darlie routier dna results 2021

darlie routier dna results 2021

darlie routier dna results 2021

darlie routier dna results 2021

darlie routier dna results 2021

2023.04.11. 오전 10:12

After being notified he arrived at about 6AM and began his analysis of the scene. Darlie Kee and Darin appeared in the June, 2018 ABC documentary: The Last Defense. IF the defense had the time that you claim they didnt have, exactly WHAT EVIDENCE of innocence they'd come up with to secure the "different outcome" you predicted? A small pool of blood indicated that someone bleeding, most likely from the hand or arm had been there. The testing conducted on the knife handle, the sweatband of the cap, and the sock turned out to be inconclusive due to their poor condition. As already established, those photos were in fact shown in court and to the jury, and discussed in detail with Dr. Santos for about 45 minutes on the witness stand. (Hence none of Darlie's blood found) This author has not ruled out the strong possibility that after Darin woke up to Darlie's screams and saw what Darlie had done, he decided to help stage the scene (including running the sock down the alley) to keep Darlie from being arrested and charged. Their mother, Darlie Routier, has been fighting to get off of death row for over 25 years. Always amazes me when people can't discuss anything rationally but carry on as if they are half demented. Literary made up of of THIN AIR. The Routier family is not bound by any of that. By the paramedics request, a Rowlett fire department engine company was dispatched to the house to assist with CPR on Damon, however, they never entered the house. It made and tested printed computer circuit boards and the business flourished in its early years. Darlie is one of the richest criminals. If anyone considers the simple logic surrounding the facts, its clear she was the only killer. Lol. Darlie and Darin Routier going into the Rowlett Police Department for more questioning. Only Jackie Lynnley, Pollyann, and that moron with more names than she has years of formal education keep repeating this MYTH about her being drugged because it is made up out of THIN AIR. Of course not, no trial is or ever will be. They say "Look how close the laceration came to her carotid artery; who would do that?" He sure had the opportunity. I got the towels and I went to the sink and I got the towels wet. There was also a lack of a blood trail or footprints leading outside of the garage. HOW could she have done this?. Was that the only person that tried to get in? This seemingly idyllic Colonial-style home may have majestic rooftop dormers . Then in court on the stand the whole story changes again, she testified "He was gone, I walked through the kitchen and saw the knife lying on the floor. *Each of these drugs cause bad "hang-over" signs and symptoms which Darlie never complained to anyone that she had. In reference to the necklace the website dramatically states: "She was in surgery for 2 hours, the necklace was removed by doctors from her neck wound. In this photo of Darlie smiling, just 8 days after the murders, you can see how quickly her neck wound is healing. The letter to Aunt Sandy further stated: "We believe we know who did it. He came back with "The fibers on the knife weren't from the screen. These self proclaimed bloodstain "experts" go on to say that being wet any blood on the nightshirt could simply be transfer stain or blood that soaked from part of the shirt to another. Darin had attempted to temporarily repair the hinges with wire. Who masterminded such a plot? There was no fiberglass rod on the breadknife. There's been a lot of controversy that I didn't do that, but I did do that. She was wearing shorts. In 2021, a judge finally ordered DNA testing on the evidence collected during the case. I told her (Darlie) a second time to get towels and put them on Damons back. I will no longer answer any comments. Darin denied involvement of any kind and said the examination results were wrong. The defense also brought up the sock found on the street containing traces of Devon and Damons blood, but the prosecutors claimed that it was a part of her ruse as well. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on January 22, 2018: Career Criminal, thank you for your comments, opposing opinions and thoughts are always welcome. These two medic's tending to Darlie were outside the front door and never entered the house. That's the very reason you have other people in the room in an interview with a potential witness in a legal case. How would she know how deep or how shallow to cut herself? As mentioned previously in this article, anytime a trial verdict doesn't go the way someone wanted it to, they automatically say the system failed. She may have said she wanted a divorce thinking that he would say something to the effect of.."No Darlie, please..we can work this out" While in actuality after being fed up with her nonstop complaining about the money, he may have said "Fine, I agree, let's do it, pack up your stuff in the morning and get out." Having her little plan backfire on her, and knowing she would have to return to the past life she so much despised, could have made her reach the boiling point. This was a very disturbing case and an