nirvana nevermind baby circumcised

nirvana nevermind baby circumcised

nirvana nevermind baby circumcised

nirvana nevermind baby circumcised

nirvana nevermind baby circumcised

2023.04.11. 오전 10:12

Nevermind and its lead single Smells Like Teen Spirit sold millions of copies and helped popularize grunge music in the United States. Elden alleges his "true identity and legal name are forever tied to the commercial sexual exploitation he experienced as a minor which has been distributed and sold worldwide from the time he was a baby to the present day". Individuals have a right to make their own decisions about genital modifications like nontherapeutic circumcision. Now, 30 years later, he is suing the band, alleging that he was "sexually exploited" as a minor. Elden has recreated the image at times during his adulthood, but he also suggested in interviews that he felt uncomfortable about the album covers popularity. Sooner or later, I want to create a print of areal-deal re-enactment shot, completely naked. Spencer Elden, who was featured as a naked baby on a Nirvana album's cover art, is now suing the band for alleged "commercial child sexual exploitation." Chris Cuomo isn't buying it. I'm just asking the band to do what they should have . Nirvana has won the dismissal of a lawsuit by a man who claimed his depiction as a naked four-month-old baby on the cover of the band's seminal 1991 album "Nevermind" was child pornography. Spencer Elden, who appears naked as a baby on the cover of Nirvana's 1991 album Nevermind, is suing the band for alleged child exploitation and pornography. He sent a photographer to a pool for babies to take pictures. Now that baby is all grown up and, believe it or not, so is his penis. Or so thats what I was told., The lawsuit alleged Elden has and will continue to suffer personal injury from the Defendants possession, transportation, reproduction, advertisement, promotion, presentation, distribution, providing, and obtaining of child pornography depicting him.. Just trust us when we say you wouldnt believe the difference! The photo of Mr. Elden was picked from among dozens of pictures of babies Mr. Weddle photographed for the album cover, which Mr. Cobain envisioned showing a baby underwater. Somewhere between the albums release and now, young Spencers teeny tiny member grew from turtle head to full blown hog and the internet is loving it! That baby was Spencer Elden . In the 30 years since it first appeared, Nirvana's diamond-selling record Nevermind has seen several re-releases and anniversary special editions. Why not? "I'm 23 now and an artist, and this story gave me an opportunity to work with Shepard Fairey for five years, which was an awesome experience. The lawsuit was filed in August against the estate of Kurt Cobain; the musicians former bandmates, David Grohl and Krist Novoselic; and Mr. Cobains widow, Courtney Love, among other parties. The suit, filed Monday in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California, accuses Nirvana of violating federal child pornography laws in using the image and is asking the court for a trial by jury. Press J to jump to the feed. In a ruling issued Monday Jan. 3, Judge Fernando M. Olguin tossed the case after the . As well as being hugely influential musically,. In. The children are young and it is very graphic.. They now have no idea about a normal penis. The point was not just to create a menacing image but to cross the line and they did so in a way that exposed Spencer so that they could profit off of it., She said her client sometimes agreed when the band, media outlets and fans asked him to recreate the photo as an adult, but he eventually realized that this only resulted in the image of him as a baby being further exploited.. Now, however, Mr. Elden, 30, has filed a federal lawsuit against the estate of Kurt Cobain, the musicians former bandmates, David Grohl and Krist Novoselic, and Mr. Cobains widow, Courtney Love, among other parties. Jan. 13, 2022 3:51 PM PT. The lawsuit did not provide details about the losses but said that Nirvana, the producers of the album and others had all profited from the albums sales at the expense of Mr. Eldens privacy. Elden has recreated the album cover several times as a teenager and adult - always wearing swimming trunks - to mark Nevermind's 10th, 20th and 25th anniversaries. Spencer Elden claims the nude image of him as an infant on the band's iconic album . Did you encounter any technical issues? Ms. Mabie said that Mr. Elden has long felt discomfort over the images and had expressed it in even earlier interviews when he was teenager. 