holding and releasing the Shard of Preservation, Kelsier became a Sliver. It's not a sad death. "Now, let's go jump that wall."Based on Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn novels, where Kelsier first teaches Vin about Allomancy.The boards are also available on. (The Mistborn Saga #1) by Brandon Sanderson (Goodreads Author) 4. Ettmetal, also known as harmonium, is the condensed elemental form of Harmonys power. That would have advanced his plans quite nicely. [20] He nicknamed him Fuzz, due to his unraveled appearance. [30] He is quite proficient at pewter dragging and has enough practice to maintain it for hours and still maintain a fair amount of clarity afterwards. You seem to want to shut down theories that are too complex for you to understand. Kelsier's martyrdom and seeming resurrection spawns a new religion, the Church of the Survivor, which venerates Kelsier's teachings. Why would it have to be relevant to the current or future cosmere? That resulted in the Kelsier skin . And the Lord Ruler still had a spike in his chest when he stabbed Kelsier. Most of the information in this article has been culled from The Coppermind, the definitive Sanderson knowledge base on the internet. Without a Physical aspect, his powers failed. Epic previously teased the Mistborn crossover by tweeting out a quote . Immediately after his death, Kelsier arrived in the Cognitive Realm. At the end of the book, Kelsier invites Marasi to join the Ghostbloods after her success in stopping Autonomy's army to which she rejects after much thought. Its not that difficult. [42] Then he found the power at the Well of Ascension and became trapped there with Ruin, though merging with the power of the Well allowed him to become a Cognitive Shadow and resist the pull of the Beyond. He hid the artifact away somewhere in the north and then disappeared. He once used them in his fight with a Steel Inquisitor, so the metals acted like they were alive, twitching and flying through the air to cut and distract the Steel Inquisitor. When Kelsier is offered a deal by the rebel skaa Yeden to overthrow the Lord Ruler, he quickly accepts. I was depressed for multiple days. It is relevant because it has spawned 23 posts and created an interesting discussion. This one will be important. Kelsier also is quite adept at pewter-dragging, as he is capable of running long distances and experiencing only minor fatigue afterwards. That is like arguing with air. Khriss mentions the Ire which sets Kelsier onto his next quest of finding their base of operation. I do think that an interesting (and relevant)question that is brought up by this theory though is whether or not it is possible to spike a person without killing them. Cause I see what could be considered3 different theories in this one post. Vin didn't trust him but agreed in order to learn how to use Allomancy. We want to discuss this theory. He burned down the manor and purposely departed in a way that forced the skaa to join the rebellion. He congregated a mass of approximately six thousand skaa men to become soldiers in roughly four months and sent them all to Yeden. Now we are two Books deep into the Second Era and maybe i need to re-read them with more cosmere awareness but i cant remember any hints of a Cognitiv/Cosmereaware Kelsier . , Kelsier is terrified by Ati and the power that he holds, seeing and feeling it through the Well of Ascension.[74]. Ranette: Waxs gunsmith and a Lurcher (iron-pulling). Once their army was trained and the houses grew unstable enough, they would send a part of their army to attack the Pits of Hathsin, forcing the garrison of Luthadel to go and defend the Pits. Or does Sanderson have yet more secrets to reveal? The mentor figure always ends up getting killed. He is a half-blood skaa with a father from the noble class. So i just finished Mistborn: Secret History and in the Postscribtum Brandon mentions that he as a very clear idea what Kelsier is doing and will be dropping hints again. After speaking with Vin and Elend briefly upon their deaths, he discovers from Sazed that there is a way for him to go back to life. HE CANT BE HEMALURGICALLY SPIKED IF THE METAL ISNT TOUCHING HIS INSIDES. Kelsier held Preservation for a short time but was bad at using it because he was a Cognitive Shadow at the time and did not match well with Preservation's Intent. Will Wax and Wayne wield weapons with wild wantonness? Please note that there are also some spoilers in here for The Stormlight Archive. Except if you remove the spike, you love the alteration because the Identity is not matched. Except if you remove the spike, you leave the alteration because the Identity is not matched. [53][54] He used this opportunity to tell Spook to send a message to Vin, warning her that any spiked person could potentially be under Ruin's control. Its central tenet is simply to survive, by any means, until you cannot survive any longer. As punishment, Kelsier was sent to the the Pits of Hathsin to mine atium for the Lord Ruler. The Coppermind has spoilers for all of Brandon's published works, now including The Lost Metal and Tress of the Emerald