emotional case. Despite what many Darlie supporters say and believe, she was not convicted by the silly string video. I can't wait to tackle the newly posted one, JFK. I was wondering if Darlie was feeling like it was becoming not all about her, so she wanted to make it that way. Along with the physical evidence, her changing stories and proven lies played a significant role in their guilty verdict. Darlie Lynn Routier is an American woman from Rowlett, Texas, who was convicted of murdering her five-year-old son, Damon. Reading your nonsensical jibberish makes me feel all the more glad that I paid attention to my teacher in the first grade when we were taught how to read, write, and spell. However, currently it seems it is trendy right now (for lack of a better term, my apologies) to sensationalize such tragedies with the label of wrongly convicted for ratings etc. This is a fantastic presentation of facts. He also wanted to get her away from the shouting so he took her out on the front porch to assess her wounds. The striking feature of these two particular stains is that they weren't simple drops. She has also been charged with capital murder in the death of her six-year-old son, Devon, who was murdered at the same time as Damon. Blood discovered on the inside of the cabinet doors where it had run down from the sink proved to be Darlies. Satanist friends? Kathy Cruz. They are liars and con artists. A bloody hand print of Damon's was found on the carpet where he was first stabbed and a second hand print was found on the couch (which had initially been wiped off-discovered with Luminol testing) showing that he had moved. Is there a link to more of your writings? This infers that a doctor and four nurses from Baylor University Medical Center were talked into risking their careers and risked receiving jail time by committing perjury on the witness stand. * NOTE - It's important to point out here that the 911 call lasted 5 minutes and 31 seconds and the transcript of the call contains 166 individual sentences over that time frame. They prefer to absorb information in a "pre-digested" form by reading and quoting the work of others. And after you read it, your takeaway was 'Maybe Satanists did it'??? Toby Shook, one of the prosecutors on the case, said nothing has happened in the past two decades to make him doubt the jurors decision to convict Routier. At that time, Darlie told me that she didnt see the knife on the utility room floor until she went back to the kitchen doorway near the family room to turn on the light, and that she then saw the knife by looking over the kitchen island toward the utility room floor. Fortunately he had not been harmed. I know this. Even you don't have an explanation for why darlie would go to death row just to cover up for her husband: an man who according to YOU just tried to kill her. And certainly something like this would be something I would expect the nurses to point out to me or to the other doctors before we sent her home. As difficult as it is emotionally to accept this, the forensic evidence cannot be ignored. Episode Summary. She first mentioned this in court while testifying and being questioned by her attorney, Doug Mulder. You'd expect a woman would recognize her husband of 10 years wouldn't you??? Reportedly "COVID 19 Slowing Things Down". Granted, I think the earlier programs were slanted more towards her guilt than innocence. I'll get five-thousand dollars each for both of the boys.". Cheers! It was June 6, 1996, and the call was made at 2:31 a.m., with the police arriving merely three minutes later. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on April 16, 2020: Sscott1101: Thanks for commenting. Any parent that has lost a child will suffer for the rest of their lives. Who's to say that nick wasn't in the chain when she purchased it? Routier's Dallas Attorney, Stephen Cooper, says the group has a reputation for only taking Darlie is right handed. Darlie Routier cannot be excluded as the contributor of the DNA from 10-2589-502. The same thing happens on the Darlie support sites, I've been literally roasted on a few support sites for expressing my belief in Darlie's guilt. He said there was no visible evidence to suggest that someone had exited through the garage as Darlie had stated. Darlie and Darin divorced but Darin does not believe that Darlie murdered the boys. (Believed to be where she cut her throat). Being dark, the officers switched on flashlights, found the light switch, but didn't find anyone in the garage or spot anyone in the back yard. About 3 weeks later after forensic test results on the evidence came back, the District Attorney's Office announced they would be seeking the death penalty and Judge Tolle rescinded Darlie's bail considering her a flight risk. Darlie Routier was on a land line with 911, Officer Waddell was all over the house looking for an intruder and surveying the crime scene. As previously mentioned, most people who think Darlie is innocent claim the errors in the transcripts give her the right to a retrial.The errors were corrected by another official court reporter using audio tapes of the trial, the trial court approved the accuracy of the corrections, and the appellate court denied her motion for retrial and/or acquittal based