supergirl fanfiction kara faints at catco

supergirl fanfiction kara faints at catco

supergirl fanfiction kara faints at catco

supergirl fanfiction kara faints at catco

supergirl fanfiction kara faints at catco

2023.04.11. 오전 10:12

[3], Nia will stay late at CatCo. Even though she thoroughly keeps it hidden for fear of being seen as weak or soft in the eyes of her competitors, Cat is shown to sacrifice almost everything in her life for her career, including a relationship with her son and a personal life, stating many times that she believes time should not be wasted on "unimportant" things, like sleeping and celebrating holidays. [20], Cat appears on "The Talk" to discuss her relationship with Supergirl and goes out of her way to praise her. The three then return to National City and meet up with the remainder of the D.E.O. To Nia's joy, Brainy had chosen their love over the logic telling him to go back. Kara brings along Nia to show her the new secret headquarters, the Tower. [47], According to a medieval tapestry depicting the Oracle of Delphi's original instructions, which Maeve Nal found amongst her mother, possessions after her death, the journey to find the Dream Totem begins in a forest; which Nia concluded must be the same forest she often found herself in when entering her dreams. [6], Cat asked everyone in for a conference call. It is focused on the sisters and them finding things that they thought were lost. That night on Thanksgiving Day, Cat had a conference call with London and Beijing, but encountered technical difficulties when the electronics at CatCo stopped working. Nia suddenly had a vision of the Staff of the Shadow World. Touch_of_Venom, Indcise, and dnmann [21], Nia also helped J'onn to remember his past with his brother Malefic J'onzz on Mars.[22]. After Kara Danvers came to her for relationship advice after Mon-El of Daxam was forced to leave Earth, there was a report of a great fire in the city trapping innocent people in a building. When they touched back on the ground, observing the wreckage of the plane they began to think that the President is dead. Amadei at last awards Kara a meeting where he communicates his needs of having the option to recuperate people too. Following the events of the Daxamite invasion, Cat has left CatCo for good, becoming President Olivia Marsdin's White House press secretary. [10], Cat was having a tough time because her mother; Katherine Grant was visiting and of course gives Cat no respect. Supergirl (TV 2015) Characters: Kara Zor-El; Cat Grant; Nia Nal; Additional Tags: . She also stated she wanted their relationship to go back to being strictly professional. She is also the daughter of Paul Nal and the late Isabel Nal, the younger sister of Maeve Nal, and the girlfriend of Querl Dox. Rhea goaded Kara into attacking her which Kara did and it revealed that Rhea had laced her insides with Kryptonite. She sued for custody but lost, then gave up and dropped the lawsuit because Cat believed that she would be in Adam's life anyway, but determined that her child might be better off without her. When Kara was debating over taking over CatCo as Editor-in-Chief, Cat prompted her to stop denying both sides of her life. Nia questions who could do this and J'onn thinks it may have been Manchester. Siobhan shows a package that Cat should see personally, but Cat wants it open for all to see, so James takes the package and opens it to find a letter and thumb drive. Proclaiming herself as "Livewire", Leslie manifested in the building and attacked Cat and Kara. Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters, they all belong to the CW, What if Kara is in the influence of the pink kryptonite and kiss not just Alex but Lena and also Cat Grant and finally also Eliza. But at least they got inside.[18]. He and the rest of the passengers were alerted to the threat of Ethan Knox on board, though they were all saved by Supergirl. Ben Lockwood even tried to shut it down in the D.E.O., but the staff claimed they can't as their system has been hacked (in truth, they didn't, because the D.E.O. to retrieve the Hat's Fifth Dimensional hat in order to allow the imp to retrieve his powers and bring himself and Supergirl back to the former reality.[50]. The next day, Cat immediately reported on this revelation, elated at scooping the Daily Planet. Isabel then used her time to train Nia to use her powers, until her time was up and she disappeared.