Sea (Secret Project 1). When Kelsier was in the Cognitive Realm after his release, he often would show up to him in order to mock him and his inability to do anything. A discussion means you have twosides, and you literally just asked one side to leave and move along.. We do it because we want to. You just posted an irrelevant comment that was honestly a little hostile. He helped the people there survive using his knowledge of the Metallic Arts, showing them how to make unsealed metalminds to store attributes like heat in a way that could be shared with anyone. I want to know if it is relevant, because when things are relevant, they become not just interesting and thought provoking, but actually important. Kelsier is a half-skaa Mistborn from Scadrial. In addition, Kelsier is a competent warrior, defeating multiple Hazekillers and Mistings while outnumbered and disarmed. [19] After she and Elend are killed, Kelsier spoke with them before they moved on to the Beyond. Shadows of Self begins with Wax now working in conjunction with the Elendel constabulary. We dont really know if the rebels that stabbed TLR used enough force to get the head of the spear all the way through his body so the metal head of the spear wouldnt be touching him. , Marsh is Kelsiers older brother. I find it odd how specific Kelsier's death is. The spirit of Kelsier often appears in Spook's hallucinations, granting him the power to burn pewter and guiding him through difficult situations. Kelsier, famously known as the Survivor of Hathsin, is a powerful Mistborn and one of the main characters in Mistborn: The Final Empire. Mistborn Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. The newly installed king of Luthadel, Elend Venture, often inquires about Kelsier's traits and skills, hoping that he can learn to lead as effectively as the Survivor once did. Kelsier's estranged brother Marsh also joins, hoping to realize his own dream of a successful Skaa Rebellion despite his disapproval of Kelsier's methods and leaving the rebellion when he had learned Kelsier and Mare had been captured. After Marsh was seemingly killed by Inquisitors, Kelsier traveled to the Pits of Hathsin, and in his anger, destroyed all the atium-producing crystals there, forever halting the production of atium. Kelsier had lots of plans and backup plans. As the Sovereign, Kelsier ruled the Southern Scadrians for a time and formed another religion that deified Metalborn, and then he left. Worship Trell and wait. Immediately after his death, Kelsier arrived in the Cognitive Realm. The elite of the underworld, each of whom had one of Kelsier's various abilities, were recruited. Waxillium Ladrian was a direct descendant of a close associate of Kelsier, Edgard Ladrian. Despite what he has told the Ghostbloods, Kelsier does not have a real avatar. Aside from the Survivorists, there was also a whole civilization of people that worshiped Kelsier far to to the south of Elendel, calling him the Sovereign. Kelsier is Vins mentor and teaches her to use her Allomantic abilities. Thankfully, a certain someone found them (see Kelsiers section below) and helped them to survive. [55], After Sazed's Ascension and Spook's rise to political power, Kelsier began to speak with Spook about finding a way to bring himself back to the Physical Realm. [24][25][3][26] He is a great agent of chaos and is very good at tearing things down and messing with what other people want. [2] He is capable of using them with a high degree of precision to control the momentum and rotation of dozens of pieces of metal simultaneously. Kelsier is the leader and presumed founder of the organization, which Mraize calls "the most powerful organization in all the cosmere. Here is where Vin comes in. Dustbringer also fits because of the theme of self mastery and pushing himself. [11] He usually wears a nobleman's suit (a colored vest with dark trousers and a coat), and during the night he wears his mistcloak. He has a spike through his eye at the end of BoM. He overcomes this character flaw eventually (demonstrated by saving the noblemen Elend Venture from certain death) when Vin convinces him that there are good people among the nobility. [24] This results in the skaa considering him a god, leading to the founding of the Church of the Survivor, which refers to Kelsier as "Lord of the Mists". . Kelsier is a former thief from the capital city of Luthadel. All I want is for somebody to clarify what your theory actually is. His cheerful exterior hides his doubts over Mare's loyalty, whom he continues to believe to have betrayed him until Vin demonstrates that it is possible to pierce copperclouds. This was a character that I connected with and he showed true traits of a Robin Hood-hero. Even if it weren't a viable metal, as a Mistborn he would have been able to burn it, and he wasn't able to sense it at all. Kelsier was the primary mentor of Vin and crewleader to the gang who was credited for overthrowing the Final Empire. Why would it have to be relevant to the current or future cosmere? [33] As a result, he has both regular vision and the steelsight that Inquisitors