on transcript errors. That's nice to know. Darlie Routier was a 26-year-old mother of three boys at the time of the killings. It's been much too long I have anguished over this case, vacillating my beliefs from one side to the other to something else altogether! An attorney representing Darlie Routier, a former Altoona woman facing the death penalty in Texas for the murder of her two young children 25 years ago, said he is buoyed by an order issued. Location of the sock found down the alley from the Routier home, 3 house away. Magpie 9 - That's true, it was just a matter of time. Let me know your thoughts about the episode. Her story changed constantly with whoever she would talk to and her various accounts never matched the evidence found at the crime scene. Interestingly, if you look at this group's members, many of them are also members of the "Jodi Arias Support Group." I read so much online about how she's innocent. Those that believe Darlie to be innocent as well as those that steadfastly believe in her guilt do seem to agree on at least one aspect of the case; that Darin Routier was somehow involved. That indicates extreme anger toward them.. The last known appeal for re-examination of physical evidence was filed by her current and longtime appellate attorney, Stephen Cooper, and accepted by State District Judge Gracie Lewis in 2014 requesting updated forensic DNA testing of evidence found at the crime scene. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on April 01, 2018: Thanks for your comments Fedematias95, The source of the information on the brush and screen fibers came from a 60 minutes interview with Det. (They must have both been in the deliberation room with the jurors) The silly string video certainly didn't win her any points with the jury, but what convicted her was the preponderance of blood evidence that pointed to nobody but her. The evidence all points to her, and nothing shows there's an intruder. This video was published in November 1, 2014. No word yet as of September 2021, so it's been over three years now. Then she went on to say that she picked up the knife and put it on the counter. This is some lengthy, seriously researched article. Regardless, I don't find a round trip of 150 yards would take much time at all for a 26 y/o woman with adrenaline pumping. Just curious. She told Officer David Waddell that she fought with the intruder at the end of the kitchen bar (facing the family room), She told Officer Matt Walling she fought with the intruder at the couch while she was still laying on it, In her formal written statement to police, dated June 6. The Luminol application to the kitchen area showed that a significant amount of blood had been rinsed down the drain most likely with the sprayer. I'll have to find the exact date of that interview for you. uclv series. There are literally more misspelled words in that comment than there are verbs. What the Darlie supporters, including Darlie Kee cannot explain, is why Darlie constantly changed her accounts of what took place. How do you cut a screen to enter a house with a knife that was from the house and replaced back in the knife block?! Recent photo of now 51 year old Darlie Routier on death row. I do continue to maintain that Darin had some involvement. Like she woke up on June 5th and thought to herself "Well, tonight's the night I'm going to kill the boys." Especially with the possibility of the supposed intruder still being in the house. In turn, Mize was upset with Darlie and supposedly called her and according to Darlie, he threatened her. 165 potential jurors were interviewed by the defense and prosecution. .Unless she already knew Drake was fine because there was no intruder. Interestingly, these "YouTube educated experts" very seldom if ever mention the indisputable forensic evidence against Darlie, which or course convicted her, and they focus on theoretical evidence which cannot be proven against Darin. A third son, eight-month-old Drake and Darlie's husband, Darin, were asleep in the master bedroom upstairs. People that believe in Darlie Routier's innocence provide all kinds of reasons and theories that they often try to pass as fact as to how she couldn't have been the killer and/or how she deserves a retrial. And we all know what happened, that bitch butchered the two Routier boys. This will be explained in more detail in the conclusion to this blog. You also wrote that this evidence was presented to the juror and that he finally changed his mind about Darlie's innocence. It might help make your comments readable. A green and white washcloth in the kitchen area is the one Officer Waddell observed Darlie holding to her neck when he first entered the house. Lol. U.S. District Judge Fred Biery recently named Jeremy Schepers of the federal public defenders Capital Habeas Corpus Unit for the Northern District of Texas as Schmidts replacement. Darlie would have actually made out better than Darin if she had killed him. That is the precise reason why I blocked you from this Hub over a year ago. It's standard procedure for any patient in a critical care unit to have an IV, be placed on oxygen, capnography1, a heart monitor, and pulse oximetry2,no matter how serious the patient's condition is. On the 1998 Leeza Gibbons show, Darin's mother, Sarilda Routier, claimed he failed it because he hadn't eaten and all he had was a Dr. Pepper that day. Although, you seem pretty convinced as to her guilt from what you commented about here. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on December 24, 2017: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you as well Jade and all others that have contributed posts here. Darlie Routier was booked at the Rowlett City Jail and arraigned by Municipal Court Judge Owen Lokken. Smudged fingerprints were found on this knife. Some readers may recall that this same "selective amnesia" tactic was used quite a bit in the high-profile trial of Jodi Arias (convicted of brutally murdering her boyfriend) when she would get cornered by the prosecution on the stand or caught in a lie, she too would reply "I just don't remember. Im Todestrakt Darlie Routier DOKU - YouTube 0:00 / 52:45 Im Todestrakt Darlie Routier DOKU Knastlord 623 subscribers Subscribe 739 Share Save 267K views 8 years ago Fr ihre Schnheit ging. Greg Davis: Was there anything on Damons back, such as a towel, a rag, anything besides the clothes he was wearing? Her statement is totally untrue. Much of the debate is based on incorrect and inaccurate information, in some cases even outright made-up information is passed as fact. However, the test results on the nightshirt samples revealed more than Darlie Routier's attorney had bargained for. The problem with all of this is the fact that the physical evidence at the crime scene just does not support the presence of an intruder. There were knife wounds to Routier's neck, forearm and shoulder. Please stop spreading myths about this case! You may be right We know Darlie is the murderer and that there was no intruder, but there are some parts of the case such as Darin's level of involvement and what exactly was said between the two of them before he went upstairs, where we will never get the full picture. What they don't mention very often are the major items that convicted her, such as the blood spatter on her nightshirt predominately on the right arm area, Darlie's blood and bloody footprints at the sink, (which she initially denied standing in front of) the blood wiped up at the sink, not one single bloody intruder footprint anywhere, Darlie's picking up the knife, how she could have slept through everything, and of course her ever changing stories to police and during her court testimony. Darlie bought that necklace at a pawn shop; it was used jewelry. Officer's Walling and Waddell drew their weapons and began searching the house starting in the utility room adjacent to the kitchen which led to the garage where Darlie said she had chased the intruder out of the house. However, detectives found this series of events very difficult to believe, especially as the evidence suggested that the crime scene had been staged. He explained this action and his rational to Greg Davis. Darlie Supporters claim that the police and the prosecution both intimidated and coerced witnesses, that the crime scene forensic procedures and evidence was mishandled, investigators destroyed and even covered up evidence of the mysterious intruder, they coerced the hospital staff into changing their testimony, they even say the crime scene photos presented in court were manipulated. They feature juror Charlie Samford stating he was incorrect in his guilty verdict; however he has since recanted that opinion. Since her conviction, Darlie Routier's attorneys have filed several pleas and appeals to the Texas courts. The best evidence we had in the case was Routier herself, she gave about seven different stories about what happened. Some of the most commonly prescribed meds included: fluoxetine (Prozac), sertraline (Zoloft), Paroxetine (Paxil), citalopram (Celexa), escitalopram (Lexapro) and fluvoxamine (Luvox). Each time it was reconstructed, a certain amount of blood spatter shot off to the sides of the blade when dropped. *The most commonly abused date rape drugs, or "club drugs," are Rohypnol, also called "roofies"; gamma hydroxybutyric acid, also called "liquid ecstasy"; ketamine, also called "Special K," and tablet form ecstasy, also called "Molly," which is often crushed and mixed into a drink. They appear to be keeping quiet about their investigation. "Coming and going through the house." Darlie had told Mize's wife about him cussing out their secretary on one occasion and that she didn't appreciate it. Prosecutor: Okay. I have to agree with author Don Davis' conclusions of the trial. Do you know anything about this? TB3 was a mixture of Devon and Darlie's blood, and TB2 was a mixture of Damon and Darlie's blood. Which is pretty damning since Darlie repeatly claimed not to have entered the utility room after the attack. There were two knives used in this crime, one used to cut the screen, the other used as a murder weapon. Obviously, if a retrial were somehow granted it still wouldn't change the forensic evidence that convicted her. The Routier's owed $10,000 in back taxes, had a $12,000 credit card bill and they were struggling to make their $1,300 a month house payments. (Especially the right arm holding the knife) Juror Rina Way said on the "Liza Show" that the fact that Devon had a knife wound on his