[43]. Kara was reluctant due to previous difficulties to reconcile her life there with her life as Supergirl. Nia gave her the latte, apologizing for being late. Nia is getting ready for the morning while Brainy continues to read her poetry he wrote. When Olivia resigned from office, Cat became the press secretary of her successor, Phil Baker, until he was impeached and arrested. Cat decides that Supergirl's energies are wasted on the pretense of being an errand girl; if Kara can't prove that she isn't Supergirl, Cat will fire her. She tells him it's too much, visibly hurt Brainy leaves. However, later Kara broke up with Adam, citing she didn't have room in her life for him. mean while oliver know as arrow is celebrating his victory on the defeat of promethius. As an unintended consequence however, Cat and all of Supergirl's loved ones were systematically murdered by the Children of Liberty. Cat accepts that she must have been wrong, and offers Kara her job back on the condition that she does not reveal Cat's embarrassing mistake. My door will be open for the next two weeks if anyone wish to raise the issue with me, I am good listener and maybe we can find a way to resolve our difference. She got out from the car, and told Nia she understands better than anyone, as she is in a similar situation with Alex, after she had her memory of Kara being Supergirl erased, and Kara can't reveal it to her as much as she'd like. Shortly after, Cat met with Supergirl on the balcony. Foster" she had been sending money to is her estranged son, Adam. Thank you for the welcoming (back), I hope we can work together to get Catco magazine back to the top with serious articles. They come at the office together and Kara introduces him to Eve and James, whit whom she later go to take a coffee, encountering a gang of criminals armed with alien weapon that Kara unsuccessfully tried to stop from robbing a bank and escape. Cat threatened to fire Kara for her outburst but James Olsen, CatCo's newly-hired art director, interrupted to reveal the first high-resolution printed photo of Supergirl, much to Cat's awe. She grabbed the other power coil, and charged up her power. An owl tried to advise Nia not to listen to Nyxlyg, but the Imp tricked her. Although Nia and J'onn were able to evade the guards, Brainy was taken for interrogation, where he was beaten. [34], CJ watched the aliens Naxim Tork and Mitch being trapped in their spaceship by other aliens and recorded everything via drone. Miss Grant: And what are really willing to share? That woman was nine other than Le Have you ever wondered what Kara's life would be like if Mon-el never left for the future? [41], At some point, the imp Nyxlygsptlnz entered Nia's dream realm. She assisted in the fight against him until the ancient one destroyed the building. Because people lost control of the Humanity Totem, Dreamer, Supergirl, and Lena thought about how to stop the chaos. She agrees to look for the doppelgnger and sits down, but in her vision of it all she sees is Winn turned into a white tiger before attacking her. Internal Promotion, second part: the reaction of someone (Cat Grant most of the time probably). That night at the launch party, Cat was upset when Kara arrived late and asked about the printed copies of CatCo Magazine. But Nia was still troubled to tell Maeve. From that moment, Nia started to act as Dreamer.[2]. She hates having whole milk in her lattes. These traits have shaped her into a forceful and controlling individual. She further pointed out that Supergirl's presence in National City is shifting the conversation regarding alien protectors. When a giant cat attacked the city, the Superfriends went to confront him. Cat was also depicted a figure who gives inspiration. Kara voiced her belief that the superheroine wanted people to think of both her and Superman when in danger, to which Cat implied she is willing to give Supergirl a chance to prove herself. Cat and Kara meet in a club, have a fancy night, talk about aliens and pine for a couple of years. Brainy offered to help train her, but she refused, thinking she can handle herself. At the meeting when James asked for story ideas on the fashion district, Nia was about to speak up but was interrupted by fellow reporter Mackenzie, who immediately pitched an article emphasizing National City's cultural importance in fashion trends and pointed out she had contacts for exclusive interviews. She also asked for Clark to help her talk to James as she feels that if he continues with his work as Guardian, he would only get himself hurt or worse. During their dinner, Kara acts as a mediator and after tense talking both Cat and Adam start having a normal mother-son relationship. She goes to speak with Mon-El about their powers, and about her parents and what they were. She accidentally released Naxim Tork and Mitch by randomly pressing buttons on their ship during her investigation into Midvaleall just to get a good story. Later, when Nia and Kara were about to return to National City, Maeve came and was still upset at Nia, especially since she always thought that there's no way Nia should've inherited the power, saying she is not "a real woman", which hurt Nia deeply. Only by going through the portal could they learn, where exactly the portal will lead. CJ decided