used, allowing him to see via both normal light and trace metals. He always keeps a smile on his face, because that is the one thing the Lord Ruler can't take from him. Although he had only come into his powers three years before the beginning of Mistborn: The Final Empire, Kelsier repeatedly demonstrates a level of skill and finesse greater than that of most other Mistborn. They also have some sort of ties to. During this time, he attempted a second breakin of Kredik Shaw, and was unsuccessful; nearly getting Vin killed in the process. [8] He also hates how much Kelsier goes against his Intent, bringing about massive societal change in how he brought about the death of the Lord Ruler, and played into Ruin's plans. He was unable to do so and leaves the bit of metal for Vin, asking her in a note to figure it out. Sure, maybe it would be active for a split second when touching blood or whatever like you said,but as soon as the head passes out of his body on the other side, it wouldnt affect him anymore. What are you actually theorizing. Don't make me come over there and slap you around again. This thread only relatesto Mistborn, and should probably be moved to the mistborn forum,instead of the Cosmere forum, to avoid spoilers. Marasi and MeLaan rescue him, and he assists them on their quest to find the Bands of Mourning. To view an earlier version of the wiki without spoilers for a book, go to the Time Machine! It is there revealed that it was Kelsier's ghost who stabbed Elend at the end of Well of Ascension, not Preservation. Kelsier had traveled there several years after the Catacendre, inhabiting a physical body that was spiked in the right eye, and found the Southern Scadrians slowly dying of an unexplained coldness. Its relevant to the past in the cosmere. [3] He considers him to be very dangerous. On Kelsier's way back to Luthadel, he made a stop at the farm of Lord Themos Tresting to talk with the farm skaa. Kelsier has also been keeping himself busy by interfering with Roshar (the world in which The Stormlight Archive is set). Leras is fascinated by Kelsier due to him being the first to punch him after death, and being the first to attempt to recruit him to their schemes. With the spike removed, Kelsier encouraged her to take up the power, relinquishing it so that she can do so. Kelsier is a half-skaa Mistborn from Scadrial. Will it be revealed to be the Big Bad of the series after all? After the fall of the Lord Ruler, Marsh eventually came under control of Ruin, as Ruin used the Hemalurgic nature of the Inquisitors to control them. (Otherwise, Inquisitors would be very very dead). However, this apparition of Kelsier is eventually revealed to be Ruin in disguise. Kelsier and Dockson went to see her first hand; they watched Vin Soothe an obligator during Camon's scheme, confirming that she was at least a Soother. Other 3D models from the same designer Janseloth All [47] After that, he left the area of the Cognitive Realm surrounding Scadrial and moved closer to finding the Ire. In the following months, Kelsier himself took on many roles to further the plan, acting as a beacon to the repressed skaa, assisting in recruitment,[30] attacking many noblemen to increase the tensions between the Great Houses,[16], collecting information by purchasing it from informants, and even posing as an informant in order to provide misinformation to noblemen. Community Software by Invision Power Services, Inc. On 8/3/2018 at 9:16 PM, TheManKnownAsHoid said: On 8/2/2018 at 3:22 PM, TheManKnownAsHoid said. We do it because we want to. Kelsier and his brother Marsh were the sons of a nobleman father and a skaa mother. Some of the Survivor's less pleasant traits include his ruthlessness and prejudice. Kelsier also convinces Breeze, Ham and Clubs to join the conspiracy by offering a share of the Lord Ruler's stash of valuable atium as loot. When Bleeder killed Father Bin by nailing him to a wall, it is described as a parody of the Survivor's Statemark,[60] implying that the Statemark depicts the way Kelsier died, impaled by a spear. He lacks finesse in the external mental abilities of zinc and brass as he tends to create large changes in emotional states as opposed to the more subtle Soothing abilities of Breeze, although he can affect a relatively large mass of people. Sixteen months later, when Kelsier was unable to get his weekly atium geode, Mare gave Kelsier hers, claiming that she had found two that week. Solid in the metal you fed to Elend. Ughcreepy. [25], Kelsier is known as Thaidakar[3] to the Ghostbloods, a secret society that operates on several planets, including Roshar. He also ran into Vin and was shocked to see how far she had come in the time he was away. Wayne once had a thing for her, but gave up on it after realizing that she has a girlfriend. [71] He was hours away near Southern Scadrian when Telsin planned to send a bomb on Elendel, and tasked Moonlight, TwinSoul, and Marasi to take care of it. He/she/it has kandra under their control, is either controlling or working with the Set, and is apparently planning on annihilating life on Scadrial as a whole. [43] He