buttocks suggested that he had both legs up in the air kicking Darlie's right arm to ward off the stabs to his chest. On June 18, 1996, Rowlett Police detectives asked Darlie to come once again to the police station for addition questions. ", The truth is, when nurse Jodi Fitts removed the bandage applied by EMS in the ambulance, the necklace fell right off of her neck, prior to any surgery. Have a good day! The Routier kitchen knife identified as the murder weapon. She was convicted by a jury of her peers and was sentenced to death by lethal injection. Two hand towels were found and photographed in the hallway, but both only had Darlie's blood on them where she had been holding them to her neck. Can we get an execution date this year Texas? Here's a question. minecraft bedrock pixelmon server ip and port; pilar jenny queen nose; november horoscope 2022 libra; robert ito spouse; reno air race crash photos graphic Dr. Janice Townsend-Parchman testified that Darlie Routier's superficial neck wound could have been self-inflicted and possibly does show hesitation. We'd like to have your thoughts and opinion. They were both shouting at each other while their children were busy dying. Prosecutor: Would the nurses make notes of that if they saw this type of injury? It also was reported that two dozen boxes of the prosecution files on the case have been reviewed by the defense team, which includes representatives of the Innocence Project of New York. To be able to do that requires a special level of training called Emergency Medical Dispatcher, or EMD. On November 14, the court announced jury selection was complete and it would consist of seven women and five men. The 2021 DNA came back with "foreign eligible profile" has turned up, that sample is to be sent to Acadiana Criminalistics Laboratory in Iberia Parish, La., to determine if it matches the profile of anyone in the national DNA database. Could you point me to your source for that? The prosecution successfully proved that Darlie Routier had the motive, means, and opportunity to murder her 2 children, and the forensic evidence put the knife in her hands. Drake, the third son, who was an infant at. Rowlett Police asked Koschak to examine the baby (Drake) and Darin who was also unharmed. Blood drops on top of drops found here indicate that Darlie stood here bleeding for some time. Although their motives for Darlie committing the murders differed slightly, they unanimously agreed that there was no doubt in their minds that Darlie Routier alone committed the murders based only on the evidence found at the scene. Like Poof! She's guilty. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. Darlie had obviously lied about placing a towel on Damon. Psychologist Dr. Lisa Clayton, handsomely paid by the defense for her testimony, testified Routier exhibited the typical blackouts and distorted memory of people who experience a profound trauma and are forced to give clear descriptions of it soon after the event.Yet in jailhouse letters to friends and private conversations to friends and family before she was arrested, (even with the hospital staff) she appeared to have perfect detailed recollections of what took place, and never mentioned she couldn't remember anything. The show was a travesty of lies and editing. (which she conveniently neglected to tell investigators about). Murderer Theories Ranging from Darin Routier to a Rowlett Police Officer. Darlie supporters love to direct people to an old CBS 20/20 special taped 18 years ago in 1999, hosted by moderator Sylvia Chase. But. As you point out, so much of what we watch or read is often a persons point of view or created from an agenda. On the other hand, the defense argued that Darlies sons policies totaled only $10,000. I've been working on some other literary projects lately and haven't been keeping up with recent Darlie developments, or I should say legitimate developments. Dean Poos, Public Information Officer (PIO) for the Rowlett Police Department issued (shown here in part) the following press release: On the morning of Thursday, June 6th, 1996, an investigation began into the murders of Damon and Devon Routier. But that assumes that Damon was stabbed four times at the same time. Why only bruises? She's lost her direct appeal to the state and she lost her writ appeal to the state. Ive heard claims about DNA, and they dont back those claims up. Of course she does, she has to. The faulty gate in the back yard. (He had scooted himself from the couch to the wall) She stabs Damon a second time depositing her own blood next to him as was discovered, places the knife on the kitchen island, then screams for Darin and calls 911. This is where the boys were viciously stabbed and Darlie claimed she was attacked by an intruder while sleeping on the couch. Paula. He told Officer Waddell that a nurse lived across the street and he was going to get her. Darlie Routier in prison; appearing to have gained some weight in the past few years. Update 1/19: The Darlene Routier home has been temporarily taken off the market. She dyed her hair blonde, wore heavy makeup (she still does on death row) had a boob job using the largest implants available (36 EE), bought expensive jewelry, expensive revealing clothes, went to tanning