that she would be called "Cat" and that she wanted to have her own media empire. Nia dreamed the attack and saved Maeve, who realized Nia had received the power, and left disgusted. Now see, the thing that makes women strong is that we have the guts to be vulnerable. Mon-El was in his room with a girl when his guard barged into the room to tell him that he had to evacuate. She still had trouble interpreting her dreams. Dreamer releases him and he is put into police custody. Because of her vision, Dreamer, Supergirl, J'onn J'onzz, and M'gann were able to fight Rama Khan and stop an earthquake. In addition, she has not shied away from showing her employees or previous employees affection such as hugging Winn when they met after Supergirl saved her from a plane crash or telling Clark to talk to James because she was worried he might get himself in trouble being Guardian. [12], Cat is later introduced to Barry Allen, who suggests she name the new "The Flash", though she rejects this proposal, wanting to call him "The Blur", instead. Catherine J. She angrily slammed some money on the counter, requesting they serve Brainy under the threat of having their shop closed down once Nia exposed their bigotry at CatCo. Discover short videos related to supergirl fanfiction kara faints on TikTok. We are going to take this slow and work one day at the time. However, the D.E.O. Cat then made Kara Danvers the new editor in chief, while helping her reveal her identity as Supergirl in an interview. When he was confronted by guards, he was surprised by his new strength and speed before he escaped into the city. Please consider turning it on! Hiring issues The Superfriends managed to motivate everyone to rise up against the villains. One-shots and parallels with your favorite Arrowverse ship in the whole multiverse. You don't build a company like CatCo by being a wallflower and not having an opinion and a strong point of view.Cat Grant. They are joined by Eliza Danvers, Lena Luthor, J'onn J'onzz, Brainy, and Manchester Black. Nia also helped Kara investigate William Dey. Cat who was upset over the dinner earlier because of the letter, which prompts Kara to go see Adam personally. Just before the interview, Nia was nervous, but Kara assured her she'd do great and just had to be herself. As he used up his powers, Nia proceeded to do the same, unwilling to let J'onn die. A blonde woman appears on all of the screens calling herself Indigo. Nia is found by Kara on CatCo balcony. Wanting to impress Kara, Nia bought her a latte and planned to arrive right on time. Yvette's spirit is boosted from Nia's talk. Cat was shocked to learn that Supergirl was not around to help. Nia and Kara tried to trick Nyxly without success. Siobhan promptly one-upped Kara's coffee while Winn looked on uncomfortably. However, since Dirk used the company's computers to hack Cat's e-mails so he can take over the company, he doesn't have a leg to stand on. Cat told Siobhan to get James Olsen and Lucy Lane into her office and told Kara to cover the phone. Miss Grant will read it before it goes to print or is uploaded unto Catco website. Cat previously never put restrictions on the people/subjects Leslie targeted in her broadcasts, which she would grow to regret. Going with J'onn to distract Rama Khan, Nia watched as he appeared in the park; they did not anticipate the arrival of Tezumak to assist him. Back at CatCo, Nia, Kara and James were looking at the news reports, in which President Baker was removed from office, after Kara exposed him working with Lex, Red Daughter's identity was also revealed, clearing Supergirls name and the new acting president had re-enacted the Alien Amnesty Act. Cat was relieved that there was no evidence of anything to slander her after Kara and James informed her, but at the meeting the board members ask her to take a step back and put some distance between herself and the company. However any in depth interview will still be a Miss Grant exclusive. Soon after, Cat reveals to Kara that she knew Barry was The Flash. Kara asked if she was still dreaming, with Nia replying that she couldn't believe the award went to someone who actually deserves it. Work Search: Also, despite her hardcore personality, Cat acknowledges that human connections are the key to happiness, a knowledge she shares to Supergirl, which greatly inspired the superheroine to rescue Lena and Mon-El from the Daxamites. When Winn's doppelganger attacks Andrea Rojas' conference with robotic tigers, Nia and the team go to the scene and manage to stop him. Musing how hard mother-daughter relationships can be, Cat confided in Kara about her contentious relationship with her own mother, who never felt her daughter lived up to her potential. However, Kara displayed unusual instincts and what appeared to be initiative (though was actually using her powers), along with a desire to make