2023 BBC. Eons ago there was some feature in Q (a now defunct English music magazine) and they featured people who were on famous album covers, the U2 boy, that kinda thing. Elden tells the Post its cool but weird to be part of something so important that I dont even remember. Since the last recreation he got NEVERMIND tattooed on his chest to help him remember. "Nevermind," which celebrated its thirtieth anniversary last year, was released in 1991. VideoIsabel Oakeshott: Why I leaked minister's messages, How 10% of Nigerian registered voters delivered victory, Sake brewers toast big rise in global sales, The Indian-American CEO who wants to be US president, Blackpink lead top stars back on the road in Asia, Exploring the rigging claims in Nigeria's elections, 'Wales is in England' gaffe sparks TikToker's trip. In the decades that followed, Mr. Elden appeared to celebrate his part in the classic cover, recreating the moment for the albums 10th, 17th, 20th and 25th anniversaries, though not naked. Mr. Elden, who declined to comment on his suit, said in a short documentary in 2015 that the album cover had opened doors for him. A lawsuit accusing former Nirvana band members of child exploitation and pornography for using a naked baby as cover art on their 1991 "Nevermind" album has now been . Joey Stivic Doll Anatomically correct doll, the first. But the man who was the baby is in the news today, and I saw the picture again and saw he was circumcised. Has always bothered me because it normalizes MGM. Today only USA meds push it and claim strange, never validated health benefits. DGC Spencer Elden, the man whose unusual baby portrait was used for one of the most recognizable album covers of all time, Nirvana 's "Nevermind," filed a lawsuit Tuesday alleging that the. If you take 100 white guys all raised in the US ages 28-32, 5 to 15 of them are going to be intact. I had younger brothers and younger cousins (all intact, fairly normal for Australia by that time) I babysat frequently so had done a lot of nappy changing, my parents spoke negatively about circumcision. A California man who appeared on the cover of Nirvana's "Nevermind" album as an infant has filed a lawsuit against the band claiming he was the victim of child pornography. Nirvana Nevermind child pornography lawsuit dismissed by judge Spencer Elden, who was photographed naked as a baby for the Nevermind album cover, missed his deadline to file an opposing. Spencer Elden sued former members of the band in August 2021. Anyone can read what you share. Does it bother anyone else? Key points: The cover of Nirvana's Nevermind is one of the most recognisable in rock music But the nude baby featured, now aged 30, says it is child exploitation material Spencer Elden is seeking damages from the band for producing and circulating the image The image shows Mr Elden as baby, swimming towards a US dollar bill on a fishhook. This lawsuit is not a typical child pornography case, said Mary Graw Leary, a professor at the Columbus School of Law at the Catholic University of America. Nirvana members Dave Grohl (left), Kurt Cobain (center) and Krist Novoselic (right). The man who as a 4-month-old appeared nude on the 1991 cover of Nirvana's album "Nevermind" on Thursday filed a new version of his lawsuit alleging the image is child pornography. Not only was it loaded with social commentary about America and capitalism, it also featured a determined baby with the unusual skill of being comfortable while submerged in water. The Nevermind kid was only about 7yrs in the article and pictured with his parents, they seemed sort of alternative, a little bit arty farty. For example, he worked with Shepard Fairey, the artist who was sued by The Associated Press for using an image of Barack Obama for his piece Hope.. PARIS: Released 30 years ago this week, "Nevermind" was a generation-defining milestone that sold 30 million copies and made a tragic icon of Kurt Cobain.Ranked the most influential band of all time by US magazine Spin last year, Nirvana's ethos continues to reverberate in artists as varied as Billie Eilish, Lana Del Rey and Frank Turner. Let The Roundup Begin: The Month In Hardcore, The Number Ones: Justin Timberlakes What Goes Around Comes Around, Weve Got A File On You: Marshall Crenshaw, The 10 Best Flaming Lips Songs (That Even Flaming Lips Fans Might Not Know). The cover for Nevermind, a 1991 Nirvana album that is said to have helped redefine rock music, features a naked 4-month-old baby in a pool, appearing to swim after a dollar bill that's pierced . Not too veiny, but just enough to let you know blood is pumping through and it is ready to do its thing! Spencer Elden says he suffered lifelong damage after appearing on Nirvana's "Nevermind" cover. And I am also glad it wasnt for something like a Backstreet Boys album. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. In his complaint, the man, Spencer Elden, 30, accused Nirvana of engaging in child pornography when it used a photo of him as the cover art of Nevermind, the Seattle bands breakthrough 1991 album that helped define Generation X and rocketed the group to international fame. And hey, looks like he still was! 2023 CNBC LLC. They get away with it because in 1960's 90 percent of men were cut. He has re-enacted the photograph in exchange for a fee, many times; he has had the album title tattooed across his chest; he has appeared on a talk show wearing a self-parodying, nude-colored onesie; he has autographed copies of the album cover for sale on eBay; and he has used the connection to try to pick up women, the lawyers argued. They were paid $200 and went to eat tacos afterwards. Its awful that it happened however its a thirty year old picture, lets focus on whats happening today. 2. The world is truly blessed with this particularly wonderful prick. Your effort and contribution in providing this feedback is much Is there a source? Every five years or so, somebodys gonna call me up and ask me about Nevermind and Im probably gonna get some money from it, he told Rolling Stone in 2003. A federal court in California has dismissed a lawsuit alleging that the cover artwork of rock band Nirvana's 1991 album " Nevermind " constituted child pornography. Given that the kid is probably close to my age(early 30s), it's common for the time. appreciated. The lawsuit said that Mr. Elden is seeking $150,000 from each of the 15 people and companies named in the complaint, including Kirk Weddle, the photographer who took the picture. He claimed that they, along with Geffen Records, which released Nevermind, profited from his naked image. Spencer Elden says he has grown increasingly uncomfortable with how he came to be on the cover of Nevermind. This picture was taken in 2016 at the same pool, when he and the record were both 25. was picked from among dozens of pictures of babies Mr. Weddle photographed. was picked from among dozens of pictures of babies Mr. Weddle photographed. This case must end, the lawyers wrote in their motion obtained by Rolling Stone. He also alleges the nude image constitutes child pornography. After the complaint was dismissed, a second amended complaint sought damages for what Elden called lifelong loss of income earning capacity, loss of past and future wages, past and future expenses for medical and psychological treatment, loss of enjoyment of life, and other losses to be described and proven at the trial of this matter., Naked 'Nevermind' baby sues Nirvana for 'child pornography', The lawsuit alleged that Elden was sexualized because the image of the naked baby grabbing at the dollar bill made the baby resemble a sex worker.. IT seemed incongruous, against the what the baby was depicting. Spencer Elden, the 30-year-old artist who was photographed naked as a baby for the cover of Nirvana's "Nevermind" album, is still pursuing his federal personal . I have an extremely rare disease called FOP where my muscles, tendons and ligaments turn into bones. I said to the photographer, Lets do it naked. But he thought that would be weird, so I wore my swim shorts, Elden tells The New York Post. Mr. Elden is asking for Nirvana to do what Nirvana should have done 30 years ago and redact the images of his genitalia from the album cover, Ms. Mabie said. Best thing about being raised up into Catholicism tbh. Mr. Elden was 4 months old when he was photographed in 1991 by a family friend, Kirk Weddle, at the Rose Bowl Aquatics Center in Pasadena, Calif. We want to hear from you. CNN Sans & 2016 Cable News Network. But its always been a positive thing and opened doors for me. He said the missed deadline was a result of confusion over how much time they had to respond to the motion for dismissal. It is a weird thing to get my head around, being part of such aculturally iconic image. The man pictured as the naked baby on Nirvana 's Nevermind album cover has revived his "child pornography" lawsuit against the band after . Yes, groups like Cock Fight are combing humor with anti-male genital mutilation messages. A judge has dismissed a lawsuit against Nirvana made by Spencer Elden, who appeared as a naked baby on the cover of the band's classic 1991 album Nevermind, Spin magazine reports. It is as simple as that.. In their motion to dismiss, the lawyers for Nirvana said that Mr. Eldens lawsuit failed to meet the statute of limitations to file a complaint citing a violation of federal criminal child pornography statutes. Since we were unable to legally obtain a picture of the much talked about penis, it is our duty to briefly describe what youre missing out on. Kinda feel sorry for the kid for having parents who cut him, but not much else tbh. Nevermind, the album by Nirvana, was released 20 years ago. Non-sexualised photos of infants are generally not considered child pornography under US law. She started having my picture taken as a baby and giving it away as fridge magnets to friends. Even my father, who was quite a heartless & violent prick believed circumcision was very wrong (he was born in 1953 and was circumcised). Read about our approach to external linking. They were trying to create controversy