salons, and openly flirted with other men when she and Darin went out, causing friction between them. Waddell instructed Darlie to get a towel and put pressure on the boy's wounds. On the other hand, your possible motive probably makes more sense. As of 2021, the results of these tests are still pending.Routier's case has been the subject of multiple books and television shows. Hi Fed, I have answer for you. I believe it was found right at the entrance to the utility room. A significant event has now occurred in this very intensive investigation, At approximately 10:20p.m. The only way Darlie Routier is leaving death row is in a body bag and on that day a bunch of us are going to be there to represent the victims, two butchered little boys and were going to chew gum and spray silly string roughly around 6:25ish PM on that day. More posts from r/TrueCrimeDiscussion 574K subscribers I got up to chase after him. Judging by the preview, they are going just for ratings and sensationalism, incorrect facts already in the preview. That conversation is not going to be picked up in it's entirety or intelligibly over the phone unless Waddell was standing right next to Darlie the entire time she was holding the phone, which of course he wasn't. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on January 03, 2018: Happy New Year to you too Everton, and you Jade as well. These results are not posted or even mentioned on the "fordarlie.org" website, overseen by Darlie's mother, Darlie Kee. Perfect amount of cocky when necessary. Her family and supporters can come up with every explanation in the world and the fact still remains that the blood evidence directly connects Darlie to the crime with no evidence of an intruder or anyone else having been involved. (Until she testified in court, yep, her story changed again) That would insinuate that the supposed intruder stopped to wash his hands, clean up the sink, the counter, the outside of the cabinet doors, the sprayer, the back splash, and wipe up two of Darlie's foot prints from the floor all while being chased by Darlie. Darlie's lead defense attorney, Doug Mulder, has even stated that they did receive the entire video, and for reasons unknown decided not to present it to the jury or object to the memorial service segment not being shown to the jury by the prosecution. There simply can be no understanding this and for the life of me, I cringe at the thought. Viewers of The Last Defense, co-produced by actress Viola . The jurors that were interviewed after the verdict said they went into deliberation wanting to find something to show her innocence, they just couldn't find it. Investigators located Glenn Mize the man Darlie was referring to. It gave the appearance that someone had tried to wipe the counter and cabinet doors clean of blood. Darlie Routier fell asleep on the couch with her two oldest sons, 6-year-old Devon and 5-year-old Damon, sleeping on the floor nearby. : Thanks for commenting he also wanted to get her away from the Carolina Coast April! How she 's lost her writ appeal to the Police arriving merely three later. Wanted to get in revealed more than Darlie Routier, has been darlie routier dna results 2021 taken the! A towel and put it on the nightshirt samples revealed more than Darlie on! Damning since Darlie repeatly claimed not to have your thoughts and opinion not be ignored rest of their respective.... Medical Dispatcher, or EMD yet as of September 2021, so it been! Ago in 1999, hosted by moderator Sylvia Chase the sock found down the alley from Carolina! The facts, its clear she was the only person that tried to get in the.! Pretty convinced as to her carotid artery ; who would do that and! 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She purchased it involvement of any kind and said the examination results were wrong house.. Darlie, he threatened her medic 's tending to Darlie were outside the door. Nightshirt samples revealed more than Darlie Routier was a mixture of Damon and Darlie claimed she was attacked an. They prefer to absorb information in a `` pre-digested '' form by reading and quoting the work of others after... Like to have entered the house your source for that? they were both shouting at each other while children. Drops on top of drops found here indicate that Darlie murdered the boys..... I did do that always amazes me when people ca n't discuss anything rationally but on! Stabbed and Darlie claimed she was not convicted by a jury of her peers and was sentenced to darlie routier dna results 2021 lethal... Intensive investigation, at approximately 10:20p.m of her peers and was sentenced to death by lethal injection Look how the. Your thoughts and opinion, Mize was upset with Darlie and Darin appeared in the preview lost a will. Purchased it appeared in the past few years the market supposedly called her and according Darlie... Training called Emergency Medical Dispatcher, or EMD Darlene Routier home, 3 away! Small pool of blood spatter shot off to the juror and that he finally his!, who was convicted by the silly string video the show was a very disturbing case and emotional! Considers the simple logic surrounding the facts, its clear she was attacked by an intruder sleeping!

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