a name for herself. She loves Thursdays and the month of April. Cat tells Siobhan to call her investment broker, but she stammers for a moment before Kara took the assignment. She and the Superfriends including Mon-El, Winn Schott, and James Olsen, teamed up alongside the city to stop Nyxly and Lex once and for all, but the villains were defeated forever and sent to the Phantom Zone. Kara later decided to accept the offer. Nia Nal was born on Earth to Paul and Isabel Nal, a human father and Naltorian mother. She wanted to have dinner with him but he turns her down. James claimed he couldn't use his friendship with Superman like that, but Cat refused to relent, stating the interview could be a great achievement for CatCo. Watch popular content from the following creators: Dylan(@kuxvo), amelie (@aedanvers), mels wife<3(@benqist), ashley(@multitvshow), chika(@mkaramels) . To avert a disaster, Kara Danvers reveals her powers and true identity: She is Superman's cousin, now known as Supergirl, protector of National City. [11], Kara was slightly freaked out over Cat's attitude and that she had her own coffee. [3], Cat started off at the Daily Planet as the personal assistant of Perry White. She wanted to make amends with Adam, even writing a letter to him which Kara continued after Cat decided not to finish it, despite her disliking what Kara has done. Carter was then watched by Winn while Kara took care of an emergency errand. Sparring. [26], Later, Nia as well as everyone in the multiverse except for the seven Paragons, was killed in an antimatter wave by the Anti-Monitor on December 10, 2019,[27] only to be restored a month later, after the Paragons and the Spectre created a new universe.[28]. Cat then canceled Leslie's show and legally transferred her to the traffic chopper. [35], I'm the hero. Supergirl stopped the elevator from crashing, saving Cat's life. Every morning, Nia gets an extra-large coffee with milk and no sugar from Bob's Diner. 4. . Cat emphasized that she officially named Supergirl and thus aimed to build a metaphorical relationship between the superheroine and CatCo, which contradicted Leslie's views. After apologizing to Kelly, Nia and the Superfriends helped her become the new Guardian. contact Supergirl. That night, Nia is woken from a nightmare, upon returning home, she finally confronts Brainy about his obsessive affection towards her. Cat then threatened Kara for interfering, but Kara turns things around by offering to have the two dine together by getting them reservations. However, Nia was able to escape her nightmare fugue state. During the party, Cat shared a dance with Maxwell Lord, surprised at his attendance due to his recent kidnapping by Reactron. When Cat learns about Siobhan's treachery, she fires Siobhan on the spot. Cat Grant wrestles with her loyalty to Supergirl after Andrea Rojas reveals Supergirl is sleeping with Lena Luthor. The signal was detected by Winn and Supergirl, and upon finding out he was from Daxam and fearing that he was behind the attack on President Marsdin she rushed to confront him. [7], Cat continued to explore through various challenges to Kara's identity. The pod traveled past the Well of Stars, a region in space where time is ceased, and got stuck there for decades. There, she discovered that Al had turned the bar into an underground hideout for aliens, after they were forced into hiding thanks to the repeal of the Alien Amnesty Act. "Let's go again!" Alex shouted from across the room, bending her knees in a defensive stance. During the drive, Nia said, that she hasn't yet told her about her powers to her parents, or her big sister, Maeve. Suit up Unfortunately, they were discovered and captured. An additional two weeks will be allowed to process any request after that. Even though Nia was able to hold on her own, it was here she saw she needed to train with someone. However, Kara volunteered to go with her and drive all the way. When the President contacted Rhea emotions between the two began to get heated and she felt the need to step in to relieve the tension. Kara yells back at Cat and immediately apologizes. Kara volunteered to go back by being a wallflower and not having an and! She also stated she wanted to have the two dine together by getting them.. She had been sending money to is her estranged son, Adam assistant Perry!, a human father and Naltorian mother about Siobhan 's treachery, she finally confronts Brainy about his affection... And all of the letter, which she would be called `` ''! To Paul and Isabel Nal, a region in space where time is ceased, and Lena thought about to... The portal will lead to process any request after that ; Nia Nal was born on Earth to Paul Isabel... To learn that Supergirl 's loved ones were systematically murdered by the Children of Liberty ) Characters Kara! 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