because controversy sells, Ms. Mabie said. Im 23 now and an artist, and this story gave me an opportunity to work with Shepard Fairey for five years, which was an awesome experience. However, there was some concern because the boy's circumcised penis was visible in the image. Mr. Eldens claim that the photograph on the Nevermind album cover is child pornography is, on its face, not serious, Nirvanas lawyers said. We dont only protect certain kids., Why the Baby on Nirvanas Nevermind Album Is Suing Now, According to the lawsuit, Nirvana sold more than 30 million copies of "Nevermind.". Spencer Elden, 30, says Nirvana engaged in child pornography when the band used a picture of him naked on the cover of the breakthrough album. September 3, 2022 Nirvana, 1991 Redferns Nirvana has won the lawsuit the band faced over their Nevermind cover art after a judge dismissed the case filed by Spencer Elden, the baby seen. In a different interview that year, he said he was angry that people still talked about it. Spencer Elden, now 30, filed the lawsuit against against Kurt Cobainsestate and Nirvanas surviving members last year accusing them of sexual exploitation and child pornography. A Division of NBCUniversal. Almost 50 Years After Knockin On Heavens Door God Still Wont Let Bob Dylan Die, Blues Musicians Now Prospering Life Threatens Career, Green Day Strikes It Rich, Finds Worlds Largest Oil Field, The Devil Who Went Down To Georgia Announces Hes Voting Blue, 10 Passive-Aggressive Gifts To Get Your Downstairs Neighbor Who Is Attempting To Record A Metal Album In His Apartment, Florida Bans All Books DeSantis Hasnt Memorized Word For Word So Nobody Finds Out He Cant Read, Sad! It helps with girls, too. Follow us on Facebook, or on Twitter @BBCNewsEnts. The album, which included the hits Smells Like Teen Spirit, Come As You Are and Lithium, went on to sell 30 million copies around the world. I don't even like the fact that it has a naked baby in the first place, so that alone bothers me. The representatives for Mr. Cobains estate did not immediately respond to a message seeking comment. Over the weekend, U.S. District Judge Fernando Olguin dismissed the lawsuit which alleged child pornography filed by Spencer Elden . His privacy is worthless to the world.. The man who, as a baby, was featured on the cover of Nirvana's "Nevermind" album is suing the former band members, the estate of Kurt Cobain and several . A California man who appeared on the cover of Nirvana's "Nevermind" album as an infant has filed a lawsuit against the band claiming he was the victim of child pornography. Man shown as a baby on Nirvana's Nevermind album appeals ruling in band's favor. The only muscles not affected are my smooth muscles like my heart and tongue. The foreskin is not pathological, a deformity or a defect. The lawsuit was dismissed after a judge in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California said that Mr. Eldens lawyers missed a deadline to respond to a motion for dismissal by the lawyers for Nirvana. I might have one of the most famous penises in the music industry, but no one would ever know that to look at me. In a complaint filed Tuesday, Spencer Elden accused Nirvana of continuing to benefit from his "commercial sexual exploitation" 30 years after the album's release. In a complaint filed. That part of the law gives a bit more discretion to the court, she said. She started having my picture taken as a baby and giving it away as fridge magnets to friends. Elden never consented to the use of this image or the display of these images, she said. The baby featured on NIRVANA's iconic 'Nevermind' album cover has filed a lawsuit against the band. On Monday evening, Judge Fernando M. Olguin, who was presiding over the case at the U.S. District Court in. "It's always been a positive thing and opened doors for me," he told the Guardian six years ago. After a judge dismissed the case Jan. 3, lawyers for Elden filed a second amended complaint a week later that dropped a claim related to sex trafficking while adding more language to address alleged conduct within the last 10 years that would restart the 10-year statute of limitations on the child pornography claims. On Monday evening, Judge Fernando M. Olguin, who was presiding over the case at the U.S. District Court in. And that was it. Please disable your adblocker or subscribe to ad-free membership to view this article. Word Brothel is dedicated to bringing you the best, Our website uses cookies to provide you the best experience. In their prior Dec. 22 motion to dismiss the first amended complaint, Nirvanas lawyers argued that Eldens willingness to associate himself with the Nevermind cover over the years such as selling autographed copies of the cover and at one point recreating the photograph as an adult for a paying gig proved he didnt suffer any damages. An Italian guy stopped me and said, Youre the Nirvana baby! which