feels Ruin's presence during his time in the Well. Marsh resents Kelsier because Kelsier had success with the skaa rebellion soon after Marsh quit being its leader. It was Kelsier's "death" that truly connected me to the Cosmere universe. Though, in my opinion, I dunno if Ruin would try to forcethe Lord Ruler to kill Kelsier. Fortnite dropped the official announcement early Friday. The protagonists find a temple to a man they assume is the Lord Ruler, in which is stored the allomantic and feruchemic Bands. He also searched far and wide for possible ways to defeat the Lord Ruler, and managed to find an ingot of the fabled Eleventh Metal (he claimed he had found it in the west, which is considered to be a lie. For one of them, Kelsier's crew planned to steal the Lord Ruler's atium cache, which they believed lay hidden in Kredik Shaw. If you dont like this theory, move on. [42] For a period, he did not fully respect or believe Leras's divinity, but over time he came to respect him more. The hearts of men are NOT YOUR TOYS. While initially hostile, in the end Kelsier's brother Marsh joined, and together the crew developed a plan to defeat the Final Empire. Which is kind of how Id always imagined it. [12], Deal with your own stupid planet, you idiot. Might as well use that talent for the cause of good eh? [12] He always smiles and projects an excited and positive attitude, which is particularly unusual in the skaa underground. I worried about doing this, actually, since it seemed a little too expected. Throughout the course of the original Mistborn trilogy, he was been working behind the scenes to try to help Vins cause. Marsh doesnt like a lot of Kelsiers actions and the way he handles the rebellion. At some point after his revival, he also became a prominent figure on Roshar known as Thaidakar, though he is still physically stuck on Scadrial.[1]. [31] He lost these abilities in death and has not recovered them.[22]. Gave Entrone: An amateur archeologist who insulted Steris at a party. If anything, I feel like Ruin would have tried to make the Lord Ruler take the bracers off. In the following years, Kelsier traveled the empire and learned the art of Allomancy from an old skaa Mistborn named Gemmel. At the end of the book, Waxillium Ladrian is given a feruchemic coin by Hoid which stores the memory of a man with one eye and one hemalurgic spike, with arms covered in scars. At the end of TheBands of Mourning, she was shot several times but retained a metalmind and escaped. The mists curled around him, blending into the tassels of his mistcloak. Even if he had said something rude, its a theory. [14][21][27], Kelsier is a Mistborn, so he can burn every Allomantic metal, although he is particularly proficient with the external physical metals iron and steel. "[3] Kelsier is Iyatil's master. The Skaa still would have rebelled, Vin still wouldve gone after TLR, and they still wouldve won. Kelsier, sentenced to die mining the Pits of Hathsin after attempting to rob the Lord Ruler's palace, arose as a powerful Mistborn and inspired the revolution that shook the foundations of the Final Empire. But was that truly the end of his tale? His most prominent trademark is the multitude of long scars running down his arms, a memento of time spent in the Pits of Hathsin. She agrees to join the crew in exchange for Kelsier's training. Worship. Proceed with caution.). Like all Southern Scadrians, he wears a red and black mask at all times. [16] He gifted Vin a mistcloak and started to teach her Allomancy. I am hope. He is confronted by a Steel Inquisitor, which he eventually manages to defeat by beheading him with the Inquisitor's own obsidian axe. Proceed with caution if you have not read this book. And we know Ruin was able to manipulatepeople, particularly unstable people like Vin's mother and Gemmel, soit possible that the rebels who stabbed the Lord Ruler were influenced by Ruin to create a Hemalurgic Spike. He justifies his behavior as faithfulness to the Survivor of Hathsin, since Kelsier himself had been known to express outright hatred for the nobility. Protecting you.Giving you power!, When Leras died and Ruin began to Splinter the Shard of Preservation, Kelsier used the Ire's orb to Connect with Preservation and Ascend, allowing him to protect the power and hold it until Vin could take it. He met with Yeden the leader of the skaa rebellion and made Yeden hire him to bring down the Final Empire. The new skin is based on Kelsier, a central character of the series. This one is gonna be a RAFO for what his true plan is and if there is influence somewhere. After Sazeds Ascension and Spooks rise to political power, Kelsier began to speak with Spook about finding a way to bring himself back to the Physical Realm. Be. [22][23] Perhaps as a result of his egotism and arrogance, several of his plans involve setting himself up as a powerful, mysterious, or even divine figure. Despite her supposed betrayal, Kelsier never stopped loving her. Kelsier is seen to be not fond of the decision, but doesn't let any of his agents to assassinate her. 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