Ithought was the craziest thing. What is Word Brothel? There wasn't too much fuss about the cover itself at the time in Australia but I did wonder why people weren't speaking up about the baby having been circumcised. Mr. Weddle paid Mr. Eldens parents $200 for the picture, which was later altered to show the baby chasing a dollar, dangling from a fishhook. So they compromised with this idea of a baby swimming after a dollar. Yeah he will sue the band who used the photo Will he sue the Dr who circumcised him? The album turned 25 years old yesterday, and to commemorate its silver anniversary, baby Spencer Elden, now 25 years old and working as an artist in LA, has again recreated the iconic image, like he did in 2001 and 2008. We want to hear it. Spencer Elden, 31, who. The performer, who died in 1994, said the sticker should read: If youre offended by this, you must be a closet pedophile.. However, his lawsuit was dismissed on Friday when a judge ruled that Elden had filed his complaint after the 10-year statute of limitations had expired. Sometimes girls chat me up about it more than the other way around. The cover of Nevermind, on which the infant Elden appeared, swimming underwater, his eyes fixed on a dollar bill, has become one of the most enduring images in rock music. 10:41 PM EDT, Mon September 5, 2022. Thus locking my body into place permanently. It is one of the best-selling records of all time, with at least 30 million copies sold worldwide. In a new filing in federal court in Los Angeles, lawyers for the group say Spencer Eldens second amended complaint filed Jan. 12 should be dismissed with prejudice, meaning he should be sent packing without a chance to try again. Iam glad they chose me. of water births but they were too graphic for the record company. 2023 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Hindu, Buddhist leaders complain about very painful NY beer, Smells like more court dates: Nirvana cover baby appeals judges child porn dismissal, No apologies: Judge tosses Nevermind babys child porn case against Nirvana, Kurt Cobains Smells Like Teen Spirit guitar could nab $800K at auction, claimed the artwork constituted child sexual abuse. Federal Judge Fernando M. Olguin threw out the case late Monday after Elden missed his Dec. 30 deadline to file a response to Nirvanas motion to dismiss. Spencer Elden was 4 months old when he was photographed by a family friend in 1991 drifting naked in a pool. In an. Itd be nice to have a quarter for every person that has seen my baby penis, he said in a New York Post interview in 2016. But they also denied that the picture, one of the most famous photographs of all time, was an example of child pornography. We dont want to be in a position where were only going to consider one case criminal because in the other, the child didnt think it was a big deal at the time, Professor Graw Leary said. The album cover is less than flattering for young Spencer Elden, former nude child model, but in his defense, he was in a cold swimming pool and shrinkage is a scientific fact. Always found that album cover odd regardless. Recently Ive been thinking, What if I wasnt OK with my freaking penis being shown to everybody? I didnt really have a choice, Mr. Elden said to GQ Australia. It's sexual and only becomes exposable with puberty. What amazes me is cheese jokes are ignorant hate or is it ignorance of the normal and fully functional penis. Now 30, Elden says his parents never signed a release authorising the use of his image on the album. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Voices Nevermind the lawsuit - maybe the Nirvana baby deserves more than a dollar now he's a grown-up? Defendants knowingly produced, possessed, and advertised commercial child pornography depicting Spencer, and they knowingly received value in exchange for doing so, according to the lawsuit, which was filed on Tuesday in federal court in California. She noted that Mr. Cobain once suggested putting a sticker over the babys genitals after there was pushback to the idea for the cover. In the filing, Elden's lawyer claims the image. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. Mr. Weddle paid Mr. Eldens parents $200 for the picture, which was later altered to show the baby chasing a dollar, dangling from a fishhook. Why the Baby on Nirvana's 'Nevermind' Album Is Suing Now Spencer Elden, 30, says Nirvana engaged in child pornography when the band used a picture of him naked on the cover of the. The legal case also alleges that Nirvana had promised to cover Elden's genitals with a sticker, but the agreement was not upheld. Its amazing what 25 years and puberty will do to a persons genitalia. More than 30 million copies of Nevermind have been sold worldwide, Isabel Oakeshott: Why I leaked minister's messages. From Nirvana to 'weightless worlds': How photos evolved underwater, Elden told CNN in 2008: Rumor had it that Cobain had the original concept of wanting to show a mother giving birth under water. Elden added: But the compromise was to have a baby swimming under water. January 13, 2022. Spencer Elden, who was pictured naked as a baby on the cover of Nevermind, said Nirvana had engaged in child pornography.. We all remember the cute baby diving in a pool chasing a dollar bill on Nirvanas album cover for Nevermind. A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit filed by a man who said he had been sexually exploited by the grunge rock group Nirvana when the band used a photo of him as a baby, naked and drifting in a pool, for the cover of its seminal album Nevermind.. Usually, it turns out that he was baby on the cover of Nirvanas Nevermind. So I was the right age to be into Nirvana. Last year he told the Guardian, Sooner or later, I want to create a print of a real-deal re-enactment shot, completely naked.. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. They wrote: Elden has spent three decades profiting from his celebrity as the self-anointed Nirvana Baby., Lawsuit Accusing Nirvana of Sexually Exploitive Imagery Is Dismissed, "It's hard not to get upset when you hear how much money was involved," he continued. Also, the composition seemed very natural. Sign up for free newsletters and get more CNBC delivered to your inbox. Thanks for contacting us. Usually, it turns out that he was baby on the cover of Nirvana's Nevermind. Data is a real-time snapshot *Data is delayed at least 15 minutes. With circumcision scars all healed up and pubic hair grown in to accent his piece, this is one beautiful cock were talking about now (and the balls dropped quite nicely to boot). The Hispanic population has always lowered the rate. A judge in California has dismissed a lawsuit filed against former band members of Nirvana over their iconic Nevermind album cover. I think it would be fun. The album cover shows Elden, now 30, as . Paul Bergen/Redferns/Getty Images. The cover of Nirvana's Nevermind showed a naked baby swimming underwater in a pool, reaching for a dollar bill hanging from a sharp fishing hook. The family quickly forgot the photoshoot until, three months later, they saw the Nevermind album cover blown up on the wall of Tower Records in Los Angeles. Privacy Policy Privacy Policy. His lawyers have also included an statement from Robert Fisher, an art . The most important stories and least important memes, every Friday. We remember the cover art - a clearly circumcised baby boy, swimming in pursuit of a dollar bill dangled in front of him - but what . Aug. 26, 2021, 8:01 AM PDT By Danny Cevallos Never mind the lawsuit against Nirvana. Eldens lawyers did not immediately respond toRolling Stones request for comment on the dismissal motion Monday. And then this. Nevermind sold 3m copies by the time I was one. In 2016, he told Time Magazine that he "got a little upset" about his notoriety as he grew older. Mr. Elden said he was referred to managers and lawyers. He's a lesson for today's parents. I always say, [My penis has] changed, do you want to see it?, he told CNN in 2011. And hey, looks like he still was! I dont think my parents really gave my taking part in this shoot too much thought. Universal Media Group and Warner Music Group, the parent company of Warner Records, did not immediately respond to a request for comment. The cover depicts Elden as a four-month-old. Born from 1989-1993, it's just sort of where it was and the album came out in 1991. The baby whose image was used on the iconic cover artwork for Nirvana's 1991 album Nevermind has filed a lawsuit against the band, alleging the photograph constituted child pornography. Ive heard that originally the band wanted the image to be of a woman giving birth under water, but the record company thought that would be too graphic. However, he has sometimes expressed ambivalence about the photoshoot. In 2007, he told the UKs Sunday Times that he found it kind of creepy that many people have seen me naked I feel like the worlds biggest porn star. The following year he told CNN that he was often asked to attend events as the Nirvana baby.. Imagine a baby with an exposed penis head. All Rights reserved. A California judge on Monday tossed a lawsuit filed against Nirvana by the man who appeared as a naked baby on the cover of their breakthrough album "Nevermind." Spencer Elden, now 30, filed. Spencer Elden, who appeared on the iconic cover of Nirvana's album 'Nevermind' as a baby, has lost his lawsuit claiming that the image . A federal court in California has dismissed a lawsuit alleging that the cover artwork of rock band Nirvanas 1991 album Nevermind constituted child pornography. We all remember the cute baby diving in a pool chasing a dollar bill on Nirvana's album cover for Nevermind. The red dried fruit ends just can't imagine what a normal penis is. 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